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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 22, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw, and use live from berlin. tensions rising between south korea and russia after vladimir putin assigns a new defense deal with the north korean leader kim john on sole says it's nuclear arms and neighbor could be emboldened by the fact and cause the rest of peace in the region. also coming up israel strategy in gaza under fire from within. and it's really ministry spokesman's publicly challenges the government's war aims questioning whether hamas can ever be defeated military the
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unpopular felony as welcome to the program. says korea has condemned to a defense pact between russia and north korea signed earlier this week. it's foreign ministry called it a threat to peace and stability on the korean peninsula. so someone's rushes and boss that are to discuss its concerns about the details of the military packed are still on tier. south korea is where it is. could encourage north korean aggression . in response, so announced it was considering sending weapons to ukraine to support its defense against russia. well, earlier we spoke to dr. john nelson right from the center for geo politics at cambridge university. and we asked him how so is interpreting a warning by for that americans who said, supporting ukraine would be
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a very big mistake as well. i say what the russian leader is trying to say is that is that the sas grantsville minded to provide for the 1st time legal support to ukraine. i supported the phones, bombs, munitions, to enhance ukraine's ability to resist the russian impression that would be seen as a red line from the russian perspective and a normal this, a real critical question is, what does the enhanced security cooperation between moscow and young young, really, it might have to your a cool that north korea has been speaking to developing the satellite technology capabilities, unable to have satellite launch just a few weeks ago. but the sense is that in return for newest careers, provision of munitions and military support to russia in fighting the war and ukraine, the russians might be minded to provide that principle of technology. and of course, the language of this new security, this comprehensive strategic agreement between the 2 countries has alonzo as career
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because they fear the amounts to something even time demand to the full volume, actual lines. that's certainly what the north koreans are saying. rush, spend a little bit more circumspect, but if you look at the language of that new agreement, it, it, it creates a commitment on both sides to come to the assistance of the new partner with the media dispatchers and very, very quickly event of an attack on either one of the signatories that was dr. john nelson right from the center for geo politics at cambridge university. all right, said changing topics at least 25 people have been killed and another 50 wounded bind is ready strike on a comp for displaced people in their rafa in southern gaza, according to how much lead health officials relatives of those killed in the attacks. it is really forces fired again, killing people, coming out of their tense. israel's minute reset, the incident is under review and there is no indication. a strike was carried out
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by the israel defense forces will after 8 and a half months of war in guys that the is really government still says is plans to destroy him, us. but in an interview with israel's channel, 13 broadcaster, the spokes person of the is right, the army rear admiral daniel garry said, how much cannot be destroyed? come mamma is an idea. whoever thinks we can eliminate mazda is wrong. i am not referring to the alternatives. the political action alone has to decide on that was a use, well, defense forces will implemented. but this, the business of destroying how much is simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public. if we don't bring something else to gun and then at the end of the day, we will get home us if you want me to come in a coma or how mouse is classified as a terrorist group by many western countries. in addition to its military wing, its government guides us since 2007 and is
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a political force as well. so let's take a look at what's left of the group under danger. it could still pose to israel. spiders firing rockets. it is real from southern lebanon where it cooperates with other militant groups. error rate alarms are frequent in tel aviv, well within those rockets range. this is something israel's military wanted to stop with its war in gaza. it's still happening. there are no precise independently verified figures available about from us, the strength in numbers of fighters for it stops of weapons. israel estimates that how much had more than $30000.00 fighters at the time of its tara tax on october 7th, last year, and the between $12.14 have been killed and fighting since then. however, most may be able to fill its ranks with new recruits quickly. israel has also seen stores of weaponry, including rocket monsters,
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missiles and guns. and it's really military analyst told dw, earlier this year, that 70 to 80 percent of homos as arsenal had been captured or destroyed. but about half of the masses tunnels are estimated to still be intact, allowing the group to fide, regroup, and potentially re arm itself through the smuggling network. then there's the group's leadership, which has largely survived. yeah, yeah, seen why the groups leader and gaza still runs operations from hiding the mouth and the groups and political leader is male hand. yeah, isn't katara the leader of the military wing mohammed dave is thought to be hiding and goes as well. is real, did killed dave, deputy more one is a, but that is the closest it's come to taking out the senior leadership a as israel reckons with a war that could go on for months to come pressure for us. these fires growing, otherwise it's forces may be overstretched unless able to react to other threats.
