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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 24, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching new, the new life from bowling authorities in process is august time reason said gunman have queued at least 15 police officers the attack dog, good jewish and christian houses of worship. and the police force and orthodox priest is set to be among the dead. also coming off philippines, president, macos put version one notice saying he won't allow time use intimidation to push his nation out of
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a status order. watch us in the south china feet. and germany's quarter last, when i go the salvage control with switzerland and with the crew at the european football championship, favoring you the reaction from but the message as to why the welcome to the program gunmen have launched deadly simultaneous attacks into cities and russia southwest under public of dogs done that's according to local authorities who say a synagogue to orthodox churches, and a police traffic post with dog at to at least 15 police officers and several civilians, including an orthodox priest, have been killed in spain, scanning fights broke out in seemingly coordinated attacks here and were diag, it's time capitalism,
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a hutch color and militants running the streets suited my witnesses shows the gunman shooting police officers. there's no the last april we killed, the person is wounded, relevant services and law enforcement agencies working quickly. but unfortunately, there were losses with the offer, often said condolences to the families and friends with sons and brothers died in the militants also targeted a church life says, ceasing as on fire. meanwhile the city of did and which is around 120 kilometers away, was also under attack. synagogue was cecil light and the priest was killed at an orthodox church. while no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks. the republic of dog has done has been targeted by
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islamic militants in the past. rushes investigative committee has launched an investigation into what it called act of tara. i'm going to bring you more on that developing story and the coming i was the president of the philippines. so it's heading back and vision, often attached with the chinese coast guard, the left separate filipino seeing those in just the incident to face and have the seconds thomas showed in the dispute of south china sea rather than folding and macos junior said his country would not be intimidated and would not be able to any fault for and follow. president ferdinand marcus junior attends the ceremony to award medals to ac filipinos, sailors. they were part of this month mission to resupply and i post on the hotly contested 2nd, thomas. sho, i think, clashed with chinese coast guard to injured filipino sailors and damage to military
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boats using the shares he's axes and hammers. the lease has tied steak skirmish and set china c i n a month. we will never be intimidated or expressed by any one guy, but nobody knew the a b officers and groups who sailed the waters and exercised the great this string of beads in fence propagation. confrontations between chinese and philippine ships and the area are escalating. as beijing steps up its efforts to push its claims to nearly all of the strategic located waterway. for some of the growing tensions in the south china sea or a greater threat to regional stability, then china is growing assertiveness and military pressure on self rule. taiwan. and again, trying to claims almost all of the south china sea, but the philippines, vietnam, malaysia and bruna. i all have competing claims to the waterway around one 3rd of
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global shipping passes through these waters. and it's also taught to contain boss deposits of oil and gas. second, thomas show lies about 200 kilometers in the western island. province impala. one. it's more than a 1000 kilometers in china, is near is major land mass height on island. china has built a series of mine, made islands a top rates in the maritime region to press its claims. some of these islands are fully weaponized with pfizer jets on to ship systems and other military facilities . in 2016, an international tribunal ruled in favor of the philippines and said china, his claims in the south china sea had no legal basis. beijing has refused to accept this decision. now the philippines has filed a claim with the united nations to extend its continental shelf and the south china sea of vietnam and malaysia, say they're ready to discuss their overlapping claims. china hazards the un not to ruin on the bid. and again,
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search and its sovereignty over the whole of the south china sea. that's the note of some of the stories making headlines around the world. sullivan is just prime minister benjamin nathan. now, who says the intense phase of fighting against him. awesome. god's us coming to an end. however, human seems that the war will only and when the militant group no longer controls gods out there now says off to the card and face and more, it's rarely for says, we'll move to the border of with lebanon. where fighting with head for law has escalated to a most heavier in such a good flash starting in somalia, as captain mogadishu, causing significant damage to homes and infrastructure. the president's way to to me high water in some areas. the frequency and civility of floods in the city have increased in recent years, raising concerns about the impact of climate change or the deals president, have you had a malay has been very comfortable in much on low offshore germany?
