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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm CEST

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environment is not responsible make up your own mind. d. w, made for mines the. so i'm here this who has copy not who is the c o also software company from india. and he's also an advisor to the government of india. and he would like to talk about india and china relations and business opportunities to hoss. you'll hear the word how come know make form in died young china, here is this hot town in the north east of china. why do you come to sign up? why is it important for business person to be here at this moment? i think uh china is no like the present good for the innovation right now and i'm ready. i was really curious and into about what's happening of the post band them included in the katrina and the someone else has taken place after very long. good
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. and it goes very important for, i think it's very important for every businessman who's, who's reading, who's reading a global company for not to me. so doubled what's happening in china and was really important for us and my company to understand, understand a potential opportunity is potential opportunities for partnerships in china. you'd and yeah, it's, uh, it's very nice to attend the summer that was office up to such a long get. let's do that. sure. you couldn't make troubles between india and china, between china and us between china and europe of costs. how does this affect the mood insurance? i think the most important factors that the china organizing this. so for some of that was the end of it. i mean, we do have new champions here to serve shows that intern that they cannot be running a country. and silas in a foot rate is very important for china. and i think, i think this you entered,
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said is the fact that the hosting is, uh, it's a classic indicator. the fact that, uh, it cannot be lighting, it cannot be operating, insight loose and, and partnership and collaboration is important. and i think for trade or business, it's very, very important to keep the geopolitical aspects of the site and is the focus of in the us economy and also good and uh you and for india cannot survey without china and other weight on it. because in does one of the largest importer of, of chinese goods and the same with us and europe. so i think that is, so i think there is a naturally dependency on, on all of them in all of this 3 quarters. so totally that the could you political, anything deal particularly should not come into the opening. so where do you see business opportunities? yeah, new technology is always for example, a i, you also book in the future of artificial intelligence,
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intelligence. but this one really wants to share one's knowledge as a company for example. yeah, i mean i'm, i believe that the katrina is spot photo ahead. rick, i'm sure, yeah. but the problem is we do not know what street happening here. and it's also an opportunity for us to explore this. and i mean, the field of e i, or cyber security or the, or the engine, the technology are tense it's, it's very important that you need to, you need to collaborate, you need to box. and it's impossible to build the entire test successfully a company and next site loose. so it's very important that they need to look at partnerships. so it could be any blue chip company, which is us building to become a global company, has to as a partner, it has a cooperate. and, and, and my, my other objective here to, so to look for new partners within china would be, who became for partnerships. now you said you're seeing that china is very much
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advanced and up to assist you intelligence. but you don't really know why don't you know that? i think i've seen some of that output. again to problem. uh, maybe if you need to benchmark with open a or with anything you its like uh, i think the real uh good we do uh is so it's much more dry. it's much, much hard once like i'm on beach at and i'm seeing the dates that is coming within . we checked about it from a friend, hubbard was helping a with in china. and it's, it's very impressive like to see the kids output, which they claim it to be through. so if at all are true, then i definitely believe that that far ahead. denise, what about knowledge? tons, fair. also, you, your company in india has also a lot of knowledge of cost as a software company. also in cyber security, are you worried a bit to about knowledge transfer or you think you can manage that with chinese
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companies? i think knowledge center is going to be an issue. and i think when you need to partner with the attorneys companies. uh it's, i mean, uh, i'm sure to the board, the partners to an engine fucked. unenrolled attorneys buckner. uh all to believe that uh uh, they should not be shaving too much and the partnership should be uh, maybe should start with age. so um uh, i think there is a small amount of fear of it but, but the park noticed when they worked together and it's very important. so it's, um, it's like walking on the april. so you can't walk too fast. you can't walk too slow or through the phone. so it's exactly way you start the partnership. a depending meet the level where you, you do not have to share too many things so that it puts the, the barcode and kind of a discomfort. you'll see the very partnership when we progress at one and, and after that you can take it forward. now it's not your 1st time yet and died.
