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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching due to the news coming to you live from a berlin julia and assigned out of prison and out of the u. k. the working weeks found her expected it to plead guilty to violating us espionage law is now on his way to 80 west pacific island. also, it coming off on the show pressure points, the finger at the us operating plane in missile attack and occupied crimea. the problem with a plains the us for supplying the missiles and balance tr response the
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i'm sorry richardson, thank you so much for joining us. joanna sanchez flown out of the u. k. after agreeing to a plea deal, which will see him go free. the wiki looks founder is being moved to the northern marianna islands in the pacific where he's expected it to plead guilty to violating us espionage law. from there, he's expected to travel to australia where he'll be freed. massage was wanted for publishing classified us military files on the wiki. we platform where she found it in 2006. he had been fighting expeditions to the us in britain, where he spent the last 5 years and a high security present. or washington bureau chief us paul has more details. well, this is actually really quite a spectacular turn. we have to keep in mind that julian has also spent more than a decade in confinement 1st and an embassy and then in prison. no other case has
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this taken this dramatic turn and expedition to the us indeed, as apparently no longer under discussion. so the agreement apparently stipulates that assault will plead guilty to court in the us territory of the mariana islands and the sentence that's what we hear is currently set at a 60 a 2 months and will be considered as already served to support us. we see him as a brave visual blower who exposed wrong doing and kind of empowers citizens. critics on the other side argue that's just actions really endangered lives and compromise national security. that was our washington bureau chief, n as o. and we can get across to australia now where we've can speak to journalist joel rachel. got to see you. give us the latest on julian assigned. we've heard, he's on his way when i went in the pacific as we speak he's on his way to the
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northern mariana islands. now that might seem like a strange place for such an important and prominent case to be heard. and the reason is, and we know this from the united states department of justice letter is julia saunders are an opposition to traveling to continental united states. and also the islands proximity to australia, in by somewhere between australia and japan, around $5000.00 loans north of you know, his case is going to be hard to tomorrow at night time. and then he's expected to be free. and on his way to the start of the a possibly as early as later this week. and it's under, of course, himself an australian citizen. what kind of reaction have we seen from australia to this? this has been big news. your scientist case has been followed closely from the beginning and has been politicians from all major parties that was spoken out over the years in support of assault. just release today, the prime minister anthony alden, easy, he told column, and that no matter what the views of people have about assigned and is active,
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it is that these cases drag drugs are too long. the prime minister also to. ready his cabin told me that it was the start of the government and diplomatic to help with disabilities in this particular place. now, another politician said the chief judge assigns because he's taking his plea deal that he should do. whatever the hell he trying to get out of prison because he's had many health problems over the years, and it was real concerned for his health. there's also lot of concern about what might happen. tucson hadn't been extra extradited to the united states where they refuse to would face the death penalty and also uncertainty about what might happen . you see, would it be extradited there under a potential future president. donald trump, there's been republicans in the united states even today who have spoken out against this play deal. so there's a lot of uncertainty about what might happen. and so there was a real sense in australia that this kind of deal and the s on his release was long as you know, he does have to come on journalists, joel, dora, and sydney. thank you so much. well,
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russia is blaming united states for a ukrainian attack on crimea. this marking a new escalation intentions between russia and the west. moscow has sometimes the us and bass fair to warn that it will retaliate. at least 4 people were reportedly killed in the attack on sunday and over 150, wounded rushes and bastard to the united nations claimed. long range attacking dismissals were used. the problem was, as the weapons were supplied by washington and programs, by us specialists, authentic on denies responsibility arguing that ukraine makes its own targeting decisions which for, and conducts its own operation of the river. corresponding to nick connelly reporting from nikolai of crane nick russia here, directly blame me. the us for an attack on find the saying is we've heard that you print struck with us. the flight attack comes missiles. how is this changing,
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the dynamic of the war of the i think, amongst all the noise and all the kind of informational, kind of the confrontation around face events and successful. it's really important to remember that even the rest of the site isn't using the ukrainians of choosing to attack the civilians of choosing a target that involves these get 450 wounded weeks. so those images on social media from of each of us both, even the rest of the state media has the cryptic statement saying that for the test results were supposedly accepted. and that one of them is that it's like positive trajectory. they didn't say was that was through and is kind of failed in set to whether that was the technical pay that we've heard sofas in the west saying that this was the right russians except for the cells and basically the kind of stuff, munitions pulling out and busy talking, moving people in the city. no. the target intended. think that is the most important take away from all of it. i think the bigger picture is, this is the proof that the detectives were cells really what they are
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a lot more devastating in that effect. they have allowed you francisco a lot of rushes at defensive and crime in the last few weeks. and especially the us as the little allowing ukraine to use those attack themselves. okay, it's russian territory crime in other parts of the 5 ukraine. it's allowed, but for instance, an effective way of the types of west lessons can now be used by your brain. that is still, it's a bu and something that you kind of really want to change. i think it's a 5 and if it, by rushes to prevent the west preventing us moving further on, allowing pain to use these weapons that have shown such effects. and you might be able to hear a lot of noise behind me that generate this hearing because live, we're having rolling palka. the diverse is continuing attacks on the brain power system. so it is a pretty difficult situation. students here and with a lot of fun to deal with situation is probably worth in terms of energy affinity they've seen so far. let's. let's start with other news today. brussels officially opening talks for you. praying to join the you stay with us for just a moment. i want to take a look 1st, at the terms for succession that they're going to be negotiating. applying for you
