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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, to the news coming to live from berlin. tensions rising between south korea and russia after vladimir putin signs a new defense that deal with north korean leader kim strongly on soul says it's a nuclear arms neighbor could be emboldened by the packs and calls it a threat to peace in the region. also coming on our show, israel strategy and gaza under fire from with then on, is really military spokesperson, publicly challenges the government's for a questioning whether how mosque can ever be defeated militarily plus francis a far right. national riley party is surging in the polls. the head of elections
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with a growing support from young people. the . i'm sorry richardson, thanks for joining us. south korea has condemned a defense pack between russia and north korea signed earlier this week. it's foreign ministry calls at a threat to peace and stability on the korean peninsula, as all summoned rushes and bassett or to discuss it concerns. all the details of the military act or still unclear south korea is worried according courage north korean aggression. in response to sol announced it was considering sending weapons to you, frank, to support its defense against russia. we spoke earlier to dr. john nelson right from the center for geo politics at cambridge university, and we asked him how sole is interpreting a warning by vladimir putin who said,
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supporting ukraine would be a very big mistake as well. i say what the russian leader is trying to say is that is that the sas grants are minded to provide for the 1st time legal support to ukraine. i suppose. the phones volumes, munitions turn ons, ukraine's ability to resist the russian depression. but that would be seen as a red line from the russian perspective and a normal this, a real critical question is, what does the amount of security cooperation between moscow and young gang really am i to you are a cool that north korea has been speaking to developing the satellite technology capabilities unable to have satellite launch just a few weeks ago. but the sense is that in return for newest careers, provision of munitions and military support to russia in fighting the war and ukraine, the russians might be minded to provide that critical technology. and of course, the language of this new security, this comprehensive strategic agreement between the 2 countries has alonzo as career
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because they fear the amounts to something even time demand to the full volume, actual lines. that's certainly what the north koreans are saying. rush, spend a little bit more circumspect, but if you look at the language of the new agreement, it, it, it creates a commitment on both sides to come to the assistance of the new partner with the media, despite the very, very quickly event of an attack on either one of the signatories, it was dr. john nelson right from the center for geo politics at cambridge university, speaking to us earlier. now after 8 and a half months of the war in gallsworthy is really government still says it plans to destroy from us. but in an interview with israel is that channel 13 broadcaster, spokes person of the israeli army. we are admiral daniel. her garbage said, a most cannot be destroyed. come mamma is an idea. who are the things we can eliminate? how mazda is wrong? i am not referring to the alternatives, the political lash alone has to decide on that and to use relative fenceposts as
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will be implemented. but this, if you business of destroying hama is simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public. if we don't bring something else to gun and then at the end of the day, we will get home us and you want me to come in a coma. a mazda is classified as a terrorist group by many western countries, in addition to its military wing, and have governed gauze since 2007, and as a political force as well. let's take a look now at what is left with the group and the danger that it could still pose to israel. the thomas spider's firing rockets at israel from southern lebanon, where it cooperates with other militant groups. error rate alarms are frequent in tel aviv, well within those rockets range. this is something israel's military wanted to stop with its war in gaza. it's still happening. there are no precise independently verified figures available about from us, the strength in numbers of fighters for it stops of weapons. israel estimates that
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how much had more than $30000.00 fighters at the time of its tara tax on october 7th, last year, and the between $12.14 have been killed and fighting since then. however, most may be able to fill its ranks with new recruits quickly. israel has also seen stores of weaponry, hunting, rocket monsters, missiles and guns. and it's really military analyst told dw, earlier this year, that 70 to 80 percent of how most of the arsenal had been captured or destroyed. but about half of the masses tunnels are estimated to still be intact, allowing the group to fide, regroup, and potentially re arm itself through the smuggling network. then there's the group's leadership, which has largely survived. yeah, yeah, seen was the groups leader and gaza still runs operations from hiding in the groups and political leader is male hand yeah, isn't katara the leader of the military wing mohammed dave is thought to be hiding
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and goes as well as real did killed dave, deputy marwan isa, but that is the closest it's come to taking out the senior leadership, as israel reckons with a war that could go on for months to come pressure for us. these fires growing. otherwise its forces may be overstretched unless able to react to other threats. and drawing now from washington by aaron david miller, a senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace and a former us government advisor for eric, is really negotiations of a warm welcome. how do you interpret those comments from the idea of spokesperson, daniel mcgarry about israel saying it will make, come on, disappear, is throwing sand in people's eyes. i mean, i, me, and local level. i think it reflects what is really intelligence community and senior idea of professionals. have believes for quite some time and it brings to mind kissinger's, quit the 1969 and i need to be in that more of the grow wins. it does not lose the
