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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin below the landscape, 6 mort guarantees in europe. the ukranian president does expect to assign security agreements and you summit. so will he get what he was also coming turkeys fans celebrate after their football teams from monday, when of of the check for public securing them a place in the zeros not counts. they the
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hello. i'm terry martin. good to have you with is ukraine's present. below them is the landscape is expected to sign security agreements. and you summit in brussels. they're meant to act as a guarantee of support for ukraine in the future as it continues to battle against russia. it's also understood that so as he sees the sum of his opponents start to talk about ukraine joining the block war rages in ukraine, 27 months after russia's invasion, ukraine's been running short of soldiers, munition, and money president for a lot of them is a landscape been trying to fix that and generate commitments for support after the war is over traveling relentlessly to sign security agreements. he's met with western leaders across europe in recent weeks of the. so lansky has signed 17 bilateral deals so far. germany agreed to
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a 10 year security agreement pledging equipment including air defense muscles, as well as health rebuilding months of the conflict is over. france signed a similar 10 year deal, helping with training, sending jet fighters, military vehicles and missiles, but also promising to help ukraine against future attacks and to reform its institutions. in belgium is the landscape secured pledges for dozens of f. 16 fighters. this all came as ukraine's biggest backer of the us, also signed a 10 year deal guaranteeing military assistance. the deals with individual countries are meant not just to beef up ukraine's military, but also to strengthen cooperation. preparing the way for membership one day in nato and the you, the block and it's member countries have already provided support worth nearly $110000000000.00 since the war started. for ukraine,
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the stakes couldn't be higher, no longer how long the war lasts. it will eventually need to rebuild it. shattered infrastructure and make sure it came to turbo tax in the future. for more of this, let's bring in dw, as brussels bureau chief, alexander phenomena. alexandra was, we just heard your report, the beloved of me, as lensky has already signed security agreements with individual european countries . what kind of support is he now seeking from the european union or well, i think that uh for the you creating and president, it is important to sign this particular agreement with the european union. the block of ukraine is aspiring to join as a member and disagreements has important action points. for instance, a civilian assistance for ukraine, providing ukraine and refugees with shelter prosecuting russian war crimes,
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beds and assurances that ukraine is on it's passed to become a member of the european union one day. so this is important for the government in ukraine. however, we also have to say that it was it when it comes to security guarantees to security . assurances this pack is more of a symbolic importance because of course, as you know, terry, you will be in union does not have the army of its own. and so the following policy is still being decided in the european capitals. so disagreements cannot be compared to the attacks that ukraine has been able to secure with the united states or germany or friends for instance. now the reason you elections, so a search in support for parties that are more open to improving relations with most
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go is that having an effect? alexandra on the use stance towards you. credit well, not yet. and not into short term. i would say, because when we talk about the games for right wing and fall right parties in europe, we are talking about the you appear in parliament and not about the governments across the continent. and the leaders that are coming together in the building where i am at so for them not so match has change. however, of course, they as well needs to take into account the sentiments among the populations and in the long term don't. will needs to consider whether you eps position on ukraine, the support that they have been providing for such a long time, still have to support among the people of europe at least under stay with us for a moment. because i also want to get your input on who will lead the use main institutions
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. there's been a lot of discussion about that in the wake of those you parliamentary elections, dw, as rosie birch od 1st has some more. who gets the keys to power here in brussels? the political horse trading is underway with 3 top jobs out for graphs. of the most prominent post is heading up the european commission. the executive branch, which trusts o e laws. it's looking like a shooting for incumbent president or issue of underlying after her center, right? political function kept its top sports in recent elections. i want to stand up with all my experience of all my determination for a strong, your follow democracy. faucet prosperity, and for our security, the former driven minister has already steered the ship through a pandemic and the war and ukraine leading her to make decisions that weren't always popular. of underlying is not known for being tough on china and big own
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transatlantic ties. but she's also faced accusations of being to one sided on the israel, him off for something she to nice. then mr. you repeat, cancel for the blocks. 27 national leaders make decisions. coverage president trauma shell is moving on. and the former portuguese prime minister antonio costa, is expected to meet the low profile central list leader is seen as a skill negotiator well placed to build consensus on big ticket issues like sanctions or welcoming you. you members, who's out in the meant the put a go, has managed to maintain good relationships with all member states. and it's always been part of the solution, but not the problem. go back to the limit. costa was the 1st person of indian origin to leads into you country, and we'd be the 1st person of color, the head of a major issue. institution booked corruption allegations swirling around and his former government in lisben could still complicate his palm. lastly, the east foreign policy chief spain 0 set burrell is on his way out and is stony
