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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from ballot to engines are rising between the south korea and russia . after letting me put in signs a new defense deal with north korean leader kim jong on. so says it's nuclear. i'm name up could be emboldened by the tax and causes a threats to peace in the region. also coming up a conflict that the israel level and bought a threatens to escalate into a full blown mold. has the evidence power for around vac militia is ready and its troops for lack of a heat wave in the us turns deadly for migraines. hoping to cross the southern boat
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authorities say they've retrieved several bodies of temperatures. sonia 50 degrees celsius or 120 degrees found on the i'm gonna have that with us. welcome to the program. south korean has condemned a defense pack that north korea assigned with a with rush up earlier this week. the foreign ministry called it a threat to peace and stability on the korean peninsula, the sole self and russians ambassador to the foreign ministry to discuss its concerns. while the details of the military practice still unclear himself co yeah, is worried that input encourage north korean aggression. so announced in response that it was considering sending weapons to ukraine to support its defense against russia. earlier i spoke to dr. john new,
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some right from the center for geo politics. at cambridge university, our austin, how sole is interpreting that morning by vladimir putin who said, supporting ukraine would be a very big mistake. but i say what the russian leader is trying to say is that if the, the south koreans will minded to provide the best time legal support to ukraine, i suppose, in the phones, bonds, munitions, to enhance ukraine's ability to resist the russian impression that would be seen as a red line from the russian perspective and, and one of the sick, real critical question is, what does the security cooperation between moscow and young gang really, it might have to your a cool that north korea has been seeking to developing the satellite technology capabilities. unable to have satellite launch just a few weeks ago, but the sense is that in return for north korea is provision of munitions and military support to russia in fighting the war and ukraine. the russians might be minded to provide that critical technology. and of course,
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the language of this new security, this comprehensive strategic agreement between the 2 countries has alarm south korea because they fear the amounts to something even time demand to the full volume. actual lines. that's certainly what the north koreans is saying. rush and spend a little bit more circumspect. but if you look at the language of the new agreement it's, it's a great commitment on both sides to come to the assistance of the new partner with immediate dispatch and very, very quickly event of an attack on either one of the signatories. well, this is certainly increased tensions on the korean peninsula, but if we sort of zoom out a bit, how does this rushing north korean deal effect geopolitical strategies with plans like nato and, and china to well, i mean, i think from the point of view of the united states coast as career is most important, that why we've already seen efforts to boast of buying natural cooperation and 9
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will recently try natural corporation in the us to band themselves career joint defense. many of us efforts to strength of deterrence against north korea. i think with some way away from any suggestions that there would be active in house cooperation with nature farm is, although that's something that's been happening already. of course, close coordination between science, career, and nature. we've had of course, visits by the screen president on the sidelines at the nato summit. um, but then again, when they, when, when it comes to the question of reducing tensions on the plan. so the china reclose has a critical potential palm. the china is, has no interest in seeing tensions escalated worries, of course of the very existence of a north korean strapped south korea will bolster us cooperation with last year in japan. and from china is perspective, given its own concerns and its own emissions over taiwan. and this has trying to
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seize and, and he's trying to see if they want us to, to reduce the risk. but there will be further escalation. so china and away is perhaps the most important player in the world of this. and it will be looking potentially to try and restrain to own gang whether we cannot in this context. because of course, the most grims of been looking to reach out to russia precisely to enhance their own security. preparations is an open question. this a, do you get? my son is also a pretty serious the do you get the feeling that this partnership is destabilizing the whole asian pacific and when all the yeah. but it certainly doesn't help in terms of ensuring that tensions are attempt at the minimum, of course we've seen recently with duels create, developing, apparently reinforcing its own defensive facilities. but the m as a, we've seen the north korean troops across briefly, over into the,
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into the d. m. z. which of course has led to protest with response from the south koreans. that doesn't seem to be a deliberate publication. reflects this effort by the north koreans to boast of the around security on the land border. there is always the risk. the conflict might escalade through miscalculation and misperception, not just on land but in the west sea. the so called northern limit the line to box the maritime battery between the 2 careers that has long the problems there in that area. and i think it's in lights of these new agreements and the move bellicose language coming out of bodies must go until yang. the solar eclipse allies are increasingly concerned. dr. john nielsen. wright, associate professor for east asian studies at cambridge university. thank you very much. pressure to the middle east. now in the gauze and city of hon. eunice web authority says school sheltering children has been damaged. one is really
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striking. a nearby building. there are no reports of casualties. this video obtained by the roads as news agency shows the moment of impact sending sparks flying, and clouds of smoke billowing into the night sky. with this to say the bloss shots of windows and tools for walls in the neighboring school building, run by the un refugee agency owner up and county housing displays. people resident said those showing them that had received a call momentarily. i'm wanting them of the strike, giving them just enough time to get to safety. us. meanwhile, us secretary of state anthony blinking has urged israel not to further escalate. the ongoing conflict with has black cross, the israel 11 and board and both sides have been exchanging 5 on an almost daily basis since the home of terry attack on israel late last year earlier this week as well as military revealed that it had approved an operational plan to invade
