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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the news live from ballot as tensions arising between the israel and has blocked a start warning from the head of the you and that the world kind of forward for 11 to become another, gaza when rational, when these calculations did a good test and fee that goes far beyond the board of this. and frankly, beyond imagination. also coming up for us at target's pilot infrastructure, and that's the fast strikes across ukraine, damaging energy facilities and injuring several workers. it's the 2nd largest drive
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by russia this week. foss with the european foot pole championship in full swing, germany is trustful system, struggles to cope delays and cancellations, lead football fans doubting germany's reputation for efficiency. the gab offers welcome to the program. we begin in the middle east, where there are growing fields of a whitening conflict along israel's northern border with lebanon. israel that has been carrying out strikes against as blah targets in southern lebanon, in retaliation, full cross border attacks. israel released these images, which it says show south that a strike that killed a senior hamas ally in east and lebanon. near the countries border with syria is ready. the military said he was targeted for his involvement in terrorist
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activities inside use against israel. since the october 7, so attacks in israel subsequent rule, that's how most up in daily cash is between these ray, the army has with them and all the groups in the area between israel and 11 united nations secretary general until unable to better says he is deeply concerned about the cross border hostilities, the risk for the conflict seems to me the least why this is real, must be avoid is when rational, when miscalculation. cool thing is that a catastrophe that goes far beyond the board of this. and frankly, beyond imagination. let's be clear, is the people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford to live in on to become another godsa. i asked the military analyst in the middle and about the likelihood of israel whitening it's full against has pulled off. good afternoon,
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garrah hard. well, it is very likely at this stage and the depends on what the allies can do to broke or some sort of a ceasefire. because israel has demonstrated that this is mary committed to start it's operation and solve and leave alone in order to protect the board drain settlements to board the ring, use row settlements. so unless there is some kind of resolution to that, which would mean that should be a resolution for the war in golf as well. i think such an incursion might be immune and doctor rule. now has the law is allied with hamas and gaza, but is considered to be much more powerful what, what a war with has blood looked like. and which way would it differ from the one with homos? so what do i have to understand here is that hezbollah has been receiving
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a lot of support from a rand, including and what can read money and training. it's much bigger fighting force that has rockets, brains, and missiles, even to these rel site. until now, they have been using a so called guerrilla tactics. that being said, if it's rarely were to start this incursion, in order to secure the security setting, hash block might be able to launch missiles at east rally targets. and so that, that would lead to essentially, to civilian casualties in which case is where i would probably want to start taking out hospitalized missile launchers 1st before such an operation. but in the grand scheme, i think it's rarely incursion into living on which has already, problems in terms of its economy in terms of its politics, could potentially bring the country into
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a collapse. meaning that it would trigger allows for vacuum of power and unfold a much broder conflict in the middle east. now from military perspective, called israel a for a war on 2 fronts as well. that's a good question. we know historically is that israel has been able to conduct worse on 2 fronts, but we have to take the context here into your account for as there is a lot of political pressure on nothing. yeah, specifically from those nose and sacraments, who vote for his liquid party or associated part is to conduct his operations, the military, some in the military. some high ranking generals do not feel that it is a good idea and of some say that it is going to deplete the is rarely army, and over stretch its capabilities, because the war and casa hasn't been conclusive down. the military objectives have
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not been achieved, which means that israel will have to re deploy some of its units from gaza to the lebanese border to come back to us incursion. that in turn means again this will give a breezing room for hamas to regroup and recover, which doesn't necessarily favor east road from a military perspective here. right, on the, on the military on the listing colors, london, the thank you very much. marina. thank you for having me. as we stand the reason the use top diplomat is demanding an investigation into a shelley near a red cross field hospital and southern gaza that killed at least 22 people. joseph, put out rhodes rhodes on social media platform x that those are responsible for the attack in the city or for a file must be held accountable for the homeless run health industry and gaza as glen israel. for this truck, as well as military says, the incident is under review,
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but there was quotes no indication that it had carried out. a strike in that area. ukraine's president followed them as a lensky says, at least 3 people have been killed by a russian as strike on a residential building in the city of car keys dozens more injured. meanwhile, electricity companies and ukraine have announced further powered costs of the fresh russian strikes on the energy infrastructure. in recent months, russia has been stepping up. it strikes on pa facilities leading to a push for alternative energy sources. and also a piece of civilian infrastructure damaged by a russian, a strike ukrainian authority, say this school and collect buddy was hit on friday along with the food storage depot in the city center. and on saturday, russia struck the power network hitting a gas facility. as far west as lives and the not the inside, patricia in the southeast injuring several ukraine's president below them is the
