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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  June 24, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm CEST

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spread races, depression, today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the feeling adventurous time to both the deserts expressed through this the hall run. tightly skilled but no chance of a job. how is telling is kenzie getting on the and the right to repair. india's e waste strategy, the i'm going to place the big tech companies would draw the didn't exist. it's a sunday evening and this market in north debbie is
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not still 1390000000 mobile phones, the sol globally at all 5000000000 mobiles estimated to be thrown away. but right here could be a solution for much of this waste. i'm in the north indian market and there's really nothing you've con, get to basically like this and what people are using, whatever they have it on them to fix what's broken. because changes in the way products are made is changing this market and others like it without even full of the 5 or 6 of us, m o u m o u, that one. 0 yeah, it's up to you to the table. and because people are choosing to buy new rather than repair e waste, and they'll mix up the majority of our overall toxic waste and it's happening all over the world. so many people are now working to bring this route ban mindset back in now to retain this ingenuity and the culture of fixing was girlfriend. but also
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keeping as a going to me, i'm here, i'm daily. there is back to figure out how all of this is going to fails. india has a long history of repairing over replacing most read, gone those ones, how to call the other cielo, who fix saw use of state and families for many generations. but it gets more nice. this tradesman specializes in only fixing the economic boom of the 1990 the 2000 and change this culture completely with more money in their pockets and things getting cheapest. people started buying mall and somebody else happened. india went outside digits of every kind of payment is now done online from rick shows to coconut, brought to having a phone is now basically mandatory phone in the us for cheap and accessible that are more people with phones, then beds, all mattresses or chairs electronic devices to became an outlier to the old immune
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debate culture, mainly because electronics companies don't allow for repair. gadgets have been accused of being designed for the dump. it's called planned obsolescence companies have been taken to quote over this. for example, this year apple is prepaying to be up to $500000000.00 in the us and settlements in a case like using them of slowing down older iphones. the italian government find samsung 5000000 euros in a similar case, but found that updates slowed down devices. as a result of all this e ways has drawn phenomenally in india, and many countries have had similar results and best stories of development. and after this very little of this waste is formerly recycling. this is where electronics come in. this is the biggest electronics waste market in the country truck loads of discarded electronics come here every day and i'm dumped onto local traders to these people separate them. and so the boss on the recyclers
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or other kinds of stuff do those. there's literally e waste everywhere. the look at that here said was break down the tech to recover anything of value the results of this kind of informal dumping. i mean of this by what's meant to be a storm drain, but there's no space for water to flow. we saw a lot of people including and especially children, collecting anything of value. and this scavenging comes at a high price. the left gagne and mobility of an e we use has been known to cause skin conditions in the 1st instance. but it's also been linked to problems with the liver and development of the brain including a newborns. it was very hard to film here and
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nobody really wanted to talk to me on camera. i met se, and ha, a research show of chemical pollution to ask what needs to happen to stop this? to move on to production site autumn consumption site. it will have to make a lot of adjustments on the production site that can see that how people design products fit us. suppose they're going to design the product, which is more than letting nature, but that's what a be a. we'll just, we'll just putting a product because you cannot take you to the next level. the 2nd thing is about lowering consumption is also because if we design products, but if it last with me for a long time, i am not likely to desponding. so my risk generation becomes reduced. tow thing is about we need to formalize or pass, we need to formalize refurbishments. i'm by law also them for me to is only that. how do we encourage this? i think that we have not been able to direct of this 3rd thing is something the
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government is starting to work on. it launched a $14.20 to ensure that citizens have the right to repair around 50 companies of signing up sofa on people. these include manufacturers of farm equipment, consumers, you roubles, and altima buyers, as well as electronics. i met the man in charge of commerce thing, the highest sucking administrative office, the ministry of consumer affairs, in case the product required. zip is a routine maintenance. it shouldn't be expensive, it should be easily accessible. and it should be noted li, available in the system of the consumer. so you put all that together and the a green that i to repair a framework most specifically this would include access to information on how to rebecca, providing cheap and original step up to consume of i'm fluid bodies. and it also includes more specific called so action like that, all charges must be
