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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news live, i'm from berlin tonight, promises and commitments from the european union for ukraine and brussels. the you and ukraine's president forwarded me zalinski, today's finding a security agreement, a guarantee of european support, as long as it takes for ukraine to regain control of its territory. also coming up tonight, donald trump repairs to go head to head with us president joe biden. in the 1st debate of the us presidential election campaign, but many voters say they are not seen on either candidates ban holdings. and what was the rest of the army chief footage to have ordered a troops to storm the government building, the president, calling on bolivians to defend democracy against the suspected. who with
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the i'm bring golf is good to have you with this, we begin right here in europe, the european union meeting its leaders today meeting and brussels and decided that they want to help ukraine for the long term. their meeting to design important jobs, leading the institutions for the next 5 years. some of begin with a strong signal of the direction that they'll take a joining ukrainian president, ultimate zalinski to sign a long term security agreement with ukraine. as you see right there. it's a bit to assure support for ukraine in the future as it continues. it's about against russia. so lensky sees the summit as marketing. the form will start to talks about ukraine itself, becoming
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a member of the european union. us. all right, let's get our corresponded jack the our key is in brussels tonight. jack, how important is today? is the deal for ukraine? well, it's another step forward for the relationship between the european union and ukraine . specifically, the security deal will bring in things like additional military aid. it discusses refugee hosting civilian nucular corporation between ukraine and european union countries. the mining and also invite involves ukraine's and future sanctions progress against russia. and also obviously it clears up some of the progress for the youtube. so you cranes become and he, you meant that the tulips of which were formerly opened on tuesday of this week and a very, very strong sign. the whole movement that was that bytes. so then skill picked up on bi zalinski is a 5 trying to get a ukraine. it's tons of the west to what was the european union for. so for him,
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the opening of those tools is a really significant step forward. and it's clear when he's being here this summer that you can see how much is meant to him as the president of ukraine. in jang, the standby, i wanna get your input on. he will lead the european union's main institutions moving forward. there's been a lot of discussion about that in the wake of the e parliamentary elections from a couple of weeks ago, dw, as rosie birch. archie has report on that now. who gets the keys to power here in brussels? the political horse trading is under way with 3 top jobs out for graphs. the most prominent post is heading up the european commission. the executive branch, which trusts oh, it blows. it's looking like a shooting for incumbent president or issue of underlying after her center, right? political function kept its top sports and recent elections. i want to stand up with all my experience of all my determination for a strong,
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your follow democracy force prosperity and for our security. the former driven minister has already steered the ship through a pandemic and the war and ukraine, leading her to make decisions that weren't always popular. of underlying is not known for being tough on china and the big own trans atlantic ties. but she's also faced accusations of being to one, find it on the israel, him off for something she to nice. then mr. you repeat and cancel for the blocks. 27 national leaders make decisions. coverage. president, trump, michelle is moving on and the former portuguese prime minister antonio costa, is expected to move in. the low profile center left leader is seen as a skill negotiate or well placed to build consensus on big ticket issues like sanctions or welcoming you. you members who's out there, and so if you meant the put a goal has managed to maintain good relationships with all member states. and it's always been part of the solution,
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but not the problem. you may go back to the limit. costa was the 1st person of indian origin to leave the new country and would be the 1st person of color, the head of a major issue, institution built to corruption, allegations swirling around his former government and lisben could still complicate this palm. lastly, the east foreign policy chief spain 0 set burrell is on his way out and is tony and prime minister coyote college is tipped to takeover. highland from the country once under a rush of stone, the centrist politician has shots to international veins, is 2022 for her hawkish thoughts on moscow, and strident supports for kids. we just gone to for that ukraine is losing the war otherwise, uh, the whole security situation in europe in grave danger. box given is stony, is do political priorities. her positions on relations with african agent and less than american countries are less clear. oldest giving up is done behind closed doors and will be final until the newly elected european parliament gives its green
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light. or to jag, how much influence do the far right leaders have in the end in all of these appointments? well the truth is brent, probably not as much as they would like. i just wanna say this is for us, brussels watts is probably the most fundable we use. i'm. it's when these top jobs are being told that there's a real atmosphere here in the room of the john list today. there's so many room is this well arrive, and essentially it looks like this agreement that we've just outlined in the reports of underlines. keep the commission for kind of tell us to take over the foreign policy chief job and for antonio costa to take over the european kinds of that. that is a done deal that has no countries behind it to get the majority over the line. meaning that those people will take those jobs, but we know that the italian prime minister, georgia maloney has been opposing specific leave on the line for the commission. we also know that the hon gary and prime minister of it to old months. he is likely to
