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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news life in berlin. these really military hills, a leader of a top, come off ally and 11 on israel release has images. but it says show the strikes as fears, grow of a liner war in the middle east. also coming up russia targets power infrastructure in mass of air strikes across ukraine, damaging energy facilities and injuring several workers. it's the largest of large 2nd large strikes by russia this week. plus barcelona is drastic plan to cut the housing cost of mass tourism drives prices up and out of the reach of ordinary
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residents. the marietta evans dean, welcome. we begin in the middle east where there are growing fears of an all out war between israel and the run back to has belonged militia and 11 on israel released these images, which it says shows saturdays. tried that killed a senior hum us ally in eastern 11 on near the countries border with serious these really military said he was targeted for his involvement in terrorist activities. israel and has the law have been trading near daily border fire since the october 7th. how much attacks the earlier we as military analyst, marina muran, israel could afford
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a war on 2 fronts. we know historically that israel has been able to conduct worse on 2 fronts, but we have to take the context here into your account for as there is a lot of political pressure on nothing. yeah, specifically from those nose and settlements who vote for his liquid party or associated part is to conduct his operations, the military, some in the military. some high ranking generals do not feel that it is a good idea and of some say that it is going to deplete the east riley army, and over stretch its capabilities because the war and casa hasn't been conclusive down. the military objectives have not been achieved, which means of israel will have to re deploy some of its units from gaza to the lebanese border to come back to us incursion. that in turn means again this will give a breezing room for hamas to regroup and recover,
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which doesn't necessarily favor each route from a military perspective. here. that was military analysts. marina may run from king's college london. well the use tom diplomat is demanding an investigation into shelling near a red cross field hospital in southern gaza. the killed at least $22.00 people use the burrell wrote on the social media platform, acts of those responsible for the attack. and the city of ruffled must be held accountable. the mos run health industry and gaza has blamed israel for the strike . israel's military says the incident is under review, but there was quote no indication that it had carried out a strike in that area. meanwhile, the world health organization is warning that extreme sheet and gaza could have worse and health problems for palestinians already living in dire conditions. it
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also said these really military's daily pause and fighting, had not improved deliveries of badly needed supplies. the charity doctors without borders is warning it may be for us to stop or reduce its activities in gaza. if more supplies are not received in the coming days, alexandra siaz a spokesperson for save the children i asked or how the heat is impact, impacting the already dire situation in gaza. thank you for having me and even the ford as he waves the conditions on the ground were absolutely osha's. and this heat wave is gonna be catastrophic for children and gods that remember early on in the war, israel had shut off the electricity to gaza. and now much of the infrastructure has been destroyed and so there is no air conditioning. the families are basically living under tents without any i mean with,
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with very little fuel to cool off. and so the conditions are very, very hot. and this combined with the fuel shortages, the lack of clean water is making it a breeding ground for health problems and infectious diseases. and so, you know, being early on in the summer, we're expecting things to get much worse. well children, of course, are among the most vulnerable in gaza. tell us what their most urgent needs are and how can the international community help the children in gaza as the biggest need that children and gaza have at the moment is safety. i'm no place in gauze that is safe to get just yesterday there was an attack on a red cross nearby, near a red cross facility where there were dozens of displaced families living and seeking shelter. and you know,
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these mass casualty events we're seeing happening again and again and again, including an area is that israel has declared as so called st. john's are safer areas. and so the sense that there's no sense of safety and security for children. there continue to be sling for their lives with their families and finding no place to truly seek any sort of this refuge or, or safety. in addition to that, due to the lack of supplies from, for in medical supplies. we're also seeing children dying due to lack of medical assistance. remember we're seeing children losing their limbs due to the use of explosive weapons and densely populated areas. and health professionals and doctors and gaza are forced to conduct emergency surgeries and respond to these trauma cases with very few supplies in hand. and so that is also one of the
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biggest needs for, for children at the moment. of course, the lack of clean water is causing dehydration and fueling the disease as well. and with the, with out sufficient humanitarian assistance, including food and other supplies. it's making the situation even more dire. that was alexandra siad from the n g o save the children. thank you so much for your time. thank you for having me to ukraine's president, when there's a landscape says at least 3 people have been killed by a russian air strike on hark. of dozens more were wounded in the attack on a residential bill. thing in the country. second largest city, which has increasingly been targeted by russia in recent months. so lovely said the attack underscore is ukraine's need for health, and it's fine against russia. moscow has also been stepping up, it strikes and you cranes energy infrastructure. that's prompted
