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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2024 9:00am-9:29am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news alive from the man. i'd qu, attempts in the lives the police arrest the army chief. i'm not sure of order troops to storm government buildings in the past. president denounces the co attempt and calls on philippians to defend democracy. also on the program can use president router withdrawals, a bill to increase taxes and check if the country's largest protests for decades, but will not be enough to quote, but deadly on rest. north korea says it has successfully tested a multi won't have mist file. south korea, the united states under pon, old, condemned the launch, a space states joined to mid a tree driven the
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. i'm feel welcome to the program the leader of i'm gonna attempt another trick crew in bolivia has been arrested hours of to so just store the presidential palace, the top general who led the to attempt to claim he was trying to restore democracy . but present to us us say cold on bolivians to defend democracy and the troops withdrew. ramming the tools of the palace open. 6 so that heavily on soldiers could search through inside president louise of say, face down the general at the head of the rebellion, ordering him to stand down the swan. jose soniega refused. he told reporters that his troops with their,
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with the mission of good and what we want to re establish democracy. it is enough that new people have taken it over. we know made it look where they've taken our so our children have no future to the people have no future rule. with soldiers station just outside to see to bolivia is government from within us say appeal to the people to mobilize, defend off the coup attempt. we ask the bolivian people to react. we need to believe young people to organize and mobilize themselves against occluded talk and in favor of democracy. he moved quickly as well to replace the heads of the military with his newly appointed army chief ordering soon iga soldiers to withdrawal. as bolivians took to the streets to support the government, the apparent 2 seemed to collapse as fast as it materialized with the would be rebels. abandoning the positions they had taken up just
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a few hours earlier with the army going uh say appeared before the crowd scans of the palace, thanking them for standing up for delivery is democracy. they wanted to surprise us and surprise the bolivian people. we have reacted and the mobilized people have also allowed us to reverse this coup attempt today. thank you. believe in people have the authority is moved quickly to arrest the qu lita soon ega, which he told reporters that the uprising was fall from a surprise to us, the accusing him of ordering it. the president told me the situation was bad and this week would be critical then it was needed to prepare something to push
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off his and popularity. but other than that, to me for the reason i asked him if, shall we take the armored vehicles out? and he said, take them out soon, and it wasn't bundled off by police. moments later, big with bolivians, justice minister, dismissing his allegations as the lines of a man seeking to justify his own actions. a very true, i don't know what i'd like to see on the young. can you where president william router has made a dramatic jo town on withdrawn and you find on this bill that sparked violent demonstrations on choose day. thousands of protesters broke into the countries parliament in nairobi. but even though the bill has not been halted, that all still calls for the president to resign. after days of classes in several canyon cities, the capital nairobi was com again on wednesday, and people to assess the damage. the protests against
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president drew toes, tax reform plans, claim the number of lives put in a surprise, twist the president bout to the increasing pressure i conceit and therefore i would not sign the trinity trinity for finance better and it shall subsequently be withdrawn. and i have a great with this members, but that becomes a collective position. it's a victory for the protestors against the president's unpopular plan. of this book. this time was the same as the portage to the doctors for a strange cabinet, baptists in order to raise money for an exorbitant budget. and that was making
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motions as much as less the government would not. it would explain why it contributes itself. roto came to power chest 2 years ago. he promised to make the country's texas then farrah by making the wealthiest pay more duty at his latest attempts to reform the tech system failed to convince the public and also some expense. following the protests, the most, every 2 measures on now being reconsidered. the president says he will start causing projects starting with his own office, as well as other government departments. let's get more from a correspondence set up in a code, a 9, robi welcome statler. this legislation may be through 3 rounds of parliamentary scrutiny. so why did the president suddenly withdraw a lightness?
