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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, we news long from berlin file and clashes as thousands storm cameos parliament, police fire live rounds ad protesters of posing tax increases, but failed to break up the crown. several people are shot dead. also on the program . julian massage freed from prison in the u. k, which he lives founder is being flown to a us specific island where he set to plead guilty to violating american espionage law. germany's foreign minister elena babble, criticizes israel over set for violence and says the palestinian authority should
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play a role in postwar. got the welcome to the show on the call for elise nation, including the united states, britain and short. when you have called for com and kind of following the storming of its parliament and other government buildings, the head of the united nations, antonio gutierrez is also urged restraint. the legislature in i, roby, was left ransacked after thousands of protesters entered the building, smashing glass and starting at least one fire. the ryan began as lawmakers deliberate as a controversial tax bill that protest or say would increase the cost of living. several people have been shot dead. internet monitors have described a major disruption to online communication services in the country, to our correspondence, felix moraine guys and i, roby, and has been following the protests on the streets. this road,
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the way i am funding is that or did that or no more locations would be flowing with the traffic. but as you can see, what happens today is that for the test, as body kid roads, this is one of the main roads. the lead leading into a central business district shop was closed for the better part of the dates and protest. i was kept pushing and pushing towards parliament. now there was a tassel between protest, eyes and police, a number of protest of what inside it might do savvy, save what able to attend to some of the ends that protested. but some of the protest as lost their lives and one of the protest, those who lost his life is a brother to a policeman. so the police model is just the crying next to the body of the brother . and he was saying that this enforced that he walks for is the same for that as now to his brother. so it was, it was a side the side faces,
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but kind of kept pushing and kept pushing. and some of the protests of actually monday it's to get into parliament buildings. now the action impala meant was crazy because a part of color meant was put on file, but was immediately the file was immediately put out by the staff development buildings. and the members of parliament had discomfort for safety. they had to run on the underground tunnels that leads to parliament. some of them have actually just been taken up by top of that for a landing on top of can not the international conference center. now the amount of destruction that has taken place today has been crazy just behind us these police vehicle. but one of the police vehicle that was actually bonds to the uh next to find them. and there was another police truck that was bonds. and a number of establishments is actually called flat. there was a lot, a lot of destruction people while you're moving that roadside body kids and all of
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that was processed as expressing that in graphs at mismanagement of funds by parliament. there's no way for up showing and i've i use that have been for that didn't mean the really for yeah, of the young people that was felix marine gar, reporting from nairobi. julian massage has left the u. k. under a, please deal with the united states. the wiki, lynx bounder will appear in court and the northern marianna islands and the pacific . he's expected to believe guilty to violate in us espionage law. as long as was wanted for publishing classified military files on the wiki leaks platform, which he found in 2006. he fought expedition to the us from britain where he has spent the past 5 years and a high security prison. a 14 year fight for freedom is finally pots and end. after julia sons' agreed to us plead deal people to the plane on
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monday found for the us, terry. trey, the know the mariana islands in the pacific that will go on to return. the ones fugitive to his native australia, his brother said the family was overwhelmed. i'd been speaking to him this week and just go through all the details with him and you know, a very anxious, very excited. and he's looking forward to spending time with his family and, and been for a been able to have the sun shine on on his i see that the scope for a swim in the ocean back in australia. so i just very much looking forward to that for over a decade the australian hawk attend whistleblower has divided public opinion haled as a champion of free pressed by many condemned as a trade to buy his detractors. it was in 2010. he became world
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famous after his company weekly, published a trove of files and diplomatic cables. they included a video of an attack fight, an american apache helicopter, any rock but left 11 dead, including 2 journalists. and for some, his actions with a hallmark of a free press, the description of what it is, but so many of those the link. so nothing shots of treason and the song and an image of the states. and down here, a swedish arrest warrant for rate and sexual assault. so assange take refuge in london's ecuadorian embassy. he would stay there for the next 7 years. this is a victory by the time and kudos president, we vote sanchez, asylum status. it was united states where he was
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a wanted mom. he fiercely falters expedition to the us from inside of british prison. but the plea deal means a song while a controversial will at last be a free mon, rebecca, vince and the head of international campaigns to add reporters without borders. and she gave us her reaction to us on just play. do we have law advocates and i know others have as well for our political solution to this case. there is a chance that there would have been a legal prevention of extradition. this was playing its way up through the u. k. courts and we closely monitored that process, but we had to reset this as a political case and it may require a political solution. we had urged the us government long ago to consider other means of bringing this to an end. ideally, we would have seen a situation where all charges were dropped and that the case was simply closed. but the most important thing now is that julian will not spend any further time, unjustly behind bars. and we don't believe he should have been targeted for this.
