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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 24, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin. authorities in russia is august on regents. a gunman have killed at least 15 police officers and several others. the attackers targeted jewish and christian houses of worship and a police post on orthodox priest is also said to be among the dead on some coming on the show. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the intense phase of israel as war against him off and golf is quote, a bouncing at the fights is not over. we meet the ukrainian youtube burke who
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is found out per face as being used to sell russian propaganda and products in china. and home fans celebrate as germany score a last minute goal to salvage or draw with switzerland and when their group, i think europe beautiful. all championships will bring you all the reaction. the i'm clear, richardson welcome. authorities say at least 15 police officers and several civilians are dead. after gunmen launched simultaneous attacks into cities and rushes darkest on region, they took place as the country was celebrating the orthodox festival of pentecost, local officials say a synagogue to orthodox churches, and the police traffic posts were targeted in teens. gun fights broke out in seemingly coordinated attacks here and were dogs time,
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capitol live in the hutch color militants running the streets suited. my witnesses shows the gunman shooting police officers. there's no the last april we killed. the person is wounded. relevant services and law enforcement agencies. work quickly, but unfortunately there were losses with the offer often said condolences to the families and friends with sons and brothers died in the militants also targeted a church laser ceasing as on fire. meanwhile the city of did and which is around 120 kilometers away, was also under attack. synagogue was cecil light and the priest was killed at an orthodox church. while no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks. the republic of dogs done has been targeted by
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islamic militants in the past. rushes investigative committee has launched an investigation into what it called act of tara or correspondent j gosh. the middle of ski has been following developments for us from rica as dw was banned and russia. he gave us this update. a lot of clarity, security forces have finished their operation on monday morning and do we are receiving conflicting reports as to whether 5 or 6 of course were killed by security forces in this operation? and as we've heard, no group has claimed responsibility for this attack. yet, um, the russian they become reported that at all of the attackers were residential and i guess done. and that several of them were listed with the interior ministry as having contacts to radical islamist circles. russian, he does are also reporting that and among the optic curse were 2 songs and the
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nephew of a guest on a fishbowl from the united russia party. this is the governing party of letting it putting. now this official force heading out of the district seemed august on her step down overnight and she was, and she was questioned by the police. so information is still coming in. what have the authorities in russia been saying? or we haven't heard from defendant or from letting it putting it in a statement published on on monday morning, the governor of august on has vaguely come next to this attack to what he calls the special military operation in ukraine. he said, the war has come to our door and the depth, the o told her it is uh in apartment to know who is behind the tax. um, but she didn't offer more details. um, so this is a vague response so far and, and this somehow reminds me of the reaction to the terrorist attack on
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a concert hole in moscow in march, which was at the time claimed by this lennox state group at buxton del to reduce were also framing the framing the tax in the context of the ukraine was somehow framing ukraine and for, for the attack without offering much proof to dots. and so we will be waiting for that for more responses from directional authorities to pass. give us a good context here. if you can, can you tell us more about doug as done and the threat opposed by militant groups there? let's start us down is a republic in the north cal cause us. and it is, and it has been hit with an islamist insurgency in the 2 thousands. so this was an insurgency which largest proved over from the board, the republic of catching up, or checking out of course, experienced to boot awards into 1990. so when russia correct down on separate has their own on separate this there and so the islamist networks were
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strong and august and we know of some militants who traveled from august on to syria to join the is signing state group. there, however, a tax in august on has become fewer in the last years and in 2017 rushing out towards these even concluded that this is countering such as insurgency operation in august on, as at finished. so now this'll tags from yesterday, one of the deadliest in the north, co, kansas, in the last 2 years. this would be a problem to security agencies in russia, and we will be observing the situation further. thank you for your reportings. as our dw correspondent and j gosh someone else as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has signals that israel's of latest military operations against mos in gaza, or winding down. but he maintains that the fight. it won't stop until the group
