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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 24, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the the, you're watching the, the news life crumbling photography using brush as doc a stand agents, a gunman have killed at least 15 police officers, the, the attack dog, good jewish and christian houses of worship. as a police force and orthodox priest is set to be among the dead. also coming up philippines, president michael, sports fishing on notice saying he won't allow tiny's intimidation to force his nation out of the telephone and walters in the south china feet. and joe, in his corner last one of the goal was to salvage control with switzerland. and when the crew at the european football championship pre bring you the reaction from
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but the number such as wild back into the program, government have launched deadly simultaneous attacks into cities in russia, south, west and republic of august. them. that's according to local authorities who say a synagogue to orthodox georgia's and the police traffic posts with docketed, at least 15 police officers, and several civilians, including an orthodox priest, have been killed, a giving you more details on that developing story in the coming hours. now it has also been one year as instruction must know the chief can if it goes in launch the most serious challenge to allowed him a fortune in his nearly quarter century resort and good by lack of ammunition in the war against dukes in his walk. no group of 3 forces advanced unopposed,
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into the stove in southern darcia on june 23rd last year. from this bent on this side on moscow. we do not a year ago, russia was jolted by the news of an armed uprising. a march led by one of pretense closest allies. you had any promotion had been complaining for months that the russian military was denying his locker and mercenary forces. i munition and you create. or on the 23rd of june 2023. he ordered his soldiers to take over russia's southern military headquarters. enough for them subscribe were at the headquarters . it's 7 30 am. military objects of rust are under control, including the airfield. room for goes and then ordered his forces to roll toward moscow to unseat his foes. blockades were set up or run the capital and pigeons response was swift. people all those who deliberately set out on the path of
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betrayal who prepared and armed rebellion to undertook blackmail and terrorist methods, you will suffer inevitable punishment and will answer both to the law and to our people. and that from that it was all and um, the studio brokerage by byler ross and leader, alexander lucas shank, co in which the mercenary forces were offered. the choice of moving to belarus brought an abrupt and anticlimactic end to the greatest challenge to pretends rule . get experts say he has suffered very little lasting damage to his authority. we have not seen kind of the loss of confidence in the crumbling that we might have expected to see from among heard of the russian lead ends with the rich and powerful of men, mostly around around portland. which might, in fact signal that the problem is the stronger than we think, right? that it can afford a certain amount of chaos and dysfunction. and yet the core holds solid as
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for, for goes in exactly 2 months after his failed to attempt a plane, carrying him on his top associates crashed, killing everyone on board. the kremlin has denied involvement. oh leo, be honest, most scandalous, shaun mcfleen, if he agreed that precautions for you and your balloon hasn't affected fulton's grip on follow. and i don't agree, i think, said the goshen. is it the sense is march on moscow a year ago showed just how vulnerable was and it also rips. remember that progression road from you printing to moscow nearly up post and afterwards, who re established his grip on power? but i think the legacy of his vulnerability still exists in the here. so even though remain strong today,
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i think it shows wonder ability and if you're an autocrat, vulnerability is crypt tonight. let's see, i'm listening look for it that that's the knob. some of the stories making headlines around the world. the saw the health minister has sides more than 1300 people died during this. you have touched political brush as temperature so or above 51 degrees, sasha's. yeah, the majority of fatalities. what unauthorized programs? hodge, as one of the 5 pillows of islam. every muslim is expected to perform it at least one heavy rains of true good flash flooding. and so my last captive move, i do show cause and significant damage to homes and infrastructure. the president's read it to me high water in some areas, the frequency and civility of floods in the city have increased in recent years, raising concerns about the impacts of climate change. now these really um, he says it's investigating the conduct of some of its soldiers off to the wounded
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status to new man was tied to the hotel for military record. jordan agreed, and the occupied westbank beads. the defense forces conform the incident in jeanine off to video fits, searching data on social media, the demand strep to the bone itself. this is riley on a vehicle, barely moves witnesses and the israeli military say he was injured during an arrest right in jeanine. but that's where the corroboration stops. it's rarely defense supposed to say the man was a suspect wounded in an exchange of fire. his relatives painted different picture much ahead was here how she was on the bed to my own coma cheat. they opened the door and started shooting, saw it with special forces, which it had got up and was about to run, but he was short in the legs. i didn't have the family say they repeatedly requested an ambulance, which i had as me, but nothing came on. we told them he wants to an ambulance to the wounded person in
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the very they told us to bring it in to them. because the mountain side and for about an hour or half an hour, we kept asking for a number and then we called 115 minutes late to, to jeeps game. and they got him in here. they told us to turn around and not to look too bad. they put him on the hood of the jeep and then we were told that they'd handed him over to the government hospital. just a couple of me and is really military statement provided to the reuters news agency said the individual was transferred to medic. so treatment. but it didn't give an explanation for a glaring detail in the video that the on the vehicle drive past 2 ambulances without any apparent interaction. it's that to accusations which i had as rate was being used as a human shield, a hash tag, human shielding and action. that's what the u. n. special replica on the occupied palestinian territories wrote on x, further accusing israel of tiny, international low on its head. israel frequently sites human shielding
