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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin. dozens were killed in strikes on 10 camps in southern garza, close to a red cross field hospital that was flooded with casualties. emergency worker shea . the blast happened just outside an area that is real deems to be sate. also coming off a massive russian air attack targets power infrastructure across ukraine, damaging energy facilities and injuring several workers. it's the 2nd large strength by russia this week, the
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and a warm welcome to you, our viewers around the world. a micro loco. we stored in garza where the home us glad health authority says at least 25 people have been killed and another 50 wounded bike is really showing on a camp for displaced people near the southern city of ruffled relatives of those killed in one of the strikes near a red cross field, hospital se is really forces fired a 2nd time and that last killed people who were coming out of the tents. israel's military says the incident is under review, but there was quote no indication that it had carried out a strike in the area. meanwhile, israel says it has carried out a number of strikes and has split targets across the border in southern lebanon. these really armies says the strikes were in retaliation for tax carried out by a run back militia in northern israel. since you october 7 terror attacks and israel subsequent war with a boss. there have been daily clashes between these really army hezbollah and
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allied groups in the border area between israel and lebanon, the united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez says he's deeply concerned about the cross border hostilities. the reason for the conflict seems to me the least. why that is real, must be avoided, is when rational, when miscalculation. cool thing is that a catastrophe that goes far beyond the board of this. and frankly, beyond imagination. let's be clear, is the people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford 11 on to become and not the gaza. my ref zone showing intel be works for the international crisis group. i asked her how close we might already be to the reality that the un secretary general is wanting about. but in some ways, we've been close to that for nearly 9 months now since police, but i opened up
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a 2nd front after the hamas attack. and like you said, any miscalculation at any moment, you could strike a bigger war. and i think it's important to keep in mind that we've been at this daily for 8 months. and it's remarkable that it hasn't deteriorated into a more escalation. and i think that's a testament to the fact that neither side is interested in an all out war. so the question is, how do we get the quiet? and i think at this point, even if israel doesn't like it, it is a link to a cease fire. and guys, which is something that as well as the leader has refused to do even to get the hostages back. but at this point in time, please spell that has been quite clear that that would be the prerequisite for at least the beginning of a defacto quiet on the northern border. and until that happens, we will continue to be in a situation at any point in time. it could break out further escalation has bla, of course, is allied with moss in the gaza strip, but is considered much more powerful. how would a war with hezbollah differ from the one we're all watching in real time with
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a much it would be absolutely devastated for both sides. um, it was a devastating war. 2006 uh for both sides, but primarily in life and on. and please by law has a mast itself, a huge amount of precise weaponry and munitions. and it has been testing out those weapons in israel and testing as well as defense systems. and frankly, also after 8 months of war, uh to friends, israel is not really prepared, i think for this kind of escalation. and it's also a question what, what did a cheve innovated 11 on and how long with that last. but either way, you know, israel has promised to describe a route to spell that has said that it could invade the go lead, which is a northern israel. it would be catastrophic for both sides. and the situation in which you already have displaced persons who already have people being injured, being killed. and it would be possibly also
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a wider regional war that us could be dragged in. it would be a disaster. my rap this past week in washington, us secretary of state entity blinking, spelled out the paradox of this conflict. quite simply. it's a war, nobody wants, not. israel not has a bla and certainly not the lebanese. so why never the less are we heading in that direction at least as well as things please bala has decided to link the to friends. and i think that that link is now cemented and israel understands, but it needs to decide how it wants to position itself. and so far it has allowed the operation in gaza despite the fact that it has made no strategic breakthrough to continue even at the expense of what's happening on its northern border. even without providing any kind of plan or timeline for the 10s of thousands of citizens who want to go back to their homes. so you know, i think this is partly it's definitely the honest is please bala. and on the axis
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of resistance, which has decided that it will keep up the pressure on israel as long as it is it hostilities and gaza. but it's also on israel to decide on a strategic plan and a policy for the future security of, of its, of its citizens. this is something that has to do also with its occupation and continued military control over the palestinian people, which is something but many countries in the middle east are not willing to tolerate. but also in terms of how is rel, understands its future if it wants to continue with war, or if it wants to try at least to pursue a positive diplomacy, right, which it hasn't done for a very long time. that's a my rapids on shine. intel to be from the international crisis. we really appreciate your time and your perspective. thank you to ukraine now and a fresh wave of russian drone and missile attacks on ukraine's power infrastructure overnighted injuring, at least to energy workers. ukrainian officials say the attacks targeted facilities
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in this after we've you and leave regions. they say, ukraine's air defense systems shut down 12 of the 16 missiles and all 13 groans will launch by russia. it was the 2nd major strike this week after missiles hit, the city of cruise, the re and odessa on friday. a i s military analyst frank language about the strategic advantages that rush at aims through cheve by targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure. well, i think most of most of us will know that, but this is positive, a long campaign conducted by the russian at both cities around space forces against ukraine's power generation. before i got it well was mentioning that the crazy power system is very resilient. most of it has nuclear power, but more than hoss that won't be tough. so you kind of always retain that cool mix with the course power. but recently, in particular, over the last couple of months,
