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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the, the dw dues live it from berlin, can use president bank tracks on tax type plans that triggered some of the worst protests of the country. as seen in decades. president william router says that he will not sign a tax increase bill that sparks demonstrations showing within 20 people. also can make up tonight. he makes founder, julie decides, lands and australia, a free man after 5 years in prison and a link the legal stand off with the united states and taking it to winning the war . how you cranes decoy weapons tricks the russians into using of their own. the
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i break off is good to have you with this, we'd be good in kenya, and a change can use president william ruta today, rejected a doing finance bill that sparked violent demonstrations in the country. in recent days. he is now refusing to send the amended draft, well back to parliament saying he won't sign them selectively withdrawing his support. thousands of protesters breached the security barrier outside the permanent building, and i rode the on tuesday. they were showing their anger at proposed tax hikes, and the time when living costs are on the runs, at least $23.00 people were killed in clashes between police and protesters in just the past few days. let's take a listen now to what the president said earlier today. perhaps the loudly said there was nothing to this find on these
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2024 feet. and therefore, i website printed printed for 5 months and then subsequently been withdrawn. and i have a good idea to remember that that becomes of a collective petition with president router there. i want to go over now to our corresponded felix bell ringing. he's in nairobi covering the story for us. felix, the president has said this finance bill with these tax increases that bill is now history. does this mean that the protesters, the generation z, the millennial protesters, they with many of their protests, i do not see it as a victory. in fact,
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they have criticized the president for being hypercritical. yesterday evening president photo said the protest as a walk see me knows today is called to them, sons and daughters. so many of them are wondering where exactly his tons. and this is the 1st time presidential facing something and he does not leave up to each so until he withdraws the finance bill in its totality by sending it to fund that meant by them and has already taken a 2 weeks break. so again, people are still vague and of course he has to say it's a big scene yet because of the president in previous uh okay so and has said things and is not moved up to them. then let's let me get your opinion on this. how did you explain this $180.00 degree turn around that we have seen in the present in, in what the span of 24 hours. this is a consequence of so many things can now have been pushing for a change canyons,
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a governess, experts i spoke to this evening and said that the finance below is just like comp time these to so many other things that can those have been facing can also have been dropping with a high cost of living. can those have been grappling with clear up some ken knows i've been grappling with some unconstitutional offices during the process. many canals. let's say the president needs to stop financing the office of bad. the 1st lady, the office of the spouse of a deputy president, the president also needs to stop by not seeing the office of the prime company, the secretary, which is an unconstitutional office. so it is, i'm a motto of all these things that have cost him to actually have a time around and we paid less than 24 hours in the president. we know who he's met and what are the demands of the protesters. another demand is that basically he resign. how safe is his power to not?
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from where his fits his lot. he's not safe. okay, now as i've said, they want more from the government, they want accountability, they want good governance. they want him to rein in encore. it up to me, does he the ones the president to do so much more than just speaking and not acting? and some of the examples is that the you have to travel abroad cannot, as i've also asked him to follow court or does, because even yesterday he deployed police to how you to get caught or does. so there's so much more that can i do mind dealing with him or corresponded felix murray. and i really just like with the latest on what is a definitely a you turn in the president's policy on these tax hikes in the country village. thank you. when he leaves, founder julia saw him is back home in australia, a free man after a plea,
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deal with the united states. a private jet carrying him landed at camber airport, where assigned was welcomed by his wife's philip and his father is released, follows a to our court appearance in the us pacific territory, where he pleaded guilty to violating american laws of this march and into a 14 year long legal battle with the us government. overly documents and classified military files that he published on weekly julian, his own, just legal team and his wife's, but the report is a short while ago. here is what stella assigned. she said, join join, wanted me to sincerely find everyone he wanted to be. but you have to understand what he's been through. he needs time, he needs to recuperate. and this is a process. i ask you to give up space to give
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us privacy. to find our place so that our family, the family before he speak again at a time of his choosing warranty on joy, buying charlie beckett. charlie wrote the book about which he meets. and julia sergeant type of wiki leaks, news in the network error. he is also a professor of the department of media and communications at the london school of economics and political science. so it's good to have you back on the show you and i spoke. i think it was about 5 years ago about this very case. and how surprised are you that now in 2024, the julian assigned saga has come to in that i think it's really sad that it's taken so long, but i am absolutely delighted that this has happened is taken so long because such