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yes, it came as quite a surprise that the president uh, withdrew uh the bill um yesterday. and um, i mean when what he said was that, uh that he basically had listen to the voice of the people and, and so that's so that was the reason why he was making this move. but also i think that many people didn't expect people to come out on such large numbers on tuesday during tuesdays protests because people would, he protested all over the country and all small towns and around the country. and so there was massive support for what mass of protests against this bill. and also um, basically the backslash with which with which government forces we acted so with the 2 guys with the number of people killed. there was also a lot of criticism off to the protests from both international community. so from the un secretary general of, from bassett, as here in kenya. and also from the pots of society,
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like the churches who had previously been a little bit, and been more silent on this issue with the official discount following these protests, these 23 though the numbers suspected to be much higher. and many more of course have been injured. so how would people coping with the loss of their loved ones? yes, well we went around yesterday. um going to uh, one of the city's main, more trees. uh, we also went to one of the hospitals. and um, basically what we sold there is a people going from hospital to hospital to the different countries around, and i, roby you and most of the that's the cut and looking for their relatives and so many . so at the point yesterday there was still several people missing. and we also saw human rights groups um on, on the ground that who were trying to help people look for their relatives. also to get the puppet, the printer proper documentation, post mortems and so on to confirm what had really happened. but we have
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a clip from a family of somebody who died. erickson child about 25 year old protesters. so that's a once that's equal to them, believing he was a sweet person and we've lost the hero. okay. yeah. he was the most social member of our family and was very popular among his friends a will do. yeah. what do you need to get these products and you like this? cause was not a normal death. it was basically an assassination. he was killed like a thief, even though he wasn't one and that's what we want is justice. we're seeking justice for him. so seller, the presidents has not withdrawal and this bill of protest is likely to go home. so it doesn't look like it's um that protest has been um, it's supposed to be happening today. we've seen in some small towns, people are already on the way out. we've seen that the security forces are um,
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trying to secure the areas around parliament and state house because um there is supposed to be in march to state house and people are generally, i mean, they react to to president cortez announcement saying that it came too late. because of the excessive force that was used. and they also mentioned also send the don't to the trust the president, they don't trust what he's going to do. they don't trust the government. and so they really want to kind of make, bring that point out and they also want to more of the people who lost their lives on uh, tuesday. okay. folks that sell it dw correspondence, telephone. a code in 9 was a media claiming that the country's test launch off on a map. just a hypersonic missed i was a success. they released these images which they claimed show the launch on wednesday. they say they missed science test, it was medium range and capable of carrying multiple warheads. south korea,
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however, assess the folks as a site or recycled from previous tests. sol says the miss unexploded shortly after takeoff. described in management as a deception to cover up the failed launch. the launch is believed to be in response to military drills involved in the united states, south korea, japan, east asia correspondent, james chase. it ripples this month. the coast guards of south korea, japan, and the united states in lock step, during drills in east asian waters. the 3 countries have recently held mold joint exercises during close in the face of been increasingly assertive, china and unpredictable north korea. now the military ties a set of teeth and further this week, the nuclear power with a us aircraft carrier. this theodore roosevelt's don't in south korea, heads of the freedom edge exercises. the 1st multi domain drills between the 3 nations. that means exercises across different military units, like
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a c uh cyber space. uh the intent is uh to improve the interoperability between our navies. and the intent is to ensure that we are ready to respond to any crisis or contingency should preparing for any crisis has been made more context by the russia and new career last week. inks, a new strategic partnership with that, including a mutual defense project, wanting concerns, mosca could supply become young with intelligence 1st weapons program. if to lead is came gentleman and flooded him. if he's in united in a position to us, i did station allied suite reading stories that place where we see what is happening in asia. and that's always a blog is for me, because i know you've always already moving to asia as if to a permanent place of residents. this of course, creates a threat to all countries in the region including russia. definitely,
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we are obliged to respond to this and we'll see some folks to us and it's of the series blame each other for stoking confrontation. what about testing the limits of alliances in asia? in these drills the us wants to ensure that itself and its partners already come, come well, the deputies east asia correspondent, james that change a file back report joins us not from the time when he's capital type a welcome, james. before we get to the drills, tell us more about this north korean misfire launch the claims account that claims absolutely. so when there is a bit of a split screen reality going on here, the north film young says that they carried out a successfully carried out a test to develop a war head that can carry multiple warheads. they say that dismissal was use, it was using solid fuel and that it accurately hit 3 present targets,
