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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news coming to line from bullet julian, his thoughts, lands and australia, a free man. after 5 years in prison and a lengthy legal battle which he leaves founder agreed to us please deal, allowing him to return home. also coming out to us journalists, evan juris given on the trial in russia. wall street journal reporter stands accused of spying the could take 20 years in prison on charges. and this paper did not. plus in india, a blistering heat way is causing health issues and deaths. in the capital building, we look at the impact extreme temperatures can have on the human body,
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the little m terry martin, thanks for joining us. judy in the sondra is back home in australia, a free man after a plea, deal with us. authorities is private jets landed a camera airport where he was welcomed by his wife stella and his father. his freedom follows the to our court appearance before a judge in the us pacific territory. but he stated guilty, violating american law is marching in to a 14 year long legal buffalo with the us government over linked documents and classified military files, which he published on his with the leads platform. it's janina sanchez, legal team and his wife spoke to reporters a short while ago. here's what stella assange had to say. join join.
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wanted me to sincerely find everyone he wanted to be. but you have to understand what he's been through. he needs time. he needs to recuperate and this is a process i ask you to give up space to give us privacy to find our place for that our family, the family before he seek again at a time of his choosing. reuters journalist kirsty needham was at the airport in cambro. when a solange arrived, kirsty, an emotional moment there at the airport. what was the atmosphere like to this? that was the press conference with um, as long as it's was still
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a clearly emotional speaking to the media. so the 1st time since she had embraced the husbands, we stepped off that plane, not that long ago and also his legal team timing. he hundreds of assigned support is also attend at the high to jeering packing. it was put to exchange and the message from stella is, you know, julia and couldn't be that the spot. so many supporters turning out in the media because he makes time to recover it. it has been quite an old deal and she said someone and said to her, the freedom comes slowly. and so this may be a slight pressure at school. it has been julia julia and assigned to re adjust to use new freedom in australia. things legal team will say again, i'm sorry. paula had been in the next 510 ports and he said, look, this is a great mean there's my guys go to on julian, there's nothing since nothing to stop him from speaking in the future. and you know, these play deal also means that there's nothing else. if you want to switch
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construction, they'll be nice to charge it. do we know what julian his son is going to do? now of course he has to adjust to being free, but do we know what his plans are at this point? i'm not at this stage of me speaking to his family then this guy said knowing julian, they kind of mentioned that he is 7 down to the quiet life going to straight. is it? yes on he's these back times. the 1st time in 1618. he has a young family and what he wants to enjoy. this seems some things in life that they do. so i watch the spice because i'm still also said, julian, it's him. he's nice to him, a couple of human rights and you know, he has very strong feelings about justice. so you know, to have to do the naval goals that we will say. as you said, any sign time that he will, he will be back on the public stage. again. the legal process that julian assigned
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went through for years and years was excruciating and involved multiple countries ended up with him spending over 5 years in a prison in london. what, what about the future for his legal status is, is this the end of, of all of his legal troubles, or could we see more of the account? i'm sorry, he's used council very purpose. but you know, in fact about these pieces are what he said. so, you know, i assigned had pleaded guilty on one charge of espionage. he had been free. there's no chance that the charges can be brought against him. and he said, this is why it was a complex negotiations. it took, took many months and the wins that was gained by his team were that this court hearing would be in a specific us territory, not in the mainland. united states that assigns would not be presented as
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a prisoner, but there will be no gag order on him. so this is, you know, a bit of an insight into the 2 in fry and the complex negotiations that have gone on. now he's pretty smooth. i jen robinson, also a related to the fact that there was a pretty smart court hearing coming up quite see, wait, assigned would have been able to argue that the charges he faced and knighted states that the consideration must be given to his 1st amendment rights. and you know, that legal, legal protections might not be available to him in the united states. so this tension between national security and freedom of speech was really coming into play . and he's taking the same suggest that this press conference, but basically issues that, you know, if united states government really didn't want it, there's a difficult complex issue right across the thank you very much. that was a writer's journalist, kirsty, and need them there in camber,
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australia. thank you. now let's catch up on a few other stories making headlines today. at least $22.00 people been killed in kenya during nationwide protest over a controversial tax plan. that's according to a local rights organization. police open fire and demonstrators who stormed the parliament building on wednesday after lawmakers passed deeply unpopular tactile tie. one says it's coast guard, chased away chinese naval vessels from waters off. one of the time of the incident as part of what taiwan calls chinese harassment that has escalated china. views the democratically govern the island as a break way province and says unification is inevitable. nature has officially announced outgoing dutch prime minister mark router as its next secretary general. he will take over from un, spelt and back on the 1st of october. so the biggest challenge is for real will be
