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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CEST

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feel about the intensifying discourse and what does this imply about the current state of british society and economics? focus on europe. next, on d, w, the hello and welcome to this week for this and a focus on europe with me. it's on a home that need every month, tens of thousands of people come to europe seeking asylum here. the topic of migration is currently dominating election campaigns, the european union and beyond. stop the bose is the companion slogan on prisons governing party, attempting to show toughness against migraines, trying to cross the english channel from the french coast in time, the inflexible both sometimes french photographs men as to the to them. however,
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the future remains. i'm set him up and up successfully established his own restaurant in the u. k. of the fling we're in syria. he's upset that his journey has been a topic in the british general election campaign. the conservative prime, minnesota, and his labor challenger, both focusing on limiting the number of microns coming to great britain. even though long done, for example, is home to almost 50 percent of foreign born residents who speak over $300.00 languages. the amount of learn of restaurant smells of home of damascus with the serbian once had 3 thriving restaurants when the war destroyed everything in my fled to britain. and i've been my life here in london with a lot of support from london. so nice. first live city, i was seeking a safer place but i was surprised when,
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when i have 2 loans and i had home, a lot of people here believed and then, and then some money to start as the restaurant. after the arduous journey across europe, it was left with nothing except this addition. i would love to hear the british politicians want to stop migraines like a model, not migration is the number one issue in the election campaign. especially for the government and conservative party party. and that's what i do think migration has to come down from the level as we say. and we continue to bring down immigration and have a clear plan to stop the boats. i don't want us to be a magnet for even more people to come here. i don't think that's right for all security. the opposition labor party is also using the immigration issue to attract voters. the russell numbers of people crossing us. what's across the tunnel is a real serious issue. the government's less control of according to conservative
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government plans and legal immigrants should be deported to one to the future. labor as promising better border controls and cooperation with friends about a learner episode. rage to see is plates and thought the photo refugee is been exploited for electro ok. a visiting a great company doesn't mean to close down your boat. when you have a good system. when you have a safe passage and where you have a good system to, to, to create a safe way to people. in that case you would have bigger and more controls or solutions about the 6th of all u. k. residents were born abroad. move in in the us, and most of the countries surveys show that by international standards, the british population is relatively open to migrants. yeah,
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a rainy and born mona bonnie is committed to helping refugees check in for people. so be like, why does she feel migration is an election issue i to get yeah, i think all politicians at the moment who using that narrative as a way of distracting from the fact that they're still not investing in public services, you know, well, they still maybe haven't because of the country well off to prove it or off the breaks it refugees that provide the support says mona bonnie and rich society when they finally get here, they want more than anyone for that to few less while. right. they don't put in that energy to come and then do nothing with it. so i do, you know, you do find that people come with a level of ambition and a level of life and willingness to walk on back to their own lives. along with coaching refugee numbers, participle additions also planned to curb migrants coming into work. but there are
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currently 1000000 m fields jobs nationwide. the few limited equal migration, the economic trade offs. we have a cat and health sector, very dependent on immigrant labor. we have universities very dependence on for, on students. if you start cutting those numbers that were going to be economic implications. and you're not alone. i've also relies the migraines for running as restaurant. and of course, he also employees refugees. they have a special place in his heart. there is no one showed to me. i don't think. first of all, there is nothing solutions to be added. we are just human theme. as far as support and humanity go, you're not alone. i would like to see persons politicians take a page out of his london friend's book mill at 3 prisons, the strong now on the beautiful swedish island of scotland. after the russian
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invasion of ukraine, sweden became an aide to a member. so does have been training on the beautiful vacation island since it serves as a base for the military defense i lines and hotel. oh no. cecilia berkeley and has some a guess. have to get used to gunshots to nearby. got land is experiencing any reality . go funders. lovingly, colder island, the pearl of the baltic. the water is clear, there's lots of sunshine and the villages are cozy. we like stations, erica cecilia, fer cuz i grew up in the swedish deal. she's been running a small of a $180.00 bed hotel here for 5 years. she's always really booked in summer due to it. it's extraordinarily beautiful here. now is the very best time. everything is clean and green will do well. you don't have to drive far to get the feeling you're on the mediterranean. she says her guess come from big cities because they can