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behind the october 7th terror attacks no longer controls. the gaza strip lesson is a part of an interview. netanyahu gave on isabel's channel 14 of hers 2 more shortly after the intense phase is finished. and then we will have the possibility to move part of the forces north. and i will do this for the 1st and foremost, for defensive purposes, and secondly, to bring our evacuated residence home. if we can, we will do this diplomatically to me. if not, we'll do it another way, but we will bring all the residence home from both the north and the south. drove out. i mean it's within a month for dish. so the end of the phase of intense fighting with this very soon. after corresponding to jerusalem at tanya kramer where this leaves us in the war or, or prime minister benjamin netanyahu gave this interview, i have to say a red interview to a local uh, tv channel, or writing a channel, as it is known here. where he was saying, basically that the intense phase of the war is winding down. and he also indicated
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that the army is close to completing it's offensive in the office of the southern city in a 1000 a dollars. but without giving a time. now i know without giving it more details, but he also said the war is actually not over. this would mean he said that fewer troops would be needed in golf and they would be re deployed to northern israel. he also said in that interview that he was prepared only for a partial deal, an agreement that with the a ceasefire. oppose and fighting, including then also the release of some of the hostages, as he said, but that the war would not be ending until how much is removed from power. and of these comments he made were very, just hoping to criticize the, especially by a groups that are representing the hostage of families of saying that you would therefore abandoned some of the hostages that remain in gaza. and
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a prime minister department is this office and issued a clarifying statement that they would not abandon the hostages, such as actually homos, who's not agreeing to the deal. but it's very, it's seen as prop the magic s as no incentive right now from us to agree to such a deal that has been installed. that's a ceasefire hosted steer that's on the table. because then line a demand was always to get a clear time for when the war will end to enter such an agreement. antonia, what about the situation at the border with levon on fighting between israel has the law has increased in recent weeks. can you tell us where things stand there now? well, absolutely, and there was always, you know, the, the understanding is well that once the offensive and then also in gaza would be coming to an end. then the attention of is where i would then turn a note to it's not as important as you have rightly said. that has been a lot of cross for defying. actually since october 8 has been,
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law has joined the war a, so to speak. but this has been intensifying in recent weeks. we've seen more attacks going deeper into israel by his beloved, also, attacks by israel, deeper into the been, is a territory against has a lot is read, wants to push, has pull up back from its border tens of thousands of his various had to leave the area have left homes and you know, cities and a village is uh, in this area that has been displaced there. and this is something that is val cannot accept a so we heard nothing young was saying that he would look for the plastic solution . the awesome efforts underway, but if there is no diplomatic solution, he would look for another way. and of course, that is the concern right now if that, if there would be an is rarely attack on southern living on this could actually go into a why to a more with yvonne potentially joining and it's malicious across the region. tanya,
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thank you. as always, that is dw tanya kramer in jerusalem. we can bring you up to speed now with some other world news headlines. and south korea local media are, is reporting that around 20 bodies have been found of great factory fire. the blaze has started any lithium battery plan to just south of soul and has since been brought under control. the exact cause of the fire is not yet known. 20 people are reported missing. the demonstrators in rio de janeiro are protesting legal legislation that that would criminalize abortion if past the termination of a pregnancy after 22 weeks would be treated as homicide. with women facing up to 20 years in prison. critics argue that convicted rapist could receive less or sentence has been their victims under the proposed law injury. and the china is whether agency is issued a red alert for heavy rains across multiple eastern provinces. several areas are likely to experience torrential rain over the next 2 weeks. the annual rain season
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has arrived earlier than usual this year in china sort enticino calling to ensure the saudi health minister has said more than 1300 of people died during this year's harsh pilgrimage of temperatures soared above 51 degrees celsius. and as long all muslims were physically and financially able are required to perform the harsh, at least once. authorities say extreme summer weather and co crumbs without proper documentation or access to cooling facilities, added to the danger of this year, spoken edge. a millions of parts basically seized extreme heat to see it in make a man equal labs and hundreds died after walking long distances in the scorching temperatures. so do your thought or do you see most of the dead did not have well appreciate 5 minutes to take bought the i did what the yeah
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. the number of depths reached 1300 and may god have mercy on them all and forgive them on the percent of the unauthorized de la. those who were exposed the for a long distance or under the sun, the final destination. without shelter and my wife the fatalities included more than $660.00 egypt. sions. what are these entitled? heavy bulk, the licenses of 16 travel agencies, alleging this has been graham's traveling to so the a be a without authorization. like they said, they themselves supposed to apply for a special type of visa, but many people who are not shocked in these agreements using a visitor's visa to save money. but those programs just deputation and, but they can not access operations. hutch specificities, including videos to cool off like condition dense and buses.
