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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news of my from the 20 dining towards the naked gun attacks and rushes august boundary. 15 police officers and an orthodox priest the kills as attackers target christian and jewish houses of worship. and the police post also on the program to try the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the intensifies of his country's war against how mos in gaza is about to. and so he says the fight is not on the
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until gail, welcome to the program. russian investigators have blamed terrorism for a series of deadly shootings in the country. southern dogs down the region. at least 20 people were killed during coordinated attacks on the cities of mccarthy, carla, and event gun montague, if you to send a go to orthodox churches and the police traffic post. no one has claimed responsibility for the killings, but the attacks have renewed fee is of a resurgence. it is the midst of violence in the region. investigators search for clues, while soldiers secure the area after the deadly attacked the source of the church in the synagogue and the city of durban, where they mounted the targets the govern. no douglas done came to see the aftermath for himself, a little bit of what it's supposed to be able to use. the search and investigative
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meshes will continue. they will continue until all of the members of asleep aside, was that that was certainly sets up including phase members from a broad all identified. but the good thought it was going to is for this from eye witnesses capture to this current mission between gunman and security forces in douglas dunce, capital my coach color. most of the dead were police officers can is for the relevant services and law enforcement agencies working quickly. but unfortunately there were losses with the offer. austin said condolences to the families and friends. i was sons and brothers died. you already 120 kilometers separate the bent and not catching color. both cities came under a tech for several hours. well, no one has claimed responsibility. the republic of doug it's done has been targeted
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baseline mac militants in the past. rushes investigative committee has called the attacks acts of terror. jerome drivel is a senior analyst on jihad and martin counseling to crisis group. that's the thing. time conducting research and analysis on global crises asked him if you're investigated single authority should begin with islamic stays. yes, you have to the pantry because even though this is the felt that that, that the, i guess the, it does the fits with. i brought up at the end of a tax software the most cool, but that's when the region in the iran, in 13, the past and many of the products that's buy it prevented by the 30th of different countries. so this, if you'll just suspect at the moment on why that gets done, why do i have this on a north co? cuz that's why they so vulnerable to these terrace groups. let's say the group a sort of some choice to that, to sort of competing the region, but then it's
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a matter of about you need to use and i guess that that goes on the same republics within the russian federation ego. so one of the, one of the touch targets because it's a place that's quite por mountain that i and we, the history or to of, of media, tennessee. so it's our media network, some of whom have been involved, you know, struggling in the past and other places including in syria. and so there is, there is some how, you know, okay, a conducive on environment for real quick mind. somebody vision and the activities and recruitment amongst the local population or brought in from outside in this case, it seems that most of the perpetrators aware look or at least the names. that's where reviewed by the authorities. but we don't exclude that. some of them might come from abroad in the past when you, when you come back down to about tax that took it in the region, but also some of get them senior countries. we often had some sort of asians that's
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very involved including from us out by john who was bitchy down into them. so it would not be not excluded that some individual to some of these regions or so could deputy until the, those in the tax russian troops for he gets a number of medicine is let me groups in august down in the immediate post soviet that period and they even declared victory in 2017. so is this just an opportunist attack, or are they now re gaining strengths? i think it's most of all about your needs attack, but there is a risk as well for contagion in the, in the region. because asked to meet the networks i talked to you that are so really grievances and i'm really tense who i've been involved in. she had in several different countries. that's have the experience of them, but i'm sure you mobilize the mobilize locally so full. now those are individual that documents, so there are crisis of quite the live enough sophistication which can be quite damaging as wasteful. so i'll do a thirty's. but that would not exclude for some,
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not next to rick here in the future as what i'm, what all the big grievances that they face. people say if i have that, they used to justify these attacks. i mean, you have 2 types of uh, of plans. i mean, the brother plans of the group i sorta science gets come from that to them. it's just about fighting everybody. yeah. so i mean, definitely, i think most james, not most of them states, not state that does accept war against the, against the world. but those are the official claims. then when they try to recruit adults will try to put on the car grievances. and that includes the little small business division we didn't, we didn't of russia, but that also includes the type of category gm's. and that's and i guess to them that to so well 3 30 am on the type on those type control which he thought freedom of expression and so on. so they can build up on those grievances to promote that brother legend. and when we hear from the kremlin that foreign forces of supported
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these attacks and they point the finger in particular, i to ukraine, how much credence should we give those sorts of claims? i don't think the russian of 32 is believing that when the chance, if we look at what's happening most cool, that was exactly the same. came to me should either blame me ukraine. but then you came actually they went after a. those are already color networks, so they don't have to be leaving the academic. this is just part of that put back on the wall of russia, again to find enemies. and it's also a way to justify domestically that just using to the why and ukraine and so to further justify the type of the war that rachelle just against the are going to print, but it has no connection whatsoever. okay, thank you for driving us through. so clearly during drivel from the crisis group. thank you which i benjamin netanyahu, who has signaled that the intense phase of israel's ministry operations against