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really switch off in these natural surroundings. but recently the pieces be shattered again and again to the pool. the swedish armed forces have a firing range nearby and they've expanded it nor nothing happened there for a long time just within the last 3 or 4 years. they've clearly become more active. this man, none of the guest wonder what the banging is about. and that's when they notice how close we are or in this one that there is on lots of shooting problems right now. american military units are practicing at the moment for a long time, only around 400 volunteer troops from the national guard trained here. but sweden is farming itself. the country is aiming to transfer as many as 4500 men and women to accomplish the permanent and international exercises like this one will become routine at the port and this be a need to transport ship is bringing hundreds of additional us troops and they're
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going to be taking part and joint maneuvers, but there are swedish counterparts the whole you can say the situation has become more serious met down. so there's be the series of incidents involving under c cables. there you go. has been a member of need to for 3 months and everything on got mind is changing. the whole of the island is never, can you be for the defense of alliance of the popular sophie subject. but the soldiers, the attacks on the entire baltic area are to be offended off from here. that's why 12000 troops from 19 countries are holding cleaning maneuvers on the bolt patrol. boots like these are to protect important shipping routes. almost all of sweden exports are transported by seas. but in the recent past, there have been repeated attacks sabotaged on data cables. cyber attacks are gps,
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jamming at that meeting with sweden's prime minister, who of course, their phone then need to a secretary general against helping them set. the alliance must defend itself inside if they may have them. and we also thought this when we see that russia is increasing its activities against nato countries and all that on, that means they need to expand surveillance over well, can have some here are concerned if need to send more troops to government. that could mean there be less space for vacationers and future mathias not that has a bar near the beach for the islanders. it's a little waste for celebrations north eric used to be proud of sweden, so you travel. but his attitude has changed. in the meantime, the yard of the 2 or 3 of us that i always believed into a lot and doug, we should dismantle or defenses and thought we are able to live in harmony with each other. but recently,
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so many weird things have happened in the world that we actually do feel a bit less safe. now i even think nato membership is good, as it gets it from my whole life up to now and i'm still new to him. however, i moved to element leave. hotel with our cecilia of excellence says goldman had military significance to back when she was young during the cold war. she says the soldier for turning doesn't necessarily have to mean dropping bookings to mrs law. not the proximity to the firing range can also mean that will get more bookings from military staff in the future on how to use that to them. smile a lot of it and enhance the military present it to serve as a defensive. deterrent cult lenders are going to have to get used to the site. but here the whole there island remains. pearl now the but having
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a ton of these beautiful flamingoes and albania, of funding nature and the environment is on the threat. albania was one's hidden destination for a tourist, but now more and more people pour into the country. this has a negative impact on locusts and the environment. booty is the whole idea is organizing protests. to rescue this power the eyes, the place has strong investors to apply large construction projects and builds hotels that could destroy nature. things are just getting started on the beach of him audit. albania is a waiting. it's next super season. the country is known for still being authentic, affordable and not too touristy pointers old, violates our son wasn't albania, last year and raped about what a beautiful country it is. loud is what they're making. the same mistakes as the spanish 15 years ago to the on everything is being redesigned,
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hotels are going out to the hotels whole could. so this is the neighboring town of detonate for such megan projects. the government gives investors building land for free. after all tourism creates jobs and brings in money. a real gold rush has broken out. german companies are in on it to the construction manager tells us wastewater treatment plants and the drinking water supply for up to $24000.00 people are being built with german tax payers, money goods. germany's development bank k, f, w is funding the project and the company implementing it does the german to but what the calf w development bank is helping build is damaging albania is natural splendor. because water for the project comes from the shoots, a river, part of the unique views of river landscape is perhaps europe's last wild river.
