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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  June 22, 2024 3:15am-3:30am CEST

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and eating insights of spacing. i don't forget there's plenty more news on the information on our website, the www dot. com and you can follow us on social media or handle is dw news on pablo police for me on the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care the can you see is, what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media. watch now on youtube. why do humming does not get drunk? why do grab a tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies. how much do we need to put
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a stop fund print to help find beyond says get lost on dw science out. take 10 of the texas has a problem and what we're doing here is one solution. whereas you're looking for federal hogs animals because tons of ecological and economic damage. and if we find them these hawks are invasive and actually better for the environment dead than alive. so it's open hunting season all year in texas to get rid of as many as possible. and you can also eat them. this is wild hod, just printed and fries. invasive species impact many different eco systems all over the world. they're super destructive and hard to control. a lot of the time, there aren't many options for how to deal with them. so is what they're doing here?
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a good solution. should we be eating and based on species? as almost always, it was no fault of the animals that they became an issue takes were brought to united states by colonizers from europe. some of those pigs escaped and went pharaoh eventually into breeding with the region borders that were intentionally released for hunting. so they're essentially no natural checks on this animal in the western hemisphere. the ecosystem is not built for it. we don't have native pigs in the western hemisphere. john told me to check as a wildlife biologist at a and i'm university in texas. and so now we're living in the reality of this animal. this hybrid has the characteristics of a wild animal, but as many offspring as domestic pigs. busy that's one of the reasons that federal hogs have spread so much in the united states. sometimes they are also transported to create hunting opportunities, getting to the establishment of new populations. and as more land is use for crop
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production, hawks getting more opportunities for easy food and shelter. it's estimated that there are at least 6000000 animals in the us. nearly half are in texas, and they cause a lot of problems. we know that every year there is an excess of $500000000.00 of damage done by picks or for aux, excuse me. and that's mostly to agriculture and property. it doesn't even include environmental damage. for comparison, all tornadoes in the us and 2020 to cost around $700000000.00. one way the hogs cause problems is by foraging for food. with native animals it can be beneficial, but it can also cause damage, especially in areas where swells are fragile or dried. they also prefer to eat needed spc, chopping through oak p can, hickory and walnut trees, as well as the birds and c turnips. and because pigs can effectively sweat, they gather on water sources contaminating them with pieces. these pictures are
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also top. they have incredibly sharp tasks and hard skin on their shoulders that makes them difficult to kill and axis they have no predators. but in basis these, these aren't only a problem, and taxes are in the united states. wild boar causing an upper an italy line fish has invaded the caribbean, and the mediterranean norway's waters are full of red king crabs and canadas. plague by chinese mystery snails. the list goes on and on they have a species of that is able to produce very fast res, different temperatures, and sometimes they are better at acquiring resources, saved food or refugees, but area camacho sort of bunches. as a biologist, i'm the director of the and basis b, c's. laboratory university. got the stuff basically we put in with a population, but it's huge to find
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a species that has never been there. and it's the only thing you find like with these lion fish, they eat other fish and crustaceans have painful poison a spines and can lease thousands of eggs every few days by competing or eating everything else, they can destroy whole ecosystems. it's not their fault, but like the hogs, they don't belong and they're destroying the environment. i'm not mad at these atoms. i'm really not. but i don't have a choice. and in terms of conservation, they have to go in our options are fairly limited. and one of those limited options is hunting. this ranch about an hour outside of austin has tons of federal hogs running around on it. and the owner is happy people to come out here and kill them . we met with the hunter to see what it was all about. amanda jeff, and i just need it later. the hunger, nocturnal, so we had to wait until it was dark to try and find some. in the meantime, we went to go fill up. peters used to attract animals. how do you know where the hogs are? we typically have cameras on those theaters that we can basically see what's been
