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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin. israel's army is accused of using a palestinian as a human shield. a video shows a wounded man strapped who is really army vehicle in the west bank. israel says, as far as has violated military protocol and will be investigated. also on the show . one years since the wagner mercenary groups these parts of russia and them, you named, we ask how secure a flat americans hold on power. and fans of germany out in force in frankfort as their team gets sent to take on switzerland, in the european football championship. the
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a mary, anna evans, dean. it's good to have you with us. these really armies says it's investigating the conduct of some of its soldiers after a wounded palestinian man was tied to the hood of a military vehicle during a raid and the occupied west bank. the israel defense forces confirmed the incident in jeanine after video of it circulated on social media, the demand strep to the bone itself. this is riley on a vehicle, barely moves witnesses and the israeli military say he was injured during an arrest right in jeanine. but that's where the corroboration stops, is rarely defense. those to say the man was a suspect wounded in an exchange of fire. his relatives painted different picture much ahead was here how she was on the bed to my own committee. they opened the
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door and started shooting it with special forces which had got up and was about to run, but he was short in the legs. i didn't have the family say, they repeatedly requested an ambulance, which i had as me, but nothing came on. we told them he wants to number, and so the wounded person in the very they told us to bring it in to them all. we got to mount the side and for about an hour or half an hour, we kept asking for a number and then we called 115 minutes late to, to jeeps game. and they got him in here. they told us to turn around and not to look too bad. they put him on the hood of the jeep and then we were told that they'd handed him over to the government hospital. just a couple of me and is riley military statement provided for the reuters news agency said the individual was transferred to medic. so treatment. but it didn't give an explanation for a glaring detail in the video that the on the vehicle drive past 2 ambulances. without any apparent interaction. it's that to accusations which i had as rate was
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being used as a human shield, a hash tag, human shielding and action. that's what the u. n. special replica on the occupied palestinian territories wrote on x, further accusing israel of tiny, international low on its head. israel frequently sites human shielding by palestinian militants as the cause of the huge death toll in gaza. and so civilian casualties inflicted during itself preparations in the occupied westbank and its statement that is rarely military set of soldiers had violated military protocol in janine. and that it would investigate and deal with the incident. journalist biling flooding joined me earlier from tele fees, and i asked him how much attention this incident has drawn in israel, but it's got to as well here in israel. lots of attention is ready. the media as
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a matter of course, the pull to print that and of course is ready. the public has that responded to that and it depends where you are on the political. i would say that if you are on the right say, or even reply, right? you would say that this action is actually necessary for to human late to be spelled b as in order to deter them from taking any actions against is really if you, on the left that i've seen the lots of people from different organizations. saying that this will not bring us any security, and these are not our values to do that. um, but the estimation here and is of that, this is a just a break list of action by some soldiers that will be investigated. and of course the, the people who are responsible for this will be treated, but again, the profession, especially in these times, is very important for these read the army. and it comes from the context of $9000.00 even more than $9000.00 are risk. those are happening in the west bank
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something that could lead to some sort of, uh, 80 photo or some sort of, uh, uh, collections between the public fitness and b is very the army. something though, of course, is not the preferable by the is ready to populate for now. today marks one year since the russian mercenary chief, you're getting pretty close and launched the most serious challenge to vladimir putin in his nearly quarter century rule. angered by a lack of ammunition in the war against ukraine, his wagner group, military forces advanced unopposed, into ross dobbin, south and russia. on june the 23rd of last year. from there, they then turned their sites on moscow. i hope all you would be able to do not a year ago, russia was jolted by the news of an armed uprising, a march led by one of putin's closest allies. you had any provision had been complaining for months that the russian military was denying his soccer and mercenary forces munition and ukraine. on the 23rd of june 2023,
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he ordered his soldiers to take over russia's southern military headquarters. enough for them subscribe. you were at the headquarters. it's 7 30 am. military objects of rest of are under control, including the airfield. out of the room for goes in then ordered his forces to roll toward moscow to unseat his foes. blockades were set up a run to capital, and pigeons response was swift. 6 to all those who deliberately set out on the path of betrayal who prepared and armed rebellion to undertook blackmail and terrorist methods, you will suffer inevitable punishment and will answer both to the law and to our people. and that from that it was all and um, the studio brokerage by byler ross and leader alexander lucas shang code in which the mercenary forces were offered. the choice of moving to belarus brought an abrupt and anticlimactic end to the greatest challenge to pretends rule. get
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experts say he has suffered very little lasting damage to his authority. we have not seen kind of the loss of confidence in the crumbling that we might have expected to see from among heard of the russian lead ends with the rich and powerful of men, mostly around around portland. which might, in fact signal that the criminal is stronger than we think, right? that it can afford a certain amount of chaos and dysfunction and, and yet the core holds solid as for, for goshen. exactly 2 months after his failed to attempt a plane, carrying him on his top associates crashed, killing everyone on board. the kremlin has denied involvement. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making news around the world. and ukraine. cctv video has capture the moment a woman narrowly escaped a russian attack on a public street in harkins. 2 people were killed in a striking
