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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming july from berlin, joining us on out of prison and out of the u. k. we, the leaks founder is expected to plead guilty to violating us espionage law. and he's now on his way to a us pacific on also coming up israel's top court rules that ultra orthodox jews will also have to serve time in the military decisions that could potentially lead to the collapse. but the ruling coalition and government the
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little i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. julian hassan has left the u. k. after agreeing to a plea deal with united states. the wiki leaks founder will appear in court in the northern marianna islands in the pacific where he is expected to plead guilty to violating us espionage law. massage was wanted for publishing classified us military files on the wiki leaks platform, which he founded in 2006. he'd been fighting expedition to the us in britain where he spent the past 5 years and a high security prison. faulty a fight for freedom is finally pots and end after julianna's sons' agreed to us. please deal people to the plane on monday found for the us, terry tray of the know the mariana islands in the pacific that will go on to return . the once fugitive to his native australia and his brother said the family was
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overwhelmed. i'd been speaking to him this week and just going through all the details with him and you know, a very anxious, very excited. and he's looking forward to spending time with his family and been for a been able to have the sun shine on on his i see that the go for a swim in the ocean back in australia. so it's very much looking forward to that for over a decade. the australian, how could send whistle blower has divided public opinion haled as a champion of free pressed by many condemned as a trade to buy his detractors. it was in 2010. he became world famous after his company weekly, published a trove of files and diplomatic cables we have, i think that
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we apologize for, for how that report there ended. i asked earlier, dw is joel delroy in australia. what would happen next with jolena sondra? and it was expected court appearance. you well, it's an unusual place to such a high profile case to be being a. and the reason is going there is, according to the united states of justice, mr. san she was worried about going to continental united states is long said that you would face potentially the death penalty that so he agreed to go to this us territory, which is also the closest you as court to its own country is straining a, it's not clear if there's any kind of a legal advantage for you to do that, but anyways, nearby, he'll be there tomorrow morning on amber. are many people from the island are expected to show up and see this court case, which is unexpected sensation in such small little territory. and difficult goes according to plan. he will plead guilty to one else under the se,
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an object of receiving and publishing a confidential documents that would cost him by chelsea. money is that expected to be sentenced. and his time spent in the u. k. prison system, about 5 years could be taken as a time served and he's expected to be released and on his way back to the start of you, by the end of the week, essentially. now you're in australia, joel assigned is originally from there. what are people in australia is saying about his release as well as one says quite a degree soon to see here in australia, there are many people who think that this price is just awful too long, leaving those who think he did anything wrong. or if he's been more than adequately punish this training on earlier this year passed the resolution calling for him to be released, the starting prime minister anthony albany. easy. and of all these is us. a leaders is felice. and we also have some politicians today saying we shouldn't condemn him for accepting this for you deal because he should do whatever the hell he can get
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out of the system as long been concerns about his health. his mental health is it's physical health and he's going to have a quite a bit of recovery edison there. there's also, if you think he should never be prostituted in the 1st place, the start of your journal, this junior put out a statement saying that the prosecution of the science was an attack on the freedom of the press and of all jealous. because one who did essentially was journalism publishing documents that basically revealed the mystique, united states, and the crimes of the united states in the war and tara, in iraq. so he's got quite a bit of a sympathy. of course. there are people who think he shouldn't have been released. one of those is the former us vice president, my tendency for that message and social media saying that this would be a miscarriage of justice saying that people assigned to face the full extent of the law, which presumably me excites desktops. so you can see why. busy there was a rush to get him out of us because of this taken a very long time. by the time he gets back to australia,
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it'll be the so somebody sees his children who saw that since he's been in the prison system. and by the time he gets back in, it'll be 14 years side of his legal deal, and people basically have degree sympathy for him and think that enough is enough. it's time for him to come on. joe, thank you very much. that was the w reporter, joel delroy there, and city still national criminal court has issued arrest warrants for to russian officials over the countries, actions in ukraine, former russian defense minister, sir gay sugar and the military's chief of general staff about a week and last millions are to use a war crimes in ukraine, the judges said they have reasonable grounds to believe that the 2 suspects were responsible for attacks on 1000000000 infrastructure. and how causing an incidental farm to population. they joined president vladimir putin on the ice ease ease wanted now let's bring in our correspondent j gosh