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yeah. and it's a park city in northeastern china. you've been here before, but you haven't been here since upon day make. so do you feel a change of mood? yeah, i think uh, definitely i can already feel uh, the mood change where i see that it's more close to for some reason. like uh, maybe the same china used to come some years before i could see that openness was much, much there. um i think i think that it's kind of a feud. i've seen people and i think the closeness is still there. it's much, much higher. the closest seems to be there before as well, but i think it's increase a lot and i think postponed to make use of us there, ma'am, or was it being no up? i think the big some huge, so maybe it'd be cared for. actually try not to be in the pre pandemic state as it used to be. so it's also because of the fact that the, the, with the, with kind of,
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of, it's kind of the geopolitics because temperature. and also the alter the policy decisions by the communist party. i believe the a slightly they've become slightly more conservative, but i'm sure it's going to change and, and the fact that they're hosting the summer that was itself, it's a, it's a wonderful indicated that of course they are looking for an openness. they're looking for partnerships. as a business person stairs you get special treatments by the govern. know of the yeah . and all to may of the young, what kind of treatment do you get? you know, i mean, i think, i think they're dying goldman technique is this uh its guest and they want to extend its in courtesy of hospitality. so when i send a translator witnessing the may be sufficient godson and readings which they facilitate and go to the gallon government techniques as the importance for businessman to partner with the, with city based on the notes here and again. so it's exactly why i'm seeing that,
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the goldman doing kind of an outreach which know, it has happened to head 40 known, took notice to meet their local entrepreneurs and to force partnerships. you know, a big topic has also as a rescheduling of our costs because they need to be with you to be able to work with the new technologies. but better you'll see departments, but also opportunity. i think at least getting enough scaling this is, is going to be, is a, it's a major opportunity and also challenge you went into conflicting good china and with, with massive populous country with this young population though, that it's very unfortunate to see there's eligible in people being unemployed and only because that technology or, or the industry is far, far ahead, then i could, i mean, and the universities i far behind. and it's, it's also very important to, to uh, uh, effective,
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in fact, to bridge this gap by up skilling and also to use killing i with more kind of industry collaboration. and i think, uh, for example, the co china know they're forcing long. they're all in good population to learn english and, you know, across the india we, we know that the southern jobs, so it already pace with the a. and it's very, very important for these young people. for example, example, uh if it's content or if it's customer support agent, it's not what he plays with. yeah, i know it's very important to know in india over you have you have a magic population out there to it. even if you go to fuel station, you have somebody to free your car. uh, which never happens enough for you at all for the us. so no, uh, you need to figure out ways that you could, you could respond to them and up skilling them. of course, the indian government has a policy decision for uh, uh, helping these individuals to be security. they will create
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a schemes. it's only the, the, i think, the academia and the university should, uh, uh, has to close. you worked with the industry to understand the exact security me it's and, and the skill needs they need to understand that it's not quite a minute. it can be disrupted within few months or a few years so they need duties like it. so do you see the same problem here? it's, i know all is the same, you're able to change it across china as well. it's the same thing. and of course i thought from, apart from language which is going to be one of, well, is one of the challenges for them. i think when it comes to the hard skills, so the tech skills, i think is the same problem across. it's not, it's not on, you know, crush, i know, but a bit of it. but i think the problem is, is it, uh, is, uh, is most significant for countries like india and order to train up because of the population to, to know um, do you see that this is the topic that will over be overvalue,
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discuss tia and audio, or what do you think is the most important issue here? i think uh, i think the future jobs and, and, and for scaling. and so he's coming up screening is going to be one of the quote topic of, uh, of the discussion cute. and what are they going for them? uh, that's a very strong focus on getting it says, and i've seen many sessions and the agenda which, which is focusing on jobs. so the future of jobs and also skilling. so i think guys and think it's going to be very hard topic and when it comes to employment and skilling, i think, i think the challenge is kind of university and it's very important to have that openness. i'm to collaborate. maybe maybe something is work for china. i hope that they could share that with the word over the over the read and i think they are looking to solve it. and the same thing for you does what are some things to look for india? we would be happy to share the re, uh it was a,
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it was address with the new contacts and maybe you may have to, we may have to customize autumn, have to look laser template, and you need to start up in the country. thank you very much. and so with have a good concepts offer to the of the conflicts, cries, sees, every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out. navigating a changing world now on youtube was fine. oh, hi, i'm rachel stuart, and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thank straight from mount pleasant hill, actually about joining us as we travel around europe. tracing the