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landscape says half the countries energy production capacity has been damaged by russia since march causing blackouts and shutdowns across the country. last week he announced he was looking at ways to get citizens off the power grid. what are the thoughts and on that kind of what the government has been tasked with, immediately presenting and programs to encourage the installation of solar generation and energy storage systems in ukraine programs that is favorable as possible. so list these to the landscape stresses the old hospitals and schools must be fitted with solar panels. quickly. many hospitals of already begun the process of installing solar systems on the rooftops like this one and keep the hospital director says he has to prepare his facility for every possibility. but i think you're most proud we see what's happening. we see what the law says. we have
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in the energy sector drop and we have to be prepared to ensure that some institutions can provide quality medical care and work non stop. lee in the meanwhile company selling solar products had been inundated with customer inquiries . ever since the 1st power cuts or nobody else, cuz also some with steve, it's just not physically possible to pick up the phone and listen to what every single client once we have 202250, missed calls a day. it's just not possible to do that. we took a look for land, you know what to do for me. and that demand for solar panels look set to only get more intense with the prospect of more blackouts ahead of a quick look. now some of the other stories making headlines around the world today . germany's economy minister robots all of us. how back has told chinese officials that you tariff some electric cause made in china and lots of punishments visiting
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badging. hubig said the plan duties was meant to level the playing fields in the face of excessive subsidies. chinese companies have called for retaliation, egyptian prime and it's done most of monthly as ordered authorities to revoke the licenses of 16 tourism companies. they also must refer the executives to the public prosecutor. the order came off to more than 650 exemptions died during this year's hodge due to high temperatures. it said the company is engaged in deceptive practices to send telephones to hodge without proper authorization. 3 people have been killed and 10 others injured in a shooting at a supermarket in the us state of arkansas. among the wounded 2 police officers, we exchanged firewood and shots. the government at 44 year old suspects has been arrested and charged with murder us here in germany at 0 pm
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football championships, funds and the netherlands have played out. the 1st goal is game of the tournament. francis stop compton area and then the pay was on the bench for the match off to suffering, a broken nose in the opening fixed step. it was disappointment for the dots, wind, hobbies the months goal was ruled out of sight after a lengthy, via check. now the fronds, no benevolence of yet qualified for the next round and finds flocking to germany stadiums folder, euros from across europe and beyond. but the country's transport infrastructure and particularly it's radio network, which has struggled with punctuality in recent years, has led to, has led many to question whether germany deserves its international reputation for efficiency. are opposed to emulate gording joining the crowds, a recent game to get their opinions. it's 2 o'clock on thursday. i'm done.
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financial hub has turned into a time for full fans. i'm in a few hours tournament favorite things and then not i'm yet most fear is expected off in albany and lot of people were so friendly, having a great time. not everyone's been so nice to us. yeah, it's been great. bobby is in full swing and i'm like, i said, these guys had that need to worry about the be a running out. but the other big question to fans is tons on the infrastructure. quite thousands of sounds were left waiting was when england met sub yet and galvan cushion leading to shop criticism of organization and damaging demi's reputation for efficiency. being absolutely the goals in cook and the other day todd hall was a bit rubbish. like a bit robust. it was very robust. well, it's not on an absolute no. what man was,
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none of them been on solar single trying has been on solar to kick off is approaching, understands, begin making the way to the stadium. let's see whether we can guess in farms and residents. a might have to squeeze that the train wind moves hits without fast delays and only after very swear, 315 minutes. wait. the train rumbles on. you impressed so far, not a toll being to be every well cups is 90. i went to can saw and this has been the was tournament in terms of organization for a long time. no, i can remember one step away from the stadium. the train stops again. so the train just 3 everyone out. i know guys out the gym and efficiency is very disappointing. not nothing else than that. that's raise up at the denmark.
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it's all the way down to everyone's surprise, the trains don't continue. so rosy revolt, a few minutes later it arrives at the stadium. how do you feel now that you've actually made it to the hub? cut, so happy. we're going to win this mess tonight. i know you're telling us about this. i don't know those which turns out. neither of them was right, but at least they made it to the match in time. before we go to abuse, a context of a different kind in the us state of california, the annual wealth, ugliest dog context with tens of thousands of people come to share on the under dogs among some of the most curious looking. okay, now this is not so hot dog as an 8 year old, picking these names wild fine. he is on a took home
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a check for $5000.00 proving that every dog is day. the contest has been going on since the 19 seventy's. and with that, you up to date, thanks for watching. the dream of revolution. in 1979, the hated dictators somoza was forced out of nicaragua. the people hoped for cyrus society and received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world . and for 1000 collins had to help with reconstruction.


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