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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  June 23, 2024 6:30am-7:00am CEST

6:30 am
shit no, because i trust the keep you because there's only 4 to check the cook children's 3 generations. one jenny starts july 7th on d w the the you through the order. oh yes. and then have see these go from yeah yeah, i'll see. much sad. yeah. well, he missed the thread. well, system vix. so for you take plus, know that you're able to edit the believe me edition need red headed data to be seen in the ability to get ahead and send this
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horner before you while i was living. they've been on the bus, did you bring them back to the bus? usually while i did, you got the higher please. of the
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diva hedge, meet him, long leave on some of the body of the to give up a vague dis thrown. then they, i sold him, he said, you have to go maple goss done. go ahead. 30 him over new york a month. that even russia. yes. is that all that does clear to is 15 on golf to go on ebay. you belong to him. if he's at all, then he bought this fake federal then siege menu. this to succeed. duffy please said will be. so this morning i landed
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him fixate leave and the someone cannot get through a multi 1000003 for duty do. so to the ocean, you see a, in the of also i'm schooling and the man this steve boy is through the, of the key dream. and that's a bit on how the goes to school. so mean, did all, and this goes because the heading, this is to be in the who involved me get the goals i'd or lou of who the this of seen a loud or do some this from the vent that to him that the soul comcast rules and eaves but the thing are they had now to the same
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it into seeing threat on or not much 31, kristen or for my my teeth pulled on and this mon most and it the best for got much i let the most at that the that i say it has that ticket at the my that over to that go back 6. so it's gonna have had been heavy a fee of a both when i but they must have, had been, had a definitely may have had lesson from both on the income depend on this is a surely meant if i did bosley them. what if in the denny they mean interview motor? i like how you didn't have the bad. i mean, wait a minute,
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we must. it was the number that she was a she, i have me ma'am with that machine. imagine me. and then all of us, i got the then and her husband was says it was a, the, the me see needs a to cool to in the motion for the head, the lead on. well, i live in a little a made on nobody that now and then had another heavy shape you know, send them a all the list to now thing to put in the to, for i say you and if you men who in some of the 3 yet and shit, the
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from me in the it's got house is part of me is not on beta in the bottom. that fuck funds. how did for choke some? yes, i'd be 30 my my shod yellow barn and then let the milan him to see it in will get all should be bundled my teeth in school is child. yeah. for of the drug of tools. so net to head do this. i mean, it being thought, color, cdn or, and g, the barn and vix 2 or the turn up live use best move now. and if they're in 1st
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to the team. if that had the believe them yesterday or chief the say may and can see some fun. how devolved you know, to move off you don't order because it flushed up on the dominic side. yeah. out of a company non how you do what they said there was a can anybody about that has think about it in many mm so colored zip they run into place in the
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emergency cannot the bottom sonia. so they do to let the he left a 1000000 of the go, the tip, but i'm not sure through the got the high a journeyman. now i'm a homeless punch. i don't want to pay monthly. my sons, the end dodge, with all the ones that i'm the base. any mom are all to be like a big lot of a but i'm on the we are. yeah. a i was, i'm, i'm, it's not, i know we are going to open up the natalie age to
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a balance of name and time, and we thought was it a small hot, please have a mazda and then i'm going to see it in my home. i really found it to me and then the how does that in class sit, then i'm good. i can take the how does that and i can be of a what, so be a little better you plus up to 10 met home or we and again, it's in the hollow so i'd be not to apply my 111 on the on, on the are the mutual below that dick movement that somebody besides a book, blah, blah, blah, toyota, sienna, my before you about this one, actually audible. when really? well, i did my genuine. no. that would data. what they would they tend to utilize
6:40 am
it. come the think. what funny her hopefully future it's all likely you are not being area. she left them here in the what? all on like the level. what that the as the level or the mobile marketplace can build on the i don't as the mobile, i'm not going down but my blog beyond the level of the valley caught up alley right . the fema. nice me a hi. good. the and the head over the little i had been able to get a couldn't get in the latest type of stuff, but rather invest. yeah, that's a fairly low on
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the lead the enough for those that are keith say issue schools got on head in one few phone or got much big. somebody going to discuss bought into sandy by the men whom vague god what have they ever done and tell us? and the kid barked was the way it is monday, the solely too late. have ballistic to you to a little while ago in, and i'm a few moments for the see it is to the, to the north of the the most that off. i'm north phillips, the heck of a biopsy. e b and the cdn. is this your la control and steward that the that goes to you to
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split it 50? verde said dash and you'd be you'd with him this side of the the be for sure. can me avoid the store? let him know keith, betsy. the 3rd men also check that out same, but i'm lucky enough to get a see then that these they, they own the net for shas, the doesn't say less than i to the but they, it isn't the same as how they of that. i'm not going to have a new with the style and i'm going on with them. i nominate. i'd have to have can jump in and i, you know, mothers in school and take bus and look and look into other stuff. had it with my
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initials had if you yeah, yeah. no ma'am, until you download the file about a month i'll have both of those. i don't see. did you go to oh, shit. i love the scene that some of them not familiar, not cloudy, cdn. i thought you'd say he'd to lead them on the product. i'd be tough. the men said, they've done some of this. them. they've done some,
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all of your muscle labeled or head that or net them this them in the step to hawk, the non union team a c n t the what's the new queue for the, how do i stream the i see him shortly. i see him. so how i'm doing a so i'm, i'm with also me, i'm an old one. i and the federal. it has the logical yesterday. when the digital picture notice out to this one, i posted the t tell about why i don't front them on the get the added leave at the bottom of the book. no. but let the about as the method, the adult, the remote of do on the search button. how about the magic i that that the index?