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conventional army correctional military lose. if it does not, then the reality is yes. use or at least have done previous damage to a masses organize military structure is command control. it's a rocket launch facilities, it's laboratories. but the reality is, how much will maintain a military capacity, maybe 10 to 15000 fighters, and it will endure either as an insurgency or alternatively, given the weakness of the palestinian national move. and specifically the cost in, in the dougherty. it will remain a potent force able to influence politics and gaza, either through intimidation, co optation, or but do you think that is just becoming clear to the idea at this stage at the start of his roles and vision of gaza after the october 7th,
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the terror attacks experts did warn, essentially, henri's point that i'm off as an idea that can't just be stamped out by killing it . supporters. so why do you think we are hearing this from him now? i guess i think after almost 9 months and it's hard to believe next month because not funding this war. the idea of id f, not the political establishment mister nature y'all. is there anywhere in government or during most of the fighting? they understand how difficult it is for the id have to operate band or stand it every time. there's a strike which was worth a nast cash then to wherever it is with your machine. uh, i see, particularly in the united states, but it in europe and other places as well. and i understand that the only way to if, if in fact it's even possible to beat us is treating alternative structure. and alternative a set of governing principles to see,
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to facilitate security and prosperity which garza has left under a mazda is rule since 2007. and the current government visitors um simply has no intention of engaging in the palestinian authority or creating any sort of hope in a form of opponents or rise in 2 to you. sounds really do states for example. so i think by large, the idea is, is that breaking select the government, but making it quite clear and i think it will become an effective pressure point. i suspect, in the days and months ahead. and it didn't, you know, relevant to your think there is a part of prime minister netanyahu that also understands this and understands what the id spoke person is saying here. now there's yeah, absolutely no doubt except the prime minister. now the long discovery prime minister in history, state of israel, ki domestic constituency, using visually differentials. it's number one, his right wing coalition,
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and the maintenance. uh, he's prime minister because if he no longer is prime minister, we should have elections of workings were held in the on today. most probably mr. know, to know would not be able to form a government and on trial forever for an breach of trust in jerusalem district court. you faces the prospects of the convention, or alternatively, we brought lieberman to avoid jail time, which would mean the end of his political career. so no staying afloat, came catering to the right wing. it seems to be his uh, his m o n. and the cost of insurance on july 25th, if he makes it to that date. and that's it doesn't resume again until 2 weeks before the american electorate said he'd be in a position. then as prime minister train of judgment, when the next president of the united states is going to be addressed. as tac. discarding, i suspect,
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are in some event that we can define or for c with respect to regional medical future. we're probably talking sometime next year. let's talk a little bit more about the possible futures for gaza if, if a total defeat of a mouse is not possible. what are these alternative scenarios that you could imagine for what israel could plan under a future government for the strep going forward. really expand towards me for 3 reasons. number one, as i mentioned, how much is going to survive in some phone number to the housing authority lead by and 89 year old man who's going to 19 peers for your turn is perceived by most palestinians to be corrupted for jerry and nepotistic. and it's under my pay by the government. so there's no chance of creating a, certainly a westbank that was 1340 governance in kaiser. and finally,
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we know security architecture and no turn key security regime. use ro is, will continue. understandably, to operate in, gosh, maybe kind of be a level of the large scale crime. and the reason that we watch a, clearly you're going to continue to target gossip both to seek the release of the houses and hostages that remain alive and to try to identify locations. you can see here how much leadership and eliminate the. so again, it's bad to worse, it seems to me whether it's going to be mogadishu, or, or whether it's going to be a more formalized, is really occupation the amount of insert the dislocation mission. that's going to continue to affect is 363 kilometers a piece of real estate, probably twice the size. the district of columbia is, is a guaranteed certain date without the kind of leadership. i'm use really side the
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palestinian side and we've been robust support for me. the national community. and right now i, i think as much day after planning has been done, most of it is aspiration, but it's not tribute to the realities of the credit situation. well, thank you so much for sharing your insights with us today. that is aaron at david miller with the carnegie endowment. we very much appreciate your time. take care. thank you to and we can bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines. a swift court has a sentence, members of britain's richest family to between 4 and 4 and a half years in prison for exploiting domestic workers. percussion india, his wife, son, and daughter in law were accused of making their staff work long hours for little paint. geneva, they were cleared of human trafficking charges. slovakia of parliament has approved a reform that will scrap the current public tv and radio broadcasting network. the new state broadcaster will be elected by a council. critics say it will be used as
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a government propaganda tool and called a decision on attack on press freedom. in paris, the river saying is currently too dirty for olympic athletes to compete in fresh samples for the water quality has been crated. and that the concentration of eco y bacteria is higher than the recommended limits. the games that begin in late july. the backup plan is to postpone open water swimming offense for a few days and france is due to vote and snap elections at the end of the month. and polls show the opposition far right and national rally could have come out on top. surveys also show their message is especially resonating among young voters in recent european elections. the far right one, nearly 30 percent of the youth vote in france. ease of use correspondence. sonya found a car and joined some of the parties, use going south west of paris to see what is driving their search and popularity is an extra what comes into the tool, the qual,