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entrenched positions on both sides and in the end it was a political miracle, but it really dashed a bit of diplomacy by the all straightened labor, lead albanese. what do you think the austin, what do you think? well beyond the as well because there was an apparently entrenched position which was that the american government, the american ministry. so they were really embarrassed by what we could estate by a solid state by leaking, well, well, you know, illegally obtained data, which was, it could've been browsing to them and understand why they're furious. i'm on the other hand, there's a well established public interest, right? for john is to do that if it reveals important information that the public needs to know and they were previously opportunities to do something about this. a bama
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opponents administration had said they were had to think about this. so they recognized that there was this 1st amendment rights of some of my concerns to do this. but obviously that was the incident seem so long. and then you know, in australia itself and bear in mind he's in australia and i don't think it's very easy to do this as a kind of patry. i'll take gesture and because of straight it is such a very strong minute treat. i with the united states, i think it has the, the credibility to be able to pull this off. and it was a very kind of, you know, legal compromise. and that's on use. what would you be an, a song student as long as you talk somebody who likes to compromise? and in this case, he clearly has done by, you know, accepting this right tokenistic plea of guilty. so that might result a scituate, it was a plea deal. he had to plead guilty to the at least one of the charges against him . and i'm wondering, did habits of us authorities,
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haven't they achieved what they wanted when they began in the past? the prosecution here, i mean, you and i talked about the threat to journalists in the united states being able to report on sensitive stories in fear of reprisal by the government. and there was this fear of a chilling effect if indeed assigned were to be found guilty. what he's admitted to his own guilt. he's not going to prison, and he's back in australia, but of the admission is there? no, i don't think i think we are okay. on that brent, i think that we will know this is a token and it step by us on the that the judge in the spring court in u. k. a recognize that he had this public interest defense and even the, the judge in this case that does recognize that the property has not been put in trial betrays, and i'm not saying this is a believe of press freedom. of course it's not, but i think it's a practical compromise. and i think, you know,
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in the american context where you have a presidential candidate, candida, all you, donald trump, threatening to lock up a point of opponents and you know, threatening in the media with the judicial, political, any real violence. i think that's an important signal. i think is good to the body this administration, you know, if you like allow this to happen. are you concerns? are they in the future reporters who are, are covering stories that have to do with national security that have access to classified material that is linked to them, that they may decide to kill a story instead of going forward with it. because of this, this chilling effect that i was talking about. i mean, are we not somewhat, you know, i'm burned to children if you, if you will, because of this a maybe a little bit better. i don't think so. i mean, i was just thinking your previous report on kenya,
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one of the revelations from wiki leaks was about corruption in kenya. and it was because the kenyan media would too intimidated to be able to report to themselves. and i think that's the way it's going to go. they, we are going to continue to get past, and these will turn to save time media outlets like mickey lakes, who will do the regulate free investigative journalism. and i agree, the brands, you know, mainstream media is somewhat intimidates, especially around the world. you know, a, a, america least we have the 1st amendment in places like the u. k. we still have a traditional system way where the song has been trapped in it. you know, for the last 10 years or so and but at least we have that system. so i hope that it doesn't have that shooting effect. and i don't think that it will be particularly significant study in west and medium august. okay. charlie beckett. although we can leaks news in the net worked error,
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we appreciate your time and always your valuable insight strongly. thank you. all right, here's a quick look me on some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. nato has officially announced outgoing dodge prime minister mark router as it's next to the secretary general. people take over from the in stoughton. back on the 1st of october, some of the biggest challenges for roots that will be rushed is ongoing, where you crate. and then certainly over the us is future commitment to the long term and transfer all of sholtes has warned against opening piece dogs with russia really come over. it's more in ukraine saying pollutant is still fully committed to more and finding is there's funding for calls from the far right and far left. groups in parliament to you suggested were influenced by russian propaganda. speaking of the more ingenuity and diversionary tactics are part and parcel of ukraine's effort to win this war against russia. and this includes producing fake tanks and artillery pieces to trick the russians into using their own valuable real
