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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  June 26, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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are designed for the present time and he's now on a plane flying home to whose native australia and that is an update at this hour. i'm quite richardson in that 1st. thanks for watching the dream of revolution. the dictates of somoza was full. so that changed my life. the people hoped for a sara i imagined we would change the world. tens of thousands of left us from all over the world wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream, was simply a spirit of optimism,
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where we encouraged each other, so many things were suddenly imaginable. there are the most of this and make it a dream of revolution. thoughts july 20th dw. so i'm here this who has copy not who is the c o also software company from india. and he's also an advisor to the government of india. and he would like to talk about india and china relations and business opportunities to hoss. you'll hear the word how come no make form in died. yeah, i'm trying to use this port town in the northeast of china. why do you come to sign up? why is this important for business person to be here at this moment? i think uh china is no like the present good for the new ation right now and i'm ready. oh it's very curious and interest about what's happening of the post band
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them included in the katrina and the some of those has taken place after very long . good, and it goes very important for i think it's very important for every businessman who's, who's reading, who's reading a global company for not to me. so doubled what's happening in china. and it was very important for us and my company to understand understand the potential opportunities, potential opportunities for partnerships in china. you'd and yeah, it's, uh, it's very nice to attend the summer that was office up to such a long get. let's do that. sure. if you could know, make troubles between india and china, between china and us between china and europe of costs. how does this affect the mood insurance? i think the most important factors that the china organizing this. so for some of that was the end of it. i mean, we do have new champions here to serve shows that intern that they cannot be running a country. and silas in a foot rate is very important for china. and i think, i think this you entered,
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said is the fact that the hosting is it's a classic indicator. the fact that uh, it cannot be lighting, it cannot be operating, insight loose. and partnership and collaboration is important. and i think for trade or business, it's very, very important to keep the geopolitical aspects of the site and, and the focus of in, you know, course economy and also good and uh you and for india cannot survey without china and other weight on it because it does one of the largest importer of, of chinese goods and the same with us and europe. so i think that is, so i think there's a natural dependency on, on all of them and all of this 3 quarters. so totally that could you political, what i can do about it because you should not come into the update. so where do you see business opportunities? yeah, new technology is always for example, a i,
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you also book in the future of artificial intelligence, intelligence. but this one really wants to share one's knowledge as a company for example. yeah, i mean i'm, i believe that the katrina is spot photo ahead. rick, i'm sure, yeah. but the problem is we do not know what's really happening here. and it's also an opportunity for us to explore this. and i mean, the field of e i, or cyber security or the, or the engine, the technology. since it's, it's very important that you need to, you need to collaborate, you need to box. and it's impossible to build the entire test successfully a company and excite loose. so it's very important that they need to look at partnerships. so it could be any bluetooth company, which is us building to become a global company, has to, as a partner, it has a cooperate. and, and, and my, my other objective here to, so to look for new partners within china would be who became for partnerships. now
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you said you're seeing that china is very much advanced and up to assist you intelligence. but you don't really know why don't you know that? i think i've seen some of that i'll put, again to problem. uh, maybe if you need to benchmark with open a or with anything you it's like got, i think the real good we do a is so it's much more, it's much, much hard once like i'm on beach at and i'm seeing the dates that is coming within rechecked aboard extremely expensive with what's happening in the, within china. and it's, it's very impressive like to see the kids output, which they claim it to be through. so if at all are true, then i definitely believe that that far ahead. denise, what about knowledge, tons, fair. also you, your company in india has also a lot of knowledge of costs as a software company. also in cyber security. are you voice
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a bit to about knowledge transfer or you think you can manage that with chinese companies? i didn't audition, so it is going to be an issue. and i think when you need to partner with the attorneys companies. uh it's, i mean, i'm sure to the board, the partners to an indian, fucked on in order to attorneys buckner the all to believe that uh uh, they should not be shaving too much. and the partnership should be, uh, maybe should start with age. so um uh, i think there is a small amount of fee of a book, the book notes when they work together. and it's very important. so it's, um, it's like walking on the day through. so you can't walk too fast. you can't walk too slow or through the phone. so it's exactly way you start the partnership. a depending meet the level where you, you do not have to share too many things so that it puts the, the bar code and kind of a discomfort. you'll see the very partnership really,