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lebanon unsecure. the boat is look at the military capabilities that exist on both sides of this board. a handful of rockets, fired from southern lebanon, intercepted by as rarely air defense is a common occurrence in recent weeks. but some of those rockets make it through, and israel has retaliated with devastating airstrikes. has the law was founded as an anti american and anti israel militia in the 1980s when it carried out deadly car bombings on american forces in lebanon? the group has 5, several bores with israel's, and spent and has become a major political force, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars and funding from around the militia prizes secrecy and typically doesn't reveal information on its capabilities. so any estimates of its forces are just that. but in recent years, us intelligence as part of the strength of $45000.00 soldiers, including full time and reserve as fighters. the groups leader referred to having
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100000 fighters in 2021. if that were true, they would have more soldiers than the lebanese army. last year, the us estimated that hezbollah also has a $150000.00 rockets and missiles, more than enough to overwhelm is really air defenses and cost significant damage to infrastructure. in a more israel has one of the world's most modern militaries, in addition 287-0000 active duty soldiers, they're about 465000 reservists. it also has about 1400 tanks, as well as significant artillery and multiple rocket monitoring capabilities. it also has an air force with over 200 jet fighters and almost 150 helicopters. and that's why they considered to have nuclear weapons. it's unlikely to use them right across its own border, as there's also the iron dome, an advanced anti missile system that is intercepted thousands of rockets from
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hezbollah and a mouse. something has belie itself, lacks an all out war would likely cause significant damage to is rarely and lebanese cities with high civilian casualties after months and finding him austin gaza. israel's army is also in danger of being overstretched. and there worries that intense fighting could bring in iran and the u. s. and a major regional conflict. a need to be hosted up because funding is rebecca rich as if the israeli army was put past to fight both come off and has the law. at the same time, these really military maintains that they are prepared for anything. they have had troops stationed up in that northern border region since the very beginning of the war with gaza when his blood began attacking the northern parts of israel on the 8th of october. they've been training up there just in june. there was a robber lodge training exercise, almost a full scale preparatory exercise for what would happen under an attack and how
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they might proceed with an attack of their own. and just this week, we also heard from the military to say that they had green lip. now and a plan of attack for carrying out a full scale of confrontation with hezbollah 11 on. there is little doubt though that the 2 front will, would stretch a military that has, you know, troops and, and the, you know, results is tied up in many fronts. also, not forgetting the, the amount of troops and results is that a ton of also in the occupied westbank. so military ex, but certainly would probably recommend opening up a 2nd front at the same time. and that's certainly what they the as ready military have been trying to hold off from doing. they certainly wanted to try and at least wrap up the the will that they have is ongoing and gaza before they opened up that 2nd front. but as that one guns that drags on, we may see that they will be confronted with the decision of having to open up the 2nd front. rebecca with this the reporting from joe. so let's have
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a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and turkey was fine as killed at least 5 people and injured many others. the 5 swept through villages in the south eastern part of the country. strong winds found the flames and help spread the blights emergency teams and ambulances were sent to the c. a tropical storm alberto has hit several communities along the coastline of the state of texas in the town of south side beach on a coastal island. the flooding following the storm damage, roads and left some houses without pot, locals are abrasive, for most students to come see us in a groups of a searing heat wave parts of the northeast. so seeing wrinkled high temperatures and on the southern border with mexico or an arid climate already means hot weather year round, the heat has turned deadly for many migrants attempting to cross the border. this
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one was crossing the us mexican border illegally. when they hit, they came suffocating. paramedics working on both sides have saved to life, but some aren't as lucky or not, but select things. and the person who attempted to cross united states was abandoned by the people who brought them here a and e. and today we are a tree of the body one the, the migrants have been dying and extremely high temperatures for more than a week. now, on the part of the border that's in the past. so in texas, we'll sort of just dare say around one micron dies every day, but it doesn't stop people from choosing this dangerous route. it's a lot, a lot of heat, a lot of suffocating heat. there's the sand, you go through a lot of things in the desert. it's cold at night. there's rain to, it's a lot. the truth is that it's too hot. we're already little
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be hydrated here. but it's too much is too much heat because it doesn't go below $43.00. 4445 degrees. it's just too hot. a lot of migrants travel through this deserts on the us self and border every day. researchers say deadly heating this region has become more likely due to global warming, us. so sort of just said safest for migrants to enter the country legally. we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross the legally, especially through the desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives a lot. such a warnings do no detour. many of those trying to cross the hottest day of summer us till to come on. that's it from me under the same for an i'll stay with us for a dw documentary exploring soviet era bunker's tunnels and the form of torture
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champus in georgia. that's off next on got office in berlin from the in the whole news team here. the, the coming 0 st. excel's 3 trans people. stories is not kinda items that feed us complex stores $0.10 from here. so efficient shipping possession of the ship ticket. so i'm showing 3 generations one, jenny starts july 7th on dw, the.


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