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tv   The Day - News in Review  Deutsche Welle  June 22, 2024 2:02am-2:31am CEST

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and military spokesperson for more than 8 months. israel has pounded garza kelly tens of thousands of people and leaving much of the strip in ruins. now with internal divisions showing where it does best leave israel's plans for the future of gaza. claire richardson in berlin. you are watching the day. the id on this business of destroying almost is simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public. a hold on we will not leave the gaza strip until we return all our hostages . both the living and the dead come on us is an idea of government that works for the people that is trying to bring the hostages back. and to find the conclusion for this war against from us. if we don't bring something else together, then at the end of the day we will get thomasville to pick up in the come on.
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also coming up on the day a scorching heat wave in the west and mexico dangerous conditions turn deadly for migrants attempting to cross the border. we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross the legally, especially through the desert because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. and why richardson welcome. after 8 and a half months of war and gone. so the is really government still says it plans to destroy from us. but there was a remarkable quote from the spokes person of the is really army in an interview rear. admiral daniel, how garry called into question, the israeli government and goal of eliminating have us come, i'm us, is an idea. whoever things we can eliminate how mazda is wrong, i am nope. referring to the alternatives. the political dash alone has to decide on
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that as well. defense forces will implemented, but this business of destroying hama is simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public. if we don't bring something else to guns or then at the end of the day, we will get home us if you want me to come in a coma. i'm also of course, classified as a terrorist group by many western countries, in addition to its military wing. it has governed gauze since 2007. and it's a political force as well. we can take a look now at what's left of the group and the danger it could still pose to israel . thomas spiders firing rockets at israel from southern lebanon where it cooperates with other militant groups. error rate alarms are frequent in tel aviv, well within those rockets range. this is something israel's military wanted to stop with its war in the gaza. get it's still happening. there are no precise independently verified figures available about from us, of strength in numbers of fighters for it stops of weapons. israel estimates that
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how much had more than $30000.00 fighters at the time of its terror attacks on october 7th, last year. and the between 12 and 14000 have been killed and fighting since that in the however, as may be able to fill its ranks with new recruits quickly. israel has also seized stores of weaponry, hunting, rocket launchers, missiles and guns. and it's really military analyst told dw, earlier this year, that 70 to 80 percent of homos as arsenal had been captured or destroyed. about half of the masses tunnels are estimated to still be intact, allowing the group to fide, regroup, and potentially re arm itself through the smuggling network. then there's the group's leadership, which is largely survived. yeah, yeah, seen was the groups leader and gaza still runs operations from hiding mounts and the groups and political leader is male hand yeah. isn't, can tar the leader with the military rang mohammed dave is thought to be hiding and
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goes as well. is real, did kill dave study the more one isa, but that is the closest it's come to taking out the senior leadership as israel reckons with a war that could go on for months to come pressure for us. these fires growing, otherwise it's forces may be overstretched unless able to react to other threats. and join now from washington by aaron david miller, a senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace. and a former us government advisor for eric is riley negotiations. a very warm welcome . how do you interpret those comments from the idea of spokesperson, daniel, how garry about israel saying it will make how much disappear? is throwing sand in people's eyes. i mean, i'm a local level. i think it reflects what is really intelligence community and senior id. officials have police for quite some time and it brings to mind kissinger's quit the 1969 and i need to be in now more and the grow wins does not lose the
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conventional army correctional military news if it does not. and the reality is yes, use or at least have done previous damage to a masses, organized military structure is command control. it's a rocket launch facilities, it's laboratories. but the reality is how much will maintain in military capacity, maybe 10 to 15000 fighters. and it will endure either as an insurgency or alternatively, given the weakness of the palestinian national move. and specifically the costing in the dougherty. it will remain a potent force able to influence politics and guys, either through intimidation, co optation, or of us. do you think that is just becoming clear to the idea at this stage at the start of as well as invasion of gaza after the october 7th terror attacks?
