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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching data, but you know, it was coming to you live from berlin. you as a journalist, evan gosh, come it's on trial in russia. the wall street journal reporter stands accused of spying records phase of 20 years in prison on charges 14 and his pay for it to not also clean off on the show julian assange lens in australia, a free man. after agreeing to a us plea deal and with 5 years in prison and a length, a legal battle behind him, the wiki leaks founder is now making it to win the war. how you phrase decoy weapons for the russians. easy enough. there's plus and india,
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a blistering heat wave is causing health issues and that's in the capital that we we look at the impact extreme temperatures and have offices in the body. the i'm quite richardson and berlin and warm welcome. the trial against us journalist of an gasket which has the gun behind closed doors in the russian city of you have captured wynberg. the reporter for the wall street journal is accused of spying for the west and could face up to 20 years in prison if found guilty, he and his employer denied the charges of to move in a year under arrest. russia is now putting evan gosh corvettes on trial. the 2 year old john list was detained in march. 2023 were reporting in the city of your cutting book, according to his employer. the wall street journal russian prosecutors
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alleged gosh, could, which was collecting secret information from a tank factory for the c. i a gosh, cubits denied the charges. so to his family employer, the white house you say he was wrongfully detained, of this espionage charges are ridiculous. the targeting of american citizens by russian government is unacceptable. we condemn the detention of mister goose coverage in the strongest in the strongest terms. gosh, good, which is the son of soviet emigres and grew up in new jersey. he moved to russia in 2017 to walk. there was a correspondent, the wall street journal. hi to him in 2022 dash could, which is the 1st american john this to be jailed and russian espionage charges since the soviet era. despite strange relations us and russian officials have indicated that talks on going about releasing gosh, because it's in a prison, this will go. but the us and russia have not yet reached an agreement.
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in an interview, in february of this year, vladimir putin indicated he wants to swap, gash, give it to the russian, hit my sentence to life imprisonment in germany for muttering a chechen, discipline to berlin in 2019. it's a specific will definitely be for somebody to go to some ex, but say the trial could help bring the negotiations forward. it's a very unfortunate situation to all around, but this may be a glimmer of hope in his eventual coming home. because this trial will establish the verdicts and russian injustice needs to see a verdict in a case before i believe that they're willing to do some negotiation for whatever might be the outcome. but by making the trial secret, while she is hiding his case away from the public, well, so gosh, which the uncertainty continues a little bit earlier, dw j gosh,
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some ask you told me why this trial is being held behind closed doors. so while claire, this is actually a stand up procedure in russia for cases of alleged espionage or treason, and because the proceedings are considered a state secret to so the reporters were let in the room just for a few minutes before the trial has started. and now during the proceedings, no reporters, no friends, family members or u. s embassy stuff for the site or are allowed in the room. and people familiar with such cases are saying that this type of violation puts additional psychological burden on the guest person, mr. guest collision does case cells a little bit more about the charges against gaskets and how long he could potentially be facing present time. yes, rational prosecutors alleged that the guest could reach was gathering information about a defense contractor, a company producing bottled tanks for the russian army called about guns of old.
