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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 22, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why? from berlin? tensions rise between south korea and russia after vladimir putin signs a new defense deal with north korean leader kim jong and soul says it's nuclear arm neighbor could be emboldened by the packed and calls it a threat to peace in the region. also coming out, dozens are killed and strikes on tent camp near rasa in southern gaza. as a top is really military official casting doubt on its goal of destroying hum. plus a heat wave in the us turns deadly from migrants hoping to cross the southern border. authorities say they've retrieved several bodies as temperatures or over 45 degrees celsius. and with the european football championship in full swing,
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germany is transport system struggles to cope delays and cancellations, leave football fans doubting germany's reputation for efficiency, the and a warm welcome to you. our viewers around the world. i'm michael, located. south korea has condemned a defense pack between russia and north korea assigned to earlier this week. it's foreign ministry called it a threat to peace and stability on the korean peninsula. sole, some in russia's ambassador to discuss its concerns. while the details of the military packed are still unclear, south korea is worried. it could encourage north korean aggression and any response . so a now in state was considering sending weapons to ukraine to support its defense against russia. doctor john nelson right,
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is from the center for geo politics at cambridge university. he told us earlier, how sole is interpreting a warning by vladimir putin that supporting ukraine would be a very big mistake as well. i say what the russian leader is trying to say is that is that the sas grants are minded to provide the best time legal support to ukraine . i sport and the phones, bombs, munitions turn ons. ukraine's ability to resist the russian impression that would be seen as a red line from the russian perspective and a normal this, a real critical question is, what does the enhanced security cooperation between moscow and young gang really a might have to. you're a cool that north korea has been speaking to developing the satellite technology capabilities, unable to have satellite launch just a few weeks ago. but the sense is that in return for newest careers, provision of munitions and military support to russia in fighting the war and
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ukraine, the russians might be minded to provide that critical technology. and of course, the language of this new security, this comprehensive strategic agreement between the 2 countries has alonzo as career because they fear the amounts to something even time demand to the full volume, actual lines. that's simply what the north koreans are saying. rush, spend a little bit more circumspect, but if you look at the language of the new agreement, it is a great commitment on both sides to come to the assistance of the new partner with immediate dispatch being very, very quickly given to an attack on either one of the signatures doctor john nelson right there from the center for geo politics at cambridge university, to gauze and now where the him, us lead health authority says at least 25 people had been killed and another 50 wounded by his really showing on a camp for displaced people near the southern city of rougher relatives of those
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killed in one of the strikes near a red cross field hospital say is really forces fired a 2nd time which killed people who were coming out of their tents. israel's military says the incident is under review and is looking into the strikes at the locations reported by emergency workers. after 8 and a half months of board in garza israel prime ministers that still insist that destroying him off is one of his main goals. but there's signs of tensions going between israel's bullet, political and military leadership. take listen to this from the spokesperson of these really army in an interview with israel's channel 13. her mom us is an idea. whoever things we can eliminate, i'm us is wrong. i am not referring to the alternatives, the political lash alone has to decide on that as well defense forces will implemented. but this business of destroying how much is simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public. if we don't bring something else to guns and then at the
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end of the day, we will get home us in the, on the company to come up. aaron, david miller is a senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace. we asked him about the timing of the statement from the id eps spokesperson. i'm bring everything here after almost 9 months, and it's hard to believe next month because not funding this war. the idea of id, if not the political establishment, mr. nature, you know, and is there anywhere in government or during most of the fight, they understand how difficult it is for the id have to operate band or stand it every time there's a strike which was worth a mass casualty event said to wherever it is with your machine is particularly in the united states, but it in europe and other places as well. and i understand that the only way to if, if in fact it's even possible to beat us is treating alternative structure. and alternative a set of governing principles to see,
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to facilitate security and prosperity, which doesn't, has left under a mazda as role since 2007. and the current government mr. rule simpler has no intention of engaging either the palestinians worry or creating any sort of hope in a form of a cancer rising to, to the south, rented to states for example. so i think by and large, the idea is, is that break into like the government, but making it quite clear and i think it will become an effective pressure point. i suspect, in the days and months they had on it and you know, relevant again, no air and david miller from the carnegie endowment for international peace. a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world at this hour. german economy minister, robert holl back has told chinese officials that propose european union tabs on
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chinese made electric cars or not a punishment visiting beijing ha back said the plan levies were meant to level the playing field in the face of excessive subsidies. chinese companies have called for retaliation. 3 people have been killed and 10 others injured in a shooting at a supermarket in the us state of arkansas. among the wounded or 2 police officers who exchange fire and shot the gun. a 44 year old suspect has been arrested and charged with murder. a switched court has sentence, members of britain's riches family to between 4 and 4 and a half years in prison for exporting domestic workers for cash hindu dry. his wife, son, and daughter in law, were accused of making their staff work long hours for little pay in geneva. they were cleared of human traffic and charges. parts of the us and mexico are also in
