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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw now, who's coming to you live from berlin? joanna song out of prison, and out of the u. k. the work 8 weeks founder is expected to plead guilty to violating us espionage law, is now on his way to a west pacific island. so coming up on our show, rush or points the finger at the us after a ukrainian missile attack and occupied crimea to chrome when it rains. thank us for supplying the missiles and vows to response and as is really authority step of demolitions and all quite east jerusalem and he wake up in october 7th attacks. we've an exclusive reports on how to move is truly tensions even further
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the clear richardson welcome to the show. julian sanchez flowed out of the u. k. after agreeing to a pre deal, which will see him go free. the wiki likes founders being moved to the northern marietta islands in the pacific where he's expected to plead guilty to violating espionage law. as long as just wondered, is, uh, was wanted, excuse me for publishing and classified us military files on which he makes a platform. which he founded in 2006. you've been fighting expeditions to the west in britain where he spent the past 5 years and a high security present. or as long as ultimate destination is australia, his home country. here's a little bit of what australian prime minister anthony albany,
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easy have to say earlier about the apparent end of the as long as case i've been very clear as by the live deleda, a, an opposition, but also as prime minister. that regardless of the views that people have about mr . assigns is activities the cases dragged on for too long. let's get across to australia now where we can talk to dw reporter joel joel roys running us now from sidney charles. so julian assigned, i understand he's, he's on his way to his i want in the pacific. can you tell us what happens from here? he's on the way to the know the very on the islands the uh, oriental islands or a territory of the united states. they like between australia and japan, and that's not exactly the common place you might expect a high profile case like these to be heard. but the reason is, according to the united states department of justice, that is, the julian massage was fearful of going to the united states that he preferred to
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go to this territory which is closer to his home country or australia. it's not exactly clear whether the northern area on the islands or any kind of legal advantage to join us on because they're still part of the us justice system. but in any case, they are close to $200.00. and so what happens now? well, uh tomorrow morning is due to face the us federal court on those islands. and he's expected to be prostituted incentives on the same day, a pleading guilty to one charge under the espionage act of receiving, passing on publishing state secrets. and if all goes according to plan, it could be on his way back to australia as soon as later this week, as our veterans, as andras himself, australia, and we heard there also from the prime minister. you tell us how else people in australia have been reacting to this news. a different big news here. this case has been followed really closely right from the start. and he has quite a degree of sympathy here in australia where many people feel these kinds of just
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going on for too long. the start of the and palmer earlier this year passed the resolution. owing for his release, the prime minister has lobbied the united states and united kingdom for his release . as he said today that i have been using all the diplomatic channels to try to secure his way out of prison. one politician said that he shouldn't be judged for accepting a plea deal because he have to do whatever he could to get out of prison. his long been concerned about his health is mental and physical health. and there are some people here who think what he did was not a crime and that he should not have been prosecuted at all. but what he did was legitimate, joe is releasing state secrets revealing the us crimes in the war on terror in iraq . the strange in general is do you need has welcome his release saying that he basically was doing reporting and that's what he should be. do see what he was doing should be celebrated. and this is to underline concerns about what might happen to him if he were to go to the united states. so it concerns that you might face that potential death penalty. and today a full us present a vice president,
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sorry mike pence. he treated us saying that he thinks this is a miscarriage of justice and the son should have sized the full extent of the law, which presumably clearly included the death penalty. but here in australia, there is a sense of relief that this deal which has been going on now for 14 years is almost the end of the science deserves to come home. child. all right, with the perspective from sydney, australia, thank you so much. and where else brought to the view from britain? now i'm joined by our correspondent bearing huge mass in london. there it is. good to see you. can you just start by reminding our viewers just how extensive this battle over julian assigned has been in british courts to it's been a long breath language course, but not only enbridge bridge quotes because julian sons was hiding in the ecuadorian embassy. and that i think was what made him really a, almost
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a celebrity here in the u. k. so whenever you were in, in knightsbridge, there was police presence outside the ecuadorian embassy with julian massage when and had a basically look for assign them. soon he was supposed to go to sweden, the allegations of right. and on the station he said he wouldn't size if had tried in sweden, he was always afraid that he would then be extradited to the us. so he was hiding in the ecuadorian embassy and he had many celebrities visiting him that he had his lawyer as visiting him that always, also, fans admirers, supporters of his outside on the streets. he sometimes gave appearances on the balcony. so that went on for 7 years, then the ecuadorian embassy, you basically let bridges police insight and then he went to bel most prison. and since then, since the last 5 years,