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testing its ability to hit multiple targets on re entry through the atmosphere. the south, the south korean officials say this, as you mentioned in your instruction, is deceptive. they say it's an exaggeration, and they also added a joints analysis with the united states. revealed that this war had actually exploded any of these stages, early stages of in slides. and also that these pages that we've now seen coming out of the north, like seems to be recycled from previous functions that are taking place either earlier this year or in previous years. just to add why these missiles would cause concern if and what were able to develop them successfully. this is a type of missile that can issue multiple what hasn't the same time, including the course. and so the concern really is that if the north was able to deploy this type of what can read that it can successfully evade the defense systems that are in place in the us or south korea to okay, and this is all happening as the us south korea and japan launch major military exercises in the regions, give us
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a sense of best scale a fast time these 3 countries in us, japan and south korea have held joining submitted tr exercises across a range of different some of the tree domains. we got confirmation from the us audience today that these roles have begun today. they will last for 3 days and the list of ministry hardware involved in these drills as well as the domains and likely to be involved is pretty striking. so we're likely to see these drills and crew to us nuclear power back off card. the theater results i mentioned in that reports out of the us dropping you've and south korean, destroys sliced jobs and reconnaissance that costs. these are also going to take place across a range of domains including ballistic missile defense, ad defend submarine defense as well as cyber defense to. well, this really is a demonstration about deepening relationship res, seem between these 2 or 3 countries that you asked upon in south korea. initiates it adopts historic attempt david summit, ne washington in august last year that somebody is held me deep concerns about
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china is ambitions and in the pacific as well as and will rest if it was create a crucially. as i mentioned in that report to both of those countries, deepening relationship with mosca. and how's people in the unlikely to react to these drills? well, i think the risk of appealing young ad taking more action in response to these roles isn't. so v as when this nuclear power across the carrier arrived in south korea, the north promised an overwhelming response and demonstration of the terrans. it's also important to points out, of course, if this takes place single time, you see a strong young continues to send trash balloons over the border into the south disrupting operations earlier this week and sold some major international apple. but the key context to is that defending relationship with most guy, remember, this comes as a week off the president periods and received on read copy. welcome in showing young where they signed that strategic partnership, including a mutual defense parts, i think observe is looking at these drills,
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things try lots rules, rules between the u. s. to upon in south korea. we'll be looking was about tacit support of full film young from moscow will lead the north north korea to, to take a more provocative response to these drills. james, james chase a in type right. is a don't know at some of the store is making headlines around the world. the leaders of britons talk to political parties of squared off on the, in the final tell revised debate before the country had some the polls in a week. prime minister really soon from conservatives and neighbors. lee, that's the key. a stomach flashed of attacks immigration and welfare people that signal suspected drunk track because of deliberately sung about vassal as they would be arrested spanish customs agents publish this video of the incident which happened 450 kilometers off the coast that was able to intercept based submersible following a tape off from the us, the drug enforcement agency, of course,
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in the us just sentenced a form of president of honduras to 45 years in jail. georgia in new york city found to juan, rolando hernandez had accepted millions of dollars in bribes to protect shipments of cocaine bound for the united states, and was also found guilty of using drug money to bribe officials a minute late voting results during presidential elections. chinese scientists have begun to and tell me material i brought back to the us by the chung a luna pro returned capture, which landed after designated site on tuesday was opened up at a set of many invasion emission. was able to come back the 1st evan rock dust samples from the fall side of the i just bought the group phase of the european football championships is complete in group f tucking. took on the check republican score to like gold, to win the match and secure that passage through the last 16. that result means
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that checks on going out in the other group f match in georgia, provided the biggest surprise of the day scoring twice to secure that spot and then knock out stages of portugal advance despite the loss of the final group in games. slovakia and remain a ground down to one little joules. that means remain you finish tough with the group in progress. the point was also enough for slovakia to make the knockout stage. another jewel in the other game between belgium and ukraine means the red devils to advance the last 16 that there was hot break for the ukrainians. meanwhile, their eliminated despite finishing equal on points with the other themes in group a. so let's take a look at some of the tournament highlights so far from historic moments to last minute goals. fans from each nation have been present since the start to cease and historic moment
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is ever seen before or to goes christiana, rinaldo has appeared any record, 6th euros. the still productive, 39 year old now has a record in it says to as well just didn't ronald, the best player, the spain's low medium all became the youngest player ever to start a european championship match. the teen sensation even provided and assessed against croatia to ask his name and history once again. the tournament, only debbie touch georgia sport there 1st. ever go in early draw. i would check in teams who many consider favorites have been underwhelming at best 2020 winters. italy, england, and france have not had the showing fans, had expected, but advanced nonetheless. i'll be honest, supple homer. what's that? austria on the other hand, earned