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a new round of power cuts and a push for alternative energy sources and also a piece of civilian infrastructure damaged by a russian, a strike ukrainian authority say this school and collect buddy was hit on friday along with the food storage depot in the city center and on saturday, russia struck the power network hitting a gas facility as far west as the beef and another in separate issue in the southeast, injuring several ukraine's president followed him. is the landscape says half the country's energy production capacity has been damaged by russia since march, causing blackouts and shutdowns across the country. last week he announced he was looking at ways to get citizens off the power grid. what are the adults and on there kind of the government has been tasked with immediately presenting and programs to encourage the installation of solar generation and energy storage
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systems in ukraine. programs that is favorable as possible. the list is to the landscape stresses the old hospitals and schools must be fitted with solar panels. quickly. many hospitals have already begun the process of installing solar systems on the rooftops like this one and keys. the hospital director says he has to prepare his facility for every possibility but i think you're most proud we see what's happening. we see want losses. we have in the energy sector drop and we have to be prepared to ensure that some institutions can provide quality medical care and work non stop. in the meanwhile company selling solar products have been inundated with customer inquiries ever since the 1st power cuts as nobody else. cuz also summer steve is just not physically possible to pick up the phone and listen to what every single client once we have 202250, missed calls
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a day. it's just not possible to do that. let me take a look for me here. what's your telephone name and that demand for solar panels look set to only get more intense, with the prospect of more blackouts ahead. rescuers or racing to save several people still missing after heavy rains unleashed flooding and last lines in switzerland. the region of good i'll boonton and the tourist hotspot of tomato were among the areas hit, the hardest president said she was shocked by the scale of the damage. a sea of mud stranded cars and other debris covers a part of the village in switzerland, picturesque meiza valley. a powerful landslide struck here on the weekend and golfing several houses and cutting his ways through the last alpine valley. 3
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people are missing somewhere in this area. rescue teams of scouring the terrain. a few minutes ones that often. so funding them is our mission. there's no question about that. we're trying everything and up how, with all the means and possibilities. we have it out disposal to find these people . it is difficult to hope that there will be survive is in the view of the damage that we believe we will. i'm going to be heavy. rain and melting snow have caused flooding in several areas of switzerland, including in some up of the another land slide was captured on camera as it struck the popular tourist destination with almost deafening noise. the a quick clean up operation has launch, leave restored normality to it. so much thoughts on saturday morning. well, sorry to said the town near the eye clinic mount
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a home mountain remains inaccessible. pig summer travel season is getting underway here in europe and with it. the debate over when torres and becomes too much of a burden for locals following months of protest against mass tourism in spain, barcelona is mayor, has announced his city plans to ban short term torres department rentals, spain. socialist housing minister says the move is a step in the right direction to guarantee access to affordable housing. barcelona, one of your ups top tourist destinations. it's big business. and for many locals, a big headache. barcelona, his popularity has made an increasingly expensive place to live. the cities left as mirrors. as apartment rents have risen nearly 70 percent over the past decade. one of the reasons the boom in short term tourist rentals on platforms such as air
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b and b. now the mirrors, those barcelona will stop granting licenses for tourist rentals and not renew existing ones. yes, almost not. this will allow us to put $10000.00 apartments on the market for sale or rent. looking at what that means, that it will restore the residential use that they never should have lost so. so what i mean didn't get to the end of it, but it either. but the association representing hundreds of owners, warns the move will have serious economic consequences. yes, things like this would lead to many job losses. 40 percent of the people working in the tourism sector could lose the jobs. it's bad news for the city and i'm thinking about some barcelona residents are also skeptical on the plan. so you know, assuming business and it's unfair from india or something. okay, that's not a good idea. yeah. the owners association says tours department represents less than one percent of all residential units in barcelona and stay. the tourist rental
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ban won't solve the cities housing shortage. the group also warns the band could lead to an underground market of illegal unregistered tourist departments. and now to the european football championship for a tournament new coverage, georgia health, the czech republic, 2 a $11.00, draw. the results leaves both teams with one point from 2 games. both would need to win their final group stage match next wednesday to progress to the knockout rounds . meanwhile, portugal had already reached the knockout stages thanks to convincing 3 meal victory today. over turkey, the $26.00 team tournament champions will advance as group winners. and the belgian fans who were already celebrating long before kick off were not disappointed by their team. the so called red devils one to to nail against romania making up for a surprising opening game defeats to. and that's the
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latest on the w news. this our off next is our tech show shift a marietta evans team from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for the company. the questions got any issues or thoughts say what the amount was being in the username. i mean, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping, dw, you probably.


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