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not once it's re appoint uh on the line as well, but they may be, i voted. the big question is what happens going forward? it's very uncommon for a country like it's the big european country to have voted against an incoming or it's a staying european commission president. and that could make things difficult going forward if and when the on the line is re appointed. and i have to ask you, jack about these snap elections in france coming up this weekend. the rise possibly of the far right in a founding member of the european union. and is this the big elephant in the room right now where you are? yeah, i mean it really is the french president, the manual macro and is known to one to get this deal over the line. he wants to be a power play, but it looks like actually he just wants this summit over. so he can get back to the campaigns where his policy is trailing the fall, right? national riley in france and he's got those 2 runs of elections coming over the
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next couple of weeks. and that could leads to a fall, right? french prime minister, which would probably be to be the biggest subject struck in european politics, much bigger than we had in the european elections of the big beginning of june. and it could really shift that's the needle when it comes to the rise of the far right in european politics. that's obviously on everyone's mind when they're making these decisions about the big jobs as well. today. we use jack there with the latest from brussels tonight. jack is always thank you from european politics to american politics in just a few hours. you as president joe biden is set to face off with his predecessor, donald trump, and the 1st television debate ahead of this year's presidential election. it has traditionally been been seen as the beginning of the real race for the white house, but many voters say they are not excited about either candid i, i just wish that we had the better candidates i'm. i just think they're both not fit to run in office. we were built on diversity. it's
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a crying shame that this has come to. this is really the 4th time the joe biden and donald trump need to the presidential debate. typically, this verbal battle for the favor of motors, you've done this a highlight in the component this time there's a noticeable, flat crystal excitement. this, of course, has a lot to do with the age of the 2 candidates. we've just heard that most americans, when someone younger to late, that countries someone, they believe is capable of finding solutions for the significant challenges we face to many public appearances. neither president biden nor a former president. trump seem to have the energy nor mental fitness that voters are looking for normal election use. the vin are, is determined by their ability to convincingly sell their political agenda this year. people seem to be more focus on who will make the most mistakes and provide
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better fodder for engine. that means i think uh trump's gonna go on the attack on bite. and i think he's gonna hit him on a lot of lot of key things. i think biden's probably gonna be in the defense a lot. i hope it's substantial, but they actually discuss the real issues from an international perspective. we look closely of serve their stance on china, us commitment to nato, and of course, support for ukraine. however, many americans may not even watch this 1st debate. i don't really know how meaningful it would be. but you know, people who've been asking for us and so we're going to do it and they should do it . i'm not gonna watch it because what, why, right? to big grown man yelling at each other. you know, one's racist. you know, the other one's a little too old. i'm not planning to watch it. uh, i've seen videos and both can it's talking and both of them make me pretty sad to have the biggest challenge for both candidates. and the coming months will be to,
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in the age, the double hater, as those who dislike both candidates and encourage them to vote in their favor rather than up staying out of sheer frustration. well, i got, i got to say to people got a vote. they just got a vote, you know, is the who, who, who do you think is the best person for the country? well, i know some people who will be watching it will be yours truly and michaela lee in his folder in washington, i'm here at gfc joins me now from washington. it is um. yeah, the last time these 2 men were in the same room was i think, october 2020 at their last debate times of course have changed. so presidential debates, the rules of new audience this time, very structured. they have to both be on their best behavior. i mean, i know you may be rolling your eyes here, but i will this be a night of just political performance for the world to watch as
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well. have friends, you can watch me tonight before and also the debate as i'm rolling. my eyes is will of course, continue our coverage until tomorrow morning, your time in berlin road, while many international views might hold the policies and topics like the support of ukraine or the commitment was made. all the current situation in europe, even a will play a major role. it will ultimately come down to how undecided voters will feel off to. to night. donald trump has, in my opinion, a good chance of winning the debate if he can avoid being too aggressive, as this is home to him in previous debates. and on the other hand, to buy the needs to appear strong in the wake fit for another 4 years in the office . however, as expectations are so low bite and also could earn some points if it just performs kind of okay. these 2 candidates,