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he's fought against the extradition to the united states. he's always maintained that he would not get a sad trial in front of the us courts. interesting that now he has agreed to go to a use court. maybe you could argue a little bit on his own towns, but it's definitely being event for his time here in, in britain, he's always had a lot of support whenever he had, quote appearances that, well, i'm this, the international, all the human rights organization, journalist, organization of course his team, his wife has family and people from all over the world to really came and for whom he is a journalist and he should never have bingo. so that was always basically the battle cry office support as he should never have been in jail. thank you so much. that is the w as big as most for us in london to and to israel. now german foreign minister and elaina bare bach has visited
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ramallah in the west bank, where she met with the prime minister of the palestinian authority mohammed and stuff. us talks included the ph reform efforts in the west fence and she repeated calls for a to think solution. she would also plans to meet with her counterparts from cats in jerusalem against the backdrop of growing concerns about an escalation of the conflict between israel and the pro iranian hezbollah militia in lebanon. she will fly onto 11 on where she will be meeting with 11 east prime minister there. buck also spoke of the impact of the images of the war we're having around the world. these images from gaza at traveling the globe sparking strong emotions in the arab world. but also in the us, in europe and my country everywhere. this believe sadness, anger, and as
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a friend of each row. i want to be frank. this anger is not helping each real to me that security needs to the contrary. it only serves how most cynical drive to provoke further escalation. we have a dw is atanya kramer reporting from jerusalem. i asked her, what bare bulk is trying to achieve on this her 8th, a visit as well since the start of the war? as a 1st of all, it's a very short trip. i mean, it's under 24 hours. she's here in the region though, she gave that speech of the has the security conference on monday night, but this morning she was visiting with the palestinian prime minister. there also may be a signal to is round saying that germany sees the posting authority that they might or they should a payroll. when it comes to the day off to scenarios in garza, she's done expected to meet with the is really
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a foreign minister this morning before then assigned to live in on and what you just heard the as well. i mean, it is the humanitarian situation in gaza, but also of course, the scenarios of what could be off to this war and that's on the agenda. but also 1st and foremost, the escalation in a northern israel between has been a and is where a, where the german 4 minister certainly trying to de escalate to bring maybe some messages back and forth. we heard their bare bach for the stressing that germany is a friend of israel's. do you think nation, yahoo and his government are listening to to her other warnings? well, i'm not so sure how much impact german foreign policy has on the government on and on. prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself, i mean, if you're looking at is as close as the us. this relationship has been very
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straightened now durham. and it is seen as an important partner, an important partner of like some in the european union for as well. and also of course, it's very much appreciated, the support it gives a to is read also now during war time. but at the same time, it's not seen as having a too much leverage on the government and too much impact on the decisions that are currently being made here. sonya cramer for us in jerusalem and many thanks in occupied east jerusalem israeli authorities have carried out a new wave of demolitions following. the law says october 7th, terror attacks, drink previous cause of war's officials, had avoided scaling up such demolitions, to avoid increasing tensions, but not this time as the w, as an uber reports intellectually. i'm supposed to this piece of paper turn,
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how much does life upside down in order to demolish the built without in his really perfect jealousy with his parents, wife and brother's family. she tells me there's because just one of 13 demolition orders is really up to in these issues in the area that day when they, they told me either you demolish the house or we will come and do it for you. nice . the summit in his family lived in east jerusalem israel occupied in the 1967 for an annex stood in. lemme team declaring the whole city. it's a terminal and divided capital. most of the international community does not recognize this and palestinians claim district, lynn. as the capital of a future independent state and majority of jerusalem's, 360000 palestinians lived here. give a fine getting permits to build homes virtually impossible. according to the what
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it says is really authorities own little land for palestinian development while facilitating the expansion. it is really settlements. that's also the experience of these 2 trustee. he's a researcher at your, i mean, and it's really nonprofit that focuses on this is really posting and conflict into swan. they permits regime is being controlled by the municipality, a based on zoning plans that are controlled by the government. and both of these bodies are making sure that the zoning plans do not allow enough permits, fitting for the size of the population. and when palestinian communities in jerusalem initiate zoning plants, most of the times these are blocked the regular rejected. given the situation, how much did not even apply for a permit. he says he knew he never gets sent to build his house on his my
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the penalty for doing that is demolition. which rights group say is really authorities have banded since the october 7th terrace. they don't want a lot of arabs. they want to reduce us. if that's an accusation, the ari king, the jerusalem, deputy mayor in settler leader, be a mentally project to him. the increase in home demolitions simply about enforcing the law. he insists permits are issued without discrimination. against palestinian residents. if we want the baby to create a environmental pushing them out, we would not invest for palestinian anti demolition active this year. we do have none of that investment king mention this for his community standing in the ruins of his home. he says, the jewish settler community, living in his east choose the neighborhood of some well, has no trouble building while is really off towards demolished his house. yeah.