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the group of a searing heat wave with the ne united states seeing record high temperatures on the southern border with mexico in air to climate already means hot weather year round. but now the heat has turned deadly for many migraines. attempting to cross the border. this one of us crossing the us mexican border illegally when they hit, they came, suffocating. paramedics working on both sides have saved to life. but some aren't as lucky or not, but select things. and the person who attempted to cross united states was abandoned by the people who brought them here a and e. and today we are a tree of the body of the migrants have been dying and extremely high temperatures for more than a week. now on the part of the border that's in the past. so in texas, we'll sort of just dare say around one micron dies every day, but it doesn't stop people from choosing this dangerous route. it's a lot,
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a lot of heat, a lot of suffocating heat. there's the sand, you go through a lot of things in the desert. it's cold at night. there's rain to, it's a lot. the truth is that it's too hot. we're already little be hydrated here. but it's too much is too much heat because it doesn't go below $43.00. 4445 degrees. it's just too hot. a lot of migrants travel through this desert, it's on the us self in boulder every day. researchers say deadly heating this region has become more likely due to global warming, us. so sort of just said safest for migrants to enter the country legally. we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross illegally, especially through that desert because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's
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so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. but such a warnings do know, do through many of those trying to cross the heart as the summer. i still do come back here in germany. authorities separate restaurant 3 people for spying. the city of frankfurt. germany is prosecutor's office, did not say who they are suspected of working for our political correspondence. i mean young has more details these 3 well as citizens of russia, one and i mean in one a ukrainians at the federal prosecutors office says that they were working for a, for an intelligence organization. specifically seeking to gather information about a ukrainian citizen here in germany. observing a cafe with that person was said to be at now these 3 man has been arrested on thursday in frankfort and have already been brought before a judge at
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a now being held in custody. again dw political correspondence, simon young there at the european football championships, france versus the netherlands ended in the 1st goal. this match of the tournament, francis star, captain colleen and bobby remained on the bench after suffering a broken nose in their opening game. a dutch goal by shelby simmons that could have sealed them the wind was disallowed. neither france nor the netherlands have yet qualified for the next round. france will face pulling on tuesday while the netherlands will play. austria to fans are flocking to germany's stadiums for the euro is from across europe and beyond. but the countries transport infrastructure and particularly it's trained network, which has struggled with punctuality in recent years, has led many to question whether germany deserves its international reputation for efficiency. reporter emily go dean joining the crowds at
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a recent game to get their opinions. it's 2 o'clock on thursday. i'm done. financial hub has tons into a time for full fans. i'm in a few hours tournament favorite things and then not i'm yet most fear is expected off in albany and lot of people were so friendly, having a great time. not everyone's been so nice to us. yeah, it's been great. bobby is in full swing and i'm like i said, these guys had that need to worry about the be a running out. the big question for fans is tons of these infrastructure cuts. thousands of sounds were left waiting was when england met sub yet and gave them cushion, leading to shop criticism of organization and damaging demi's reputation for efficiency. being absolute event the office via the goals and cook and the other day, todd hall was a bit rubbish. like a,
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a bit rubbish. it was very robust. well, it's the fact that on an absolute north man was none of them been on solar. not a single train has been on solar kick off is approaching, and the firms begin making their way to the stadium that see whether we can guess in farms and residents. and like have to squeeze that the train warranty move hits without fast delays. and only after very swear, 315 minutes. wait. the train rumbles on. you impressed so far? north? oh, we've been to the every wilcox is known to you. i went to kentucky and this has been the was tournament in terms of organization for a long time. no, i can remember to one step away from the stadium. the train stops again. so the train just for everyone out. i know guys out the gym and efficiency is very disappointing. not nothing else than that. that's raise up at the denmark.
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it's all the way down to everyone's surprise, the trains don't continue so long as it revolt a few minutes late to it arrives at the stadium. how do you feel now that you've actually made it to the stadium hub? so happy? we're going to win this match tonight. you know, i know you ever tell us about this. i don't know. there's, which turns out neither of them was right, but at least they made it to the match in time. meanwhile, people in sweden had been celebrating midsummer's eve, one of the biggest events of the year, and stuck on locals and taurus gathered at sunset. that's the world's oldest open air museum. they made traditional head reads and enjoyed activities like focusing in a spot of maple dancing. the week long celebrations align with the northern hemisphere summer solstice,
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and celebrate the peak of center the coming up after a short break. it's rab asking why albania has more mercedes benz is that per capita than anywhere else in the world. more news and 45, my name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that, it's all about saying it's loud. as would have been nosy bay, like good everyone to king, to check out the award winning called call. call back. you'll update innovation green the green revolution.


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