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u. s. b c. by june 2025. you don't want to become in impediments in the ease of doing business also, you know, it's a, it's a very tricky thing. so on the one hand, you want more business name, the you want economy to grow, you want more of the i. so you want to make things simple and streamlined, but you also have to protect the consumer, protect the planet, and these things can be competing. there has already been pushed back even against the simple u. s. b c charging road. i believe india has asked for an exemption or a daily thing, but otherwise struggled to meet production targets. 2 but there are economic arguments for repairs at the moment, most of the material that goes into making electronics remains on accounting for these include important resources like lithium, which we will need a lot more off in the future. so these are of huge national value. many countries i'm pushing head on this in early 2024. the european parliament took
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the leap forward and voted strongly in favor of strengthening the right to repair. in all 27 countries of the summer, even handing a group of vouchers paid for by national dra best funds from to setup. what might become a norm across many products, a repair ability index, much like the one that shows you the energy efficiency of say, a reference rate to, to give the consumer more agency. the u. s. has not fall behind them. such decisions would have impacts and countries like india and beyond the some of the products, standard global supply chains. so they manufactured for the world. so the world has to be on the same page. it's a difficult task to, to, but then we also engage with you and they are doing from a specific date. they're making a friend entry. so reset, okay. uh you plus 6 months is estimated to be a $20000000000.00 domestic market for repair and a $5000000000.00 domestic market for refurbishment in india. so start to upset,
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jump begin by setting up repair and before richmond units of vin, vin proposition. for the consumer, for the guy who's looking as a and get some employment and the company expensive. and it was because we want to get some benefit because it's cheaper and accessible. and the guys being able to make a living. but this all still exists in pockets in very early stages. the big challenges, the hundreds of thousands of people whose livelihood depends on for facts, formalizing such a mass of informal economy, developing skills, registering, and ensuring the paid tax is not going to be an easy task. even if the government says the intention is that it's also going to be a challenge to keep account of all these resources. but that is the whole, the china is kenzie is in crisis. joblessness is right. even among the highly educated,
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the number of university graduates is rising on the right now twice as many as 10 years ago until now. the unspoken agreement with badging was, we provide prosperity. thank you. keep quiet. i think starting to fall into shanghai. china is a glittering city, a symbol of the countries, a sense of recent decades of a future, the beckon's young people. it's a pretty cool place. as we film at the quickest central selfie spot, a young chinese couple comes by. they're taking photos of taurus from money. they also speak german and have lived in europe, chevrolet. yeah. well, i studied in england last year and my major is a master's and marketing marketing. do you ever send to, you probably found that if you came back to china with a marketing degree and there'd be jobs. thank you. yeah. yeah. i thought there'd be
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lots of jobs in china, but no, that's not the situation here. a students watch. you'll miss me so the long. how long have you been looking for work? i've 6 months. it's been almost a year for me. i'm josh. oh, millions of people here have made it out of poverty and into the middle class in recent decades. that's a huge achievement. parents experienced china is a scent, but today they often have to take care of their adult children as they compete for the few good jobs available on the labor market. there are no twice as many college graduates as there were 10 years ago. but the economy is growing weaker to one is $26.00 and we go with him to a job interview. he's been looking for work for months and we've known him since last july, new homes or private doors, yet the 1st and the reason that the job market is really tough,
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engaging the people. i'm a bit nervous about a $10.00 that he's really feeling the pressure, including from his parents expectations and from the demands he's placed on himself . he has an interview here today, not for a job in finance, but to work as a driver, the an hour and a half later. hello. hello. hello, hello. i have a little higher play silver. i'm very happy. i had a good conversation with the hr department. will he get the job? these young people lining up at 8 o'clock on a sunday morning are also looking for work. they're applying for state jobs. i can only film with my cell phone and i don't want the security guards to make us leave