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we know that they really do not like each other. i mean, what are you expecting me? do you think that this is going to stay civil or can you imagine that the gloves are, are going to come off and meet? are you worried? you that that will end up being the story that will come from this debate or well, there really indeed is no respect for each other. i'm sure that joe biden really behaved well. my hebrew, criticized from sharply, that's what we hear, that's his strategy. and also is going to warn people to remember the k as in violence, the donald trump's frontier during his presidency by people to do that in a way that is appropriate for a president. when it comes to trump, it is really hard to predict a brand new just said there is no audience to mike for frame for microphones will be muted. once they're talking, time is over. that of course will change the tone of the conversation. i think
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terms with why is this definitely want him to not get too aggressive as again this has hurt him during the last debate in 2022, but it's hard to say and we will watch it. okay. our bureau chief is put in washington. it is, we will be speaking with you throughout the evening. thank you. all right, here's a quick look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. the us supreme court has ruled to permit for now abortions to be performed in the state of idaho. when pregnant women are facing medical emergencies, the justices would reinstate a lower court ruling that policy. the states near total abortion ban damage temporarily allowed hospitals in the state to perform emergency abortions to protect the life of the month. fire crews are struggling to contain blazes in brazil's hands in all westland experts. if counted more than 3005 years since the
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start of the year is believe they are being caused by severe heat and droughts. links to climate change in by farmers trying to clear land to at least 14 people have been killed in ne paul after months who reins triggered flooding and lance lives. lightning strikes killed another 9 people. the modern waters swept away houses and blocked roads. experts say climate change and the construction of new highways is made. the rainy season, more dangerous than app. humans who is the rebel 7 build, what they call a home. a ballistic missile of these images, released by the group are said to show the new weapon being watch with these claim that it was used on monday in the attack on the container ship in the arabian sea. i noticed health america. com has returned to bolivia is capital after what appears to have been a bunch who except the army chief who led the rebellion has been arrested along
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with the head of the navy, the 2 men are now facing 20 years behind bars. as rebellious trib stormed his palace, president, louise, r, say called on bolivians to defend their democracy. ramming the tools of the palace opened. 6 so that heavily on soldiers could search through inside president louise of say, face down the general at the head of the rebellion, ordering him to stand down. but juan, jose soon ego refused. he told reporters that his troops with the, with the mission hotel. we want to re establish democracy. it is enough that a new people have taken it over. i mean, it look like they've taken us. all of our children have no future to the people have no future world with soldiers station just outside to see to bolivia is
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government from within us say appeal to the people to mobilize, defend off the coup attempt, we ask the bolivian people to react. we need to believe you and people to organize and mobilize themselves against recruited, talk an in favor of democracy. he moved quickly as well to replace the heads of the military with his newly appointed army chief ordering soon iga soldiers to withdrawal. as bolivians took to the streets to support the government, the apparent 2 seemed to collapse as fast as it materialized with the would be rebels. abandoning the positions they had taken up just a few hours earlier with the army going, i'll say, appeared before the crowds gathered at the palace, thanking them for standing up to bolivia is democracy. they wanted to surprise us and surprise the bolivian people.
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we have reacted and to mobilize. people have also allowed us to reverse this coup attempt today. thank you. believe in people. the authorities move quickly to arrest the qu lita soon ega, which he told reporters that the uprising was fall from a surprise to us. vague, accusing him of ordering it. the president told me the situation was bad and this we could be critically. and then it was needed to prepare something to push off his and popularity. but other than thought of me for the reason i asked him if we take the armored vehicles out and he said take them out sooner, wasn't bundled off by police. moments later, big with bolivians, justice minister, dismissing his allegations as the lines of
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a man seeking to justify his own actions, a very true, i don't know what i'd like to see on the phone or or joining me now. is it 100 guess vans have a former interim president of bolivia in 2005, 2006. he was also the chief justice of the countries, the supreme court. mr. president's good to have you. with this, let me just ask you, how would you describe what happened in your country yesterday for those 3 hours? a thank you for the interview. yesterday, it was very unfortunate and frustrating happening for the bolivian people grant to tell you we're going through the longest democratic theory of you know, republican history. we just had a one happened in late in 2019 and quinn again. military chief aust able morales to the step aside from the presidency.
