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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 22, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why from berlin? dozens are killed in strikes on 10 camps in southern gaza, close to a red cross field hospital that was flooded with casualties. emergency worker say the glass happen just outside an area that is real deems to be safe. also coming up a massive russian air attack targets power infrastructure across ukraine, damaging energy facilities and injuring several workers. it's the 2nd large strength by russia this week, the
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i michel loca, welcome. we start in gaza, where the, how much lead health authority says at least 25 people have been killed. and another 50 wounded by is really showing on a can for displace people near the southern city of rougher relatives. of those killed in one of the strikes near a red cross field hospital say is really forces fired a 2nd time and that last killed people who were coming out of their tents. israel's military says the incident is under review, but there was quote no indication that it had carried out a strike in the area. meanwhile, israel says it has carried out a number of strikes on has blood targets across the border of southern lebanon. these really your me says the strikes were in retaliation for attacks carried up by run back to militia in northern israel. since you october 7 terror attacks in israel subsequent war with a moss. there have been daily classrooms between these really army hezbollah and
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allied groups in the border area between israel and lebanon, the united nations secretary general, antonio. good. terry says he is deeply concerned about the cross border hostility. the reason for the conflict came to me the least. why then is real. must be void is when rational, when miscalculation. good thing is that a catastrophe that goes far beyond the board of this. and frankly, beyond imagination. let's be clear, is the people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford 11 on to become another garza, my wife is own shine in tel aviv works for the international crisis group. i asked her how close we might already be to the reality that the un secretary general is warning about. in some ways we've been close to that for nearly 9 months now since police, but i opened up a 2nd front after the hamas attack. and like you said,
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any miscalculation at any moment, you could strike a bigger war. and i think it's important to keep in mind that we've been at this daily for 8 months. and it's remarkable that it hasn't deteriorated into a more escalation. and i think that's a testament to the fact that neither side is interested in an all out war. so the question is, how do we get the quiet? and i think at this point, even if israel doesn't like it, it is a link to a cease fire. and guys, which is something that as well as the leader has refused to do even to get the hostages back. but at this point in time, please, paula has been quite clear that that would be the prerequisite for at least the beginning of a defacto quiet on the northern border. and until that happens, we will continue to be in a situation. and at any point in time, it could break out into further escalation. has a lot of courses allied with moss in the gaza strip, but is considered much more powerful. how would a war with hezbollah differ from the one we're all watching in real time with
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a much it would be absolutely devastated for both sides. um, it was a devastating war in 2006 uh for both sides, but primarily in lebanon. and please by law has a mast itself, a huge amount of precise weaponry and munitions. and it has been testing out those weapons in israel and testing as well as defense systems. and frankly, also after 8 months of war, uh to friends is ro is not really prepared, i think for, for this kind of escalation. and it's also a question what, what did a cheese, if it did, they did 11 on. and how long would that last? but either way, you know, israel has promised to destroy the route, please spell that has said that it could invade the go lead, which is a northern israel. it wouldn't be catastrophic for both sides. and the situation in which you already have displaced persons. you already have people being injured, being killed, and it would be possibly also
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a wider regional war that us could be dragged in. it would be a disaster. my rap this past week in washington, us secretary of state entity blinking, spelled out the paradox of this conflict. quite simply. it's a war, nobody wants, not. israel not has a bla and certainly not the lebanese. so wine never the less are we heading in that direction at least as well as things please, bala has decided to link the to friends. and i think that that link is now cemented and israel a understands, but it needs to decide how it wants to position itself. and so far it has allowed the operation in gaza despite the fact that it has made no strategic breakthrough to continue even at the expense of what's happening on its northern border. even without providing any type of plan or timeline for the 10s of thousands of citizens who want to go back to their homes. so you know, i think this is partly it's definitely the honest is on a piece of bala and on the axis of resistance,
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which has decided that it will keep up the pressure on israel as long as it is it hostilities in gaza. but it's also on israel to decide on a strategic plan and a policy for the future security of, of its, of its citizens. this is something that has to do also with its occupation and continued military control over the palestinian people, which is something but many countries in the middle east are not willing to tolerate. but also in terms of how is rel, understands its future if it wants to continue with the war, or if it wants to try at least to pursue a positive diplomacy, right, which it hasn't done for a very long time. that's a my rafa is on shine intel to be from the international crisis group. really appreciate your time and your perspective. thank you to ukraine now and a fresh wave of russian drone and missile attacks on ukraine's power infrastructure overnight injuring at least to energy workers. you created an official say the
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attacks targeted facilities, and those that provides you and levine regions. they say ukraine's air defense systems shot down 12 of the 16 missiles and all 13 drones launched by russia. it was the 2nd major strike this week after missiles hit, the city of creevy re and odessa on friday. a i asked military analyst frank language about the strategic advantages that russia aims to achieve by targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure. but i think guys, as most of you as well know, remember this is positive, a long campaign conducted by the russian apple cities around space courses against ukraine's power generation before they got it. well was mentioning that the crazy power system is very resilient. most of it has nuclear power, but more than hoss that won't be tough. so you kind of always retain a cool, literally course power. but recently, in particular, over the last couple of months, rushed as a great success in the conventional pilot, you know,