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these pipes are sucking up its water. the k f w bank has now put a hold on part of the construction work. it has commission new studies investigating the projects impact after protests from scientists and residents got to loud to ignore. so to you is all i she lied was born and raised here to shows us his favorite spot along the river. i used to fish for trout here for a living. he says, now the river could draw tourists and provide opportunities for young people as long as its waters keep flowing for both your 1st year. there's no doubt tourism will greatly impact this region visit, or we can say for sure how much water will remain. but if that drops significantly, hicks no one's off. i mean, just how do you have to wait for dropbox restaurant in the village of breast high resistance has formed because for everyone here, including innkeeper,
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a south to lie, the river is their future, their life. the water project is undermining their trust in the government, which had actually granted the views of special protection that us, i don't know if they follow through with that will be left behind, is a region the coast has ever said to good because the seat is on their taking the river from most of it will just be a drive to the gentleman. i do mean physical. there's corruption at play that i'm not saying the president himself to, i'm putting all the guards with close ties to the government of calculus resorts and they're making money. and so we've got the the use a national park is a romping ground for investors. the lagoon on the coast is in the view also delta nerve yadda trump, son in law, jared cushion or is looking to invest your space for tens of thousands of tourist supposedly close to nature. an airport is already under construction with german support. even the council of europe is protesting against
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it because the lagoon is home to flamingoes, pelican, hundreds of rare birds theses the but being successful means taking risks, the mayor explains. the birds bear the risk. she needs the success contest. we want to keep the youngsters. what do you mean? you know, beautiful to be to work here? so we have to create some job opportunities as well. so even when we talked about the beautiful, we are creating 2000 new jobs. the nature will be still, that's not going to break the nature of the story. the natures about 5 minutes of farmer nights harmonize. bird conservationist. we meet here on the coast. say that's impossible. did you on board see explains to me how europe's migratory birds crossed the adria attic. see here, while tourist and airplanes drive them away,
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he feels powerless because in albany are all it takes is money to evade nature conservation restrictions. legally, if there is a tories and we'll fix it, then scroll day with 5 stars or more, then the national territory council can give permission for the your thought is likely europe's last wild river. in part, because albania was too poor to industrialize that the tourism is bringing in, well, well, threatening to destroy just what makes this country so special. it's on spoiled nature. tatiana from russia, lives in armenia, the political relationship between her country and armenia has traditionally been trustful, but things are changing often neighboring as a bus on to cobra. the reason that garner car back last year without the russian
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ministry preventing it, many ethnic, our menus have to flee. the armenian government calls very lines on russia, a strategic mistake, and is requesting russian soldiers to leave the country as the best sellers. here are these batches, including those with a said, the notorious symbol of russia's invasion of ukraine. many of the customers are russian soldiers from the nearby military base, which were not in russia. this is our menia. the shopkeepers are worried about their business. they don't want to be found wanting to 9 after the war and ukraine began, our business dropped slightly because the soldiers were taken from here to ukraine . as more russian soldiers entered the shop, we are told to leave for many
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such shops here in your memory. the 2nd biggest city and armine this is where russian maintains the military base. it's refundable spot for armenia . we're on here about 10 kilometers from the pores of with turkey. historically, hostile neighbors were not allowed to fill them here. but we can get close enough to see people in this message at the entrance. it says russia's growing military power guarantees peace on the planets. that's quite a claim. and for our media, it has folks true. at long, dependent on a strategic partnership with russia to protect against azerbaijan and turkey with no prime minister prussian young. this point is to take our meeting out of the russian lead security lines, c s t o dot c 40 on top. the members of the data alliance are not only
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failing the carrier, the responsibilities according to the agreement, but they are also helping hazard by john pint of war against us. pop it, as armenia seems to be at a crossroads, especially since last year after the disastrous war with us or by john. the hazard, by john gained full control over the going to cut a bus in only 24 hours. tens of thousands of ethnic armenians were forced to flee, and armenian governments blames russia for failing to stop us or by john glen. nice and stand. prime minister nichol pushing young has made clear that depending only on russia for security was a strategic mistake. there's no telling russian soldiers to leave. there's no plan to close the human face yet. soldiers have been here since 1941, towns that just across the road with russian troops have started to withdraw from the east. where they've been strengthening the border with us or by sean.