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a nearby apartment block. hargrove is near the russian border and his increasingly been a target for russian missiles. argentina's president, heavier malay has been welcome to berlin by chancellor on life schultz. germany is malays 2nd. stop on a short trip to europe. plans for a reception with military honors were scrapped after malay requested a simple working meeting and even lay protesters were also on hand to thousands of protested in paris and separate rallies against anti semitism. and the far right it follows the gang rays of a young jewish girl and the parisian suburbs and ahead of snap elections and friends. the far right national riley are leading the poles, which protestors say could leads to a decline in, among other things, women's rights. well, your of the far north is often thought of as having pristine nature teeming with wild life. but parts of scandinavia has also suffered pollution and habitat loss in
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the past. well now a team of researchers in sweden has reintroduced official species that has not been seen in local rivers for more than a century. the start up was hyped will be a come back in sweden. biologist, dan called the runs that it's been his dreams since he was 11 years old. just the atlantic, sturgeon and local rivers again called ronan fellow projects. collaborators released 100 young sturgeon into the good to river earlier this month, hoping they'll take their new habitat. this is really, really something good. we are saving here and this is a good start. 100 does not make a population, but with the ongoing work we will build up a strong population. it's amazing is atlantic
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. sturgeon were once native to swedish rivers, but then disappeared. in the early 20th century, to the over fishing and poor water quality. in recent times, the only memory, the magic sturgeon here have been these specimens, preserved gotham bergs natural history museum to the idea to reintroduce them in sweden has been years in the making with present day conditions. no deemed a suitable for this b c's. a consortium in part of the 1st batch of 100 young sturgeon from a breeding facility in germany, and gave them time to acclimate before being released into the wild. the atlantic sturgeon have also been fitted with transmitters, so that researchers can study their movement patterns. atlantic sturgeon spend the 1st years of life in fresh water, then margaret out to see when they are bigger, but they returned to rivers to spawn for local anglers who might be curious,
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what the fish tastes like. the mayor says they're off limits. last night looks no fussing, and there's a no new legislation starting today. that's a, it's a legal to officially says, darian. and if you catch it, you'll have to release the hook. very, very careful, and put it back in the reporting project. collaborators acknowledge it'll be years before they know whether they're experiment is a success. but they say it shows it is possible to try and reverse losses to local habitats. is day 10 of a european football championship, and german fans are in a festive mood as their team gets ready to play their final group stage game against switzerland and frank. for tonight, germany have not beaten switzerland since 2008, while they have already qualified for the next round in germany are hoping to match their 2012 feet of winning all 3 groups stage matches a short
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time ago, i got an update from dw is daniel barcelona, who is at the fens zone here in berlin as well right now. as you guys can see, i am in the fans on in berlin, right in front of the german parliament, which you can see behind me. and fans have been coming out in numbers and through this whole tournament so far, the atmosphere here has been absolutely electric. now, a couple of times they did actually close them because of the weather. and i don't want to change anything because we know this is berlin, but the weather has been fantastic today. and there are so many fans starting to come out and numbers. now they're so excited. last time germany played, you are absolutely right. the fans always were packed to capacity. that means here and in front of brand newburgh tour, and they were not letting anybody else in, and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger as the momentum keeps growing, as germany keep winning. so i talked to some family friends actually just now before we came on and they told me that for them, jeremy will in the european championships. so the out of here is amazing. okay,
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well before we win, you know, winning the entire championship. let's talk about the match that's about to take place this evening. german again, switzerland. daniel, what can we expect? ok, said germany was the 1st team to qualify for the now. so say just other tournaments to with frontier game now for them tonight, maybe a little bit less pressure then another situation, but they want to keep winning. so tonight, in order for them to finish person or group, they just need to not lose no switzerland. they also want to qualify for the next round, and they need to also not lose feel, well the, an easy match. these 2 teams, they know each other very well. a lot of the players play together in the german going to see got so it will be a difficult match. now, for teams in germany situation, sometimes managers are tempted to, you know, rest some of their players going into the game. but usually, and that wasn't,
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it has said he will not make any changes to his team. he wants to keep the rhythm going. he wants the players to build their confidence. he wants to win the game and keep the momentum. so that shows us a little bit of the mentality of his german team in this tournament. all right, there's another group, a game between scotland and hungry, both when list but both still with a chance to advance just quickly daniel, what can we expect from that match? yeah, this is actually going to be a pretty big match because both of these kids can still qualify and in order to qualify the need to win. so we can expect to see a really hard fought battle. now scotland could qualify for the naco stages of a major 10 men for the 1st time. and actually they're one of the band favorites here. their fans are out of numbers all the time and people really loved them. so not only would it be who scored, it would be really fun in terms of them is here, here in the band zone that was daniel barcelona from the berlin found zone. thanks so much, danielle. if you're up to date on diesel,
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you news up next. the pros and cons of paying for things using facial recognition. that's on our tech show shift a marion. i haven't seen. i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour. thanks for watching the interest of what did you do to save the tenants? she survived illustrates thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin the the genuine 2 musicians under the swan.


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