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weapons to destroy ukrainian decoys. but just who is behind making the fates that are saving the real items from destruction and, and triple 7. how it's destroyed by russian fire. except that it's not a real how it's a but rather a model. these fake west and not hillary pieces made by volunteers. the decoys meant to full russian soldiers into wasting expensive munitions to destroy them. the russians see the fate co tillery from drones and cannot distinguish the model from real weapons. proper camouflage also plays a role. when dave is quoted, the book of zillow is giving you some, uh uh, yeah, the military showed me how the fix look on the russian screens. you must see him come with. we used to create more detailed models when he does go, but the military told me they don't need all this. i'm alone. that awesome. the main thing is to have the basic elements. this thing is the side. and there's more
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than enough detail here for how they see this stuff. it's 4 by 2 bed 2 bath, roughly on used to make furniture. a year ago, he received a request from the military to make models of weapons. he made his own drawings based on the photos from the internet. it shows that he was in sort of what we've already made more than a 100 model. busy one real how it's our costs at least $3000000.00. so you know, so we've already saved about $300000000.00 for our army lives. and that sort of eas could to a stake how it costs about a $1000.00. the, well, the russian projectile that destroys it, costs $35000.00 the fish. and this is what fascinates us there. we can do something here in civilian life that really helps the army helps save the guy on the floor if he, across my know, working on the model of the soviet era,
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all tend to re piece it's made of plywood 10 sheets and scrap metals. this is the finished product, a common almost 10 meters long. the model has enough detail to be indistinguishable from the real common when seen from a drone. mikayla is the 2nd generation carpenter. what he wants most is for the products he has worked on to be destroyed as soon as possible so that the russians watched from drones and expedite and it looks like a real one. there will be air strikes versus more strikes on our fake weapons. mean more lives saved for our military. well example boys so that they don't have to take risks. the more air strikes the better that these crossman can make. models of west and re dogs, and even the german iris t defense system. ukrainian veteran and military analyst alexi huckman emphasizes that it is necessary to keep a balance between the resources spent on their effectiveness. sure when they are
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pushing the test base, start creating a special unit 0 is doing and allocating a large number of people and forces to do this. it won't be worth it to me. all of those work, but they don't protect 100 percent against the enemy attacks and it took him as a shake and confused the enemy sometimes. and that's ok. that is if even one missile hits the domain, you know the cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. it's already a success, so i think this is the one with the terms are terms of, sees ukrainian engineering units don't disclose which models they use and why, but they want to generate as much support as possible to continue the walk on a little difficult. this problem join now by military analysts, marina monroe, and from the war studies department of kings college in london, marine, it's good to see you again. how common is the use of decoy weapon, very in modern warfare?
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good evening, grand. well, what do we have to understand about decoys? as soon so said some more than 2000 years ago that a warfare is about deception. so i would already use a deep voice, or as the russians refer to, the muscular off guard is an essential part to, for fear, for especially for both ukrainian and russian forces will come from this tradition of using decoys in different fields and the electromagnetic spectrum. also physical dec always as we have seen in the report. so it is very important and read. do we know of any cases where decoys have been decisive in diverting? it'd be attention away from genuine targets. well, there are couple of cases in ukraine, so one from the russian side was placing the cord trenches in da parisha and then
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ring. the ukrainian fluid says essentially 2 of these trenches and for the ukrainian side, they have been using the course 3 out um, for instance, and because on an air field depicting that's 25 um jet, bombed by russians and wasting a lot of money. so both sides have used wide a lot of different techniques of from cape that russian recognizance uses in order to not to be detected because these capes protect their bodies and basically to prevent them from emitting heat. so they cannot be seen a night. and so we, we have seen quite a lot going on in this war and both sides have used quite similar tactics when it comes to decoy. because it's all about information so very already confusing your enemy and giving them the false impression. smoke and mirrors. yeah. you spoken mirrors these tags? if you say they've been around a very long time,
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but it can you give us some examples that go beyond our artillery the courts? well, of course we can, we should be thinking about this bravely. for instance, gps spoofing is also a way off of creating a decoy because you might need to lead essentially the information. and then other example, which one might thought the associated with a military operation, for instance, is a speak video of the landscape. deep fake reducing to his troops, they should lead on arm so that that's what the coil. it's basically about manipulating the information that's available to your adversary's military analysts . marina barone, as always, we appreciate your time and your insights for me to thank you. thank you for having me with the white house that says russia has failed to justify give reasons behind the rest of us journalist evan verse,
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cuz it shows he has now going on trial the hearings against just which are taking place behind closed doors. the reporter for the wall street journal is accused of spying for the united states. you could face up to 20 years in prison. you found guilty. he had his employer and denied the charge is the us as that is making efforts to free him and another, detain american of to more than a year under arrest. russia is now putting evan gosh, cuz it's on trial. the 32 year old john list was detained in march 2023, while reporting in the city of you cutting book. according to his employer, the wall street journal russian prosecutors alleged gosh, could, which was collecting secret information from a tank factory for the c. i a gosh, good. which denies the charges. so to his family employer, the white house you say he was wrongfully detained. this espionage charges are