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time us in gaza is winding down by the said the fighting boat stuff. and so the group behind the october 7th terror attacks no longer controls because the strip, israel's middle trip is to be shifting its focus northwards. as classes were lebanon's has bala militia intensify. that'll tie up close to benjamin netanyahu despite the political head when he's facing both at home and abroad. but his message will likely disappoint those pushing for us to use fire mendoza. and the speedy return of his reading the hostages. gimme a scream, we ask him if there is an agreement and it will be in agreement according to our terms. and our terms are not to end toward leave, goes on her mazda, as it is, i knew i refused to leave him off. as it is, of course, we need to eliminate it as fighting alone. isabel's border with lebanon heats up the prime minister signal isabel could scale baskets, operation and golf. uh,
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there's too much for love out soon after the intense veins is finished about. cool . so for one hold on, we will have the possibility to part of our forces north russian is good enough because we have them good talk to show him show on the bike. and we will do that using a hot 1st and foremost to meet for defensive purposes. could hold on to one of them . it's not a bite to go to savannah for them to, for the crossbow, detentions have continued to rise since the outbreak of the war with israel repeatedly striking the roll and backed, has been diminished over the weekend. international. observe as of cold for restraint. owning an open conflict could trigger a wider war in the middle east. is riley defense minister yolanda is currently meeting with us officials before leaving for washington. he told the president, luckily, these meetings, i will discuss developments on the guns upfront the 11 in front of people, and they have a crucial importance at this time. i'm not familiar prepared for any action that may be required in gaza, lebanon, and other places as well. most of the, again,
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it's relative to the government's handling of the will continues to grow. over the weekend, protest is raleigh, near the headquarters of ness. and y'all, who's the crewed party, the biggest so far, according to the noises demanding the return of old hostages and an immediate cease fire. meanwhile, civilians in gauze, the continued to get quotes in the crossfire full palestinians, including a child among the latest victims of his rarely showing on central gauze the on monday. but i thought responded, and tanya kramer in jerusalem told me more about benjamin netanyahu. his remarks for a while it was a red individually gave you to a local station of writing station here where he said also that he indicated
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basically that the army was close to complete its offensive and also the city in southern gaza. but that didn't mean as you write the said that the war is over and i thing for postings and garza, they see up on bars meant of course, across the cause a strip. now he also didn't difficulty a timeline of that, but he said that it would mean that your troops would be needed and goals and they could then be re deployed in a north, an israel. now what has been really controversial about this interview is that he also said that he could agree to a partial a deal. and he's speaking here, referring to a proposal that has been on the table for the past couple of weeks to come to his. the spider would also see the release of the remaining hostages in garza, but he basically said a partial deed that would see the release of some of the hostages. so that your very sharp criticism by
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a group said that represent the families of those hostages and goals are saying that you basically abandon the 120 hostages that are still being held there. but also from his own former will cabinet members saying that the that was not what the war covenant had to decide that there was a clarification from his office later on saying that of course it was him, us that rejected that proposal. and that is of a do everything to bring those hostages home, but we also had no and a 1st reaction from us that they see that he basically rejected this proposal. and people here say it makes it much more problematic. know that both sides, that have not been able to agree to this proposal to come together as one of the main demands. but how most has been that, you know, there will be a route or timeline for permanent end to this war so that they will agree to this deal. okay, so we have the, the, the fact that perhaps the movements of his right, the troop set to that northern border we have is increasing attacks between
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a has belong and the israel. so does this look like, but the fighting a to israel is no, is going to intensify while the, how spend a lot of talk by is very efficient in recent weeks. i always have side ones. the offensive and off will actually come to an end. the tension of his rug will move to the north, and that's right. you said that has been an escalating cross that has been an escalating costs for the tax between his blah and is right in recent weeks. we've seen deep attacks from israel in south and living on, but also from husband law into a into is ro and of course, is a sense here that, you know, this could become a wider reach of war. and they're also tens of thousands of it's very so if left since october, 8th, when his ball are joined, somehow the war that said they were on the end of the contain when the war in gaza
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ends is really wants to say has paula pushed back from the border and the has been some, you know, diplomacy going on trying to come to a solution. we also heard from prime minister and it's in your own disregard in this interview. but there is a sense here that this region could be at a, you know, the, on the eve of, of, of why to reach the escalation from what you've been seeing here in recent weeks. ok. thank you for that tiny crime in jerusalem. is reminded by top story at this hour. the government has launched the deadly attacks into seasons in russia, south west and the public of august. and local authorities say a statement called to orthodox churches. odds of police traffic posts with talking to at least 15 police officers and 4 civilians, including an orthodox priest. i've been killed. i've got uh you can always get to dw and use on the go. just download the app from google player from the apple app
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