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some people here are concerned with us as to what if the russian army leave the we'd be attacked right away, both by turkey and us or by john and the other be john, see on the one thing called the are here. so we live freely and well food, me, so you are a few but after us or by john took over no go, no car back last year. many last a trust in russian. unlike the government, they are looking west for answers to not the way. if there were to be made to soldiers, it would be better if it's not. our opponents would be more afraid. for some russians living here, that change of heart is worrying. many like touch on and came here after russia invited to craig and she fled with her husband and son. so that can avoid being drafted to fight to
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say she is an english teacher, but she's concerned the complicated situation here. they mean they have to leave again, that i don't know from which side says for that can come. i have no idea. i wish i knew subs. but it's so such a milk area. try not to think about that much because it's for is me a lot. and i realize that i don't have a simple solution. so what's next for the people in our media? i said, attempts to diversify its foreign policy and looks towards the west side of the most. political experts are skeptical homes or whatever you may call them. if i mean you will say ok, i am diversifying kenzie diversification means i'm be coming onto russia. then russia will use all banks of power, like diploma,
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think you called in the community hybrid or whatever, to fight against anti russians. armenia is working a very fine line and it's quest to find new partners with enemies on both sides. it will have to work hard to keep its balance. this device has a very popular among children and currently under discussion throughout europe, there is a widespread debates about bending mobile phones and schools and germany that have been increasing calls to evaluate the use of phones in classrooms. we visited an next payment of the comprehensive school and not tough. a small cultural revolution is brewing at this german schools. without foods everyone's favorite addiction soon might not be permitted for teachers and students. so like. but it sparks we'll control versus a complete band is just never good. nobody would most need to make rules that are then can be on mac is can not kids that are always looking at their phones. you can
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see their grades. so for 9, finding mobile phones in schools has to be a hot topic for years. not just in germany. many schools have a limited, they're used to in classes. but what about breaks the school and not though? they just went ahead and tried pupils and teachers must leave their smartphones at home. 2 days at the center starts with young or middle age colleagues who protested as well saying no one is going to dictate to me when i can look at my cellphone or not on any go let me got it. yeah. okay. especially here in rural areas, you have to somehow see that your child gets to school or back home. and that's why i think it's wrong to say under absolutely no circumstances. honest. honda and the mobile phone done is good because during the breaks i'm actually using my phone a lot of people's play morphology and interact socially during things that promotes
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concentration and the capacity to learn, especially by people who are weaker performers. but what about digital learning is that that's a contradiction. so yeah, it's 0. so the way i see it as a teacher, i have the responsibility to educate people to be they can only do that, they're doing it in school and have a space available to them where they can make mistakes. it on the do mathias is one of 2 media heroes school. his job is to promote digital skills. the state of last week will stay fund 6 hours a week for that. but for a total of one, as i was and people start when we 60 tablets available and the most yeah, we'd like to become a digital school and work in a more digital way in class. there are lots of people who don't get any digital end device, like a laptop or an ipad, or any other tablet from their parents. that means their cell phone is the quickest and easiest choice in class to cindy. just no student,
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i'm supposed to ride as well. and under that, it does not mean integrating smartphones and schools are already in. if it says the purchase is fine. i know i used to be in a school and you know, i munster before i was in the school and there they had a class called information technology and minecraft and logic. and it was really called that to be so that and once a week for 45 minutes, you created things in the minecraft video game and learned and minecraft, both of them. afterwards, their teacher would great. it's the most and you could do still creativity. tv, teach that there wasn't a cultural revolution and not all pupils and teachers can bring their smartphones to school. again. some say the experiment changed as they use their phones. and an oil light fan isn't plan meeting, not all is very much like the rest of the term. that's all from focus on europe for this week. thank you for watching. and by
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the the
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answer of the conflicts own a surgeon support for fall right. policies in the european elections ascend tramos across the continent. my guess is we hear some drug costs, the outgoing member of the european parliament in president macros. when they saw a list of risky is macros. decision to coal, small collections in front, part of stopping the conflict in 30 minutes and dw the tone of america. and so much more than just arisen this is where
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a real cowboy is me and people are in touch with their roots. living the american dream, the mississippi river surprising is 75 minutes on d w, the little guy. this is the 77 percent. the platform for these issues picture, right? you know, or this channel, we're not afraid to pass. and then he did talk to young people clearly have the solution, the future of this 77 percent every weekend on dw this shadows,
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these pod costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed a squarespace tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. each tells my story. of the people who planned me built a case have been nice to me. i am not to dom depending on my secrets. i have month to my cities, days for centuries, and accompanied my country through its finest hours until the day i nearly vanished
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stuff, july 18th on d. w. of the . this is the news and these are our top stories. and also, a military coup appears to be underway into libya. local media showed footage of a military vehicle ramming the presidential palace in the pause. soldiers took up positions outside government headquarters and the surrounding area. president luis also has denounced the action and called for bolivians to defend democracy and use president william router says he will withdraw a controversial finance bill that has sparked violent demonstrations in recent days . thousands of protesters, a breach, a breach, the security barrier outside the apartment building in the ruby on tuesday.


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