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history of every day. ok, and that be right around the world. and of course, we're taking the juicy of stories with a little mystery of drama along the way. but no need to pack your bags. just hit subscriber id. listen to pause fast and will take you along to the right. what is it then? i have the dream of revolution in 1979. the hates, it dictates, as the most uh was forced out of nicaragua. that changed my life. the
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people hoped for sarah is the size of the check. i imagine we would change the wireless. tens of thousands of messages from all of the world wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream. satisfied with simply a spirit of optimism where we encouraged each other and so many things were suddenly imaginable. isn't the most efficient and nicaragua, a dream of the revolution? dots july 20th on the w. the one in 5 people in germany is at risk of poverty pensioners, especially affected by this old age. public is still
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a to do subject in germany. it's tolerated as long as no one talks about it to the tiny pension is not enough to live on the speed that somebody could. please open your eyes, i can't bear it any more. it's time not the only one. millions of pensioners feel the same way. let me see if it can be your one for nothing. nothing and i don't like it. so the bran, munich, nga, who doesn't want to give a full name, is on the way to freelance organized by the association of the split meaning ray of hope. the 67 year old only receives a small pension and the bundle of germany's public. tea alone is most sensible. i am very careful what i buy when i'm food shopping is to hand. i generally eat very little. you forget how to eat when you no longer have the money then just as you
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don't dream about things like a while heavy goose today, for example, that's just gone from your mind as an option. that gets deleted. it doesn't conflict minuets to a fun inside the german pension is on a similar position. the ad risk of poverty in old age in germany, it is referred to as a relative poverty. in other words, they have less than 60 percent of the efforts german income enough to enjoy your food. it does meet many new people. she'd be happy today to make a new friend. but she is still on the sol, skeptical. eat organic, a no meat and that's how much and what's that? oh, potatoes and beans, potato salad and fried potatoes. so we're going to talk about feeling too, isn't it?
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but there was plenty food and it was good. but unfortunately, i can't eat that much and i guess i would have eaten more, but i just can't bother to. i mean, but i did get to know maria and was able to talk to her a bit. and gosh, it's a huge place called, i think i'd like to stay here for a week and just read enough and thoughts. she would need help from a charitable organization set up for poor pensioners. she worked as a nursery school teacher on her life, the road exit and changed everything. she got seriously injured through no fault of her own. afterwards, she was unable to walk and eventually fell into poverty. it's been an issue that i didn't fall into it because i didn't work hard enough. i knew i fell into it because of a situation that wasn't my fault, meg guns, and that's what changed my entire life working, surviving findings, and can, i don't know anything else, can it? can i get mix under?
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what to the 800 year pension is just enough to cover her vend in regular bills to buy food. she works as a private child care for families. she badly makes ends meet. why are you still living this damn life? no, i don't. and then i tell myself when you think the children need you, that the children need you, that's what keeps me going. otherwise, i think my life would already be over my living. i want to say this quite openly to the camera. there's no more pleasure in life if you can't take part in it and i'm leaving this time even come to the also has to make do with very little after deducting fixed costs, the pensioner is left with around $300.00 euro is a month to take his mind off his financial worries, the 72 year old likes to psycho through nights. the more i meditate, deluxe,
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and the more because i have peace and quiet here. so i made it to you. then when i meditate, i mentally put my financial worries into little bubbles, get them to the window and carries these little bubbles away with a tooth on these a. so i can place it. we take all the lives in a small one bedroom, flat named munich. his bed is in the living room that's only can afford, but things used to be quite different. only it was a pioneer of digital video transmission and had his own company. i just went inside and the good times i brought home up to $10000.00 german bucks a month since i lived in houses that had 180 square meters of living space. this was a comfortable life which he saw on but soon companies abroad started producing the pods cheaper and smaller. the globalized market made him go bankrupt. he lost everything just because i have one the necklace left here, this golden one quick. everything else got confiscated. the confess to get
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insurance justified, it was my mistake office mindfully. i didn't put much to the side because i thought, i just thought we're going to enjoy our lives now, and it's on the market. sometimes, even if you're self employed in germany, you don't have to pay into the public pension fund for time and schemes of voluntary and private. that's why many people end up like only they pay to, to, to, or nothing at all into the pension funds and end up in old age poverty. but he has developed a method to make ends meet with the list. so he's got an envelope for every week. the money inside will have to do thought is does he me to so beyond i because i organize myself so systematically, mice and i know my limits are still washington. now for example, there's only 20 years left because i have to buy cleaning products this week. puts me to the bottom is