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coming in to that theater and about what time. and that can give us some clues. did you say something came in yesterday a lot better chance? don't comment today that they didn't come in yesterday, but it's never a guarantee if it's it's less than 5050, pretty smart then. if they see some hunters and they won't come back the next day to that same area, our civil hunter took a shot at a pig yesterday. there's berkeley, no chance that pig will come anywhere close for a long time. even though they're everywhere, it can be really hard to catch the corner. there's a pink pipe called a pig pipe, which naturally require some target practice. if you're using you're right. i. uh yes. well most of it by much there you go. when it got late enough, we loaded up the gun and drove to where the hogs had been yesterday and waited and waited and waited in the and we only saw
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a couple of turkeys and left. but when we checked the cameras later, we were as smart at this is a serious downside to hunting individual animals. it's not super effective. the hogs obviously knew we were there and avoided the area until we were gone. but i was a bit relieved. the idea of killing an animal, especially such a smart one, didn't make me nervous. and i'm not the only one. the closer species are due at the more difficult it is to everybody, kate, them. once they have arrived where they don't belong, you would have to eradicate them pretty quickly. and by eradicate a domain doing this has a case with all invasive species. relocating them doesn't work because they will just cause a problem somewhere else. they can also be trapped or poisoned. ready people in texas also enjoy shooting them from helicopters with machine guns. but while that seems ridiculous, it's what experts do because the whole group of hogs is killed. so can't teach
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others how to avoid humans of carcasses or heavily disease their landfills. but otherwise they're left for other animals to eat. gone with in a few days. even so mash shooting animals and leaving them seems like a waste. so some people get creative. hey, hey amanda jessica. nice to right. yeah. so nice to meet you going inside. because where you find out a building basis piece is wow, i get out of the way here. you also find people who are eating them. so this is a hog and thank god in this morning and he's about to break it down. so how did you come up with the idea to serve wild boar and your restaurants are delicious? they're under utilized. they, they need to be control if it kills something like 70 percent of them every year to keep the population where it is, which is not going to happen. if we, if we don't do something with that, we're going to just have a far worse problem. it's kind of in an arguable source of protein to like every
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pound of fail hog that we're able to service. also one less town that's coming out of kind of a broken industrial made system. so this is the cars that i want you to try to use everything. uh yeah. of this car because everything will be used, the bones will go with the stock. i mean, a lot of it will go into stuff like sausage i spoke to somebody from and they said that they need to basically go out and shoot a bunch of them all the time. how do you kind of feel about that situation? my role, our role is what do we do with the dead? takes other people's role as is making them dead like am they're approaching it? they're not, they're not thinking like oh can we make trees out of that or or is it a nice acorn sad? wonder where you're getting jobs. there's they're thinking, oh, it's the sounder came in last night and devastated this farmer's fields. we need to eradicate that stacy's at all costs. haven't even parking over
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a decade for environmental reasons, but decided to try this one. the i just take this now and then pretty gently, you don't want to like, is it not like a hammer this much. you know, if it came down to just one me that i was forced to say is, is like the, the best one for us to consume. i yeah, i would even pause just this one in there right here. the right. that's awesome. yeah. as really good. yeah. i can definitely see why you have service in your head in mexico and basic line fish also end up on plates. lucas started piecing them with the purpose of consuming it. and
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then they were very creative with the rest the piece they were making. and they were selling a lot so they was pushing a lot. and now they have populations that are very small eating them doesn't just solve what to do with the dead animals and also provides an incentive for people to kill them. without it, people need to be convinced we have to think about preserving when we are already out there, which is a very big threatened eighties. it is difficult for a lot of people to understand. and there isn't much of a choice when it comes to getting rid of invasive species. and while hunting them for food isn't the most effective solution, it is a palatable one. and if the protein can replace industrial meet, it's w sustainable. in the end, it's humans fault. these pieces are there in the 1st place, but that doesn't mind killing them any easier. i for one, i'm happy i didn't have to do it, but also that someone out there is. so should we be eating invasive species? let us know what you think and subscribe for new videos every friday.
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