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is malays 2nd stop on a short trip to go to transfer section with military honors with scrapped, often related requested a simple working meeting and time relate for testers will also enhance housing. suff protested in status and separate families against anti semitism, and the far right it follows the gang rape of a young jewish school and the produce and suburbs and head of the snap elections. the far right national valley are leading. the boys which pulled has to say, would lead to a decline and boom and strike. now the saudi has, the minister has said more than 1300 people died during this. he has hospital much assemblies just sold about 51 degree fascist or muslims who are physically and financially able to acquire to perform the hodge at least once. i told her she say extreme, some over the answer comes without proper documentation or access to court in
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facilities added to the danger of the seo. spend that much millions of puts basically seized extreme heat to see you in america. many labs and hundreds died after walking long distances in the scorching temperatures. so do your thought or do you see most of the dead did not have well appreciate 5 minutes to take bought the i did what the yeah. the number of depths reached 1300 and may god have mercy on them all and forgive them on the percent of their no more on authorized de la. those who were exposed the law for a long distance or under the sun without shelter and my wife, the fatalities included more than $660.00 junctions. while tardies and title heavy vote, the licenses of 16 travel agencies,
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alleging this has been graham's traveling to so the a be a without authorization. like they said, they themselves supposed to apply for a special type of visa. but many people who are not shocked in these agreements using a visitor's visa to save money and we have so, but those programs just deputation and bus. they cannot access operations hutch facilities, including videos to cool off like condition dense and buses. the history of the physical image testing dead, these 10 feet and academics but as such as sees the dead leaves from exceeding that there is growing because of climate change. and there are cause parts of the a be a to do more to keep the faithful, safe now yards far north is often taught office having 15 nature
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teeming with vital life. but also scandinavia have also suffered pollution and habitat loss in the bost. now a team of research, as in sweden, has reintroduced a fresh species that has seen in local reverse for over a century. the start of was hyped will be a come back in sweden. biologist, dan called the runs that it's been his dreams since he was 11 years old to see atlantic sturgeon and local rivers again called ronan fellow project collaborators released 100 young sturgeon into the good a river earlier this month, hoping they'll take to their new habitat this is really, really something good. we are changing here and this is a good start. 100 does not make it population for through. with the ongoing work we will build up a strong population. atlantic . sturgeon were once needed the swedish rivers,
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but then disappeared in the early 20th century to the over fishing and pour water quality. in recent times, the only memory, the magic sturgeon here have been these specimens, preserved gotham briggs natural history museum. a good idea to re introduce them in sweden has been years in the making with present day conditions, no deem just suitable for the space. use a consortium in part of the 1st batch of 100 young sturgeon from a breeding facility in germany, and gave them time to acclimate before being released into the wild. the atlantic sturgeon have also been fitted with transmitters so that researchers can study their movement patterns. atlantic. sturgeon spend the 1st years of life in fresh water, then margaret out to see when they're bigger, but they returned to rivers to spawn. for local anglers who might be curious, what the fish tastes like,
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the mayor says they're off limits and i looks no fussing. there's a no new legislation starting today. that's a, it's a legal to officially says, darian. and if you catch it, you'll have to release the hook very, very careful, and put it back in the reporting project. collaborators acknowledge it'll be years before they know whether their experiment is a success. but they say it shows it is possible to try and reverse losses to local habitats. now to the european football championship horse, so many have topped group a pass to our last one is going to need to one a little bit switzerland. often the class for troops scored in the 90 it's minute that was enough to advance as group in us to the down to 16 where they will phase the 2nd place team out of england's group see the swiss also advanced a little bit of a 2nd. please team out of spans group
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b the w sports report of the near barcelona fall of the game with the funds on in berlin. we all started told me he has what it takes to win the tournament. as you know, it depends who you ask, but this german team might be able to do it. i mean, tonight we saw that they struggled a little bit against switzerland's compact mid field. they couldn't really break them down. but what's very important was that they have the mentality to keep going to the very end of the game and never give up a win like this in a tournament like the heroes. it's very important. now we have to also remember that they were already qualified for the non code stages. so tonight they really did give it everything they had. and this driven side, they do have a lot of that, as we saw, a substitute nicholas pool group who scored big goals for germany. many times comes up the event and he gives them that decisive goal. they also have some of the most exciting young players in football right now. and we can't forget that they have
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almost like a 12 man in the crowd, the home crowd, the people of germany who are so excited about this heroes and a boat. this team and the momentum is gaining so they could win. but of course, there are a lot of other teams in this tournament that look very good spin part to go. we can't ever count of france. england might have a shot, so definitely will be a fantastic arrows. you've got to use on a bus loan of f and is good bye to the scottish firms who brought the energy and enthusiasm to the tournament. the boston and the last one moved and the final team against the winning board was poured in the 10 minutes of out of time. and we still have a chance to talk to nami heading home again. the
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definitely cheerful uses and the data it up to date, but up next, a journey on marsh marsh at 10 is only true and excuse me, chatting iron or costs as a hot up as an global software short fix number such as thoughts. thank you so much for being with us. the people in trucks in judge was trying to feed the city center the straight pieces the


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