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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 12:00am-12:03am CEST

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a tens of thousands, talented to help with reconstructions. but the end the dream of revolution does july 20th on d, w. the . this has dw news, and these are on top stories, bushes blaming the united states for what it says was the ukrainian attack on crimea using us supplied themselves. the kremlin has vowed to retaliate at least 4 people that reported that and over a $150.00 wounded. some of the injured are being transferred to moscow for treatment depends on denies responsibility. saying ukraine makes its own targeting decisions. do you foreign ministers of approved a 1400000000 year old military aid package for ukraine is the 1st time that
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proceeds from frozen russian central bank assets will be used to finance a the key of the used top diplomats just up route said the funds need to reach you clean quickly and avoid any blockage german foreign minister on elena babylon, repeated a calls for a 2 state solution during the visit to israel, a 8th since the october 7 terrorist attack in a policy speech, she focused on the one guys as well as the west name humanitarian crisis and the strip you watch, indeed on the news coming to you from berlin, if i'm less money is and our website is go to dw dot com the or for weeks much of the world's had been pleading for an end to israel's military operation in rough up now prime minister benjamin netanyahu says,
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what he calls the intense phase of the war and gaza is winding down. just to be clear that does not mean that the war is over. israel is holding onto it stated goal, eliminating homos. but that goal remains elusive. 9 months into the war, the group has not been dismantled, nor have the remaining hostages seized during the almost her attack been brought home. so really what has the intense face of the war achieved on the call for the chamberlain and this is the day the the end of the fees of intense fighting. very soon we want to in this or we still getting that 120 oxygen as uh, as the most important political science.


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