6:45 am
no, but the most the leash law knowledge of it, but do by then as live and we show that up. the media will also, like i saw you had even a while on melodic smart, the zip code of the, of the in the, into his site and knows that's the hope that they loved me. i was taking the game and they've been a little bit of in that rather than a shot game on cadillac 3 and i must say that the fact is can 2 treatments throughout the to what i see with them, i guess the extra bohack and with it i know that i know who the sealants i will ask them in the list is the a by the gamma. and most of all the
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nick, you know, when i can shut off the dice. let us, we certainly, wendy, how heavy levels are from a freak has up for how the highly mon anthony is usually induced. and so let's even let them know what can have, let them bus that the best system. how does that shouldn't be? why did he shut off? how much i'm looking at with the said it was the floor, the other tour. the civic showed me before. so is there a that i mean how you start out know a little miss, you 30 a caught up and you'll have you fill out a little ha,
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a muscle on somebody i was able to do. you and julie on the top of my head of let us go to the next to the own doctor. oh, no, no. i don't know why his name flat the, the little something on mine is i'm on. why did i haven't or the assistance of the yes. and then the, the 3 foot in month see side. so motion of in this,
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the categories to describe so to so it looks a pillow and no headache saw the left this, those look mind that go several less of let's see what this law, which one of those of mike's was still waiting for to see me when i am here to help with the business
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about the send, the sake of sewage on this folder that you'll need on on the because she got them would then they can get the loan had me phone been on sported so suddenly you the, this is the bundled how food in that i told them will make the then live. i'll even think i said of the csr. so let me put these. i'll see yet. but the mid. how's that your the lead, the sky. you see on the, you know, the other for the night of, with my let me see it with lot mortgage issue techniques. yeah,
6:50 am
i do the blocks. but let me put in jim i need is a call on this call to follow up in your vin, on your, on the c. so sick to vin that i left with the theater, asked me, hold no problem and look stall again. so i'm on your e bundled the the,
6:51 am
you have a you good through the in the mean going a no thought the mid them now the, or does the, the dfcs such monday and hotel was the
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low across the la la la la. so like mount entrance, los for a front of me, the good luck with the medium half feet deep. i'm on. do him the insides. cut off the cdn bundled into langley. okay. down. how soon need 300 i know retained the c w. c that you are
6:53 am
lucky. that menu is it under wound the list met them set out. we had to see can see if you've seen had up to about this is nina set the center so on the new is on. yes, she gord must be
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a bond boone for him. this fun me to hope. feel free to leave on on the board for in the plot. then him this month around me, your 5, the vase that i sent you to see if the
6:55 am
yes got referred him to not 5340 in order id bundled stalled in the getting that i get in sent to cdm the to do you get chance? no, not in, i'm in front of the bundle in the discrete form, a, a, quote, the theme in the sense that this, that leaves me this boutique. know the phone. you said smith today going the book that you'd be see the man who sleep 30 i lot 5 boom. the now the
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through the set 3 poorly board or the guys send me some good answer. oh, cd and for james bond. believe it and send all of lakes templates. the the dish has a head, obviously you see a heck studio, fantastic. the theater, and the way the edit. edit good. how those for 3. so for this the color, oh, how not a must be in the model, is that the false will attend. she the shooting b as is the hook told me to do i decide that the test stalled in the strategy bundled deep moving so you'd have feet. so moving on, the school board in order to leave on them. oh, then head school on sort of on,
6:57 am
let's see it play good. so to discuss, you do not had both who are familiar with new says to to us, i mean, you evaluate classroom law. did i put it in the bathrooms to complete his support in more mode? some oaks will have flute from the cdn to some most machine handicapped, but they don't. there's fraud. yeah. the much. so please somebody and so
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they can get new and what a new septic so oh so you say no father i meant to make oh i'm to his offices. is this under finish? are you located so he can tell you. so look on its own the id, and i mean level of cindy t a n c t next the next to the had the no, i love you just to a man to come 5 your maximum, your that need to be
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a new word that the last name is need to be able get it from the
7:00 am
label for it against the dean. it does seem that i'd done for the lead. the on the display mode was on the is that's the only thing i need a demo fee. i'm sort of just giving us the last.


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