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talking conventional pos station, notably, typically a pos station soccer care, completely destroyed on several others including an attack last night. and it seems to be quite well tactically conducted by the russian russians for, besides, i think from long range bombers and diversions from shaw heats, producing some degree of damage. what is possible long comp pay to purposes 1st to undermine your credit capability? is a state to suppose is military and deborah, and secondly of cost to undermine civilian moran will suffice. costly the lot to objective. it's disastrously failing in the for damaging the pol capacity it's, it's unfortunately counting something effects again, military analyst, frank led with a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. german economy minister, robert holl back has told the chinese officials that propose european union tariffs on chinese made electric cars are not a punishment visiting beijing ha back said the plan levies were meant to level the
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playing field in the face of excessive subsidies. chinese companies have called for retaliation. 3 people had been killed and 10 others injured into shooting at a supermarket in the us. state of arkansas. among the wounded are 2 police officers who exchange fire and shot the gunman. a 44 year old suspects has been arrested and charged with murder. the man who has salted the husband of former us house speaker, nancy pelosi has been convicted for a 2nd time. last month, the federal court handed david to pop 30 years before the hammer tech 2 years ago. the california jury has now found him guilty of aggravated kidnapping. he faces a live sentence. a switched court has sent into members of britain's rich. his family can between 4 and 4 and a half years in prison for exploiting domestic workers. precaution him to try his wife, son and daughter in law,
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were accused of making their staff work long hours for little pay in geneva. they were cleared of human trafficking charges in paris. the river send is currently too dirty for olympic athletes to compete a fresh sample show. the water quality has degraded and the concentration of eco line bacteria is higher than the recommended limit. the games begin in late july. the backup plan is to postpone open water swimming events for a few days. so the united states as impose sanctions on a dozen executives of the russia based cyber security firm casper ski lap. the announcement comes a day after washington unveiled plans to ban us sales of the companies antivirus software on national security grounds. the commerce department said an investigation has found that caspar skis, operations were vulnerable to russian government influence and the company's access
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to sensitive data could be exported by moscow for cyber attacks. guess burskey says it will appeal the kremlin has accused washington of unfair competition. well here in germany at the european football championships, france and the netherlands have played out the 1st goal. this game of the tournament, frances store captain, killing him, bobby was on the bench for the matter after suffering a broken nose in their opening fixture. there was a disappointment for the dodge when javi siemens goal was ruled off for off side after a lengthy varcheck. neither france nor than edwards have yet qualified for the next round. france face pulling on tuesday while the netherlands will play. austria in france are flocking to germany stadiums for the euros from across europe and beyond . but the countries transport infrastructure and particularly it's trained network,
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which has struggled with punctuality in recent years, has led many to question whether germany deserves its international reputation for efficiency. a reporter, emily gorgine joined the crowds at a recent game to get their opinions. it's 2 o'clock on a sunday. i'm done. financial hub has turned into a john bull found zone. in a few hours tournament favorite things in denmark. and yet most fear is expected. off in albany and lot of people were so friendly, having a great time. not everyone's been so nice to us. yeah. it's been great. bobby is in full swing and i'm like i said, these guys had that need to worry about the be a running out. but the other big question to fans is tons of these infrastructure. quite thousands of sounds were left waiting was when england met sub yet and gave them cushion leading to shop criticism of organization and damaging demi's
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reputation for efficiency. being absolutely meant the office be ready. everyone to go then cook and the other day, todd hall was the bed. rubbish. like a bit rubbish. it was very robust. well it's because i don't. i'm absolute know what man. yeah. was none of them been on so it's not a single trying has been on solar kick off is approaching and the funds begin making the way to the stadium. let's see whether we can guess in farms and residents and like have to squeeze that the train wouldn't move where hits without fast delays and only after very swear, 315 minutes. wait. the train rumbles on your impress so far. i'm not a toll being to be, every wilcox is 90 i just saw and this has been the was tournament in terms of organization for a long time. no, i can remember one step away from the stadium. the train stops again. so the train,
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just 3 everyone out goes out to the gym and efficiency is very disappointing. not nothing else than that. that's raise up at the end. denmark is on the radar to everyone's surprise, the trains don't continue so long. i need a few minutes late to it, arrives at the stadium. how do you feel now that you've actually made it to the stadium hub, so happy. we're going to win this mess tonight. you know. i know you're telling us about this. i don't know. there is tons out. neither of them was right, but at least they made it to the match in time to. well, people in sweden have been celebrating midsummer's eve, one of the biggest events of the year in stockholm locals and tourists gathered at sunset. that's the world's oldest open air museum. the weekend long celebrations
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align with the northern hemisphere summer solstice, and celebrate the peak of summer. the coming of sports life meets an amputee equestrian. and her mission to become one of the best facade writers in the world. i'm michael locus. thanks for watching the dream of revolution. it dictates as somoza was closed out. that changed my life. the people hoped for a sara i imagined we would change the world. tens of thousands of messages from all over the world wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream.


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