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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. loving me is the landscape 6 more security guarantee. the ukranian presence says you'll be signing a security packed with the you in brussels. so will his country get what it wants? also coming out, police arrest the army chief alleged to of boards, troops through storm government buildings in bolivia, president calls on the libyans to defend democracy against the suspected to attend . and in kenya, police fire tear gas demonstrators who are back on the streets. protests come despite the president withdrawing a controversial finance bill the
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following. terry martin, thanks for joining us. ukraine's president. but what i mean is the landscape says he will sign 3 security agreements, including with the e you out of summit in brussels. they're meant to assure support for ukraine in the future as it continues as battle against russia. it's also understood that mr. zalinski presidents last. he sees the summit as a formal start to talks about ukraine joining you block war rages in ukraine, 27 months after russia's invasion, ukraine's been running short of soldiers, munition, and money president for a lot of them is a landscape been trying to fix that and generate commitments for support after the war is over traveling relentlessly to sign security agreements. he's met with western leaders across europe in recent weeks. so
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lansky has signed 17 bilateral deals so far. germany agreed to a 10 year security agreement pledging equipment including air defense muscles, as well as health rebuilding months of the conflict is over. france signed a similar 10 year deal, helping with training, sending jet fighters, military vehicles and missiles, but also promising to help ukraine against future attacks and to reform its institutions. in belgium is the landscape secured pledges for dozens of f. 16 fighters. this all came as ukraine's biggest backer of the us, also signed a 10 year deal guaranteeing military assistance. the deals with individual countries are met and not just to beef up ukraine's military, but also to strengthen cooperation. preparing the way for membership one day in nato and the you the block and it's member countries. i've already provided support
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worth nearly $110000000000.00 since the war started. for ukraine, the stakes couldn't be higher. no longer how long the war lasts. it will eventually need to rebuild it shattered infrastructure and make sure it came to turbo tax. in the future. d, w. 's bureau chief in brussels ethics, other phenomena is covering the summit. i asked her, what kind of support presence lensky is seeking from the european union of the? well, i think that uh for the you creating and president, it is important to sign this particular agreement with the european union. the block of ukraine is aspiring to join as a member and disagreements has important action points. for instance, a civilian assistance for ukraine,
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providing ukraine and refugees with shelter prosecute team russian war crimes. and that's an assurance is that ukraine is on it's passed to become a member of the european union one day. so this is important for the government in ukraine. however, we also have to say that it with it when it comes to security guarantees to security. assurances this pack is more of a symbolic importance because of course, as you know, terry, you will be in union does not have the army of its own. and so the foreign policy is still being decided in the european capitals. so this agreement cannot be compared to the packs that you created has been able to secure with the united states or germany, or friends for instance. and that was our brussels bureau, treat alexander fund knob, and now to bolivia,
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where calm has returned to the capital after troops stored in the presidential palace. the top general who led the attempted to claimed he was trying to restore democracy. he's been arrested. louise also president louise also called on bolivians to defend their democracy and the troops withdrew as ramming the tools of the palace open. 6 so that heavily on soldiers could search through inside president louise of say, face down the general at the head of the rebellion, ordering him to stand down. but juan, jose soniega refused. he told reporters that his troops with their, with the mission of good and what we want to re establish democracy. it is enough that new people have taken it over. we know made it look where they've taken our so
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our children have no future to the people have no future rule with soldiers station just outside to see to bolivia is government from within us say appeal to the people to mobilize, defend off the coup attempt. we ask the bolivian people to react. we need to believe young people to organize and mobilize themselves against the could have taught an in favor of democracy. he moved quickly as well to replace the heads of the military with his newly appointed army chief ordering soon iga soldiers to withdrawal. as bolivians took to the streets to support the government, the apparent 2 seemed to collapse as fast as it materialized with the would be rebels. abandoning the positions they had taken up just a few hours earlier with the army going, i'll say, appeared before the crowds gathered at the palace,
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thanking them for standing out for delivery is democracy. they wanted to surprise us and surprise the bolivian people. we have reacted the and the mobilized people have also allowed us to reverse this coup attempt today. thank you. believe in people. the authorities move quickly to arrest the qu lita soon ega. but he told reporters that the uprising was fall from a surprise to us. the accusing him of ordering it. the president told me the situation was bad and this week would be critical. then it was needed to prepare something to push off his and popularity. that'd be the only reason i asked him if i show we take the armored vehicles out and he said, take them out sooner, wasn't bundled off by police. moments later,
