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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 3:15pm-3:30pm CEST

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them for fillings, accession 12. so it is very difficult to say when you try and will finally be a member of the european union, or if it's indeed might ever become a member of the european union. but today, it is an important step that they start with indigo association talks and we expect for ukrainians to come in a couple of hours. and then we'll take it from there. a big day for ukraine and e, u. r correspondent, lucy, a shelton in luxembourg. thank you very much. and let's catch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world. today. the greek health minister has issued a warning to visitors to watch out for the heat. at least 10 for and torres have either died or gone missing after hiking and 40 degree temperatures. breeze has been hit by as early as ever heat wave in reached. the owner of the south korean lithium factory, the caught fire on monday, has issued a public apology. he offered his condolences to the families of the 23 workers that
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were killed. they said the company has complied with all require safety rules before these are investigating because testers and die roby have gathered for a demonstration against new tech sikes in 10 year. there's a heavy police presence with an officers blocking access to parliament. opposition to the new bill has come mainly from young 10 units who are frustrated by the already high cost of living. these rarely supreme court has unanimously ruled that the military must begin drafting ultra orthodox men. the decision could lead to the collapse of prime minister benjamin netanyahu as a governing coalition. as the politically powerful ultra orthodox parties approves any change to the current system as well. germany's portland as startling, about voc has warned of an endless cycle of violets in the middle east and called for the palestinian authority to play a role in post more gaza on the short trip to the region that boston excuse me,
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is held talks with outstanding authority a prime minister mohammed stop in ramallah, the 2 reportedly discuss potential points of reform within the palestinian authority. a bulk also met with her as rarely counter parts. uh, israel tots in jerusalem. boxes repeated calls for a 2 state solution invoice, criticism of israel's conduct of the war in gossip dw is michela truck? no, it's traveling with the buck on her trip. she gave us this update on germany's diplomatic efforts to de escalate the conflict here in israel, in the west bank and in 11 on the german farm. and this has been speaking to pull policies, trying to prevent a further escalation of the killing of the fighting here in the region. but even this and y'all has announced he may come to a conclusion in gaza, fox,
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he intends to send troops to the northern border with lebanon, and with has lost the big fee. and now is that that puts me in new military campaigns in new rule that could become for why the conflict in the reason. at the same time, the, this in the west bank complains that as well as holding back tax payments since april, leaving the palestinian authority, we can, unable to hate its own people. so the big sphere at the moment is that at the very least, the farther de stabilisation at the very was the road a wider war, including the lebanon of has meanwhile unoccupied, east jerusalem is really authorities of carried out and new wave of demolition. following, come off is october some terror attacks during previous guys, awards. officials avoid scaling up such demolitions to avoid increasing tensions,
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but not this time as dw ibrahim reports. and actually when it comes to this piece of paper turn, how much does light upside down? it's in order to demolish it home build without it is really permit. she lives here with his parents. weiss and brothers family. i love, she tells me there's was just for the 13 demolition orders. is really authorities issued in the area that day because they are, they told me either you demolish the house or we will come and do it for you. if miss muhammad and his family lived in east jerusalem is real occupied in the 1967 for an annex did in 1980 declaring the whole city. it's a terminal and divided capping. most of the international community does not recognize this and palestinians, clint eastwood's, limb as the capital of a future, independent state and majority of jerusalem's. 360000 palestinians
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lived here. give a fine getting permits to build homes virtually impossible. according to the un. it says that is demolition which rates group say is really, authorities have expanded since the october 7th terrace. they don't want a lot of arabs. they want to reduce us. that's an accusation. the ari king, the jerusalem deputy mayor and secretary leader, be a mental you projects to him. the increase in hong demolitions simply about enforcing the law. he insists permits are issued without discrimination against palestinian residents. if we wanted to, to create a environmental of pushing them out, we would not invest so for palestinian and tied demolition active as tough yet. would you have none of that investment kings mentioned it's for his community standing in the ruins of his home. she says, the jewish settler community,