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the history of the physical image has seemed dead. these 10 feet and academics but as such as sees the dead leaves from exceeding bid, there is growing because of climate change. and there are cause thoughts. so the idea to do more, to keep the faithful saves. with a i technology developing at breakneck speed experts or warning of an explosion of a deep fake online videos. many people are falling victim and their identities being used without consent to create digital content. sometimes with dubious motives. we meet a woman now whose face has been used to make thousands of faith videos. about a month after olga lloyd started who youtube channel, she began receiving some very strange messages. people were asking her if she spoke mandarin. the 21 year old ukrainian initially thought it was a joke,
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but then she decided to watch some of the videos. people were sharing with her and i saw that this is literally like by face speaking mandarin and on the background i'm seeing kremlin and most go. and i'm like talking about things like how great russia and china r o does image is being used to spread russian propaganda and to sell russian products in china. yeah, she translates one of the videos into english for really appreciate the china. well, everyone else is moving away from rochelle and the chinese behind the flag support . when other countries reject the russian stuff. it's your supports to help her. she needed some you didn't get, has discovered she has multiple digital. delta gang is none of whom actually exist . one of them appears to be a russian woman named natasha, says she wants to support russia's war by selling products from homeland
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a downturn. should you? those are the only reason. i don't even know that you need to know. this is one company in china, told her that some 5000 videos have been created with the face on the platform alone. ex mall is a company in china. the developed advanced a i technology. it says the tech behind such the pike videos is very common in china. the company was not involved in lawyer situation, but the c, e o, jim choices the videos, show just how easy the bikes to produce what we all came to. it's actually the only i technology i used to is lips thinking. so a photo and every people don't pay attention to the lips. they may not notice the difference. so we will catch you before that the explosion and the number of deep psych videos appearing online clearly demonstrates how easy they are to produce an
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expert say as the technology improves, the problem is only going to get even bigger. i'd like to welcome henri, either an expert on a, i end a deep fakes, he advises institutions like the european commission, as well as tech companies like mehta and adobe. so let's start with, with the big question. how common are cases like the one that we've just seen in that report? where are you crazy and woman is appearing in these chinese videos promoting russia? yeah, good morning. so these cases, at least the cases of this kind where someone is being kind of populated and turned into a so to distill pocket for promoting services for selling services. in this context, it's still quite rare. um, obviously this one isn't especially loaded from your report because of the nature of the current conflict in ukraine and the that that's now to the of the victim. and, but i think what the key is,
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what came up in your report is that the tools for creating these kinds of avatars often now earned your reply a few minutes of voice audio and video. i'm, i'm so essentially the victim profile could be a you want, it is no longer the case we need, i was an hours of footage being run through difficult to use our and these a game of fight. i'm incredibly easy to use tools which required much less data, so it's a growing problem. older one, the is an incredibly wide spread in terms of the number of victims of them. and i surely no one would enjoy having their likeness misused by others toward their ends . is there anything that someone can do to stop this from happening? so it's a difficult question because obviously i'm as mentioned, you know, now that the tools are coming so efficient based on the amount of data they required to kind of train the model to create the fakes. in some cases,
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you only need one image to start creating a kind of pump here of someone that can animate that face, animate the facial movements and tons of voice. audio. new research came out the other day. i'm from microsoft as found that they can generate what they say is human power t synthetic voice audio from 3 seconds of voice. so the a lot. so because there's up to smooth barrier now in terms of the amount of data required, i'm sophistication of the actual outputs. it's so high, it's really difficult. i think what we should be saying is less, what should people do? because ultimately it's gonna be really hard for them, felt stop themselves being tired is more about what kind of companies developing these tools do to introduce better safety measures to introduce tends to be by met triple certification and other kinds of ways of verifying that you are who you say you are and that you're the person who gets to control how goal, synthetic like message presented. and perhaps at what the companies are doing based based on regulation. we know the,
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you is considered to be rather strict when it comes to regulating a can you give us an overview of what the situation is like worldwide stable? why the picture is these very irregular? i guess you could say many different countries have not really passed full more legislation which covers the whole range of different technologies which are rapidly imagine right now, particularly those, the odd generative will create synthetic outputs. and i think the, you obviously has taken a very comprehensive approach and a very rigorous approach. obviously we need to see now if they can actually enforce that legislation consistently across the block. but i think we all going to see a very interesting mathematical over the next few years of some countries taking a much more hands off approach. perhaps trying to encourage innovation and companies to come deal with the loss of a countries will be trying to introduce much stricter regulation,