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indeed the last case. neither self employment, no one accepted for the reason for her money problems. today she lives in poverty because she cared for her father for 11 years that i must says that he was always there for his family. she did everything on the so you don't forget that to focus. that's what i considered at a given to be there for my parents to as commit slips a student. i never gave it a 2nd. start on monday, then that's designed. we need to go go, mess up the need to not get the it's not just gisela whose stuff is the consequences of our own selflessness in old age in germany, one in 5 people who calf or relative is at risk of pulling into poverty. so fema cara's, it's even one in full. they use that time for caring, reduce the working hours unless and that's why i receive a smaller pension. that many of the small pension you get is not enough to live on
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later in life when this thing, which ultimately leads to old age property 4 chairs carpet but caring for relative saves the health insurance the state and everyone involved a lot of money. it's just so wrong to the non compensate these people in the financially fit today. the 75 year old lives in a council flat and born in west germany, together with a 2 cats, most loyal companions. she has $600.00 euros to live on after rent and bills, as i've done, that's the minimum you need to live on here. so many things at the end of the month and that there is nothing left on. so at least i have my cat and such, and they're like, just bear piston. tell poor 1st i use my money to take care of that money. that's more important. i don't need to have much when diesel that goes grocery shopping money problems become a parent. she doesn't go to the supermarket much because the groceries are often
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sold and big quantities which she can't afford at the farm shop though she can buy smaller amounts. oh, that's it for you. yeah, shelby, i bought some apples planting a small cucumber from which is enough for me for 2 days and the carrots you can make, sell it in soup, out of that he's like expressed as a frustration about the growing poverty in germany and poems, thomas people, especially women are much engaged can build on poverty in old age. when i think you have to draw attention to it again and again, not with force, but with this. and then you have to call a spade a spade, hoping that it will bring change. no, does it opens unquote, at least favorite coffee place. this change has already come about. it's coffee and
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them into then they'll fix prices for cakes and a couple of she knows you've donate what you can get for only it's a place where he really feels at home. here he middle high now angela, and phone something that money can buy. one, you can come in here and be a guest with none of the bigger yeah. human beings who saw us as a valued human beings. agent please. exactly whether your side, whether you are happy or angry, it's not your wanted that comes here, but mutual support. so this is bill to me up so much i could try right now if it was so beautiful and that's fine. but we have here is not shown here, but here, as you said earlier, rhina the food you eat,
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disappears the clothes go. but your experiences, your feelings, they stay forever. the what the coffee is to early. the bible is for in go. she reads it every day. it helps out to overcome the fear of what might happen, should she one day, not be able to get up and walk anymore. but sometimes she lives as her courage. this is good. i don't want to go on anymore. i'm different and i want to tell everyone out there as germans. oh, we don't have a good either. please open your eyes or is this i'm the reason i'm speaking so ultimately is because i can't do it anymore. and i'm not the only 150. i'm millions of pensioners feel the same way, like it so finds new strengths in nature
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because deep inside. she's a fine to with a clear message. i can go out and find or raise your voice to say, we can't go on like the. the admin can encourage everyone to help their parents don't let them down and don't leave them alone. stand up for this injustice lesson . only also helps the change he's learned to make do with little. but instead, he would prefer politicians to distribute domini spells most sally. for the politics, what i hope for from politics is justice, even 100 justice cards. i want to hear more people. you've worked hard, you've created the foundations for his boss. now you can rest. it's always all i don't see that you see on the countries the gap between rich and per is actually getting wider and wider and wider the,
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drug weight loss injections are all the rage aggressively advertised on social media questioned by experts. just how effective are these drugs really close in 75 minutes on dw, the, the coming 0 strange excels 3 trans people. stories each kind items are feed us complex stores. sometimes some of the sofa chip in search of 3 generations. one jenny dunst july 7th on dw,
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. this is the, the news coming to live from berlin. joining us on trade from prison in the u. k that we see leaks found or is expected to plead guilty to violating american espionage law, is now on his way to the us pacific, on the kenya is parliament in flames. as a 1000 storm, the building police far live rounds of protesters opposing tax increases several or confirm did in violent clashes. plus germany's 4 administered unattainable boxes. the palestinian authority should play a role.


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