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and prime minister call your college is to, to take over a taylor from a country once under a rush of stone, disinterest politician has shots to international veins is 2022 for her hawkish thoughts on moscow, and stride and support for kids. we just can't afford that. ukraine is losing the war, otherwise. uh, the whole security situation in europe in grave danger. thought given is stone, used to political priorities. her positions on relations with african agent and less than american countries are less clear. oldest giving up is done behind closed doors and will be final until the newly elected european parliament gives its green light. and our brussels pharaohs, g 5, exotic phenomena still with us at the time of the elections you part of minute collections. so big gains by the fall, right? parties has had the impact on the prospect. so those buying for the used top jobs
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as well. we will see when we talk about the sweet, tough jobs that we have just seen in the package. not so much. and uh, that is why some european leaders, 1st and foremost, of course, of the talk in 5 minutes to georgia, milan you are not very happy about that, that they didn't have the possibility of sitting up the table with other leaders to decide about that top jobs beforehand, because there are things a, as in the case of easily and to georgia, maloney, spotty, they made gains and they are building together with all the right wing and fall right party stuff. so it's the largest group in there. you are p and paula men. so they would like to have a bigger se, but it's still up to the leaders that will come here together to decide about the top jobs. and they seem not to be very likely to take into account the opinion of a fall, right? white wing leaders or parties in the european parliament because they say that
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those parties are considered anti european. so is it a disconnect with what is happening across europe? it's might be, is a very democratic, some would say no, but this is the way how it's working. in brussels. okay, once the you leaders the new crop of you leaders. maybe some also familiar faces. there are in place. can we expect any major policy changes? alexandra, that's the big question. people have as well for sure. and it's an important question, but i would not expect major changes, but of course some changes. we are probably going to see. let's take the climate action for instance, there are no many parties into your pin paula mint or saying we are doing too much . we needs to take into account the interest of our farm, ours, our workers, we have to slow down the process. so that is probably something that our an area
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works. we can see some changes when it comes to the european union climate emissions. alexander, thank you so much. our brussels bureau chief, alexander phone number. thank you. it's catching up on a few other stories making headlines around the world. north korean state media, se wednesdays tests launch of and alleged hypersonic miss was a success and the miss so was capable of carrying multiple warheads. south korea described the announcement as a deception to cover up the fields, launch and claim to miss out exploded mid flight. them into the rebels have unveiled what they call a homemade ballistic missile. these images, released by the group are said to show the new weapon being launched, the crew these claim it was used on monday in an attack on a container ship in the arabian sea canyon president william router has withdrawn
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a new for the finance bill that spark today is a violent protests on tuesday, thousands of demonstrators broke into the countries parliament in nairobi. even though the proposed tax increases had been halted, there are still calls for the president to resign. starters football fan, celebrated after their teams dramatic to one victory over the check republic. securing the response in the knockout stages of the euro. 2024 championship. the but the seems or not in is double there in berlin capital with the host nation, germany and into the largest turkeys community outside of the country. sports, commentators have suggested that the tournament is to hold teams and with both turkey in germany playing well so far there's been twice as much celebrating.
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the stakes are now even higher as the euro's enter the knockout stage. the teams are taking a break for the next 2 days, but we'll be back in action again over the weekend. let's take a look at the upcoming games in the last 16 on saturdays, which will take on italy and germany faced denmark. on sunday, england will place a block in spain line up against georgia. on monday, france are in action against belgium and portugal square off against slovenia. and on tuesday, romania take on the netherlands and austria play turkey as well for more on the tournament. let's bring in daniel barcelona from dw sport done. i know you've been following all of this uh on the edge of your seat. were well into the tournament already. we're about to enter the next round. just getting more and more exciting. what's the most peer been like among the fans so far?
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so not only haven't been following, and i've actually been there to a bunch of games and the spend zones. and i can tell you that the atmosphere has been incredible. each city has their own fan festival and fans on set up. i've been in hamburg berlin lives and each one is better than the last. i mean, packed to capacity. there's been certain groups of fans that have stood out, i'd say, a little more than others. the holland fans, for example. you know, you always see them in their orange jerseys, they march in thousands to the stadiums, and they do this dance where they all jumped to the left. so they all jumped to the right. so fans really love to see that also the scotland fans with their coats in their bag pipes. we have to mention obviously the german fans in berlin and the fans or can hold up to 70000 people. and every game has been packed to capacity. i mean, like we also saw the turkish fans, it's almost like a home tournament for them as well. last night when they qualified for the next round. there were fire words, concerts, parades until late, late into the night. so the app is here has been amazing. so far,
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that germany were the 1st team to qualify for the knockout stage, but it hasn't all been smooth sailing for them. what are they going to be up against in this next age? well, they didn't come up flying and they were really convincing. in their 1st game, maybe a little bit less convincing in their next 2 games. that being said, they did when their group and they will play denmark in the next game. now denmark, they've not lost a game yet so far into yours. but they've also not won a game yet so far in the euro. so a good side, not as good as germany in terms of death. but they haven't really got rolling yet. now we can expect them to be good defensively, but may the missing a little bit of that cutting edge in the attack. now that being said, know that jeremy has struggled a little bit against teams that are very compact and organized defensively. but they can get through because they have an attack that's very fluid and interchangeable. so that will be a big key for them. how can their attack breakdown denmark's defense?
