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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw names coming to live from berlin. tensions arriving between south korea and russia after vladimir putin signs a new defense deal with north korean leader, kim jong sole says it's a nuclear arms neighbor of quote, the voltage by packs and calls it a threat to peace in the region. also coming up on the show is rails and strategy and gaza under fire from within. and these really military spokesperson publicly challenges the government's war and questioning whether a mazda can ever be defeated militarily. and with the european football championship in full swing, germany's transport system struggles to co delays and cancellation,
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lee football fans, and doubting germany's reputation for efficiency. the richardson welcome south korea has condemned the defense pack between russia and north korea assigned. earlier this week is foreign ministry calls at a threat to peace and stability on the korean peninsula. sol summoned rushes in boston or to discuss its concerns. and while the details of the building tree packs are still unclear, south korea is worried. it could encourage north korean aggression. in response to sol announced it was considering sending weapons to ukraine to support its defense against russia to we spoke earlier to john nelson right from the center for geo politics at cambridge university. we asked him how sole is interpreting a warning by water we are approved and who said, supporting ukraine would be
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a very big mistake. but i think what the russian leader is trying to say is that if the, the south koreans will minded to provide the best time legal support to ukraine, i suppose, in the phones, bonds, munitions turn ons. ukraine's ability to resist the russian impression that would be seen as a red line from the russian perspective. and, and one of the sick, real critical question is, what does the enhanced security cooperation between moscow and young young really, it might have to your a cool that north korea has been seeking to developing the satellite technology capabilities. unable to have satellite launch just a few weeks ago, this was sentenced, is that in return for north korea is provision of munitions and military support to russia in fighting the war and ukraine. the russians might be minded to provide that critical technology. and of course, the language of this new security, this comprehensive strategic agreement between the 2 countries has alarm south
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korea because they fear the amounts to something even time demand to the full volume. actual lines. that's certainly what the north koreans is saying. rush and spend a little bit more circumspect. but if you look at the language of the new agreement, it is a crisis commitment on both sides to come to the assistance of the new partner with immediate dispatch and very, very quickly event of an attack on either one of the signatories, john nelson. right there from the center for geo politics at cambridge university. now after 8 and a half months of war and cause i b as rightly government still says it's plans are to destroy from us. but in an interview with israel's that channel, 13 broadcast or the spokes person of the as rarely army rear. admiral daniel. hi, gary said, how mazda cannot be destroyed? come on us is an idea. whoever things we can eliminate, how mazda is wrong. i am not referring to the alternatives, the political lash alone has to decide on that was a use rel,
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defense forces will implemented. but this business of destroying how much is simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public. if we don't bring something else to gun and then at the end of the day, we will get home. so we only come in a coma. and mazda is classified as a terrorist group by many western countries. in addition to its military wing, it has governed gauze us since 2007, and is a political force as well. let's take a look at what's left of the group and the danger that a quote is still close to is ro thomas spider's firing rockets, said israel from southern lebanon, where it cooperates with other militant groups. error rate alarms are frequent in tel aviv. well within those rockets range, this is something israel's military wanted to stop with its war in the gaza. get it's still happening. there are no precise independently verified figures available about the massive string in numbers of fighters for it stops of weapons. israel estimates that how much had more than $30000.00 fighters at the
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time of its terror attacks on october 7th, last year, and the between $12.14 have been killed and fighting since then. however, from us may be able to fill its ranks with new recruits quickly. israel has also seen stores of weaponry, hunting, rocket monsters, missiles and guns. and this we have the military analyst told dw, earlier this year, that 70 to 80 percent of homos as arsenal had been captured or destroyed. about half of the masses tunnels are estimated to still be in town, allowing the group to fide, regroup, and potentially re arm itself through the smuggling network. then there's the group's leadership, which has largely survived. yeah, yeah, seen well of the groups leader and gaza still runs operations from hiding canals and the groups and political leader is male hand. yeah. isn't katara the leader with the military rang mohammed dave is thought to be hiding and goes as well. is
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real, did kill dave study the more one isa, but that is the closest that's come to taking out the senior leadership. as israel reckons with a war that could go on for months to come pressure for us, these fires growing otherwise it's forces may be overstretched unless able to react to other threats. aaron, david miller is a senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace. i asked him what he makes of id. i've spoke person at daniel how gary's statements or the level. i think it reflects what these really intelligence community and senior idea of professionals have belief for quite some time. and it brings to mind kissinger's, quit the 1969 and i need to be a now more and the grow wins does not lose the conventional army gradual military loses if it does not. and the reality is yes,
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use or at least have done previous damage to a masses, organized military structure is command control. it's a rocket launch facilities, it's laboratories. but the reality is, how much will maintain a military capacity, maybe $10.00 to $15000.00 fighters, and it will endure either as an insurgency or alternatively, given the weakness of the palestinian national move and specifically the cost. and in the dougherty, it will remain a potent force able to influence politics and gaza, either through innovation, co optation, or but do you think that is just becoming clear to the idea at this stage at the start of israel's invasion of gaza after the october 7th terror attacks experts did warn, essentially, henri's point that hamas has an idea that can't just be stamped out by killing its supporters. so why do you think we are hearing this from him now? i guess i think after almost 9 months and it's hard to believe next month because
