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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 23, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from berlin, dozens reportedly killed in new guns of violence. palestinians dig through rumble to find survivors, as israel confirms carrying out airstrikes around kansas city, but says it was targeting, how mos militant sites also coming up. israel's military says is forces violated military protocol after a video appears showing a wounded palestinian man strap too and his really farm a vehicle in westbank. several people are missing as heavy rains cause a powerful landslide in switzerland,
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cutting off one resort town from the outside world. and barcelona is drastic plan to cut housing costs as mass tourism drives prices up and out of reach of ordinary residents the and welcome to you of yours around the world. i'm michael local health officials in guns and say at least 39 people have been killed by his really air strikes in the north of the territory. israel says it's fighter jet struck 2 homeless military sites and gaza city. it's the latest deadly incident as israel continues its campaign to crush the palestinian militant group. some carry away the wounded. the other is picked through the rubble with searching for survivors. after a residential blocking out of shots, he was hit by
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a deadly strike. this is one of the oldest refugee camps in the gallons a strip. the business hands of the people were going about the business um know, somewhere at home and all of a sudden, i know if i could just just sell drugs. i'm a little bit more of the whole area was wiped out of a high rise building, reduced to rubble. the attempt this we have to have. i got to invest a lot of witnesses said the strike hit 2 neighborhoods and flatten several apartment buildings and nearby houses, health officials and guys, i say the expect to find more bodies following saturday strikes on garza city. say the whole area was talking to the it was like an earthquake. as you see, homes would destroy each of them and they say if there were still families under the robot, some of the injured would transfer the hold up. it's all involved. and now we've rescuing the are those who are left into the ruble of the be situation is tough due
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to the lack of tools, a lot of fun on the like a few for ambulances. and the a lot of the fee is really military said it's more plain struck infrastructure used by the palestinian militant group. come us in the goes to the city area from us, let be october 7th, the terror attacks against israel. now, despite growing international pressure, israel has bowed to continue. it's going to offensive until a mass is wiped out. israel says it's investigating the conduct of its soldiers. after a video was released showing an injured palestinian man strapped to the hood of an is really armored car in the northern west back. these really military said he was a suspect wounded during an arrest raid and exchange of fire and was transferred to medics for treatment. his family say he was struck by his really gunfire. a u. n. official has accused israel abusing him as
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a human shield. the video caused and up law and social media dw is corresponded in jerusalem. tanya kramer had more details. well, as you said, uh, this video has been widely circulated uh on. uh, social media is showing an injured posting and young man strapped to the hood of this military, a jeep. this happened nearby, the northern town is janine and the occupied of westbank. as far as understanding the is really military said that the men was injured during a raid in this area and an exchange of fi. and now, according to the news agency associated press, the family had all the army that they needed, an ambulance, but instead the army had put him on the hood of the military jeep strapped him the and then drove away. he was late, every understand, transferred to a posting, an ambulance, and then taken to a hospital. the army also said in a statement,
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you quoted them that the forces violated orders and procedures that there would be an investigation. but just to, to see what comes out of this investigation, then that, of course comes on the back to of, of also conflict in the occupied why spend the seeing a lot of military rates arrest rates and also such a widens in the occupied westbank, tonia every week and now seems to bring a hundreds, if not more as railways onto the streets to protest against the netanyahu government this weekend was the biggest, according to organizer so far. and netanyahu's government appears to have no effective rebuttal to them. well, i mean, the government doesn't seem to be too bothered by them as well. and beast and seeing as you right. you said the last saturday night, this was one of the largest demonstration on tele vs. but the also so nice numbers
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coming out to the streets in jerusalem, but also across the country across is road. and this comes after a week of disruption, as some of the protest organizes have said the scene during the week, every other day, protests are blocking the roads in front of the connected to is very palm and as well now after october 7 after the attack. so there was some sense of unity, there were protests and demonstrations to call for the release of the hostages. in garza right now, they're over a 100 hostages to remain a captive in garza. but now we're seeing more more of the anti government protest this out in the streets, or they are combining forces in some cases. so yesterday again, uh, purchased those calls for the release of the hostages for to the, for the government to come to an agreement. that's on the table, but also for a new elections. and this is what we have been seeing here, of course,
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in the past weeks. and that comes on the back top of an ongoing war as the scene in the report and also with strikes and bombardment continuing throughout garza but also in his red hearts intentions in northern israel, in the across for the attacks with hesper law. and so they live on. okay tanya, that is tanya cramer in jerusalem. many thanks for a brief look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world as we speak. authorities in greece have arrested 13 people after fi works launch from a yacht triggered a forest fire on the island of egypt. they say the blaze has been brought under control. firefighters have been battling wild fires, fanned by days of fierce wins as greece, struggles with a heat, with egyptian prime minister on the stuff up. my booty has ordered authorities to