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living in his east jerusalem neighborhood, if someone has no trouble building well, is really all stories demolished his house except for as high as the lovely demolished of my life. and why did my call the stone or my mother was here and then she gave birth to me here. under this revel, there is a 50 year old picture of me and my mother comes in. i'm and you know, there is nothing that can bring that in fact uh we are the, uh, monitors the visa, terse keys writes group your, i mean, fears this way to demolitions that spark of violence in jerusalem. she tells me that during the israel's previous words and gaza is really authorities often hold to demolitions. to prevent tensions bubbling over here. this time we see a opposite. it's a policy. we understand that this government eh, sees a conflagration, not as a risk. it's an opportunity to it allows it to carry out more and more violence and
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drastic measures. she says that's because this tide for right nationalist each more thing here is administer of national security in charge of the police force muted in forest demolitions to jerusalem. deputy mayor or a king. mr. bang for your is doing the right thing. we are not demolishing enough in east to the center. as you wait for the bulldozer to come and demolish his home home that tells me what his plans are. is uh if they demolish the house, we will pitch attend and sit here. we will not leave, i'll hold him. so heading to the chris in the what the name dorothy cases of anti semitism in germany have risen sharply over the past year. a new report shows a year on your increase of more than 80 percent. the authors of the report say the october 7 attacks led by him us against israel were a catalyst. or then half of the over $4700.00 cases reported after
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the tear. even though it's under the comes being under the image, this one, it's cross over to our political correspondent, julia so daily. now for more on this study, julia a massive rise and reported and he's submitted x here in germany. tell us more about the findings of this report. yes, the report, the report points to almost a doubling of the as anti semitic incidents in germany in 2023 compared to the previous year. and that is a concerning number. it is seen as a concerning a fact, especially in germany giving its history, given the rule of nazi germany in the holocaust. so there is always a closer look at the cases of anti semitism here. and this is a report produced by a group that researches and documents anti semitism cases in the country. and the report is based on a reports of a anti submitted cases,
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both brought forward by victims and by the bystanders. and what the authors of the report a point out is that there has been a big increase of these cases, a since october 7th, the, the terror attacks by her mazda against israel. and the following. a war in gaza has of basically fueled a growth in these cases. in fact, they reported an average of 13 anti semitic cases before october 7th. and that number went up to 32 cases after that. and we're talking here about verbal abuse and insults online or on the street. but there have also been reported a violent attacks and at least one case of a petro bomb being placed outside of a synagogue in berlin. and just a briefly, i understand that germany is also experienced a spike and reported as lemma o big acts. are these trends related julia as well?
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we've heard from a reports via an alliance of anti slumber phobia associations that the cases of it's normal phobia have more than doubled in 2023 compared to the previous year. and in this case, also the author's point to the facts of october 7 and the subsequent facts as also being a catalyst for more is lever phone. it is lemma phobic episodes and incidents for example, here to discriminations a hate speech but also violent attacks. and experts, points to tense climate in germany with a tense public debate exacerbating these, these incidents. and with the conflict in the middle east ongoing, there doesn't seem to be had maybe a chance of these going down. there is a fear that this climate will actually continue to be. thank you very much. our
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course by julia. so deli there. so you're watching dw news up next to our health show in good shape. looks at insect bites, tropical diseases, sunburn and other holiday hazards to remark, thanks for one, the conflicts, crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out. navigating a changing world now on youtube, mountain west. i mean obviously i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs. thank strength amounts,
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traveling 700 normative through the desert of mauritania. the call goes thousands of tons of iron and everything else that needs to get transported and i'm the only railway line in the country. adventure is expressed in 16 minutes on dw, the is increasing at reason many of watching online services. the only work that is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why
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is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible make up your own mind dw, made for mines the so i'm, he of is to have scorpion that towards the c o of the software company from india. and he's also an advisor to the government of india, and he would like to talk about india and china relations and business opportunities to help us. you'll hear the word how come no make form in died. yeah, i'm trying now here is this port town in the northeast of china. why do you come to sign up? why is that important for business person to be here at this moment? i think uh, china is no like the present good for the new ations. right now and i'm ready. oh it's very curious and into about what's happening out the post band to make what it
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in the katrina and the someone else.


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