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experts did warn, essentially, henri's point that i'm off as an idea that can't just be stamped out by killing its supporters. so why do you think we are hearing this from him now? i guess i think after almost 9 months and it's hard to believe next month because not funding this war. the idea of id, if not the political establishment mister nature y'all. is there anywhere in government or during most of the fighting? they understand how difficult it is for the id of to operate band or stand it every time there's a strike which was worse. and may i ask you, i should be sent to wherever it is with your machine is particularly in the united states. but it in europe and other places as well. and i understand that the only way to if, if in fact it's even possible to beat us, is treating alternative structure and alternative a set of governing principles to see,
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to facilitate security and prosperity which garza has left under a mazda is rule since 2007 and the current government miserable is simply as knowing the junction of engaging in the palestinian authority or creating any sort of hope in a form of opponents or rise in 2 to you. sounds really do states for example. so i think by large uh the idea is, uh, is that breaking select the government, but making it quite clear and i think it will be common to factor pressure point. i suspect in the days and months they had a minute and you know, relevant to your think there is a part of prime minister netanyahu that also understands this and understands what the id spoke person is saying here. yeah, to me, no doubt except the prime minister, not a long discovery prime minister in history, state of israel k domestic constituencies and visually differentials. it's number
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one, he's right when coalition and the maintenance of uh, his prime minister. because if he no longer has prime minister, we should have elections of elections or held him as real or today. most probably mr. note to me, i would not be able to for my government and on trial forever for an reach address in jerusalem district court. you faces the prospects of the convention, or alternatively, we brought a plea bargain to avoid jail time, which would mean the end of his political career. so no stain afloat. came catering to the right wing. it seems to be his uh, his m o n g and the cost of insurance on july 25th. if you makes it to that date. and that's, it does a resume again until 2 weeks before the american electron said he'd be in a position then as prime minister training address for the next president of the united states is going to be addressed as tact is going, i suspect are in some event that we can define or for c with
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respect to regional medical future, we're probably talking sometime next year. well, thank you so much for sharing your insights with us today. that is aaron at david miller with the carnegie endowment. we very much appreciate your time. let's follow up on that and get a cross to israel and a journalist by leaks letting join me from tel aviv. so more than 8 months into this work, we've heard israel has not achieved his goal of eliminating come us at this point and do most is riley's believe israel can in fact, destroy him. us as the successor all of today, apple showed that only 36 percent of all these really believed in the absolute to be through the pigeon that they also can about. but it depends what, how do you find victory over how much? because after all you can destroy from us has no longer wage, you're going to also find them that they're a good for from us and to govern god or other places. but the ideology, just like
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a new aggressive, is something that you cannot defeat. so it'd be absolutely victory indicated that you all do that. i don't think this is something that is possible. it has to be possible with ices, have to be possible with other um, uh are degreed, so terroristic grooves the past. so this is something that will keep in being present in some way or another, but it's absolutely impossible to feed the military. we get some points. and that's something that most is really do believe that it's possible you raise the question of whether the military should continue the operation until reaching victory or defeating a mazda. i think the most is the is i also have, as well as the even do agree that we should go foresees fire in order to read hostages. this is something that they did in this row. i think the numbers are
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really good, but there is still a majority of the believe the at the feeling come off of the military as possible. let's talk a little bit more about that and the hostages. israel recently fried for hostages in a big military operation, but has cautions that, that it won't be possible to free many other hostages in this way. after statements like this from how gary do you think pressure has been growing among a certain sector to reach a ceasefire and get hostages home that way through through negotiation as well? definitely. yes. but the other thing that comes over you do anything you because everyone, you, that it's not possible to actually free 120 hostages just this way, especially if we're talking about the 1450 that are still like a mazda is actually a pretty garza to be signed them and whether, when, excuse me, the military getting closer to them, they will shoot them or disappear in some way or another. and it's all. so this is
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not a new statement and this is not a new idea. and the pressure is coming from now from the sounds of the hostages are saying that the only way to see the hostages, that isn't a deal that has been proven to be the safest way to bring the hostages back. i would think that many is right is i wouldn't say a majority believe that is a bryce that a we can pay a ceasefire in order to reach a point where hostages will be free. this is a huge issue for, for these res. i've also say lots of big anti government protesters demanding a change of government. how effective do you think those have been in exerting pressure on the current government to hold the elections as well? um, can you just a couple of hours ago with, from the leading is waiting. media said that the 64 percent of these writers do support these process. that there's a couple of these buttons to support the investigating what's happened is it's over
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7. um, something that that supports many is ready to do a support, but when it comes to the question of effectiveness, this is another issue. because after all, the 64 members in this call lucian, and i haven't seen the engines before to there, is willing to sacrifice themselves to, to go for a new cycle of election that they actually use it. even if it's not losing it. as a government made it the government, so we can to get out of the other to see the position forming any other government, but they will not be the more be they will not be admitted to any other government, the government and whole. so for example, do what they are getting from the, from anyone else. thank you so much for joining us. that is journalist about leaks letting in tel aviv thank you.
