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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the, the, the, the, the we news long from berlin island clashes as thousands, storm kanyes parliament. several protesters opposing tax increases are shot dead, president robo call see on rest, the threats to national security and vows to restore order. also one of the program we're doing founder juliana sondra is loaned to a us pacific island territory. he said to mister to violating american espionage law after being freed from prison in britain under a plea deal with you. as on forwarding the,
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i'm fairly welcome to the show me as president william roto has condemned the storming of parliament as a threat to national security and bound to restore order. thousands marched on the capital building on the building and the capital nairobi, excuse me. and protests, ad tax increases, demonstrators broke into the chamber and several people were shot dead during while in classes with security forces. other national leaders i've called for com as it was the deadliest day of the printers. so for the most direct assault on 10 years government, in decades of the several failed attempts, thousands of protesters finally reached parliament before they weigh inside one side, the building and set top of it on fire. no makers who had voted to raise taxes, fled through underground tunnels, as police the through to a gas will to kind of,
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i mean, live, i'm you, mission, healing. several people and wounding dozens. move in a national address can use president william roots so condemned the protests. i assure parents that we sent provide it for effective and it's been the shows response. it took 2 days to some us events who made no mention of the bill, which it prompted the rage. the launch, the young protest to say the tax hikes will increase the cost of a central products and services. quit putting them economically. in response to the original outcry, the government had already scrap several planned increases, including those on basic food stuff like bread and oil. that for the protest, as the concessions weren't enough, they said the government should put up it's 2.5, b in euro deficit by reducing spending instead. and they filed to punish william
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rudo. c to my, my president a van to get to i bought at the we, we may not be amending we have yet to read the it's the by time to do 6, we have that just in between themselves, midway, maybe percentage of signals. and then we're seeing and 12 by to see the 5th through position. they will get another help desk send some help to the government. we go through the end. we are going to show you that these, the, the blue term now have 2 weeks to sign the final bill into a village marine goes, a narrow band has been following the protest on the streets today. this road, the way i am funding is that, or does that or no more locations would be flow being with the traffic. but as you
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can see, what happens today is that for the test, as body kid roads, this is one of the main roads. the lead leading into a central business district shop, walk north for the better part of the dates and protest. those kept pushing and pushing to wides parliaments. now there was a task sorted between for testers and police, a number for the test of what inside. it might do so savvy, sees what able to attend to some of the easy, i protested, but some of the protest as lost their lives. and one of the protest, those who lost his life is a brother to a policeman. so the police model is just the crying next to the body of the brother . and he was saying that the same force that you walks for is the same force that has now sealed his brother. so it was, it was a side the side faces. but ken knows, kept pushing and kept pushing. and some of the protests of actually monday is to get into parliament building. now the action impala meant was crazy because
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a possible color meant was put on file, but was immediately the file was immediately put out by the staff, a problem into buildings, and the members of problem and types of compo for safety. they had to run on the underground tunnel, so that leads to a problem. and some of them have actually just been taken up by top of that for landing on top of 10, nothing to a national conference center. now the amount of destruction that has taken place today has been crazy just behind us. these police vehicle one of the police vehicle that will actually bonds to the next to find them. and there was another police truck that was bonds and a number of establishments. it's actually called flat. uh there was a lot, a lot of destruction people while you're moving that roadside by your kids. and all of that was processed as expressing that in graphs as mismanagement of funds by
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parliament. or i know we called rob sean, and i've used that have been that i didn't mean the real for yeah, of the young people. it was felix marina and i roby. let's take a quick look now at some other stories and making headlines around the world today . canyon police have arrived and have a to help restore order in the caribbean country. a plane landed in puerto pulse, carrying around $200.00 officers as the 1st u. n backed foreign police force. hades army has struggled to resist violent gangs that have taken control of 80 percent, the capital, and left hundreds of thousands homeless. the international criminal court has issued warns of arrest for the former russian defense minister of surgery showing go, and the military is chief of general staff for larry harass them off the warrants are for alleged war crimes and ukraine. they joined presidents, letting me put on the courts warranted less towards searches is really supreme court has ruled that the military must begin drafting ultra orthodox men. the
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decision could bring down prime minister benjamin netanyahu as coalition government powerful ultra orthodox parties, oppose any change to the current system. it allows the grease has issued a health warning to visitors over the current heat wave. at least 10 ford taurus have either died or gone missing hiking. in a 40 degree temperatures. grease has been hit by its earliest summer heat ways. the week it leaks bound, or julian of phones has been flown to a us pacific territory where he is expected to plead guilty to violating american espionage law as orange was wanted for publishing classified military files and has agreed a plea deal with us authorities. he fought extradition to the united states from britain where he has spend the past 5 years and a high security facility. a 14 year fight for freedom is finally. that's an end. after doing a song agreed to us,