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. almost 9000000 people throughout china or applying to become police officers, party officials or judges. we speak to a woman who is about to graduate from university. i have the feeling that everything is very uncertain at the moment. and everyone wants a bit of security. more applications have been submitted in 2024th and ever before. the state is mainly defined by this man. chinese president and communist party leaders, huge and things message to jen z. 8 bitterness. in other words, lower your standards on mine. no programs are advertised, such as for farming and living and villages, which most people had it leaks like
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20 so grow up in a village. he now has a job as a driver. he picks up his boss here every morning and takes her to a tea house. we don't get to know her, which one he walks her dog toto into the courtyard, which is also part of his job. his boss lives here with her son and their dog and a 270 square meter flats right in the center of the capitol and they go ne, who lives on the horse. you sometimes think. ringback would be nice to have a live lives, your boss, truth. oh, borders royal. i don't want to live luxuriously. just have a nice and comfortable apartment and i don't know when i'll be able to fulfill that goal. so it's impossible at the age of 30, maybe when i'm 40 and a new issue on the side of their families. honestly, sir. 20 is more like her personal butler. she passes the time in this cafe,
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waiting for his bosses. next message is only source of news. do here in time is own version of tick tock, entertainment and video games. to find the there's almost no room for personal development while part um i cannot plan for the future right now. and the order may 600 kilometers from beaching in the flat countryside is home village. there's nothing here except for a bit of farming. a typical chinese village. many locals have to work far away in the big cities from low wages. together with 20, we visit his family and visual alone is that my mother. which one he hasn't visited for 2 years without that looks like her.
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does he want us to put the design to avoid meeting mama? oh yeah, i'm sure mother. yeah, this is my friend on how this is my mother in china. a low key greeting doesn't indicate how much people might like each other . but this is a rather frosty welcome on this grandmother and some neighbors are waiting for him. but mother and son hardly speak to each other. she shows us pictures of 20. she says she had no choice but to send him to boarding school. to fill the titles your site is it was a bit difficult. the dent times english was not taught in the rural area, although i was hesitant. but for the sake of his academic performance, i have to send him to boarding school susie to see if it says this is the
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ladies of parental expectations. play a huge role in china. back and aging 20 has lost his job as a driver. he was no longer needed the board guy is really having a hard time. he's not angry about the external factors, although he's very depressed. you know, even i don't see that it's unbearable. emotional agony, everything that happens in the world is pre determined. you should accept it as something you simply have to endure a lot of things. $100.20 wouldn't dream of questioning the system apart from the fact that he's not even allowed to the the
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$700.00 come on, which is across the deserts, with temperatures of up to 50 degrees celsius and sand. as far as the i can see from zoo at out to the coastal city of new uh the booth. it's one of the world's longest and heaviest trains. more autonomy, a real waste fired for train. the line run some 700 kilometers across the sahara from the iron or mine to the atlantic loading terminal. it's the country's only railway line, the iron ore train indispensable for the people of the region, waiting at new on the booth station near the atlantic. any one wanting to travel east towards the iron or town of the way to hunt gets on here. we meet max, an expert from northern france is one of many backpackers looking for a unique experience right now. if you're trying to open earle and the rest is only
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because you want to 6 things, that's because it's a we have here is the way to go to the city from another small on through a signal to those who can take the train, including this group of women, the train journey marks the end of a special weekend for them. there was something to celebrate. the wedding who got married? she did, the hawker sells cigarettes and cookies until the train arrives. max makes another video for social media. then it's time to wait until more than $200.00 empty for when can surpass. and finally, the only passenger car for us to struggle for seats begin to soon as we board on the
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box climbs into one of the empty carriages, popular with backpackers. and anyone who has something to transport, there's plenty of space wanted for carts and so fresh eggs, fruit juices, or even camels live. we'll get them to shut. the train is a big help for us, and that's a transports people for free, including their campbells and all their things. and there was an exchange in both directions. they told me that you had one window and what it was there from the why they bu to do a route and back the train even supply some villages with water along the way. come use it. i got the passengers crowd into the compartments, the seats or hard wooden boards, the passengers friendly and relaxed. unlike in the air wagons,