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membership, one of the 1st moves ukraine made off the rush are launched, its full scale invasion back in february 2022. the move that the country sees as a pos to better living conditions and more security. the you agreed to start the process. what made it clear you cry and would need to make some changes before taking the next steps. any country joining the has to meet its high standards, including on rudo for all human rights and a competitive market economy. since then, ukraine has been busy with it's you home, but pushing forward reforms to cope corruption and decrease hardly galks infants o y fighting off the russian aggression that are in the country. praise from the use execute. if you have me rate strides, much greater than any one expected from a country at war, you are undergoing the reforms while fighting
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a full scale war. and the goal is surely within reach. now that the eu has approved, ukraine's reforms accessing talks can begin. but they will be heavy and technical detail. negotiations will mean going through every chapter of the usually book, all $35.00 of them and making sure the new kinds last a line that includes of a policy areas such as energy, taxation and justice. the 27 currently you members will have many more opportunities to approve or block ukraine's progress. and joining this class could take years or even decades. all that means you trans journey to you membership could still be added on board. so let's get back across an economy and ukraine for more. so as we've heard nick, the process of joining the you could take years. so why is this date so important
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for you? crane? i think at a time where you crane feels like a lot of the world is already moving on mentally and maybe you don't pay much attention to this for 2 years. this is crucial. this is something that really quickly would never have happened without this war. you remember before 20 minutes to lots of european you members wanting to kind of give you some kind of privilege partnership, but showing away from full membership a real worry about taking or come to me is too big to corrupt to full. maybe that is something that definitely does more has kind of totally changed your brain into europeans every day live through the news and through the millions of refugees living now across the e. u. and it really provided provides the kind of roadmap to reforms a gift kind of ukraine, a very clear pulse with lots of homework to do, especially a time where you need to membership is maybe not as clear as the perspective as we might have thoughts into a button and all the shows for that mess and not too keen on taking on that commitment. and also your is a little closer with those millions of refugees,
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lots of ukrainians. now how many across disciplines are traveling or working in the you? so this is really something that you can't, you can kind of, you know, it's around and see a future themselves often as well. thank you so much as always for your reporting. that is makes connolly for us and make a life and we can bring you up to speed. now with some other world news headlines before german 4 minister and elena bare bach has repeated her calls for a 2 state solution during this visit israel. any policy speech she focused on the war and worse and mandatory, and if i succeeded, honestly, i can prevent while right reiterating that she was a friend of israel bare box and the global anger over the girl was undermining, is releases, or in the resumed us secretary of state antony blinking called on israel to avoid further escalation in love and on during a meeting with you as well as the defense administer you after lunch is visiting washington to discuss efforts to reach a deal to free hostages in golf or visit kansas prime minister netanyahu chastise
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the us for allegedly delaying weapons deliveries to as well. but will some 400 police officers have left kenya to lead a multinational force. in haiti, the caribbean nation has long been played biking violence, but the situation escalated when armed groups set out to overthrow the government in february. the mission to restore order has been delayed by a canyon court ruling against the deployment of the government sent off a scale down force on monday with much fanfare. ceremonial good bye for 400 canyon groups. before the deposit on a you and beck commission to take on bob a forward flight and gangs in haiti like president william rudo hayes the mission by his nation soldiers as an important step into the storing stability on the cat. it'd be an island you undertaking
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a bite permission that transcends board us and purchase your presence in haiti, we bring hope and relief to communities toner, pod by violence, and rummaged by these or deadly violence. a spike didn't lead february this year in haiti. the u. n. said more than 1500 people had been killed and several 100 injured in the 1st 3 months because they didn't need it for haitian prime minister audio audrey was forced to design say, yes, his cousins you are. and the 9 member position of calls, and what's the one in the patients best in quality called tom ahl and gang violence had mixed views of the deployment of florida and police officers in the country. once i read the whole forces most
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arrive, they must be everywhere in the country. so the haitian people can have some freed up tenure. you'll need to pick up the foreigners one, solve our problems. it's up to us to come up with solutions. but we still accept the help because we can't go anywhere. we can't, these people are sleeping in the streets, and children can't go to school. if they come to help us by say, yes, can, you know, has blessed to send a total of $1000.00 officers. 9 of the nations, the spending the bill problem, but now these 2 bob bottles said they would join the multinational emission sports now. and italy scored a dramatic late goal at the european football championships here in germany to ensure they would advance to the round of 16, the defending champions equalize in the 8th minute of stoppage time and their match against croatia. group winters of spain picked up another victory beating. i'll be
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at one now. spain also advanced to the round of 60. there you have it. you are up to date. stay tuned for plan. it ain't coming up. next. i'm going to richardson in for then. thank you so much for watching the little guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for advocacy issues, picture id you know, on this channel we are not afraid to pass and then it gets to talk to the young people clearly have the solution, the future of the
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77 percent every weekend.


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