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are. and david miller is a senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace. we asked him why this statement from the adf smokes person is coming now. and they're just living here after almost 9 months. it was hard to believe next month because not funding this war. the idea of id, if not the political establishment mister nature y'all. is there anywhere in government or during most of the fighting? they understand how difficult it is for the id of to operate band or stand it every time there's a strike, which is almost any worse. and may i ask you, i should be sent to wherever it is with your machine, particularly in the united states. but it, in europe and other places as well. and i understand that the only way to, if, if in fact it's even possible to beat us is to create an alternative structure. an alternative, a set of governing principles to see,
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to facilitate security and prosperity, which doesn't, has left under a mazda is rule since 2007. and the current government miserable is simply as knowing the junction of engaging in the palestinian authority or creating any sort of hope in a form of opponents or rise in 22 separate 2 states for example. so i think by large uh the idea is, uh, is that breaking select the government, but making it quite clear and i think it will become an effective pressure point. i suspect in the days and months they had on the notes in the are relevant are and david miller from the carnegie endowment for international peace. speaking that this time for a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. the man who bludgeoned the husband of us politician nancy pelosi with a hammer, has been convicted of the attack for a 2nd time. this time at the state level,
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david, the pop was already sentenced to 30 years in a federal prison and says not being 5 guilty of aggravated kids not being fight a san francisco. jury shooter open fire at a grocery store. kidding. 3 people and wounding 10. others in the us state of arkansas, among the winds that are 2 police officers who exchanged fire and shot to go to the 44 year old suspect was arrested and charged with 3 kinds of murder with further charges pending in paris. the river saying is currently to jersey for and then the kathleen's to compete in fresh samples show. the water quality has degraded, and the concentration of eco live bacteria is higher than b recommended limits. the games begin in late july. the backup plan is to postpone open water swimming events for a few days. so vacuum apartments is approved or reform that will strap the
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current public t, v and radio broadcasting network, the new state broadcast or it will be elected by a cancel critic site. it will be used as a government propaganda to close that decision. an attack on press freedom the german authorities have arrested 3 people for spying in the city of frankfurt. germany's prosecutor's office did not say who there is suspected of working for our political correspondence. simon young has more details. these 3 were, as citizens of russia, one and on media and one, a ukrainian and the federal prosecutors office says that they were working for a, for an intelligence organization. specifically seeking to gather information about a ukrainian citizen here in germany. observing a cafe with that person was said to be at now these 3 man has been
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arrested on thursday in frankfort, and i've already been brought before a judge at a now being held in custody state. okay. and physical correspondence, i'm in your reporting that now the european football championship is in full swing here in germany with funds flocking to stadiums from across europe and beyond. but the countries transport infrastructure, particularly it's trained network, which in recent years, has struggled with punctuality and has led many to question whether germany deserves its international reputation for efficiency. our reporter e. r reporter, emily gorgine joining the crowds to get their opinions. it's 2 o'clock on the phone, say i'm done. financial hub has turned into a dime for both phones. i and a few hours tournaments favorite things and then not i mean,
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yet most fear is expected up in albany and lot of people were so friendly, having a great time. not everyone's been so nice to us. yeah, it's been great. bobby is in full swing and i'm like i said, these guys had that need to worry about the beer running out. but the other big question for fans is tons of these infrastructure cuts. thousands of sounds were left waiting was when england met serbia and galvan cushion, leading to shop criticism of organization and damaging demi's reputation for efficiency. being up to the event, the office be ready on the golden cook and the other day, todd hall was a bed rubbish! like a bed rubbish. it was very robust. well, it's me for that. oh, i'm absolute. no. what man was, none of them been on. so i'm not a single train has been on solar kickoff is approaching, and the funds begin making the way to the stadium. let's see whether we can get in
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funds and residents. a might have to squeeze that. the train wind moves hits without fast delays and only after very he swears to 15 minutes, wait. the train rumbles on your impress so far. i'm not a toll being to be, every wilcox is 90. i went to the top and this has been the was pulling them in, in terms of organization for a long time. now i can remember one step away from the stadium. the train stops again. so the try and destroy everyone out and the guys out to the gym and efficiency is very disappointing. not nothing else. and that, that trains up at the denmark. it's all the way down to everyone's surprise, the train don't continue so long. i need a few minutes late to it, arrives at the stadium. how do you feel now that you've actually made it to the
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stadium hub? so happy. we're going to win this mess tonight. you know, i know you're telling us about this. i don't know those which turns out neither of them was right, but at least they made it to the match in time. that people in sweden have been celebrating midsummer's eve, one of the biggest events of the year in stockholm locals and taurus gathered scums . and that's the world's oldest open air museum in a traditional head read. and enjoyed activities like focusing on the spot of maypole down to the weekend long celebrations. align with the northern hemisphere is summer solstice. celebrate the peak of some of the
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as all right, you are up to date. don't forget just plenty more news on the information on our website. you don't, you don't. com and you can follow us on our social media accounts or handle is d w use for me as a team here in berlin, tex watching. i care the rest of what did you do to save the tenants? she survived. oh, sure, it's thanks to music. was the nazis favorite conductor is martin the degenerates to musicians under this one.


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