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rushes ongoing war and ukraine and uncertainty over the us as future commitment to the alliance. russian prisoners have returned home from captivity in ukraine. the plane with 90 soldiers on board arrived in moscow early on wednesday morning. it's the biggest exchange between the countries. in almost 5 months, the united arab emirates is said to be a mediator in the exchange pulse. the trial against us journalist evan greske, of which has begun behind closed doors and the russian city of you. catherine bore the reporter for the wall street journal is accused of spying for the united states and could face up to 20 years in prison. if found guilty, he and his employer denied the charge is often more than a year under arrest. russia is now putting evan gosh corvettes on trial. the 2 year old john list was detained in march 2023,
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while reporting in the city of your cutting book, according to his employer. the wall street journal, the russian prosecutors alleged gosh, because which was collecting secret information from a tank factory for the c. i a gosh. cubits denied the charges. so to his family employer, the white house you say he was wrongfully detained. this espionage charges are ridiculous. the targeting of american citizens by russian government is unacceptable. we condemn the detention of mister goose coverage in the strongest in the strongest terms. gosh, good, which is the son of soviet emigres and grew up in new jersey. he moved to russia in 2017 to work. there was a correspondent, the wall street journal. hi to him in 2022 desk of issues. the 1st american john this to be jailed and russian espionage charges since the soviet era. despite strange relations us and russian officials have indicated that talks on going about
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releasing gosh, because it's in a prison, this will go. but the us and russia have not yet reached an agreement. in an interview, in february of this year, vladimir putin indicated he wants to swap gash, give it to the russian hit my sentence to life imprisonment in germany for muttering a chechen distant in berlin in 20. 19. it's a specific will definitely be for somebody to go to some ex, but say the trial could help bring the negotiations fluid. it's a very unfortunate situation to all around, but this may be a glimmer of hope in his eventual coming home. because this trial will establish the verdicts and russian injustice needs to see a verdict in a case before i believe that they're willing to do some negotiation for whatever might be the outcome. but by making the trial secret, while she is hiding his case away from the public, well for gosh,
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which the uncertainty continues. the dw, how goes shanowsky, told us why this trial is being held behind closed doors. this is actually a stand up procedure in russia for cases of alleged espionage or treason, because the proceedings are considered a state secret to. so the reporters were let in the room just for a few minutes before the trial has started. and now during the proceedings, no reporters, no friends, family members, or us embassy stuff for the site or are allowed in the room and people for me, no such cases are saying that this type of violation puts additional psychological burden on the guest person, mr. guest collision death case india is capital delhi has been phasing its worst heat wave in decades as climate change takes, its toll temperatures in northern in parts of northern india hit a blistering 48 degrees celsius last week. the intense heat is resulting and health
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issues and fatalities. it's even more difficult for people who are living on the streets. i denny has been like a furnace for 2 months. the government has stored people to stay indoors if they can go home with if the car has no other choice than to be out of the streets. he has been staying on the pavement with his wife and children. he is one of the houses which i will do daily from all over the country every year to get affordable medical treatment at ease to stop boost government costs to defend too many end up living on the street outside because they are unable to afford any of the accommodations and i've never seen the kind of hate i'm seeing now. it's the reason i don't go out looking for work very often and i just focus on getting the treatment and taking care of my children. if the guard on his advice i hear because they chose the chief mental scheme disorders,
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but staying in the heat has made matters worse. to little psalms have developed boys on disk and then now getting treated for the i to this is shaping up to be the longest and the teeth we have that we have seen in the last 74 years exposed to lots of using this to a delayed one soon and the end, you know, phenomena in a box, i'm getting regular, has advisories to people. the government, visio also directed hospitals to provide, especially just so he's still fishes drama. know lujan was another government works for them. denny has created a heat store image and talk to him on to secret. does that on days of the cheat bigots, several patient with you? yeah. mostly be required to work outdoors like construction labor to us or security . got the most common sense. that means that the patient is that move on, she is having a lot of bodies and visually what it can be to get can be as high as 161 or 70 degree fahrenheit. the water is equipped with a motion, cooling technology,
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a rapid ice generating machine, and lot 7 mixed ups in which heat stroke patients are done in ice cold water to bring down the body temperature dropped to seek recess in a heat stroke situation, which also just organ female rapid cooling up to 40 is the only way to save life. this kind of a situation that happened for the 1st time. in fact, we know very explanation man and such patients are coming to us in large numbers. we have never seen such a number in the preceding years. if the god brings his sons out, as he sees the slight change and where the light trains and the city has brought temporarily to lease, but also incense humidity's going to mean that if it gets too hot for us, we either go and take shelter in the so by train station over there, well go inside the hospital, we're trying to manage to protect our kids somehow. they've got a good song. if the car says he prays to god every day for his children to get better. so he can either go back to his village or stop looking for work,
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he'll activate, to be able to afford a shelter to protect them, to come to any, whether you're watching dw news up. next we have myself for you this time explaining why some error states keep close ties with this real. terry martin. thank the the coming 0 sent excels 3 trans people. stories is not kind items that feed us complex doors. sometimes when he saw of edition for kids know possession of the church, 3 generations, one jenny.


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