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revoke the licenses of 16 torres in companies. they also must refer their executives to the public prosecutor. the order came after more than 650 egyptians died during this year's hodge due to high temperatures. it said the companies engaged in deceptive practices to send pilgrims to hush without proper authority, as always ation. do you agree? and now we're present into lensky has called for allies to step up their assistance after new russian attacks on the city of har. keith hgtv video captured the moment and attacked kit ukraine's 2nd biggest city with a woman, narrowly escaping the impact from the blast. this, after 2 people were killed in a rush and strike targeting an apartment block or keep as near the russian border and has increasingly been at target. rescue or searching for several people still missing after heavy rains and least flooding and land slides in switzerland. the southern tours hotspot is or not,
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and the south eastern canton of ground brenton were among areas hit the hardest. the switch president said she was shocked by the scale of the damage a sea of mud, stranded cars and other debris called as a part of the village and switzerland's picture risk meiza valley. a powerful landslide struck here on the weekend, engulfing several houses and cutting his ways through the last alpine valley. the 3 people are missing somewhere in this area. rescue teams scouring the terrain a few minutes one that often. so finding them, as i mentioned, there's no question about it. we're drawing everything now paul, with all the means and possibilities, we have about disposal to find these people. boxes on it is difficult to hope that
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there will be survivors in the view of the damage that we believe we will. i'm going to be involved with the heavy rain and melting snow have caused flooding in several areas of switzerland, including inseminate and other land slide was captured on camera as it struck the popular tourist destination with almost deafening noise. the quick clean up operation has largely restored normality to its limits. but on saturday morning, well sorry to set the town near the iconic mountain home mountain remained inaccessible. staying in europe now, where a debate has been raging in some travel destinations over the effects of too many torres after venice rolled out a 5 year of fee for day trippers. barcelona is mer has announced a plan to band short term apartment rentals like those on air being
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b springs. housing minister says this will improve access to affordable housing. barcelona, one of your ups top tourist destinations. it's big business. and for many locals, a big headache. barcelona, as popularity has made it increasingly expensive place to live. the cities left as mirrors. as apartment rents have risen nearly 70 percent over the past decade. one of the reasons the boom in short term tourist rentals on platforms such as air b and b. now the mirrors as barcelona will stop granting licenses for tourist rentals and not renew existing ones. yes, on us about this will allow us to put $10000.00 apartments on the market for sale or rent. then looking at what i mean, that it will restore the residential use that they never should have lost so. so what i mean then okay. yeah, good deal. but the association representing hundreds of owners, warden's,
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the move will have serious economic consequences. yes. things like this relate to many job losses. 40 percent of the people working in the tourism sector could lose the jobs. it's bad news for the city. some barcelona residents are also skeptical on the plan. so no assuming business and it's unfair that of india or stuff. no, it's not a good idea. yeah. the owners association says tours department represent less than one percent of all residential units in barcelona and stay the tourist rental ban won't solve the cities housing shortage. the group also warns the band could lead to an underground market of illegal unregistered tours departments. let's turn to the european football championship where tournament new companies. georgia held the track republic to a 11 draw the result leaves both team is with one point from 2 games and needing to win their final group stage mattress next wednesday to progress to the knockout
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grounds. meanwhile, portugal or already through thanks to a convincing free meal victory. yesterday over turkey, the 2016 tournament champions will advance as group winners. well, we've heard plenty of singing from the crowds at the euro so far, and a catchy song from an unlikely musical do a living in germany is fast becoming a bible head. oh, thank you for others, our taxi drivers living in homburg and their song express is your support and love for the german national team to meet spine. gra, indian brothers. lovely and monte bang. do have gone viral with the catchy song.
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these a am an owed to this, some of those you repeat in football championship. it is a passion project for the humbug base taxi drivers. i have to use my address is still new to the position the weather been up and you know, a lot of your g, it's everything on the boat is good. lots of money. got up to me as a live adviser, living the club of the bank. the brothers are bringing punjabi beats to the streets of the pool city and that getting every one moving. this is not the 1st foray into pop music production. they've been writing and performing songs about germany's national team for a decade. and they've created that a unique style and they continue to delight funds with the daily wood songs base from the front of
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a taxi. and now also on stage will ended on that catchy note. stay with us for a dw documentary exploring soviet era, bunkers, tunnels and former torture chambers in georgia. i'm michael. ok. thanks for watching the process. categories or thoughts say what the the


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