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parts of the us and mexico are in the grip of a searing heat wave with the northeast united states. seeing a record high temperatures on the southern border with mexico and arid climate already means hot weather. but now that heat has turned a deadly for migrants attempting to cross the border. this one of us crossing the us mexican border illegally when they hit, they came suffocating. paramedics working on both sides have saved to life. but some aren't as lucky or not. but selecting the person who attempted to cross united states was abandoned by the people who brought them here, a and e. and today we're tree. if the body of the migrants have been dying, an extremely high temperatures for more than a week. now, with the part of the border that's in the past. so in texas, also to just dare say around one micron dice every day. but it doesn't stop people
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from choosing this dangerous route. it's a lot, a lot of heat, a lot of suffocating heat. there's a sand, you go through a lot of things in the desert. it's cold at night. there's rain to. it's a lot. the truth is that it's too hot or a little dehydrated here, but it's too much is too much heat. because doesn't go below 43. 4445 degrees. it's just too hot. a lot of migrants travel through this deserts on the us, south, and border every day. researchers say deadly sheet and this region has become more likely due to global warming, us. so sort of just said safest for migrants to enter the country legally. we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross the legally, especially through the desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these
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people cross over and they're losing their lives. but such a warnings do know detour. many of those trying to cross the heart as the summer. i still do come for more on this heat wave. i'm joined now by meteorologist and atmospheric scientist, matthew approach a math. you've got to see what is behind this blistering heat that we've been seeing in the us and mexico. yes, we have a big, stagnant, high pressure heaped um, basically this big force deal of high pressure with hot dry sinking air. and that does a couple of things. number one, this high pressure system is like a mastic force fuel to me, i see, or it deflects all the increment weather a way. it pushes the jet stream over to the bushes, storm systems and clouds north. meaning there's nothing but sunshine to big the ground and number 2, because this is high pressure, you have this thinking. air sinking air keeps up even more. so it's like everything with this. the weather system is designed to heat it up, causing exceptional temperature is the ground level. and the other issue to the
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warm temperatures are combining with very high humidity to lead to dangerous heat index values. where feels like 41 to 43 degrees outside some places. well, now it's an international network of climate scientists, as recently said that recent deadly heat across north and central america was made 35 times more likely due to global warming. can you explain the connection to that for us? yeah, so it's of course, the summer time we're used to hot weather in the summer time, but we notice deals are being disproportionately tilted towards longer duration, larger and more intense heat jones. what that means is that otherwise high end events are being pushed into a record territory, i like it to imagine you're playing basketball, for example, getting a slam dunk is difficult, but imagine that the floor is getting a little bit higher every time that means and each time you go to shoot a basket, it'll that much easier to get to slammed the same thing here. the baseline is
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warming, so these otherwise high end events are suddenly record territory and the impacts are that much more severe. i think that's a really good and helpful analogy. yesterday on the day we talked to a journalist in mca, where hundreds of people are thought to have died on the hodge pilgrimage due to extreme heat. is there a limit to what governments can do to prepare for, for this level of heat? so i think it's a really good and really difficult question. unfortunately with situations like this, whether it's a humid heat for a dry heat. there are 2 very different set of dangers, you know, if it's humid outside, that means the overnight, low temperatures don't drop that much. and as a result, that heat stress, it continues overnight and that disproportionately fix the elderly, vulnerable populations, meaning you really get no relief any time you get that, that long duration heat event. but if it's a dry heat,
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as likely was the case in the, in the pilgrimage to mecca, people don't even realize that they're susceptible to heat stroke. they don't realize how much moisture they're sweating off their evaporating and help with the they're becoming dehydrated and overheated because in very dry environments you actually don't notice this will it on you because it gets evaporated also quickly. and so i think from a government standpoint of, from a policy standpoint, we need to do as much as we can to raise awareness. and for those who don't have the means at home to escape the heat, perhaps open cooling shelters, provide water to folks on their pilgrimage. actions like that can score a really long way to to helping folks who might otherwise be in a really tough spot. matthew, thank you so much for your insights today. that's matthew cook richie. thank you. the francis dared to vote in snap elections at the end of the month and polls show the opposition far right. national riley could come out on top surveys also show that their message is especially resonating among young