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shanowsky here. he joins us from lat. is capital riga as the kremlin, his band dw, from operating in russia. first of all, what reasons has the court give it for issuing these arrest warrants? tell us well, terry is in their decision the judge is concentrated on russia's mit, mit, so strikes campaign against ukraine's electric infrastructure. from october 2022 to march 2023. so during the 1st 4 winter of the war, the judges set the dar reasonable grounds to believe the decent to men are responsible for this campaign. and i think this is very important to you because of its timing, because russia is right now in the middle of yet another campaigns against ukrainian energy infrastructure. this time also turned my power plants and dams are being targeted. also civilian targets which could take it in longer to the repair
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sort of consequences. could this court decision have what sort of reactions are we seeing so far as well? of course, there is no immediate likely for the rest of these 2 officials, as long as they stay in russia and don't travel to the country that are members to the wrong side. the statute and the international criminal court. we've heard from the russian security council, this is the body to the former defense minister showing who is now secretary off. and the security council said the de restore is, are part of hybrid war against russia and the, the, they are also insignificant. so, and this distill reactions, 1st criticism, and also playing down. and i've, i've, we expect this to, and to be the main, the main reaction from the russian authorities, as we go along. just like last year, when and the isis,
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he has issued an arrest warrants for letting it puts an end. and now the russian official for the alleged scheme to the port ukrainian kits from ukraine to russia. se goes, thank you very much. that was our corresponding say, you know, schuman all scheme speaking to us from reading, sketch up on a few other stories making headlines today. germany's foreign minister and the bel box has warned an endless cycle of violence in the middle east and called for the palestinian authority to play a role in post for gaza. on a short trip to the region, fair boxes held talks with palestinian authority prime minister with the story. palestinians already promised her and with her is really counter part. starbuck has repeated calls for a 2 state solution. the owner of the south korean lithium battery factory that caught fire on monday has issued a public apology. he offered his condolences to the families of 23 workers that
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were killed. he said the company had complied with all required safety rules. stories are investigating the costs allows. the greek health minister has issued a warning to visitors the to watch out for the c panel. at least 10 ford taurus, so either died or gone missing. after hiking and 40 degree temperatures. grease has been hit by its earliest, ever see wave in reason. now to israel, where the supreme court has ruled that the military must start drafting ultra orthodox men. this decision ends a decades old system that exempted ultra orthodox man from military service. most jewish man and women in israel are required to serve in the armed forces. supreme court judges stated that there is no legal basis for exempt to the ultra orthodox. this really will affect approximately 63000 bits of more of
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a spring. indeed, the use 20 cramer in jerusalem, tanya, tell us more about this landmark really as well. i think it's, it's unique and now for many different reasons. it is, it has been your years of political and legal battle. and now the high court of justice has made the decisions on 9 judges where for they made an actually decisions not just a temporary arrangement, but the scene in the past years. and they have basically said that the policy of allow orthodoxy, shiva students of not, uh, being drafted to the armies actually illegal discrimination and that should not be allowed. they also said that she was that would, that these are religious schools should not receive cousin government funding, if uh the students are not in listening. so this is an extra ruling that we are
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seeing. also, the conservative a judges on the panel was in favor of this. and this of course comes at a time of more and there is a consensus here in israel that the burden should be shed and that everybody here should be drafted to the army. now this waiting also says however, that because it's very complex, it gives some time to the government to actually implement this ruling. speaking of the government, so we're saying that this ruling could lead to the collapse. so the ness and yahoo government, uh, how likely is that as well? absolutely. because um, you know, if the government now goes ahead to implement this, we could expect that you will get a run into problems with the us or orthodox parties. office coordination of government as well as you might see, it must protest by you. she's a students that are certainly don't want to go to the army. and this is of course, no else, especially problematic for a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu,
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after the centrist benny dunn's left, also the will covenant, and the government. however, he would also run into trouble if he doesn't to him to amend it because it's not just a secular liberal is really is who want to see the us for orthodox of being a drafted. it's also part of his face, the national nationalist, religious writing that might want to see uh, the also orthodox drafted. so uh, you know, so whatever happens next, i mean the government could also, uh, try to, uh, put some that just lesion into overview. this ruling by the high court of justice, but it's not quite clear if that would then go back to the high court of justice and then whether this could then satisfy, you know, the high court and also the also orthodox parties. tony, thank you very much. our correspondent tony kramer, there in jerusalem. a girl
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watching w news, and course you can always get more on our social media challenge channels or from our website at w dot com. thanks for watching. the,
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the in charlotte. the currently move people the on the world wide and such a hassle attached to committed to actually find out about robina story info, migraines.


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