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we don't believe that anybody should face such treatment for so long more than a decade for publishing information in the public interest. so the way that this was done leave some room for concern. we also remain worried about the possible use of the us as female shots against others in this way. so this is one next step is that law actually needs urgent reform. it was not intended to be used as a target journalist to get to be like this, but we have seen that it can be so 1st we, we need a public interest defense, but other reforms that last of that journalists do not have to worry that they can face similar treatment that was rebecca ben said from reporters without borders. let's take a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world today. greece has issued health warning to visitors over the current heat wave, at least 10 foreign torres have either died or gone missing hiking in 40 degree temperatures. grease has been hand by it's early as ever summer heat wave canyon
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police have arrived in hating to help restore order and the caribbean country plain landed in port across carrying around 200 officers as the 1st you and back for him . police force, he, these army has struggled to resist violent gangs that have taken control of 80 percent of the capital and left hundreds of thousands homeless of the owner of a south korean lithium battery factory that called fire as apologize to the families of 23 workers killed in that place is that a company complied with all safety rules. authorities are investigating the international criminal court has issued arrest warrants for the former russian defense minister, a survey showing go. and the military's chief of general staff larry harass them off the warrants or for alleged war crimes in ukraine, they joined the president vladimir, put on the courts wanted blood. and these really supreme court has ruled that the
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military must begin drafting ultra orthodox men. the decision could bring down prime minister benjamin netanyahu as coalition government, powerful ultra orthodox parties, oppose any change to the current system. germany is making a further 19000000 euro is available for humanitarian aids to gaza. foreign minister on elena bab, oak has been holding talks in the region to be occupied. westbank, she called for the palestinian authority to play a role in post for gaza. and jerusalem. babble criticized these rarely government over settler violence. she says, these actions damage israel's interest in the long term, tyler, the slightest pumps of these riley government, coalition of the trouble and endangering is rarely security interest in a long time, with their aggressive set to the policy. the stacking the sky is well strength lies in its liberal democracy. the shocking reports that include the tension conditions
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for palestinian prison as it is rarely temps, and presents, do not fit in with as well own claim to be a democracy and constitutional state direct. for a broader perspective, i spoke with randa slam, she's a foreign policy specialist from the us based middle east institute. i asked her how significant it is to hear such unusually explicit criticism, not from the german foreign minister in israel. it's a significance because on to now, germany has been one of the strongest supporters of israel and especially in yourself, it's word and that's yeah. and so you know, it's better that it's coming. but in my opinion, it's a good place to that from much earlier, especially in, in, in rejection of the war images. and this, where it is for your book also warned about the dangerous situation in level non, on israel's northern borders. she says, she's working hard on finding solutions to prevent more suffering. but to what
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extent is germany really involved in efforts to diffuse tensions between israel and has the law and it's nothing was in any significant way. i think it's a board to do open union. it's important, it's through its relationship with what with washington, the 2 primary parties that are now in port in seeking the escalation, pushing it, diplomatic process to resolving the conflict on his body between hezbollah and israel has been denied state of courts 1st. and then 2nd, france and they are now working together the incentive. now germany has some impact in terms of basically, you know, for pushing the alarm on something the alarm on any potential escalation between his bottom line is there an, into, in, or out toward. and it will have any thoughts because it has strong itself to be strong, supported israel. and so if that,
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if in case that is this kind of escalation, that needs to, in a little tour, i mean, germany has some leverage and basically saying, you know, we're not supporting, they started the action on the strong. yeah. especially if it's correct. and so the role of in to, in or outward yes, and what she hasn't said, that's quite yet israel, on the other hand, yesterday announced a will move some of its troops from gaza to the border with lebanon. in your opinion, how wallen tile is the situation there right now. the situation is very well a thought i think that has been a longstanding conflict between has been lined is read. i have not seen the kind of for the thought i could escalation between them. and in this way, it's unprecedented in, in the history of this conflict, but also the time of committed to the escalation that's taking place, you know, with the 2 parties tracking deeper into each other's secretaries and scale there. so it's an under the ground rules that try not to violate,
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especially when it comes to hit thing civilians. but the escalation is really significant. and in my opinion, we are the new guys now at the dangerous moment in this confrontation between them that can, that can basically move into in a lot for any, any time. because randa slim of the us based middle east institute in washington. and before we go some sports, we're austria stage, a surprising group when at the european football championships here in germany, my sides of it scored a decisive goal against the netherlands for a 3 to win that send to austria into the last 16. 1 of the title favorites, france stumbled against poland after a 11 draw b and group b and 2nd place had the netherlands, who will also progress as one of the best 3rd place to teens. and a quick reminder of the time story we're following for you. thousands of protesters have stormed county of parliament and that the building on fire. several,
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i've been killed in violence classes with security forces. demonstrators are opposing new tax increases. coming up after the break of the w documentary team meets the journalist behind the 1st independent radio station in iraq. and i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the next hour. hope to see you then the, the untold story. i just want to point to the find it here repos here every weekend on d w the.


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