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voters and reset your a p and elections the far right to can nearly 30 percent of the youth folk in france. dw correspondence. sonya found the car joined us. some of the parties use wing south west of paris to see what is driving their search and popularity. does it make sure the company to the glass of the tool, the wall? i'm going to approve even the gearing up for snap elections in fonts. these active as a, with the far right national rodney, who's going to be there as well as the team that really easy with the party won by a huge mountain and received your opinion. mentions across the country, a lot of the support williams from young about as well. the head of the youth we was on the 5th truck from thinks he knows why disliking accord in his region and the distance. there are a lot of the buses to go to school all through a few shops close by. if you would be curious to know if everything is increasing to be centralized, there's always people of all students that cause the price of the fuel and
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electricity. you've got to open them, especially for students. the activists explain why they decided to support the far right, the emergency room. earlier, i was with the green positive with the green pods, a. there's a lot of green washing. i'm drawn multinational. raleigh, going to and they speak the truth or they don't make false promises the for, but it was homeless for joe amongst all the policies. it's the national rally that comes closest to ensuring my security. for example, when i go out and if i'm followed on the straight, it said to say that it's always bias. there's some kind of clear sun sometimes that can be french, but often than not, it's really about uncontrolled immigration need. i mean, uh, the search issues from the backbone of the national riley's platform. the bodies popular 22 on preston jordan, but the law is the one turning them into hot topics on social media. and he's
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largely credited with mobilizing the utah vote with a snappy video. so now default writes messaging has fun for tell you, crowd is where the, where the region, the town of the lease are said. the far right dominated here as well in the recent, your opinion extra. taking the 50 percent of the vote on the toner seemed better times since the 1980s. the closure looked excited back please has led to an estimate of 25000 job losses in the region. could exceed the feel, but other political parties to connect to voters has contributed to the rise of default. right. the buttons on here we are concerned way. not really surprising. here we badly have public services, few jobs. dwindling wages of diplomacy rates of 24 percent. in recent years we've seen a strong migration of people all the north african. so to have an origin from the powers regions. they don't find a lot of jobs. the national valley here on the local level, as usual,
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has profited from stigmatizing the other to the lot. but the union has found a way of fighting back by fact checking the national runny, they've shown how looking for right and b doesn't happen, often voted in parliament against measures the claim to support such as raising the minimum wage increase in aid for students. and for social housing, let's go back into on the far right, active. as i've discovered some posters, they just split up. have already been vandalized. both will admit it happens a lot. there's always because of the way, way portrayed by the media and by the lessons. awesome. people still have this image at the national valley isn't braces to not say you missed the politics history. that's why you're supposed to see the simple fact that this was like, no, i bought the is gaining momentum, not just fuel, but all of the from. and it's making progress, its efforts to convince voters. it's just a moment political party,
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despite the fact that the or are forced on its own. you found a car file that report here are some more for insights into her interactions with french folders. be founded quite difficult to interview. ordinarily, young voters were voting for the fault, right? at least on capital. you know it, many of these people like you've seen that report what like like you said, active as of the party. but getting you to just people on the street to talk about why they're voting for the fall, right? seems to be quite the type boosting. it was easier for me to speak with all the voters and the tones that i visited and be able to, you know, kind of go to speak about the support for the fraud. right? sure. you know, unfortunately, i also have to listen to a few comments like when you're not really french and we don't want to talk to you one or the person said ok me with that was of mixed race and said, you know what i was doing there. but of course, these were isolated incidents, most people i met were, were both a cli um, a perfectly nice, but i think what this goal special schools is that, you know, growing immigration tuning and provincial towns in fonts has led to a bit of
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a backlash by default right, the whipping up feel is the local labor union told me they've been amplifying, you know, incidence employment vitamins. and i think all of this has ended up really smoking anti immigrant fields in this region and an incentive. and so, you know, some of the people i spoke to in the town before me. so they're saying, told me they felt like the tone to change because because of the white prints, they said it didn't feed french anymore. that the, you know, kind of, it says unsafe to go out at night is do you have you correspondence on your phone, a call recording and that is our show for today. you can follow our team on social media. at dw news, i'm at clare reports additional, more headlines. there's always dw doc. com. thank you so much for watching the,
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