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by palestinian militants as a cause of the huge death toll and gaza. and so civilian casualties inflicted during this operations in the occupied west bank and its statement that is rarely military set of soldiers had violated military protocol in jeanine. and that it would investigate and deal with the incident. we all strongly use ballast, let dean, how much attention this incident has drawn industry, and we've got to as well here. we as well, lots of attention is ready. the media as a matter of course report to print out and uh, of course uh is ready. the public has the responded to that. so i need depends where you are on the political. i would say that if you are on the right say, or even reply, right? you would say that this action is actually necessary for to human late to be spelled as b as in order to deter them from taking any actions against is really if you,
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on the left that i've seen the lots of people from different organizations saying that this will not bring us any security and these are not our values to do that. um, but the estimation here and is of the, this is a, just a break list of action by some soldiers that will be investigated. and of course the, the people who are responsible for this will be treated but to, again, to be fission, especially in these times, is very important for these read the army. and it comes with the context of $9000.00 even more than $9000.00 are risk that are happening in the west bank. something that could lead to some sort of, uh, 80 photo or some sort of, uh, uh, collections between the public fitness and b is ready. the army. something though, of course, is not the preferable by the is it a public for now? a soundless bollocks of being the intel of a now the president of the sort of beams is heading back in beijing off to the cash for the chinese go scott the left several filipino sailors injured. the incident
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took place near the 2nd farm was shown in the disputed south china seats. president ford and mock was too narrow, said his country would not be intimidated and would not use to any foreign power. president ferdinand marcus junior attends a ceremony to award medals to ac filipino sailors. they were part of this month permission to resupply and i post on the hotly contested 2nd time i show they clashed with chinese coast guard to injured filipino sailors and damage to military boats. using the chef he's axes and hammers. the laces ties, steak skirmish, and set china c, i n my. we will never be intimidated or expressed by any one guy but a new month, a new the a, b officers and troops who sailed the waters and exercised the great this string of beads in fence propagation. confrontations between chinese and philippine ships in
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the area are escalating as beijing steps up its efforts to push its claims to nearly all of this strategic located waterway. for some of the growing tensions in the south china sea or a greater threat to regional stability, then china is growing assertiveness and military pressure on self rule. taiwan. and i guess china claims almost all of the south china sea, the philippines, vietnam, malaysia and bruna. i all have competing claims to the waterway around one 3rd of global shipping passes through these waters. and it's also taught to contain boss deposits of oil and gas. the 2nd time a show lies about 200 kilometers and the western island province impala why it's more than a 1000 kilometers in china is near as major land mass height. on island, china has built a series of mine, made islands a top rapes in the maritime region to press its claims. some of these items are
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fully weaponized with pfizer jets on to ship systems and other military facilities . in 2016, an international tribunal ruled in favor of the philippines and said china as claims in the south china sea had no legal basis. beijing has refused to accept this decision. now the philippines has filed a claim with the united nations to extend its continental shelf in the south china sea, vietnam and malaysia say they're ready to discuss their overlapping claims. china hazards the un not to ruin on the bid. and again, search and its sovereignty over the whole of the south china sea. now until the orient football championship hole, germany have topped drew a tang store last when i go to a mutual one or with switzerland. often nick has photos coast court in the 90. it's minutes that was enough to advance as a group and us to the down to 16 where they really faced the 2nd place team out of
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england group. see, the smith also advanced and roofing the 2nd place came out of span, screw b, d w support supported on their walk, the low enough all of the game at the funds on invalid. we also have to many has what it takes to win the tournament. or, you know, it depends are you ask but this german team might be able to do it. i mean, tonight we saw that they struggled a little bit against switzerland's compact mid field. they couldn't really break them down, but what's very important was that they had the mentality to keep going to the very end of the game and never give up a win like this in a tournament like the heroes. it's very important. now we have to also remember that they were already qualified for the non code stages. so tonight they really did give it everything they had. and this driven side, they do have a lot of that, as we saw, a substitute nicholas pool group who scored big goals for germany. many times comes out the event and he gives them that decisive goal. they also have some of the most
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exciting young players in football right now. and we can't forget that they have almost like a 12 man in the crowd, the home crowd, the people of germany who are so excited about this heroes and a boat. this team and the momentum is gaining so they could win. but of course, there are a lot of other teams in this tournament that look very good spade part to go. we can't ever count of france. england might have shot so definitely will be a fantastic arrows. do you got a list on there most of them of and that's good bye to the scottish friends who brought that energy and enthusiasm to the tournament. as the. 2 the last one then and the final team against hungry the winning goal was to call them the tense minute of at a time. congress still have a chance to advance wise sportsmen and their friends the so far as tarzan army heading again quite
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a disappointment the but always more sports to follow. that's a lot from last year and you're up to date for to stick it on if you can. so adult . swim, that's coming up next off the rick, i'm such as falls. thank you for being with us. the . so you don't think you the same way you expect and more and different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue was that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port is not i want my son to become a doctor to in the clubs it's time to to.


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