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really progress at one and, and after that you can take it forward. now it's not your 1st time yet and died. yeah, and that's a park city in north eastern china. you've been here before, but you haven't been here since the pen day make. so do you feel a change of mood? yeah, i think uh, definitely i can already feel the mood change where i see that it's more close to for some reason. like uh, maybe the same china used to come some years before i could see that openness was much, much there. um i think i think that it's kind of a feud. i seen people and i think the closeness is still there. it's much, much higher. the closest used to be there before, does it? but i think it's increase a lot and i think postponed to make use of us there, ma'am, or was it being no up? i think the big some huge, so maybe it'd be cared for. actually try not to be in the pre pandemic state as it used to be. so it's also because of the fact that the, the, with the,
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with their know, it's kind of the geopolitics because temperature and also the alter the policy decisions. so by the communist party, i believe the, the slightly, they've become slightly more conservative, but i'm sure it's going to change and, and the fact that they're hosting the summer that was itself, it's a, it's a wonderful indicated that of course they are looking for an openness they're looking for partnerships. as a business person, do you get special treatments by the govern? no, of the. yeah. and all to may of the young. what kind of treatment do you get? you know, i mean, i think, i think they're done goldman technique this. uh, it's guest and they want to extend its in courtesy hospitality. so when i send a translator witnessing the may be sufficient godson and readings which they facilitate. and go to the gallon government to committees as being buttons for
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businessman to partner with the city based on the notes here and again. so it's exactly why i'm seeing that. the goldman doing kind of an outreach, which know, it has happened to head 40 known, took notice to meet their local entrepreneurs and to force partnerships. you know, a big topic has also as a rescheduling of our costs because they need to be with you to be able to work with the new technologies. but better you'll see departments, but also opportunity. i think at least getting enough scaling this is, is going to be, is a, it's a major opportunity and also challenge you went into conflicting good china and with, with massive populous country with this, the info pollution though, that it's really unfortunate to see there's eligible in people being unemployed and only because that technology or uh, or the industry is far, far ahead, then i could, i mean, and the universities i far behind. and it's,
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it's also very important to, to, uh, uh, effective, in fact, to bridge this gap by up skilling and also the skilling. i with more kind of industry collaboration and i think, uh, for example, the co, china. no, they're forcing long. they're all in good population to learn english and you know, across the india we, we know that the 2nd job, so it already pace with the a. and it's very, very important for these young people. for example, example, uh if it's content or if it's customer support agent, it's not what he plays with. yeah, i know it's very important to know in india over the you have, you have a magic population out there to it. even if you go to the fuel station, you have somebody to free your car. uh, which never happens. and if you would open to us, so no, uh, you need to figure out ways that you could, you could respond to them and up skilling them. of course, the indian government has a policy decision for uh, uh,
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helping these individuals to be security. they will create a schemes. it's only the, the, i think, the academia and the university should, uh, uh, has to close your work with the industry to understand exec security, me, us and, and the skill needs. they need to understand that it's not quite a minute. it can be disrupted within few months or a few years so they need duties like it. so do you see the same problem here? it's, i know all is the same. you're able to change in the, across china as well. it's the same thing and of course i thought from, apart from language which is going to be one of, well, is one of the challenges for them. i think when it comes to the hard skills. so the tech skills i think is the same problem across it's not, it's not only, you know, katrina, but able to do it. but i think the problem is, is, is it, uh, is, uh, is most significant for countries like india and order to train up because of the
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population. and so now um, do you see that this is the topic that the over the overview discuss tia and audio or what do you think is the most important issue here? i think uh, i think the future jobs and, and, and for scaling and root. so he's coming up, scaling is going to be one of the co topic of uh, of the discussion cute and the going for them as a very strong focus on getting it says, and i've seen many sessions send the agenda, which should, which is focusing on jobs so the future of jobs and also skilling. so i think guys and think it's going to be very hard topic and when it comes to employment and skilling, i think i think the challenge is kind of university and it's very important to have that opened and assigned to collaborate. maybe maybe something is work for china. i hope that they could share that with the word about the reads and i think they are
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looking to solve it. and the same thing for you does what are some things to look for india? we would be happy to share the re, uh it was a, it was address with the new contacts and maybe you may have to, we may have to customize autumn, have to look laser template, and you need to start up in the country. thank you very much. and so with have a good concepts offer to the i can't even pack your 1st aid kit, so you can be prepared for anything that could really your vacation. like travel sickness, sunburn, mosquito bites. and any other unpleasant travel companions you don't want joining. you join us for our tips for healthy holiday in good shape. on d w. when i grow up the super model saying,
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