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thinks cover hasn't been high as the monthly they demolished my like i was my partner stone or my mother was here and then she goes to be here under this revel. there is a 50 year old picture of me and my mother can come see and i'm and you know, there is nothing that that can bring that back. uh, we are the amenities these at least a t r skis writes group you. i mean the years this week of demolitions cut the spark of violence in jerusalem. she tells me that during the israel's previous words and casa, is really authorities often hold to demolition. to prevent tensions bubbling over syria. this time we see a opposite a policy. we understand that this government eh, sees a conflagration, not as a risk. it's an opportunity to, it allows it to carry out more and more violence and drastic measures. and she says, that's because this time for right nationalist each one more thing here is
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administer of national security in charge of the police force me to force demolitions to jerusalem, deputy mayor or a king mister bank here is doing the right thing. we are not demolishing enough in east jerusalem a few weeks for the bulldozer to come and demolish his home. tells me what his plans are. if the if they demolish the house we will pitch attend and sit here. we will not leave al home. no, so i was in the what the an invoice and a quick look now with some other stories making headlines around the world's us secretary of state and the blinking. it's called on israel to avoid further escalation and less than on during a meeting with israel's defense minister, you'll have go on to visiting washington to discuss efforts to reach a deal to free hostages in casa, as it comes as prime minister netanyahu chastise the last for allegedly delaying weapons deliveries to as round it up. i mean, i'm
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a new foreign ministers of approved a 1400000000 your own military, a package for ukraine. it's the 1st time that proceeds from frozen russian central bank assets will be used to finance h q. the years at top, diplomat, joseph overall has set the funds need to reach you quickly and avoid any blockage capacities to russia is leaving the us for a ukrainian attack on crimea. this marking, a new escalation intentions between russia and the west was gonna have some of the us, some bass of or to warrant that it will retaliate. at least 4 people were reported killed in the attack on sunday. and over $150.00, others wounded rushes and bachelors united nations claims long range attack them. sniffles were used. the kremlin says, the weapons are supplied by washington and programs by us specialists. the pentagon denies responsibility arguing that ukraine makes its own targeting decisions and conducts its own operations. we have to have these neg connelly and make life and
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ukraine. i asked him how this attack is changing the dynamic of the war. i think amongst all the noise and all that kind of informational, kind of the confrontation around face events and successful. it's pretty important to remember that even the rest of the site isn't using the premiums all choosing to attack the civilians of choosing a target that involves these, the full desks and 150 wounded, restore those images on social media from of each of us both even the rest of the state media has the cryptic statement saying that for the test results was supposedly accepted. and that one of them is that it's black, positive trajectory. they didn't say was that was through and they have kind of failed in set to whether that was the technical pay that we've heard sofas in the west saying that this was the right russians, etc. what does it solve? and basically, the kind of self, munitions pulling out and receive attacking, wounding people in cities, not photography intended. that is the most important take away from all of it. i
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think the big picture is, this is the proof that the detectives are cells really what they are a lot more devastating in that effect. they have allowed you francisco a lot of rushes at defensive and crime in the last few weeks. increasingly the us still allowing ukraine to use those attack themselves. okay. it's russian territory . crime in other parts of and it's allowed, but for instance, nissan give, where are the types of what's the width is can now be used by a frame. that is still what to do in something that you kind of really want to change. i think this is the 5 and if it, by rest of the to prevent the west preventing us moving further on, allowing ukraine to use these weapons that have shown such effect. and you might be able to hear a lot of noise behind me that generates this hearing because i've been having rolling palka versus continuing attacks on the brain power system. so it is a pretty difficult situation, feelings here and with a lot of fun to deal with situation. this probably was in terms of energy. nicholas lester. just whether news today, brussels, especially opening talks for you trying to join the you stay with us for just a moment. i want to take a look 1st at the terms for
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a session that they're going to be negotiating, applying for you membership. one of the 1st moves ukraine made off the rush, i launched its full scale invasion back in february 2022. the move that the country sees as a pos to better living conditions and more security. the you agreed to start the process, but made it clear you cry and would need to make some changes before taking the next steps. any country joining the has to meet its high standards, including on rudo for all human rights and a competitive market economy. since then, ukraine has been busy with it's you home book, pushing forward reforms to cub corruption and decrease hardly galks infants o y fighting all for russian addressing that are in the country, praise from the use execute. if you have me rate strides, much greater than any one expected from a country at war,
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you are undergoing the reforms while fighting a full scale was as, as a goal is surely within reach. now that the eu has approved, ukraine's reforms accessing talks can begin. but they'll be heavy on technical detail. negotiations will mean going through every chapter of the usually book, all $35.00 of them and making sure that you cranes last a line that includes of a policy areas such as energy, taxation and justice. the 27 currently you members will have many more opportunities to approve or block ukraine's progress. and joining this clap could take years or even decades. all that means ukraine's journey to you membership could still be added on board. let's get back across an economy and pray for more.