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they have the quality, they have the depth we saw also subs like nicholas full crew crew. and the last game came off the bench and provided that decisive goal for germany. so on paper, a better team, but in a knock up match, you never know what can happen. some big matches coming up in the round of 16 of what to expect fireworks. um, so most of the teams that we expected to go through, they did go through, but some favorites, for example, have been very underwhelming, france and england, for example, favorites come in, but they have not looked convincing at all. there's been a lot of criticisms about their coaches that they're not able to get the best out of the players that they have also year or 2020 or 2021 champions. easily struggling to get through the group just making it in the last 2nd. they faced switzerland, which would be pretty difficult, a pretty difficult match. now on the other hand, we have teams like austria who, nobody expected to do very much and they're really
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a dark horse. in this tournament. they topped a group that had another ones and friends. they will come up against turkey, but they'll fancy their chance is moving forward. and then we have georgia, for example, who in their very 1st tournament, historically qualified for the not go round by beating portugal, which was a massive upside. so they will face span who are a very good side, so they'll fancy that their european dream could continue. so maybe in this tournament we can see an upset, very exciting looking forward to this weekend, taking off the ground 16 in the year i was done. you dunny barcelona from dw sport . thanks so much. thanks. i is. now a dispute has broken out here in germany over whether unemployed ukrainian refugee you should be allowed to stay. some of the conservative opposition wanted them sent back to you currently, but that sparked backlash with many ukrainian saying they want to work in germany. but the rules make it increasingly difficult to do so.
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alexys been working as a technician and a burden hotel since 2022. shortly after you fled to ukraine. it's a job, he's overqualified for, but glad to have or out of blood. some issues should come from me. what means i can be a real citizen and the city has a start. it sure truly mine i do my but for the economy. have yourself a g as a stop for lexi, as in the minority, around 22 percent of the working h ukrainian refugees in germany. have a drop now, alexander doable in a senior figure in the conservative position as calling for unemployed ukrainian refugees to be sent back. he's been widely content. that's his focus blan blanket. really, she'll talk your lesson on the back of the mothers. and can i flip the russian attacks with a small children? i'm going flores and it's not really cutoff jump to help those very people get jobs
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in germany. she find stokeland statement problematic as a mentors. and these are the ones that you shouldn't put them all on to blanket suspicions. in my opinion, all ukrainians have become an object. and these are different cases and different people. i know the she some are quicker on the labor market and others of slower on the labor market from lunch, i mean quickly to others, both slowly and a long time off. really cover help or look, see, find his job. she says there are other hurdles from childcare to long waits for ukrainians to have the qualifications recognized by german or far which is nice too long ago. if we didn't wait so long, it didn't take so long to process, or if we found quicker models to enable nursery school teachers to work quickly in kindergarten, then we would have seen much foster labor market entry all interested of. it's about the enter the scene for lexi knows there's 2. well, he trained as an accountant and ukraine, but has been waiting for months for his diploma to be recognized. nothing is
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a ticket. i want to develop myself spanish. and if my experience as a technician isn't good enough, then i'll try working as an accountant. i will go to the advisor, know those out of it's people like him that the economy is crying out for. and the mood among the ukrainian community is that with a few tweaks to the system that could lead to more alexys. before this, we can now talk to probably and funky. he's a member of the german parliament for the governing social democrats. he sits on the bonus tag, human rights, and you affairs committees. welcome to the program. that's the focus. what do you think of the proposal will send you creating and refugees back to their country if they can't find work or aren't willing to work here in germany? i think this statement is a shame for germany and also a shame for a party and that holds christianity also in the name. and i think when you look at
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the ukraine, you'll see that there every night, fine columns of missiles and to the towns too. and also some of the uptake, i think it's our obligation to help our neighbors on there and also to have people come here and of course also help them to find the job. but in this situation where this is all happening, i'm talking about sending them back, i think would be totally wrong and to something the place which is also in his hands. it's true, however, that roughly a 1000000 of the roughly 1000000 ukrainians who came to germany because of the russian invasion uh only about 20 percent of those have found work. how do you explain that to i think the 1st thing, when you look at those numbers, you have to see who these people are. we have a lot, a lot of people, the theme from your to ukraine that are all. and you have a lot of people fleeing from your train that are so mothers with those in the children. and so i think it's really important that we make the position and also