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big with bolivians, justice minister, dismissing his allegations as the lines of a man seeking to justify his own actions, a very true, i don't know what i'd like to see on the phone of more on this a parent coup attempt. we can now talk with political analyst me gab, which fargo he joins us from raymond, in northern germany. thanks for being with us. mr. trego. this, a parent crew attempt was over almost as past as it started. the present honestly is now back in charge. are still in charge of bolivia. what happened there with this? a parent who, what was this all about as well, it's the thanks. thanks for having me. it seems to, for, to me it seems to have to do with next year selections. and 2 things point me to this a preliminary conclusion that is a basically what the general assuming guess. ready that
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a couple of days ago is that he wanted to prevent former president even morales from a run again for office. uh, that's the one thing the sec i'm saying is what he said to after he's arrest basic the alleging that the that the current president odyssey i am told him to, to stage these cool. so those 2 things. ready for me to think that it might have to do with the next for next year's general elections and divides, divide within the of the mass. a party which is government, the government for the has been government, but it is for the last 20 years or so. let's just suppose for a moment that indeed present us a directed the general to stage this to in order to boost his popularity. um, how,
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how is that? suppose to stop the former president morales from, from running again for election to, to your time. yeah that's, that's the, that's the doesn't it makes it make sense because the, if you were going to do something like this, uh you were i guess you would want to wait. ready until closer to the elections, which are going to be held next year to me was a badly organized cool. and basically the other them speculation that we don't know watch why this is a thing could have happened. its okay, well have to leave it there. uh, mccaleb. we try go a political analyst joining us from raymond, here in germany. thanks so much. thank you. now to kenya and police of fired tear gas, a groups of demonstrators in the capital,
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nairobi. after they returned to the streets, dozens of protesters made their way to know ruby's central business district with police an anti ride here blocking access along roads protest or continuing despite president william rudo announcing he's not signing into law. the controversial finance bill triggered an angry response earlier this week. classes killed 2310 this week and with dozens in let's get more on the story from dw correspondence seller and they go in robi seller president. william rudo has withdrawn the finance bill and yet there are still protests happening in the streets of byron roby. why is that? um, well, because uh basically, i mean the protests are a lot smaller than on tuesday, so we're just being small groups of protests in that row. be at the moment also. that's a very, very heavy police and army presence in the,
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in the center of town and also around government areas around the state house and so on. and so that, that is also deterring people from going back. um, but uh basically many people uh, still saying that yes he uh, he withdrew the finance bill, but it's not what he starts at the moment. what is going to happen next with that bill? because parliament has, uh, telemundo is no longer in session. um and many people have lost the trust and the president and the government, and so they are protesting, nevertheless. so dangerous, would you say the situation is for president rudo due to the protest pose a threat to his government? uh well, that's difficult to stay at the moment. i mean, the step that he took yesterday are easy to take back. the bill already shows how much pressure he's under. so, i mean, you have people, you had you and sexy
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a general and also, you know, i'm criticizing him for a full for this. chris are in government and kenya and for the excessive force of police, you had human rights groups. you had invested there is and so on from, from different countries criticizing him. so there's been a lot of pressure on him. and so i think we'll have to wait and see what happens next. so thank you so much. so that was our correspondence. so an echo in nairobi. so just a quick look at a couple of other stories making headlines today, at least 11 people have been killed in the poll after monsoon, rain triggered flooding and land slides. lightning strikes killed another 9 people . the mud and water swept away, houses and block roads. experts say climate change and the construction of new
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roads has made the rainy season more dangerous than ever. and humans who the rebels have unveiled what they call a whole made ballistic missile. these uh, images released by the group are said to show the new weapon being launched, the who these claim it was used on monday in an attack on a container ship in the arabian sea and suspected drug traffickers have deliberately sought their vessel as they were being arrested spanish customs agents published this video of the incident which happened 450 kilometers off the coast. they were able to intercept the submersible following a tip off from the us drug and force and agency and a court in the us, a sense of our presence of honduras to 45 years in jail. a jury in new york city found one orlando hernandez, had accepted millions of dollars in bribes to protect shipments of cocaine bound
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for the us. he was also found guilty of using drug money to bribe officials and manipulate boating results during presidential elections. you're watching the w news on terry martin. thanks for being with us. the in charlotte the currently more people than eva on the world wide and such a base in life. saffel jessica middle castle josh. find out about robina story info. my grands.


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