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rushed as a great success in the conventional pilot. you know, talking provincial, pos, patient, notably. typically a past patients off the tier completely destroyed on several others including an attack last night. and it seems to be quite well talk to k conducted by the russian russians. for besides, i think from long range bombers and diversions from sha hates producing some degree of damage, but it's possible long comp paid to purposes 1st or undermine your credit is covered capability. is a state to support his military endeavor and secondly, of cost to undermine civilian. brown will suffice costly the lot to objective. it's disastrously failing in the full damaging the pol capacity it's, it's unfortunately not accepting effects again, military analysts are frank language. they're a brief look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. german economy, ministry of globe a top book has told chinese officials that propose european union terrorists on chinese made electric cars are not
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a punishment visiting beijing ha back said the plan levies were meant to level the playing field and the face of excessive subsidies. chinese companies have called for retaliation. for 3 people had been killed and 10 others injured in a shooting at a supermarket in the us state of arkansas. among the wounded are 2 police officers who a strange fire in shot. the gunman, a 44 year old suspect, has been arrested and charged with murder. a switch court has sent into members of britain's riches family to between 4 and 4 and a half years in prison for exporting domestic workers. percussion, due to his wife, son and daughter in law, were accused of making their staff work long hours for little pay in geneva. they were cleared of human trafficking charges. officials in bangladesh, a devastating floods have left 2000000 people stranded and the situation could get
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worse. the south asian countries among the world's most densely populated and it's highly prone to flooding expands a huge flood plain and delta, the largest on earth. the swelling rivers are fed by monsoon rains, and emily and snow melt accurate, aggravated by global warming. the north east has been especially hard had the ganges and drama co trow wine through bangladesh towards the sea, creating both ample, arable land on a major victim of climate. change the monsoon from june to september, sparks, floods that can submerge that part of the country. this year the flood waters in the northeast have inundated hundreds of villages and displaced over a 1000000 people as they flee their homes. the next challenge is finding a safe shelter. oh, i got on one. there is waste a quote at my house, not somebody, not. i couldn't stay there with my family and took shelter in
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a safe house with them. now i compet ton to my home because the board a isn't receipt in cell phone right now. the schools are being turned into shelters, climate change, the shifting weather patterns and increasing the number of natural disasters. and farmers are bearing the brunt. is it? what are the company we are in a bad situation since the day of the 8? i'll try and get him over to front of the board. a entered our house at 3 am. and what i'm gonna do for this now i have around 7 and a half 1000 to 8 and a half 1000 kilograms. that pop is, did patty at my house? which is still under water because i couldn't do anything about it. my nephew and my son and bill rescued me a to pm. yep, the guy. yeah, i will double in some scientists believe rising sea levels could leave a 5th of bangladesh permanently under water. much of the threat is man made
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deforestation organization and the greater use of pesticides. the vast majority of rural bungee does she has souls rely on agriculture for their livelihood. with so much farmland, under threat global warming could devastate food security. and there's no let up in size meteorologist forecasts more heavy rainfall in the next few days. this could cause land slides in healey areas and even more flooding. a united states has imposed sanctions on a dozen executives of the russian based cyber security from casper ski lab. the announcement comes a day after washington unveiled plans to ban us sales of the companies antivirus software on national security grants. the commerce department set an investigation had found that caspar skews operations were vulnerable to russian government influence. and the company's access to sensitive data could be exploded by moscow
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for cyber attacks. guest burskey says it will appeal the kremlin has accused washington of unfair competition. we asked or professor via the security law dentist. kenzie kicker about the risk of this anti virus software. yes. so if you look at the communication of all of your so far the so you can see that we are primarily talking about a lot of political assumptions and with that of course peers. so is there for less about what has happened in the past regarding cyber security and data privacy issues. it's more about what's to be feared than the future from a technical perspective stand in germany, for example. it's a federal information security office abuse. i a some most important cyber security, all sorts of jeremy, that's also warned about to spear our ski in the past. in the year 2022. that serious consequences could occur if the software continues to be used. but so far, technically speaking, um, nothing has happened. so we are therefore talking
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a lot about risks here at about. i have to start to good possibilities and it's also to mention them that in the us we do not see at the moment the whole band of the software itself. but it's mostly about it because best the antivirus software which may no longer be offered on the us market. so to say some companies and private people who are still may use this software or the products. but of course this would be difficult. and if the company and no longer, for example, provides any kinds of updates on the u. s. american market. and finally, to a beauty contests of a different kind in the us state of california, the annual world ugly as dog contests, where tens of thousands of people come to cheer on the under dogs. among some of the most curious looking k nines this year is not so hot dog as an 8 year old, picking these named wild thing. he and his own are to come a check for $5000.00 proving that every dog can have his day. the contest has been
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going on since the 19 seventy's. that's a good place to stop coming up. it's our tech joe shift a mike, look good. thanks for watching hanging there. more news right around the corner. the as to what did you do before? i came to china. she survived our streets, thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is more on the the genuine 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power and.


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