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how those people are getting able to work. and i think this is where we need to get better to bring more also ukrainian refugees into work to have like tied care for them to be able to also have that diploma ready for use in jimmy. and i think these are things that needs to be done and also with the measures we've taken, then the last months we did and also to this number of people looking a year from ukraine. and i think this will be successful in the future. your party leads germany's government. i'm just wondering what sort of level of employment among the ukranian refugees would you like to see and y has your party not managed to get more ukrainian refugees and so labor market. yeah. so see, i don't, i'm not really so it's like making a number out is really important because these are all individual people and you have to the case by case how to have this people getting into work. i think it needs to be a lot more even then when you look at your foot was day longer in germany. and i
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think this is obvious and, and therefore, and yet we need to do a lot. we need to do a lot more and integration and also when it comes to providing language courses, when it comes to providing childcare, all those things needs to be done. and of course, it was a big challenge when 1000000 people in such a short time from what happened to be a come to another. and therefore, it is really odd to me, is the country with the most people from the x rays and being here. and so yeah, i think we did a lot in the last, uh, 12 and 24 months, but i think it needs to be a lot more to when it comes to making those people able to work and, and also having them access to the infrastructure that they need now immediately after the war began in ukraine, the german government waived the requirement for ukrainians to apply for asylum automatically gave them the right to stay in the country and receive unemployment benefits. can this continue, mr. focus? do you think, even if the war goes on for years to come?
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when we look at the definition with low refugees, us, then these are people's lean from wall and other stuff. and i think nobody, without that this one you train and also i would deeply not share the few products out over in saying there are like secure parts of your brain within your brain. when you look at how the was forbes and you see all those missiles, thrones, and things like that, and suspect to austin waste and ukraine, and therefore, i would think that no doubt would right now that there's one your brain. and i think that we should can also have other people lean for walking from a neighboring country and you train. and therefore i would really say that everybody that says the safe and you train it should really go there by himself. that's household situation. there is because that is the case, but this help and these things are still necessary to take these people to mr poker . thank you very much for taking time to talk with us today. that was german
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lawmaker probably on the phone. thank you. and just a quick look at a couple of other stories making headlines. authorities in bolivia have arrested the leader of a suspected military coup. he's accused of ordering his troops to store the presidential palace and the capital of the pause. olivia is present, replace the army leadership and called on people to mobilize in support of democracy. the soldiers have now returned to their barracks and fire crews are struggling to contain blazes in brazil's punch and all westland experts have counted more than $3000.00 fire since the start of the year. it's believe they are being caused by severe heat and droughts linked to climate change and also by farmers trying to clear land. the leaders of britons, the top 2 political parties have squared off in their final televised debate before
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the country heads to the polls and a week conservative prime minister, risky su, not clashed with labor leader, sir, care stomach over tax immigration and welfare. and finally, back to the euros with germany firmly in the grip of football fever. saxophonist andre sh. nora has been helping fans cheer on their team. he's been playing for the crowds ahead of each of germany's crew stage games. here's a taste of his last jam. before germany's won, all tie against switched the
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you're watching dw news from berlin up next. it's focused on europe looking at the u. k. is ruling conservative party ahead of next week's election. and don't forget, you can get all the latest news information anytime you want on our web site. that's the w dot com. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the, the,
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the stop, the boat limiting immigration has become a major campaign issue right before the british general direction. many people regarded the country as a model of multi culturalism for a long time. now, a lot of immigrants feel unwelcome. how do they feel about the intensifying discourse? and what does this imply about the current state of british society and economics? focus on your next, on d, w, getting voice to traumatize people. this is the journey to building defense
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independent radio to me rock. the destruction of most who could not hold them back because the deer and these frames had a big vision in my thumb. and if it don't come back again, why don't come back returning to the ruins of most of the in 45 minutes. on d, w, the, the coming 0 strange excels 3 trans people. have a stories kinda items are gonna see. does conflict doors
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just trying some new songs. i just shit. know possession of the illuminati teepee village church 3 generations. one jenny dobs july 7th on d. w. the hello and welcome to this week. this an a focus on europe with me on a home that me every month. tens of thousands of people come to europe seeking asylum here. the topic of migration is currently dominating election campaigns. they are opinion and beyond stop the bose is the campaign slogan of prisons governing party, attempting to show toughness against migraines, trying to cross the english channel from the french coasts in time,
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the inflexible boats sometimes.


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