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and if he has done so for a c, i, a on the kremlin also says the gosh could, which was called red 10. that's, that's no evidence was published if could support his allegations, the evaluation of which is obviously denying the charges sold us his employer to wall street journal is calling this a shawn trial with fig charges and, and is also stressing that's gosh, good. which was on a reporting trip and a few was accredited by russia to do jo. notice the court in the country. now the charges that he's facing kerry up to 20 years in prison. and we need to remember that and acquittals are extremely rare in the russian judicial system on the less than one percent of defendants are acquitted in russia because the judges tends to agree with the persecution. and so this is the outlook for this process. so is this as a some say about russia's effort to strength and it's hand in the event of
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a possible prisoner exchange 5 by holding at the desk of ex. this is, this is something the us is that using brush off of the imprisoning us citizens to use them as bargaining chips. and there are currently at least a dozen of the us citizens in russian jails. now russia is this insist that they have broken the law, and this is a, this is a high profile case and now, and in the previous hyper 5 case in 2022 russia and has reduced an american, a basketball player. brittany, good griner, in exchange for a russian at arms dealer victor bouts. now, in this case, it is not clear if the us holds another card that strong. so to say, dividing it 14 has clearly indicated that he wants to see a russian has been released from the german jail door,
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also to russian. spies on file is lavinia right now, but it is uncertain how willing germany, your slovenia are to help in this us russia disputes. so there is a lot of bach channel diplomacy going on. and experts say that we could see some developments in terms of a possible prisoner swap after we have a verdict in this case of mr. gosh coverage. gosh, thank you so much for that analysis. that is a j gosh, something else gate and rica for 2 weeks. founder julie and a sanchez arrived in australia, a free man under a deal with us, prosecutors as long as was released from prison and breton, and fluently, u. s. specific territory where he pleaded guilty in court to violating american laws that marked an end to his legal fight with the us government over leach documents and classified military files,
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which he published on his wiki leaks platform. it won't budge on the list. julia massage and just the cold house inside been smiling. she knows she will leave the building as a freedom at the paper in a case as the greatest son she pleaded guilty to a felony, charge of violating us. s b a national ripley is part of the deal. he's truck with us, prosecutors, he's prison sentence is come to us. the weather,
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as you can easily imagine, that his spirits have lifted and he will be able to spend quality time with his wife, stella, and his 2 children. be ever to walk up and down the beach and feel the same to his tires in winter. the lovely you may have to learn how to be patient and play with your children for a couple of hours and all of the great beauty of ordinary life. a song spent more than 5 years and bell, much prism in the u. k. where he for extra decent to the united states, implemented to him, he's company we can weeks publish classified military files, which divide this public opinion around the world. about what sounds really, it's a trade to a free speech worries. and while his actions are likely to remain controversial,
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julian this on sporting here, legal saga, he's finally coming to in the head of a sondors arrival home in australia, dw strolled over. i told me more about what happened in that courtroom. it was all over in about an hour and a hoss the judge accepted. besides his guilty plea to one account of accepting and disseminating classified documents, she counted his time, served in british, printed prisoners on his 5 use in british prisons as, as time served and said he was free to go. now it was interesting and sentencing. she made a few notes. one of them was she made no calls. chelsea manning sentence and you might recall chelsea manny was with us on your resume for what to post secret documents onto with you or that they like to publish relating to the us for in a rock that chelsea manning was given a certified in the sentence. but that was confusing just office of to just 70 is by president obama. and there's some 3 things that the judge knows. and the other
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thing that the judge noted in this is very interesting. she said that the us government and it's filings that said that there were no symptoms for mr. sanchez action, so there was no personal injury caused by anything you've done. that is really significant because a lot of the criticism leveled against julian hassan so far as being because of the criticism, saying that he calls home to people. he put people's lives in danger by publishing henri backed into files with people's names and information. while the us government in court today appears to back down from that central criticism, ultimately service arch, julius also spoke as he told the court, the one he had done. he had done as a journalist and he was expecting to be able to defend himself under the us constitution 1st amendment, which i called freedom of person freedom of speech. but he said that this would be too difficult the case. and therefore he was accepting the plea,
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the judge accepted his what he said, gave him a sentence of time sir, and said he was a free man. she also wished him happy birthday. so next week and to julia songs left the building. and that was a job. all right, reporting for us from said me. now a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world. so nato has officially announced outgoing and dodge prime minister miko groups as it's next to the secretary general. you will take over from you installed and bark on the 1st of october. so the biggest challenges for georgia will be re rushes, ongoing war and ukraine, and on search and t over the us as future commitment to the allies. taiwan is that it's coast guard chase to a chinese naval vessels from waters off one of its islands. the incident part of what i want calls chinese harassment that has escalated china. views the democratically government island as a break away province and says, unification is in f a india is capital jelly has been facing its worst heat wave in decades as a climate change,