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a stunning 3 to win over the netherlands to qualify for the knockout stage. it's the 1st time in the history, they finished top of their group posts, germany, 100 code julian novels got the dream start, they need considering lackluster performances. and past major tournaments, germany's 51 opening victory over scotland has supercharged fan support. and nicholas woke foods last gas equalizer. again, switzerland, in their final group stage match kit, germany group leaders is the funds. what has the atmosphere be like the games in, in the fund? miles in a word? absolutely incredible. i mean, i've, the city has found festivals and fanned zones, and it's a major event around every game i've been in berlin lives like hamburg in each city better than the last. now, some fingers have been particularly impressive throughout this tournament. the netherlands, for example. you see them in their orange jerseys,
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their fan marches to the stadiums. in thousands, they all jumped to the last. they all jumped to the right. the scottish fans with their bagpipes and their kids. of course, the german fans, the fans in berlin can hold over around 70000 people. and each time germany place they're packed to capacity. i mean, the turkish trends, for example, also for them, it's almost like a home term. it as well because there's so many people of turkish descent last night after they qualified for the next round. they were fire words, parades, it was, it was like new year's eve and berlin last night. so the atmosphere has been absolutely fantastic in germany throughout this tournament. okay. do you have any the 1st team to qualify for that? all kinds of pages, but it hasn't been plain sailing. what will the hosts face in the next round? so germany was very impressive in their 1st game with the turn it may be a little bit less impressive in their next 2 games. they struggled a bit, but they did qualify for the next round as they talk their group, they will face denmark. now denmark has not lost the game yet in this tournament,
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but they also haven't won a game yet this tournament, so they're a good side, not as good as germany in terms of that. but they haven't really gotten themselves rolling yet. now they're good defensively and we saw that germany, sometimes they struggle against teams that are very organized and compact defensively. now that being said, the major key for germany will be that they have a very fluid attack. now how well can they're interchangeable and fluid attack breakdown denmark's very strong defense. they have the quality to be able to do that. a good mix of experience players and really impressive young players. and a lot of that that comes off the bench. we saw nicholas full term for example, and that report coming in off the bench, changing the game and against switzerland. so on paper, germany are the favorite team. but in an uncle round, you never know what can happen. okay, so some big matchers to come in the round of 16. what can we expect? oh, fireworks. i think um, so most of the things we expected to go through did go through but sound like
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england and france for example, favorites have been very lat cluster. lots of criticisms on these 2 teams and their managers that they can't really get the most out of their players that they have. i mean, we saw the reigning european champions, italy struggled to get through their group as well. they'll take on switzerland to been also pretty impressive. we have a lot of good teams, like austria, nobody expected them to do as well as they did. they taught the group that had france and the netherlands. they will take on turkey in the next round, and they're really confident they'll probably fancy their chances of moving on georgia historically. they've never been in the major tournament before and they make it so naco rounds, so they'll take on span would have been very impressive. but they'll be looking to keep their european turned them in dream alive. so maybe we can see some upsets. hopefully we'll see some better results from the, the big teams that we've expected more from. but a lot of good football coming up in front of us to georgia, the biggest surprise of the space space tournaments in terms of, of, of people that you wouldn't expect to go so far. yeah,
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definitely. because in our 1st tournament, they don't have that international experience. they weren't so good in their qualification faces, but coming in they really didn't believe that they could make it. austria is another big surprise. we didn't really expect them to do as well as they did. but, but going forward the confidence that they seem to have builds in the groups, they just as amazing. so i mean we could see and upset or think of that done yet down your boss alone or from the dw school. thank you so much. i as well with germany assembly in the group, a football fan of a successful list. andre dora has been helping funds to that team on to victory is been playing for the crowds ahead of each of germany's groups. stage games is a taste of his last the john before germany's model type. again, switzerland, the
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a reminder of our top story at this alex police in the navy. i have the rest of the army chief suspected of ordering soldiers to store government buildings in an attempted military could the country's present, condemned the mood and cold on polygons to defend that democracy can use present roots of has withdrawn a controversial finance bill response violent demonstrations in reason that is least $23.00 people were killed in classes over the proposed tax increases. the time when the living costs are by 6 columns. it fits you up to date more. well here's the top of our next all dw focus on unit looks. the upcoming general election interviewed by the
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in 60 minutes on d. w. the each tells my story of the people who planned me build a good case of dan lives to me. i am not saddam, depending on my secrets. i have month niceties, days for centuries. and accompanied my country through its finest hours. until the days i'm nearly banished. starts to lie 18. i'm d w. the
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hello and welcome to this week. this an a focus on europe with me sign a home that me every month. tens of thousands of people come to europe seeking asylum here. the topic of migration is currently dominating election campaigns, the european union and beyond. stop the bose is the campaign slogan on prisons governing party, attempting to show toughness against migraines, trying to cross the english channel from the.


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