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i'm going to approve people in getting up for snap collections in front on these active as a, with the far right national rodney, who's going to be there as well as the team that really easy with the party won by a huge mountain and received your opinion, mentions across the country. a lot of the support williams from younger voters. first of all, the head of the youth we once saw the face thinks he knows why disliking accord in his region and the distance. they're off one of the buses to go to school all through a few shops close by. if you would be curious to know if everything is increasing to be centralized. there's always people of all students that cause if you don't want the price of the fuel and electricity, you've got to open them, especially for students. the activists explain why they decided to support the far right, the emergency room. earlier i was with the green positive with the green pods, a. there's a lot of green washing. i'm drawn multinational raleigh onto the hand. they speak
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the truth or they don't make false promises the for, but it was homeless for jo. amongst all the policies. it's the national rally that comes closest to ensuring my security. for example, when i go out and if i'm followed on the straight, it said to say that it's ways bias. there's some kind of could suddenly be sometimes that it can be french, but often than not. it's really about uncontrolled immigration. i mean, uh, the search issues from the backbone of the national riley's platform. the bodies popular 22 in preston, jordan, but the law is the one turning them into hot topics on social media. he's largely credited with mobilizing the youth vote with a snappy video. so now default writes messaging has fun for tell you. crowd is where did we reach the town of the lease or said the fall right? dominated here as well in the recent yard up in an extra taking nearly 50 percent
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of the boat. the baton to seem better times since the 1980s. the closer looked excited factory has led to an estimate of 25000 job losses in the region. could exceed the failure, but other political parties to connect to, to, to has contributed to the rise of default, right? the buttons on here we are considering the way not really surprising. here we barely have public services, few jobs. dwindling wages of the poverty rate of 24 percent. in recent years, we've seen a strong migration of people, all the north african subsaharan origin from the powers regions. they don't find a lot of jobs. the national valley here on a local level, as usual, has profited from stigmatizing the other to the. but the union has found a way of fighting back by fact checking the national are ready. they have shown how i'm looking for right. and b doesn't happen often and voted in parliament against measures the claim to support such as raising the minimum wage increase and eat the
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students and for social housing. let's go back into our, the far right. activists have discovered some posters. they just split up have already been vandalized. both will admit it happens a lot. there's always because of the way we approach rate by the media and by the lessons. awesome. people still have this image at the national valley as racist. i'm not saying it's the politics history, that's why i'm supposed to say the simple fact that this is where the body is gaining momentum and not just pure, but all the from. and it's making progress its efforts to convince voters. it's just a moment political party despite the to correspond it. sonya found a car file that report here are some more of her insights into her interactions with french motors. i actually found it quite difficult to interview ordinary young voters who voting for the fault, right? at least on capital. you know it, many of these people like you've seen that report what like like you said,
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active as of the party. but getting you to just people on the street to talk about why they're voting for the far right seems to be quite the type boosting. it was easier for me to speak with all the voters and the tones that i visited and be able to, you know, kind of go to speak about the support for the fall, right? you're, you know, unfortunately, i also have to listen to a few comments like when you're not really french and we don't want to talk to you one or the person said ok me with that was of mixed race and said, you know what i was doing there but of course, these were isolated incidents. most people i met were, were most likely. um, people perfectly nice, but i think what this goes to show of schools is that, you know, growing immigration to loop and prevention towns in france has led to a bit of a backlash by default, right? they would bring up feel is the local labor union told me they've been amplifying, you know, incidents appointment vitamins. and i think all of this has ended up really smoking anti immigrant fields in this region and an incentive. and so, you know, some of the people i spoke to in the town of o me. so saying,
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told me they felt like the tone to change because because of the migrants, they said it didn't feed french anymore. that the, you know, kind of, it says unsafe to go out at night or are forced upon it. so you find a car reporting there, a german authorities of arrested at 3 people for spying in the city of frankfurt. germany's prosecutor's office did not say who they are suspected of working for our political correspondence. simon young has more details. these 3 were uh, citizens of russia, one and i'll media and one a ukrainian and the federal prosecutors office says that they were working for a, for an intelligence organizations. specifically seeking to gather information about a ukrainian citizen here in germany, observing a cafe with that person was said to be at. now these 3 man has been arrested on thursday in frankfurt and have already been brought before
