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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 22, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news of life from berlin, a massive russian aerotech targets power infrastructure across ukraine. facilities in the, in the west, inseparably sure, in the southeast or damage with several workers injured. also coming out a heat wave in the us turns deadly from migrants hoping to cross the southern border authority say they've retrieve several bodies as temperature shore over 45 degrees celsius, the mike local, welcome. russia has launched
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a fresh wave of drone and missile attacks on ukraine's energy infrastructure overnight injuring at least to energy workers. you're creating an official say, the attacks targeted facilities and the separation. and we'd be regents, they say ukraine's air defense system shot down 12 of the 16 missiles and all 13 drones launched by russia. it was the 2nd major strike this week after missiles kid, the city of creevy, we and odessa on friday. let's bring in military analyst frank language on this. good to see you. frank is always what strategic advantages does russia aim to achieve by targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure? it's good morning, michael. well, i think guys, as most of you as well know that, but this is positive. a long campaign conducted by the russian at both is around space forces against ukraine's power generation. now before i got it,
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well was mentioning that the crazy power system is very resilient. most of it has nuclear power, but more than hoss, that won't be tough. so you kind of always retain up cool mix with the corps power . but recently, in particular, over the last couple of months, russians have great success in the conventional pilot, you know, talking provincial pos patients, notably, typically a pos patients, not the care completely destroyed on several others including an attack last night . and it seems to be quite well talk to k conducted by the russian russians. for besides, i think from long range bombers and diversions from sha heats, producing some degree of damage. what is possible long con, pay 2 purposes? first, to undermine ukraine's compatibility. as a state to support his military endeavor, and secondly of cost to undermine civilian moran will suffice. costly the lot to objective is disastrously failing in the full damaging the pol capacity it's, it's unfortunately counting some effects. frankie mentioned that ukraine's energy
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infrastructure is resilient, but we should remind viewers just to give them some perspective that this is now the 8th massive attack on ukraine's energy infrastructure in the past 3 months. what measures is ukraine taking to protect this infrastructure? because a casual observer might question those message, those measures according to a presidency. lensky, half of the countries power facilities have already been destroyed. as a step of the office. it has been attacked. the many of them now been repaired for many, many years. you crazed and suffering a tax and his power struck to not only with the connecticut expose of the tax lock over the last 18 months or so, process cyber attacks and it's developed events, expertise, and dealing with these things very quickly. what's happened over the last night you point out, michael, over the last 3 months is that the kinetic concise and we saw the types of big, much more consistent that the penny price. if you credit defense isn't have much
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more success. so now i've got really power cuts, which really didn't cost so much before, but of course it's highlights the need for, for increased more dense and defenses. because all these attacks come from me sized off of besides, essentially not going to say bucks. another told the range for that, for this nonsense that highlights it's urgent. priority need for top class defenses, ukraine's on the dish to find somebody run off the cliff. the last for end of last year is run out of ex soviet. it was very successful, very robust. but they've just run out of it. so the old, the very great, the dependent now on western supply at defense systems. you'll patriots in ne, subject areas take on the cost more low, more short rates stuff. and we'll see the results with the lack of that. because you can only have so many you've got so many platforms need to prioritize. sometimes you need the data from other just very stretched with it. and so you get this kind of damage taking place. cranking might very well be leading into my, my,
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my last issue here. how crucial is international military and financial support in helping you create protected, sensitive infrastructure and what specific data is most needed right now? would it be anything towards the air defenses? yes, i think that's the part of it and i think with the creative general stuff and indeed present. so let's get his stuff would, would a great of said, so what's happened over the past few months? he credits become more more depend on western defense that we took ahead, particularly the highly effective patriot and ne subs which is a noise in the american system and those but especially patriot, which is which, which has pretty much the highest success rate. it was only yesterday the americans designed it announced that what they were doing now was prioritizing the delivery of pages not to contract countries within the contracts to deliver them. but the newly road of nissan starts here to set this on systems where we go straight to you crate. is that ice case study wants $25.00 boxes, that's
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a $180.00 launch at all. so they haven't got anything like that. most of this important between how we got about 6 boxes, so that needs to be beefed up and thrive. being made that those efforts, as i pointed off of whatever you must do slot, that's a military analysts are frank language as always, many, many thanks. right. thanks michael to guns and now we're the i'm us. lead health authority says at least 25 people have been killed and another 50 wounded by is really showing on a can for displace people near the southern city of rougher relatives. of those killed in one of the strikes near a red cross field hospital say is really forces fired a 2nd time and that last killed people who were coming out of their tents. israel's military says the incident is under review and is looking into potential strikes at the locations reported by emergency workers. a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. german economy minister, robert ha,
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that has told chinese officials that propose european union tariffs on chinese made electric cars are not a punishment visiting badging ha back said the plan levies were meant to level the playing field in the face of excessive subsidies. chinese companies have called for retaliation. 3 people have been killed and 10 others injured in a shooting at a supermarket in the us state of arkansas. among the wounded or 2 police officers who exchange flyer and shot the gunman. a 44 year old suspect has been arrested and charged with murder in paris, the river sin is currently too dirty for olympic athletes to compete a fresh sample show, the water quality has degraded and the concentration of eco lie. bacteria is higher than the recommended limit. the games begin in late july. the backup plan is to postpone open water swimming events for