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ridiculous. the targeting of american citizens by russian government is unacceptable. we condemn the detention of mister goose glitch in the strongest in the strongest terms. gosh, good. which is the son of soviet emigres and grew up in new jersey. he moved to russia in 2017 to walk. there was a correspondent, the wall street journal. hi to him. in 2022 dash cove. it's just the 1st american john this to be jailed, and russian espionage charges since the soviet era, despite strange relations us and russian officials have indicated that talks on going about releasing gosh, because it's in a prison. this will go spots the us and russia have not yet reached an agreement. in an interview, in february of this year, vladimir putin indicated he wants to swamp gas, give it to the russian hit my sentence to life imprisonment in germany for muttering a chechen dissident and berlin in 2019 at this facility would definitely be for
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somebody to go to some ex but say the trial could help bring the negotiations forward. it's a very unfortunate situation. all. busy around, but this may be a glimmer of hope in his eventual coming home, because this trial will establish the verdicts and russian injustice needs to see a verdict and a case before i believe that they're willing to do some negotiation for whatever might be the outcome. but by making the trial secret, while she is hiding his case away from the public, well for gosh, if it's the uncertainty continues. it's a hot summer in india, the capital of daily sweltering and it's worse heat wave in decades is climate change takes its toll. temperatures in parts of northern india had a blistering 48 degrees celsius last week. the intense heat is resulting in health issues and some deaths, and it's even more difficult for people who are living on the streets daily have
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been like a furnace for 2 months. the government has taught people to stay indoors. it began . but mohammed if the car has no other choice than to be out on the streets, he has been staying on the pavement with his wife and children. he is one of the houses which i will do daily from all over the country every year to get affordable medical treatment at ease to stop boost government plus the defendant. many ends up living on the street outside because they are unable to afford any of the accommodations. and i've never seen the kind of hate i'm seeing now. it's the reason i don't go out looking for work very often. i was just focused on getting the treatment and taking care of my children, and i do have a 2 if the guard on his vice here because they chose the chief mental scheme disorders. but staying in the heat has made matters worse. have literally times have developed boys on disk and then now getting treated for the i to this is
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shaping up to be the longest and the teeth we have that we have seen in the last 74 years exposed to lots of using this to what do you need one soon and the end, you know, phenomena in a box from getting regular has advisories to people. the government, visio also directed hospitals to provide especially share. so he's still fishes drama. know lujan was another government works for them. denny has created a heat store image and dr. human to see treat. does that on these of the cheat bigots? several patients. yeah. mostly be required to work outdoors like construction labor drugs or security. got the most common sense. that means that patient is that move on, she is having a lot of body than visually amazing. it can be as high as 161 or 70 degrees fahrenheit. the water is equipped with a motion, cooling technology, a rapid ice generating machine, and lot 7 mix ups in which heat stroke, patients are done in ice cold water to bring down their body temperature. dr. seek
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recess in a heat stroke situation, which also just organ female rapid pulling up the body is the only way to save life . this kind of a situation that happened for the 1st time. and that the, we know very explanation. many such patients are coming to us in large numbers. we have never seen such a number in the preceding years. this is to god brings his sons out as he sees the slight change and where the light streams and the city has brought temporarily to lease. but for so intense humidity. yeah, but i'm not going to be that if it gets too hot for us, we either go and take shelter in the so by train station or over the ongoing side, the hospital we're trying to manage to protect our kids somehow. they've got a good if the car says he needs to go every day for his children to get better. so he can either go back to his village or stop looking for work you activate to be able to afford a shelter to protect them from denny, read them. and it's not even july yet. you're watching dw news. i'll be back in the
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top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you that the
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of the remedy or risk ios can means leanna of the scenario because it's juice can cause hours of intoxication between try and stand as part of a fixed ritual. generations may open up completely new perspectives in medicine. next
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on d, w. happy go lucky guy on the outside, but still holding just by child to true. my on the inside. the same is a victim of sexual abuse to do subjects and this whole country of a wrong ask when almost as honest and cannot channel cause a stomach. i mean, she takes the brave step to speak his truth. can i hug you in 45 minutes on d w, the my name is elizabeth, and i'm the calls back said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud . and sort of being nosy,
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