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it takes its toll temperatures and parts of northern india at a blistering 48 degrees celsius last week. the intense heat is resulting in health issues and fatalities. and it's even more difficult for people who are living on the streets. daily have been like a furnace for 2 months. the government has taught people to stay indoors began. but mohammed if the car has no other choice than to be out of the street, he has been staying on the pavement with his wife and children. he is one of the houses which i will do daily from all over the country every year to get affordable medical treatment at ease to stop boost government, hospital of india. many end up living on the street outside because they are unable to afford any of the accommodations. and i've never seen the kind of hate i'm seeing now. it's the reason i don't go out looking for work very often. i was just focused on getting the treatment and taking care of my children and i go to the,
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to if the guard on his vice here because they've chosen the chief mental scheme disorders. but staying in the heat has made matters worse. give little psalms, have developed boys on disk and then now getting treated for the i to this is shaping up to be the longest. and the was teeth, we have that we have seen in the last 74 years exposed to lots of you think this to what do you need one soon. and the end, you know, phenomena in a box from getting regular has advisories to people. the government, visio also directed hospitals to provide, especially share so he's still facing drummond over new york. another government wants to them, denny has created a heat to image in see delta human to seek treat. does that on days of the cheat, the gets several patients when the beat them mostly be required to work outdoors like construction labor drugs or security guards the most homeless if the patient is that move on, she is having
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a lot of body temperature lake. amazing. it can be as high as 161 or 7 degrees fahrenheit. the water is equipped with a motion, cooling technology, a rapid ice generating machine, and lots 7 tubs, in which heat stroke, patients are done in ice, cold water to bring down the body temperature. dr. seek recess in a heat stroke situation, which also just organ female rapid calling up the body is the only way to save life . this kind of a situation that happened for the 1st time and that so we know very explanation man and such patients are coming to us in large numbers. we have never seen such a number in the preceding years. if the car brings his sons out, as he sees the slight change in where the light trains in the city has brought temporarily to lease, but also incense humidity. the if it gets too hot for us, we either go and take shelter in the so by train station over there. well go inside the hospital, which to manage and protect our kids somehow has
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a better is because says he prays to god every day for his children to get better. so he can either go back to his village or stop looking for work you activate to be able to afford a shelter to protect them from denny with them. i spoke earlier to d w as correspondence deal boss about how this heat has been impacting people in india. cloud people in india have been excluding, they've been kind of for experiencing ballistic. again, this time at this time the scene is quite intense. it is also really bad for the people this time so that it feels like living in a bind a phrase, you know, actually. so this time, when you go out and you'll see it's not a huge baby, it's a full blown that, that when your body, you start sweating from head to toe. and whenever you go out like you go to slow homeless, people tell us that because it's name to the night. so that is the situation that
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we have been witnessing indemnity. so the temperature across more than 50 degrees. so it's just in some areas they are like, uh, fox in northern india where people can go out for the best, the livelihood. so for people like in the northern part pots of phoenix and really they can do anything in this coffee seats. now, for those who are able to take precautions and measures, what are people doing to, to deal with such sports and temperatures? this we have you on the stand, but the scene doesn't impact people equally. people from the economic affection they are, wasn't able to, this kind of feed, if you put a slums, people who live in small congested areas where they start cooking, but he goes up. so in these situations, people like construction, labor hours of been to the people who get impacted by this kind of feed. so we've been speaking the people they're trying to do everything they can to work in
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this kind of school to work in this kind of 8. and what kind of government support has been available to people against these extreme temperatures going assigned to, to everything. it can so like the homeless people that have started to rescue dry, where people who was sleeping on the streets, they tried to rescued them and give them shut. the space to government walls are trying to collaborate with the angles where they are visiting some areas of beating the house is of the people and governments also collaborating with the angels from states as well. where they are in the evidence campaign studies. people how to cope in this state. thank you so much for your reporting. that is dw, is correspondence. a deal box at least 13 people have been told and 10. yeah. after demonstrators broke into the parliament and protests over tax rises,
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canyon president william root. so has condensed the violence as a threat to national security and vowed to restore order of thousands of people marched on the building in the capital. and i, roby after lawmakers, voted to approve a controversial finance bill. it was the deadliest day of the princes soon for the most done rec to sold tone 10 years government. in decades of the several failed attempts, thousands of protest is finally reached parliament. they forced their way inside one side, the building and set parts of it on file. no makers who had voted to raise taxes, fled through underground tunnels, as police the through to you guys want to kind of live. i'm you, mission, healing. several people and wounding dozens. move in a national address can use president william rudo condemned the protests.