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a few days. in the united states has imposed sanctions on a dozen executives of the russia based cyber security from casper ski lab. the announcement comes a day after washington unveiled plans to ban us sales of the company's antivirus software on national security grounds. the commerce department said an investigation is found that caspar ski's operations were vulnerable to russian government influence. and the company's access to sensitive data could be exported by moscow for cyber attacks. guess burske says it will appeal the kremlin has accused washington of unfair competition. we asked a professor of ip security logged in is kangi kicker about the risk of this anti virus software. yes. so if you look at the communication of all of your, our society so you can see that we are primarily talking about them. a lot of political assumptions and with that of course,
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peers. so is there for less about what has happened in the past regarding cyber security and data privacy issues? it's more about what's to be feared in the future from a technical perspective. fan in germany, for example, it's a federal information security office abuse i a some most important cyber security, all sorts of jeremy, that's also warned about to spear ski in the past. in the year 2022. that serious consequences could occur if the software continues to be used to, but so far, technically speaking of nothing has happened. so we are therefore talking a lot about risks here at about. i have to start to good possibilities and it's also to mention them that in the us, we do not see at the moment the whole band of the software itself, but it's mostly about the cust best. the antivirus software, which may no longer be offered on the us market, so to say some companies and private people who are still may use this software or
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the products. but of course, this would be difficult. and if the company and no longer, for example, provides any kinds of updates on the u. s. american market. the parts of the us and mexico are in the grip of a searing heat wave. with the northeast united states seeing record high temperatures on the southern border with mexico and eric climb, it already means hot weather year round. but now the key to has turned deadly for many migrants attempting to cross the border. this one was crossing the us mexican border illegally when they hit became self locating paramedics, working on both sides have saved to life, but some aren't as lucky or not. but select things. and the person who attempted to cross can united states was abandoned by the people who brought them here, a and e. and today we are a tree of the body. one of the migrants have been dying and extremely high temperatures for more than a week. now,
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on the part of the border that's in the past, so in texas, we'll sort of just dare say around one micron dies every day, but it doesn't stop people from choosing this dangerous route. it's a lot, a lot of heat, a lot of suffocating heat. there's the sand, you go through a lot of things in the desert. it's cold at night. there's rain to, it's a lot. the truth is that it's too hot. we're already little d hydrated here, but it's too much is too much heat. because it doesn't go below 43. 4445 degrees is just too hot. a lot of migrants travel through this deserts on the us self in boulder every day. researchers say deadly heating this region has become more likely due to global warming, us. so sort of just said safest for migrants to enter the country legally. we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross illegally,
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especially through the desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. but such a warnings do know deter menu of those trying to cross the hot as the summer. i still do come from scorching sheet in the us to devastating floods in bangladesh. officials of their say, 2000000 people are now stranded and the situation could get worse. the south asian countries among the world's most densely populated and is highly prone to from flooding expands, a huge flood plain and delta, the largest on earth. the swelling rivers are fed by monsoon rains in him, a lands in snow mailed, aggravated by global warming. the northeast has been especially hard head to the gun g, as in bravo to try a wine through bangladesh towards the sea,
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creating both ample, arable land and a major victim of climate. change the monsoon from june to september, sparks, floods that can submerge that part of the country. this year, the flood waters and the northeast of inundated hundreds of villages and displaced over a 1000000 people as they flee their homes. the next challenge is finding a safe shelter. oh i got on one. there is waste a quote at my house. got somebody now. i couldn't stay there with my family and took shelter in a safe house with them. now i comp return to my home because the board isn't proceeding cell phone right now. schools are being turned into shelters. climate change is shifting weather patterns and increasing the number of natural disasters. and farmers are bearing the brunt. is it? what are the gums? we are in a bad situation since the day of the 8 and the front of the board
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a entered our house. it's for you again, and i'm gonna describe this. now i have around 7 and a half 1000 to 8 and a half 1000 kilograms of papa's did patty at my house, which is still under water, because i couldn't do anything about it. my nephew, it might sound a little race, gives me a 2 pm. yep. the guy, yeah, i would have them put in some scientist believe rising sea levels could leave a 5th of bangladesh permanently under water. much of the threat is man made deforestation organization and the greater use of pesticides. the vast majority of rural bungee does she has souls rely on agriculture for their livelihood. with so much farm land under threat, global warming could devastate food security. and there's no less up in size meteorologist forecast more heavy rainfall in the next few days. this could cause land slides in healey areas and even more flooding and will ended there.
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coming up supports life needs, an amputee equestrian, and her mission to become one of the best percentage writers in the world. i'm michael lucas. thanks for watching and bye for now. the, they were brought together by chance, and they roots in the early ninety's and independence free woman. and the mother of 10 patriarchy the sooner they can, they not assess team to. it's how it's been observing the lines of how dia introduces edison. this is lines that have been shaped by debris, tennessee of rule and religious constrained, what he's telling me.


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