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everyone here has to pay for a ticket. the journey costs the equivalent of 5 zero's. for on the if i take the bus, i have to change 3 times before i arrive, the i'd be love us to put my legs use. okay. if i go by car, i pay $6.00 times as much on that as for a seat on the train, which it will be to get rid of. yes, i said to go, that's why i prefer the train shut off at the front of the front of the iron ore train the lifeline of an entire region of an entire country. now there is a special kind of rail tourism, a small town of sure, which lies roughly midway along the route, also benefits for a long time. there was no launch in here or but now there is the hope there, special or show hostile the owner serfs breakfast to bonnet,
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tina from romania and liza loved it from the netherlands. we learned something of the fascinating train travelers who wants to come to more retain. you usually want to do the, the iron ore train and i've understood that there are also a couple of them, only come for that which you know, age of 50 because the country has much more to offer. but i guess is like i was saying earlier is such an experience that everybody wants to do is traditional hans, but with a back door to a bathroom with running water. this is how backpacking adventure is like it. back in the day we arrive in here we. we waits hours in hours by the railway, and sometimes the train would stop at 10, sometimes at midnight. sometimes 2 in the morning. and if you're waiting out there in the deserts, with no shelter, no electricity, no profit toilet that can be harsh, back can be an even more difficult experience than the china itself. the hostile
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could become a success story the mine and so we're not 8 hours away by rail. mountains of iron or particles, wait to be transported away. there are 2 loading stations. the flaps with the iron ore open and close automatically. and later, the individual wagons are put together to form the trains. ringback mauritania, only rank 16th of the world in terms of iron or production. not the country depends heavily on the iron door. that accounts for about half of all export revenues around $2000000000.00 euros per year. as to some sense over the desert, the train hands back towards the atlantic, up to 4 heavy locomotive comb or roughly 2 and a half kilometers of training. 17000 tons of iron or roll along 200
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wagons. one of the world's longest and heaviest trains, money on schedule, machinery of superlatives, the as the sun rises the next day, most of the room is behind us. the morning cold, the air stream of iron or dust are challenges even for a crew. the in the midday heat, we arrive at the passenger station in the wild people. we've made it so the goals were eagerly awaited the air in contact with the goats owners. if there is to be a good transport, we put together a team. sometimes it goes from rochester new. why the bu sometimes the other way.
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and that's our only jobs. i think the rail journey for the iron ore will also be over in a few kilometers. then it will be sent from the port of new on people all over the world, including to germany. the, you're looking for more insights, inspiration, or real life solutions from around the world. if you want to meet the people fighting climate change visit test on facebook. if you love the story behind the headlines, follow us on instagram. and if you want green lights, tax, checkouts, optic toast, the, the, the
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50 down. this is. yeah, i think it was. and someone came in the opposite divided the lives of how much do you and so freedom is on and is constantly doing with conversations, cooking and music. oh, i'm val 30 minutes d w. when i grow top of the system models saying send unhealthy with a miracle, drive weight loss injections are all the rage aggressively advertised on social
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media questioned by experts adjusting. how effective are these drugs really close to 75 minutes on d, w. the discovery, change your mind. just a click away, find the best document trees on you to see the world, the subscribe. now, to dw documentary,
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the dream of revolution dictates has somoza was full. so that changed my life. the people hoped for a sara society. i imagined we would change the world tens of thousands of left us from all over the world, wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream. it was simply a spirit of optimism where we encouraged each other. so many things were suddenly imaginable. there are the most efficient and make it a dream of revolution. thoughts july 20th dw, the, the, the,
7:00 pm
this is thing that we news long from berlin. russia points the finger at the united states after a ukrainian missile attack in occupied crimea. the strike onto the vast simple pills, at least 5 people in leagues over a $150.00 injured the kremlin plains, the us for supplying themselves and vows repercussions also coming up government pill, at least 20 people in co ordinated attacks in russia saga san regents at least 15 police officers and an orthodox priest are among the dead as attackers targeted christian and jewish houses of worship. and the police posts.


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