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perhaps struggling to and full size. and it was what digital boundaries online doesn't really care about nation states. so the regulatory picture is a challenging one. that's certainly a role for regulators to play. but it's, it's that to me not kind of universally accepted how to approach this around the world. have to ask with all these possible dangers, you know, you end up wondering whether deep faith technology could also have a positive benefit of any kind. absolutely. i think one thing that's really critical, if you're old enough to understand is that a lot of the baseline technologies that are referred to as deep fakes are referred to as generative ios infecting media. when they use creatively or capacity, you will, in pro social ways. you know, the same kind of voice learning tools here and have translated the victims, voice in these chinese videos could also be used to help you speak to, you know, colleagues in other countries in a way that makes them feel like speaking to you. so so, so technology can help people who have lost the ability to speak have
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a personalized voice. it sounds like them or making different kinds of training materials much more engaging, using avatars rather than just a big text my new. so there's a lot of things that we've synthetic media with and i didn't write the content we can be excited about. um, it's just, you know, as with most technologies that to use their homes that can be caused. we provide those as dfcs that again, don't get confused. the fact that they are fundamentally using the same baseline generative technologies. i mean, either thank you so much for joining us today on the news. thank you. and now on it to day 10 of the european football championship and the final matches of germany's group a, the host drew one all with switzerland. thanks to a late goal from nicholas a few crew enough to advance as group winters. so the round of 16 where they will face the 2nd place team out of england is a group. see this west also advanced as the 2nd place team, and we'll play the 2nd place team out of space group
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b. and we'd be in the studio now. we have my sports colleague, daniel barcelona. daniel. hi, i understand you've been out at the fan mile in berlin during that game. what was the reaction from the crowd? yeah, so i was in the fans on, in front of the right side actually. and it was absolutely packed, of course, throughout the whole tournament, the atmosphere in these fans on has been spectacular, especially when germany play, of course being the home crowd. sometimes actually usually it gets passed through capacity and they don't let anybody else in. now i was a little bit worried yesterday about what i was going to tell you guys, germany was losing to the majority of the game. so the atmosphere was a little bit more relax, split se. but that actually serve to build up the anticipation because when food groups scored, it went absolutely wild. and what's funny was that just before he got something, they were like groups of fans. and they were say, footfall, who again, put for a coupon, and he'll score hill score. so it was absolutely wild when they won and or when
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they tied. and the fans were ultimately right. yeah, definitely made it much lighter moved here in germany today. so i mean, it was difficult, right to have germany reached a non count stage. yeah, definitely. they struggled against switzerland. now of course, there's a 2 teams, but they know each other very well. a lot of the players they play together in the german buddhist, the guy and switzerland is a side that is, they're very compact. they defend very well and they liked the hit teams on the counter type very quickly. and germany had struggle with that in the past. now, what was the key for germany in this game was that germany has so much depth on the bench. and what they have on the bench is our players that bring different qualities to what they had already on the field. and that sometimes it makes it difficult for teams to adjust when they make those subs. and that's exactly what happened when they brought in full crew. he offered something different upfront, and ultimately he was the one who changed the game for germany. so germany spoiled for talents at this point. yeah, i've done here. i've asked you this before,
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but i'll ask you again after that performance we just saw it. does germany have it takes to the whole tournament? i mean, it depends. so you ask of course they just might. yes. so yeah, they did struggle a little bit. they looked fragile defensively, but ultimately they qualified for the next round their 1st and their group, and definitely a team that nobody is going to want to play against moving forward. of course, if we're going to talk about favorites, we have to talk about spain and portugal who are both undefeated and both of them look very, very strong. french also is always a contender and a tournament like the arrows. so it will definitely be a very good tournament. and i think importantly germany have shown that they have the mentality to be able to struggle maybe through a game, but still do what it takes to get a result at the very last minute of the game. and that's so important for a team in the yours because it shows that they have character and you can never count them out. so it will be a great tournament. danielle, thank you so much this daniel barcelona to. now just before we go,
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we can bring you a reminder of our top story. at this hour, the men have launched deadly attacks into cities in russia, south western for public of docusign, local authorities say a synagogue to orthodox churches. and a police and traffic post were targeted at least 15 police officers and 4 civilians, including an orthodox priest of think hills and that is your news. i paint at this hour it, stay tuned for our tech show ships coming up after a short break. it's looking at what it might cost you if you use your face to pay for products. and of course, there's always more online to this a d, w dot com, or you can find us on social media of course, at units. i'm sorry. richardson in for lynn for me in the whole team here. thank you so much for watching the,
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