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i assure opinions that we shall provide it for effective and it's been the shows response. it took 2 days to some us events who made no mention of the bill which had prompted the rage the loudly young protest to say the tax hikes would increase the cost of a central products and services. quit putting them economically. in response to the original outcry, the government had already scrap several planned increases, including those of basic food stuff like bread and oil. that for the protest, as the concessions weren't enough, they said the government should profits 2.5, b and euro deficit by reducing spending instead. and they've bowed to punish william root. so i go on to my, my president a van to get to i bought at the we may not be amending
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we have yet to really see by time do 6 and that just in between themselves, midway, maybe percentage of signals and we're seeing and pulled by to see the 5th to a decision, they would not have that sense in health care for the government. we don't do that and we are going to tell you that no, no, no, no. john wooten now has 2 weeks to sign the finance bill into ingenuity and innovation, all part of ukraine's effort to win the war against russia. and that includes creating fake, takes vehicles and artillery to trick the russians into using their valuable weapons to destroy ukrainian decoys. but just who is behind making the facts that are saving the real items from destruction and, and triple 7. how it's destroyed by russian fire. except that it's not a real how it's a, but rather a model. these fake western artillery pieces made by volunteers. the decoys meant
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to full russian soldiers into wasting expensive munitions to destroy them. the russians see the fate co tillery from drones and cannot distinguish the model from real weapons. proper camouflage also plays a role. when it is quoted, the book of zillow is giving you some, uh uh, yeah, the military showed me how the fix look on the russian screens. the on my team come with, we used to create more detailed models. we need to go with the military, told me they don't need all of this. i'm alone that are some of the main thing is to have the basic elements. this thing is the site and there's more than enough detail here for how they see this stuff. it's for much of a 2 bed, roughly on used to make furniture. a year ago, he received a request from the military to make models of weapons. he made his own drawings based on the photos from the internet. it shows that people in sort of what we've already made more than a 100 model,
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one real how it's our costs at least $3000000.00. so we've already saved about $300000000.00 for our army. lived a mess of it. he's got a steak. how it costs about a $1000.00. well, the russian projectile that destroys it, costs $35000.00. the fisher, this is what fascinates us there. we can do something here in civilian life that really helps the army helps save the guy. on the height of the lot, the floor if he across many working on the model of a savior era onto the re piece. it's made of plywood 10 sheets and scrap metals. this is the finished product. a common almost 10 meters long. the model has enough detail to be indistinguishable from the real common when seen from a drone. mikayla is the 2nd generation carpenter. what he wants most is for the products he has worked on to be destroyed
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as soon as possible. so that the russians watched from drones and expedite and it looks like a real one, there will be air strikes, increases more strikes on our fake weapons mean more lives save for our military. well the temple but so that they don't have to take risks. the more air strikes the better that these crossman can make. models of west and re dogs, and even the german iris t defense system. ukrainian veteran and military analyst alexi huckman emphasizes that it is necessary to keep a balance between the resources spent on their effectiveness. sure. when they are pushing it, if they start creating a special unit, this whole unit advocating a large number of people and forces to do this, it won't be worth it. and some of those work, but they don't protect 100 percent against the enemy attacks and it took him as a shake and confused the enemy sometimes. and that's ok. that is, if even one missile hits the domain, you know,
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the cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, it's already a success. so it, because he's the familiar one with the terms, are terms of these ukranian engineering units don't disclose which models they use and why, but they want to generate as much support as possible to continue the work to the desk. we're going to turn to sports now where austria staged a surprising group when at the european football championships here in germany, the team celebrating a 32 victory over the netherlands effort stadium. austria has only once before top of the group and a major tournament, and this was the team's 1st went over the doctrine more than 30 years. one of the title, favorites of france, stumbled against poland after a one all drawl. they finish a group di and 2nd place and other ones also progress as one of the best. the 3rd place teams. and the final 2 matches of the tournaments group sees on no goals
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scored england. finishing at the top of the table. denmark coming in 2nd, which means that they will face germany and then knock out face, and there was a lot of joy to for slovenia as fans. they advanced to the next round for the 1st time. oh, it's amazing that i've always been a bit. it's perfect score and it's i agree with this evening to look at people and just before we go, a quick reminder of our top story. solely and assigned has arrived in australia, a free man after pleading guilty to violate an espionage us force himself. specific deals feared him further present time and ends, the legal flights over reach classified files, he published on which and that one is update at this
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hour and all for me. for now, as always you can check out our website, d, w dot com or find us on social media. ask news, i'm clear richardson in for me. thank you so much for watching the
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