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please deal people to the plating on monday found for the us, terry tray of the know the mariana islands in the pacific that will go on to return . the once fugitive to his native australia, his brother said the family was overwhelmed. i'd been speaking to him this week and just go through all the details with him and you know, a very anxious, very excited. and he's looking forward to spending time with his family and been for a been able to have the sun shine on on his i see that the go for a swim in the ocean back in australia. so it's very much looking forward to that for over a decade. the australian, how could send whistle blower has divided public opinion, is hailed as a champion of free, pressed by many condemned as a trade to buy his detractors. it was in 2010. he became world
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famous after his company weekly, published a trove of files and diplomatic cables. they included a video of an attack fight, an american apache helicopter, any rock but left 11 dead, including 2 journalists. and for some, his actions with a hallmark of a free press, the description of what it is, but so many others the link. so nothing, shouts of treason and the song, an enemy of the states. and down here, a swedish arrest warrant for rate and sexual assault. so assange take refuge in london's ecuadorian embassy. he would stay there for the next 7 years. this is a victory by the time and kudos president, we vote sanchez, asylum status. it was united states where he was
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a wanted mom he feels the fault is extradition to the us from inside of british prison. but the plea deal means a song while a controversial will at last be a free mon the plane caring julian massage has now landed in the us territory and our washington bureau chief and as full as more on the reactions there. as we just heard, the do a turn in a psalms is of course a polarizing figure of a which means that opinions of vases, this deal also sharply divided. former republican, vice president mike pens, criticized soldiers. please do a calling you to miss carriage of justice that this honored the service and sacrifice of the all to forces of drums for with national security advisor. john bolton just told me some weeks ago in an interview that the song should face the death penalty. on the other hand, of course, the liberal filmmaker, michael moore,
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who many of of us actually might know from as film bowling for columbine, a celebrated to plead u. s. a happy day. it is interesting to call the me the president by the no former president trump has commented on the play deal yet, and i wouldn't be surprised if a real good aust. during the presidential debate this the 1st day everything about the deal. let me know the average over the past decade, there has been a significant show of support for massage across europe. and in can we say of the same about the united states spelling the us the public. this course on the sauls and other was lowers like snowden, or manic, for example. and the scope of press freedom versus espionage act tends to be more critical of compared to many european countries, especially germany. i would say uh, the differences in attitudes actually may stem from the fact that many americans
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have family members who served or are serving and active duty leading of course, to concerns about potential harm to loved ones, cost of either linked information. and this of course, saves the perspective on the balance between informing the public and freedom of speech rights and potentially endangering american soldiers. what do we know about his health condition? there's been a lot of talk about that. it has indeed, and we just hers a, his wife and also his brother and other people being close to him talking that she's not a good shape that he's really a suffering of depression. and i think also the pictures we just saw how he enters his private plane show how much is changed over the course of the
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years. these many years. this many days and nights he spent in prison. that was the w. washington bureau chief in his full, thanks for that. and his sports now were austria staged a surprising group when of the european football championships here in germany, mazda is that the scored at the size of go against the netherlands for a 3 to win that send austria into the round of the last 16. now one of the title favorites france stumbled against poland after a $11.00 draw of a and a group be in 2nd place ahead of the netherlands will also progress as one of the best 3rd place teams. and no goals were scored in the last 2 matches of groups. the english finished at the top of the table. denmark also qualified for the last 16 coming and 2nd. so now face germany and then all got phase slovenia, also advanced as to the next round. and before we go, china has become the 1st country to bring samples from the far side of the moon's
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back to earth. the chung uh 6 probe returned to enter mongolia carrying lunar rock and soil samples. scientists believe they hold clues about the origins of the moon and the earth emission highlights china's growing capabilities and space. a and a reminder of the top story we're following for you at the sour, thousands of protesters opposing tax increases have stormed kenya's parliament. several have been killed and violent clashes with security forces. president willing roto has called the unrest a threats to national security and voucher restore order. and don't forget, you can always get the the news on the go. just download our app from google plate or from the app store, and that'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world. as well as bush notifications for any breaking news. that's all from the news for now. coming up after the break, close up to the bunk. some of the events surrounding
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a new weight loss drug being hyped on social media. if it's the latest headlines you're looking for, there's always are websites that is dw dot com for now though, from all of us here in our newsroom and berlin, thank you so much for your company. the, the coming 0 sent excels 3 trans people. stories is not kinda items that feed us complex doors sometimes from here. so of addition chip possession of the so i'm showing 3 generations one to any thoughts, july 7th on dw.


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