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so as we've heard nick, the process of joining the you could take years. so why is this date so important for you? crime of the i think at a time where you crane feels like a lot of the world is already moving on mentally. and maybe you don't pay much attention to this for 2 years. this is crucial. this is something that really simply would never have happened without this war. you remember before 20 minutes to lots of european you members wanting to kind of give you some kind of privilege partnership, but showing away from full membership. a real worry about taking your company was too big to corrupt to full. maybe that is something that definitely does more has kind of certainly changed into europeans every day. live through the news and through the millions of refugees living now across the e. u. and it really provided provides a kind of roadmap to reforms a gift card or you find a very clear policy with lots of homework to do, especially a time where you need to membership is maybe not as clear as the perspective as we might have thoughts into
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a button and all sorts of that mess and not too keen on taking on that commitment. and also your, it is a little closer, but those millions of refugees looks to be a credit is now how many across this don't have traveling or working in the you. so this is really something that you trainings can kind of, you know, it's around and see a future themselves often as well. thank you so much as always for your reporting. that is, makes connelly for us and make a life. and 400 canyon police officers are heading off to haiti this morning as part of a un back commission to try to quell the ongoing violence there. can you have pledge to send a total of $1000.00 officers to serve along side forces from other countries? canyon at president william rochelle has hailed permission as an important step for restoring stability on the caribbean island human rights fruits are functioning. it's legitimacy. a has been overrun by gang violence since the end of february, when criminal groups coordinated plans to try to open for then a prime minister aria aubrey. then you will touch down in the country before the canyon officers left and i wrote the they were given
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a ceremonial farewell as they were addressed by president william rochelle. of the ceremony. good by a flood 400 canyon troops before the deposit on a you and beck. permission to take on bob a forward flight in gangs in haiti. like president william rudo hayes the mission by his nation soldiers as an important step into these drawings deputy on the cat. it'd be an island you undertaking a vital mission that transcends bored us and cut just your presence in haiti, we bring hope and relief to communities torn apart by violence and rubbed by these old deadly violence. a spike didn't lead february this year in haiti. the u. n said more than 1500 people had been killed and several 100 injured in the
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1st 3 months. because they didn't need and peppered ation. prime minister audio audrey was forced to design would say, yes, is tons you and the 9 member position of calls of what's on in patients best in quality, come, come on. and gang violence had mixed views of the deployment of florida and police officers in the country in the dallas mall phone says, must arrive, they must be everywhere in the country. so the haitian people can have some freed up tenure, only about the foreigners one, solve our problems. it's up to us to come up with solutions. but we still accept the house because we can't go anywhere. we can't, these people are sleeping in the streets, and children can't go to school. if they come to help us. i say, yes. can, you know, has bled to send
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a total of $1000.00 officers, 9 of the nations, the spending, the bill from bugging on these 2 bob bottles said they would join the multinational emission before we go, china has become the 1st country to bring soil samples from the far side of the moon back down to our china is a chunk of 6 pro returned from space to enter. mongolia on the tuesday with lunar rock and soil samples which could hold clues about the origins of the moon and the earth. the success of the 53 day mission highlights of china is growing capabilities and space. it is chris winder of our top story at this hour. he weeks founder and julia and astonish, has left a british prison and flown out of the country as long as reportedly agree to plead guilty to violating us espionage law. was wanted for publishing classified military files and documents onto teams. we platform and
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update after this our stay tuned for environment shortly after coming up next with a look at a musician turn and to plastics, campaign or university. as thanks as ever for watching the
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african is up to from looking us also with an addition ask yourselves also with citizens of the wong. how can we contribute preventing i'm raising awareness of bolton very mentos destruction. notice many of these stuff uh is happening plastic trash. uh next on dw when i drove up the super model
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saying fan unhealthy with a miracle drug weight loss injections are all the rage aggressively advertised on social media questioned by experts. just how effective are these drugs really close in 45 minutes on d, w, the climate change. i mean for a station in the rain forest continue carbon dioxide emissions. and again, the people of the world are we,
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what impact because change doesn't happen. the make up your own mind. me the of what the water heaters, wastewater, and shipping containers. i've been coming. unlikely as it sounds, they all off of brilliant and efficient ways. they change our lives for the better . welcome to eco africa. i am christa lens, illegals nigeria and i am son, drug of homes that we know video right to come pull out uganda. yes. today we are looking into some very.


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