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we thought that that would never happen again. but again, yesterday we saw this extraordinary show. busy media covered in slow motion. we thought of the, the other happenings in the rest of the country. so it was, uh, do you think it would or do you think it was a crew? was it it attempted to, as i would say, it was an attempt to do, but uh, the, the whole matter is being taken to justice. the congress has to request a step to make a thorough review of what happened. so there are many loose ends in this a happening, and it is again, a very unfortunate happening because it shows how fragile the government and some of them are probably institutions are you say loose ends the, the army cheats of that either if it but we're trying to understand the change of
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events yesterday, is it really credible that the army chief would carry out a crew without being sure that he could hold out for more than just a few hours? i mean, do you question his intention? definitely. we saw in the, our long piece 3 of uh who did that so they didn't happen to weigh things. so when to yesterday, usually it's a well planned, strategically operated. so things kind of move forward. but yesterday showed mostly a general who was upset about he's being removed from his supposed, requesting the cabinet change and having a talk with the pressure to investigate of the government office. so it's a, it was rather strange to say the least. yeah, you're talking about general um zuniga. i think this is his name. he exclaimed, the president instructed him to stage an uprising in order to improve his falling
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approval ratings. so you know, stage a crew so that's your popularity goes up as well. i hope it doesn't go that way. i certainly believe young people always uh, frustrated because uh again uh the military was taking work, taking the streets, hopefully in the media. that's not, we go, that's not democratic. but anyway, time will tell across the really happened with general, assuming you got braces in our say, hopefully we should have upfront spire into due process that will open up things and again, we need to enhance our institution. so this will not happen again. miss present if you will allow me to say you seemed very con um, considering that just 24 hours ago,
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less than 24 hours ago. the military or the general was tried to take over the country of its kind of explained to our viewers where you're getting this sense of, of calmness from after so much turmoil in the last 24 hours. yes. the actually so thing the things calm down uh yesterday. uh, just uh, a few hours after the attempt to take over the government's uh main uh, power as our office thinks, went back to normal. when the most social lumens, the unions who called for a general strike decided to call them all and things uh, people went uh back to their homes. there were. busy a lot of uh, movement to get uh, to the supermarkets, to get food supplies are the atm machines about southern
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b once the general assume they go, was arrested, thinks went back to normal. that's the reason to hi, this an attempt that seemed so strange that it was just a few times our arm of vehicles that made an attempt to get in. but the southern bleed they were gone. so people realized that this needs to be, explain, at some point to things are of the courts. right. so the courts right now, so i guess it was, it was a failed attempt to do something and it happened on live television. the entire country was watching it as we were watching. so people that even compared it to a tell them novella. but let me ask you, do you think the military in your country though? do you think that the military have too much power and are, are you reassured by the fact that some of these generals have been fired as
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i should start by saying, uh, the throughout our uh, history next year will be 200 years of uh, independence uh, open, i mean, defendant for public, we have those ins of the dots, mostly the by the military. it's, it's on institution that to my understanding needs to be over hold. they do have power because they do get a jamie or a scott from the national budget being this very need the country with lots of challenges. so. so in my personal view, the long history of military coups that still make attempts to gain power needs to be review by the politician side by the people. eventually, these probably should call for a renewal of a fire constitution or,
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or something of that sort. ok from oblivion. president edwardo rodriguez van say, mister president, we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight. thank you. you're welcome. thank you. bye bye. i some sports news. turkish football fan, celebrated after their teams. dramatic to one victory over the check republic. securing their spot in the non count stages of the euro. 2024 championship. but you're not looking at downtown. it's been well there. that was blue, moon and capitol of the host nation, germany and home to the largest target community. outside of the con sports commentators and suggested that the trend of it has 2 homes and with boats, turkey in germany playing well so far there's been, they've been twice as much celebrate watching the diabetes. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more will these,
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i hope to see that the
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of the new year happy that way of boxing. the story we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the present in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d w. this call of america. and so much more than just a river. this is where
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a real cowboy is me and people are in touch with their roots. living the american dream, the mississippi river. surprising, legendary. in 45 minutes on d, w, the each. my story of the people who planned me built a good case have been nice to me. i am not to dom depending on my secrets. i have month to my cities, days for centuries, and accompanied my country to its finest hours. until the day i nearly vanished,
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not the stuff to lie. 18 on d, w. of the business, dw news advocates coming up from the program. kenya's protest as false presidents were you and we were to into a major, climbed down to miles to pressure from the streets and withdraws a controversial bill. the proposed punitive taxes on the nation. but with many dead will this be enough to appease the young disillusion protest as i can see and therefore i would not sign the trinity trinity for finance bill and each and subsequently be with the.


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