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not funding this war. the idea of id f, not the political establishment mister nature y'all. is there anywhere in government or during most of the fight? they understand how difficult it is for the id of to operate band or stand it every time. there's a strike, which was the worst mass casualty said to wherever it is with your machine is particularly in the united states. but it, in europe and other places as well. and i understand that the only way to, if, if in fact it's even possible to beat us is to create an alternative structure. an alternative, a set of governing principles to see, to facilitate security and prosperity, which doesn't, has left under a mazda is rule since 2007. and the current government miserable is simply as knowing the junction of engaging in the palestinian authority or creating any sort
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of hope in a form of opponents or rise in 2 to you. sounds really do states for example. so i think by large, the idea is, is that breaking select the government, but making it quite clear and i think it will be common to factor pressure point. i suspect in the days and months they had a minute and you know, relevant to your think there is a part of prime minister netanyahu that also understands this and understands what the id spoke person is saying here. i know there's no doubt except the prime minister. now the long discovery prime minister in history, the state of israel, key domestic constituencies and visually differentials. it's number one, his right wing coalition and the maintenance. uh, he's prime minister because if the boss no longer is prime minister, we should have elections of workings or help me today. most probably mr. know,
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to know would not be able to form a government and on trial forever for an reach address into some district court. you phases the prospects of the convention, or alternatively, we brought up sleep are going to avoid jail time, which would mean the end of his political career. so no staying afloat, came catering to the right wing. it seems to be his uh, his m o n. and the cost of insurance on july 25th. if you makes it to that date, your message doesnt resume again until 2 weeks before the american washington he'd be in a position then as prime minister training address for the next president of the united states is going to be addressed as tact of scrolling. i suspect are in some event that we can define are for c with respect to regional medical future. we're probably talking sometime next year with aaron, david miller from the carnegie endowment for international peace. i can bring you
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up to speed now with some other world news headlines. the international criminal court has on seal and arrest warrant for yet golly, for war crimes and crimes against humanity in molly. he was the alleged leader of an as well mister group that took control of 10 bucks. 2 in 2012. the warrant was issued in 2017, but has only now been made public, the east west for $0.10 as members of britain's richest family to between $4.00 and $4.00 and a half years in prison for exploiting domestic workers for caution deja his wife, son and daughter in law were accused of making their staff work long hours for the little pay in geneva. they were cleared of human traffic in charges. and in paris, the river saying is currently too dirty for olympic athletes to compete in fresh samples show the water quality is degraded and that the concentration of eco y bacteria is higher than the recommended limit. the games that begin in late july.
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the backup plan to postpone open water swimming events for a few days or europe and football. a championship is in full swing here in germany with fans a flocking to stadiums from across europe and beyond. the countries a drink transport infrastructure it has been struggling to cope with the increased load, leading many to question whether germany deserves its international reputation for efficiency. or reporter, i'm like, or dean joined the crowds to get their opinions. it's 2 o'clock on thursday. i'm done financial hub has turned into a dime for both firms. i in a few hours tournaments favorite things and then not yet, most fear is expected off in albany, and lot of people were so friendly, having a great time. not everyone's been so nice to us. yeah, it's been great. bobby is in full swing and i'm like i said, these guys had that need to worry about the be
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a running out. but the other big question for fans is, comes on the infrastructure quite thousands of found the left waiting was when england met sub yet and gave them cushion, leading to shop criticism of organization and damaging demi's reputation for efficiency. being absolutely the goals in cook and the other day todd hall was a bit river slide as a bed rubbish. it was very robust. well, it's not on an absolute north man. was none of them been on so it's not a single try. it has been on solar, the kick off is approaching and the funds begin making the way to the stadium. let's see whether we can guess in farms and residents. a might have to squeeze that the train wind moves hits without fast delays. and only after very swear, 315 minutes. wait. the train rumbles on. you're impressed so far. i'm not
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a toll being to be every well cups is 90. i went to the top and this has been the was tournament in terms of organization for a long time. no, i can remember one step away from the stadium, the train stops again. so the train just 3 everyone out and that goes out to the gym and efficiency is very disappointing. not nothing else than that. that's raise up at the denmark. is that the better to everyone's surprise, the trains don't continue so long as the revolt. a few minutes later it arrives at the stadium. how do you feel now that you've actually made it to the stadium hub? so happy? we're going to win this past tonight. you know, i know you're telling us about this. i don't know which turns out neither of them
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was right, but at least they made it to the matching time. and that is your needs update at this hour. i'm clear, richard sent in for lynn many thanks for watching the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota. so little surprised. hi, irish. and i am ready to dive into the hands of gentlemen to you. have you have a one to talk to me before you go to the spot and the unexpected side to side? no, it's not what i mean. i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs. thanks. trace amount, but it's actually about move join us as we travel.


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