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a judge and now being held in custody. are political correspondent, simon young. they're now parts of the united states and mexico are in the grip of a searing heat wave with the ne united states c. record high temperatures on the southern border with mexico. an arid climate already means hot weather year round. but now that heat has turned it definitely for migrants attempting to cross the border. this one of us crossing the us mexican border illegally when they hit, they came, suffocating. paramedics working on both sides have saved to life. but some aren't as lucky. in napa, selecting the person who attempted to cross united states was abandoned by the people who brought them here a and e. and today we are a tree of the body. one of the migrants have been dying and extremely high temperatures for more than a week. now, on the part of the border that's in the past,
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so in texas will sort of this dare say around one micron dies every day, but it doesn't stop people from choosing this dangerous route. it's a lot, a lot of heat, a lot of suffocating heat. there's the sand, you go through a lot of things in the desert. it's cold at night. there's rain to. it's a lot. the truth is that it's too hot. already low dehydration here, but it's too much is too much heat because doesn't go below $43.00. 4445 degrees. it's just too hot. a lot of migrants travel through this deserts on the us, south and border every day. researchers say deadly sheets in this region has become more likely due to global warming, us. so sort of just said safest for migrants to enter the country legally. we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross the legally,
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especially through that desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. but such a warnings do know detour. many of those trying to cross the hot as day of summer a still to come to use on to now where a growing community of mothers is bringing hope to other parents who are unable to provide breast milk for their newborns. the collective and known as out to receive calls for support for babies born prematurely, or who are too sick to feed. naturally. caroline and candy has a hands full feeding hood twin babies, a boy and a go full and by imagines he says every inspection. i'm lucky to be alive. so in the we born 7 months, we requested that they needed to feed and be the fact that the wayne remedy does
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that look as or like, no, they have to have breast milk not formula. yeah, these babies need to have they are they need to gain weight and it's only personally that could, that can help. so i didn't have a breast milk. i tried only me said a good bumps, but it really failed. i'm thinking it's because of some of the stress i had at the time, i was so frustrated as up to depressed. caroline was told that she would need to use the native breastmilk to save her babies. but she had real concerns about how safe that would be. 400 buttons. and that was between the lights and see the best move way to get it from someone else. and they co, no one to oklahoma. people have different diseases at 5. but if my baby is gets what shrinking the breast move comes, we've oh, those 10 indeed. caroline eventually found the free and saved supplies she needed here at to a non profit community group launched in the capsule compiler. a few years ago,
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it collects smoke from darkness to a screen and showing how to prepare and store it safely, the tech and through the process. we need to pump washer. please do these pump, the milk and the story to the freezer that didn't make one p. keith, we do not have a pumpkin states that most of its 3 leila mazda is one of those donuts. she was inspired to help when hearing about another mother in need of she had that triplets in now, unfortunately to one plus. so we and she is through that depression crating and everything. she's headboard is for producing milk. so when she stopped getting milk and get these little ones also, neither did the 2. they reached out to me. they're like, we know you doing it milk, but can you please help us and know that big is a doing look and see, or it says me,
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mother the cake and mothers this. so she's sent to me every day. more than 200 mothers have now donate to express, mailed support type of 450 babies to the opposite community. great. and it now has plans to set up a fully fledged breastmilk bank in the future. sports now and a title holders friends are set to take on another ones in their 2nd match of the european football championship in leipzig. the crowds of fans have been filling the inner city with color. the dots in their unmistakable orange, all geared up for a clash of the titans. and the french all are getting in the mood dining masks like they're kept him killing and buffet who broke his nose. the teams are level on 3 points in groups. and just before we go, a quick reminder of our top story. a soul has some end rushes in, baset or over
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a defense patch that present vladimir putin signed the north korean leader, kim jong own, south crews, foreign ministry, calling it a threat to peace and stability on the peninsula. so i was worried that it could encourage we're creating a question thanks much for watching the
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either the beauty of the find, it was just and it's don't really tempted my i to know in the made me for the now with my left he looks like he is a mover and shaker in south africa's diamond business. he's involvement in march, the dawn of a new era. as the 1st black side holder in the world. c max. next on d w. there's a list of their claim. the lawn chuckled. fishermen of peru have been heading out
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to sea for centuries, using boats they make out of read the tradition that night. but not yet. the last 3 boats, fishers of one sako. in 45 minutes on d. w. the dream of resolution. in 1979, the hated dictated somoza was forced out the people hoped for cyrus society and received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world
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and for 1000 collins had to help with reconstruction. but the end nicaragua, a dream of revolution. july 20th on d w the. the state via to is the just the full name us venue in south africa. offering a diverse range of a lot of the bands including feta band, they offer of music, cools and concepts. and houses raises the companies and provide educational programs for aspiring foxes, and today we will find out more as long as they preaches the africa festival of an african contemporary jobs festival. what's happened? right? yeah. but 1st, marina korea from tape bed shows as her.


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