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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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these and accompanied my country through its finest hours. until the day i nearly vanished starts to lie 18 on dw of the. this is the, the, the news advocates coming up from the program can use for test as false presidents where you and roots or into a major, climbed down the balls to pressure from the streets and withdraws a controversial bill. the proposed punitive taxes on the nation. but with many dead will this be enough to appease the young disillusion for testers? i can see and therefore i would not sign the trinity trinity for finance bill. and it should subsequently be withdrawn. also coming up on the show. they survived the west atrocities,
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inter done now refugees. in chad. we have the painstaking efforts of survivors trying to start over draft in court for the may be an l. g. b. take you community as a law banning fed between man is lifted and will this guarantee safety and freedom for the career community? the need is kimani. welcome to the program. we begin in kenya, where the country's president, where your router has announced the withdrawal of a controversial finance bill of to sustained protest against the legislation. now police opened fire a dumb with straight as will storm the fundamental building on bunch government offices. at least 22 people died in the process. the most of the young for testers, what we with the proposed tax hikes of correspondence, phoenix,
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maureen got reports from a ruby. the tendency with a morning to for the individual event can use pundum incisions have come to pick. stella suspects the struggling goes on and on another protest, the next messiah day that we, i get from a my bone. i'm exemplified by the police, the streets of nasal because nobody named images on the in the boiling of, i indicated in tempe time. after weeks of nights, the peaceful protest classes are upset between police and they have people demanding that the government drops from isolated has to be in the community. we've got on the to the
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young people are tired. they've seen their time has come in this bad governance and our tax is being used wastefully. they take our taxes, but we can't see where the money go. opportunities. yes. and in the offices of young we are experiencing, telling us we're having confidence in terms of peoples and everything. and we can schedule what destructive rob to me and ident, as is that they've been, it's rudolph. and then we'll talk about that, but listen, i think that governments, but for now executive batch b, m. p, 's law passing an amended device on of that being protest. those had broken into, they came and they said parts of the building, fire, forcing design for safety valve for testers. have been able to bring down fundamentals. you bought, they've got to problem. and then that way with this sentence, because miss and some of the got to lose their lives that are conflicting reports about the exact number of steps. hundreds of young people haven't ingest public and
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got like this is a big change in kenya that most patients have traditionally been led by political parties right on the line. talk about the process for social media. young people i came, have been a driving force in this process. it saves energy numbers. nobody paid us these monita. there's nobody to faithful. anything god knows, even about the water to come outside. yeah. outside of the law and free will this protest, i've seen the national and see if to see the i'm not the business to having reclaimed the national narrative, brutal in his government, the drone of the b. that's huge claim don't. and a huge risk. it's unclear. that's enough to win over this new political force, the condemned president who had defied the protest as quote to reject the bill back, peddled on his position, saying he now wants to work together with us citizens listening
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to the people who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with these finance be the 2024. i can seat and therefore i would not sign that printed $24.00 speed and it should subsequently be withdrawn. and we can bring in jose and coming towards executive director of how to africa a kenya of civil society organization. he joins us now from ne ruby. so it was saying router has said the fine us who is history. this means that protest does have one haven't a not quite sure the participants have one because we've lost lives of hundreds actually uh, injured. uh, it wasn't really about winning,
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but more about, you know, standing out for just just finding out for the country, standing out for the resources of this nation. so while it's a big step forward, but the struggle continues. president for to then say around that, together with parliament to try to use the military to suppress the practice. and then we saw the judiciary restrict to that. what does this mean for kind of institutions and it's democracy. i think 1st of all, it shows that as a country we have a priority to song. clearly you can be deploying the military. and then at the same time, during the same week, you're deploying police officers to another country. i mean, why deployed the military and send our police officers to another country? it doesn't make sense. but it also means that the judiciary uh the institutions mandated by the constitution to deliver on the monday it's actually steadfast. they have us to try me with the people of kenya, and they have defended the constitution at no time. should the executive deployed
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the military without the problem is approval and they just shut or announced itself on that position. and be sure was that, you know, there is independence. the rest is not yet at the ideal situation, but definitely we must acknowledge and appreciate the positive steps that we are making as a country can moving forward. and speaking of the funny service at the start of the week, you tried to speak to the police about the team for testers. and then you will help yourself know, is this just one example of how the government can whip when i is the police service? i guess, democratic processes as indeed i think we have made huge sites in ensuring independence of our various institutions in the country. but unfortunately, the police tend to be main. uh, you know, a tori, so used by the executive. the police have refused to change the police to remain largely a political, the tools to be used and misuse by politicians. and we feel that, you know,
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more effort to, particularly in the dialogue, but hopefully we'd be done. you 9 opinion transference might not the police have to be put in check. we have very clear recording on the inspector general authorities to resign from his position. he has shown that he's the inefficient incompetent in dealing with these kinds of issues in kenya. and you know, moving forward, the spotlight is on the police. so you want the inspector general and the leadership of the police to resign. but the young for testers want the president to go. so he met one of the demands. but how safe is he? um. well as the young for just to say the bone of contention was the finance be and you know that the detox is that what we'll do is just crazy. um, yes, we're clearly man the president easy. no watch situation. benji has ever been, they the jury is the i was on, she's public, he's a, he's dealership,
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and we still that the time has come for us to ask questions. i think 5 years, he's the very far ahead. but all the same, it's kenya until we decide the face of the president. because uh, you know, we're all governed by the constitution at no time have we, you know, i asked for anything i've, and respects of the constitute edition. we recognize that she's in office as an elective eda, but to us canyons i've spoken loudly, you know, the next few days will be crucial in determining the wasteful and close incoming executive director of how to africa. thank you for your time. i thank you very much . now for more than a yeah, the student is ami, has been fighting the paramilitary, wrapped in support forces or recess of the control of the country. the conflict has left thousands dead and displaced more than 10000000. many fled to neighboring chad
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. right to go see the r assessment allied, arab munitions have committed widespread killings, rapes and other prostitutes, possibly amounting to a general site in west or for that targeting people, one african ethnicity in particular. the mass of needs. there was a majority in the city of l janina in west of, for, and to the our assess, brutally attacked it, such as those last year. many said across the board to chad and us, been living in audrey, or correspondents. mario will a travel of that, and that's a vibe of sexual violence. i sincerely mccain remember, she has missed and kam studies case people, every time she thought she found safety, another attack happened. it was always the same perpetrators and their allies. she says, the full magenta. we administer now known as rapid support forces or as of today and in june 2023, they attacked the area of age and nina, where she left,
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i didn't get the 5th time. i saw how to get people to the 1st day when they attacked the killed many and ago, and they fell down right in front of us and then we'll go for them that they felt like it would never end me. and let me get in and you can imagine that we've got a lima whose name was changed to protect her. she was living with a family at the side for the space people. when she heard the militants arrived from the motor bikes for the style and mean my room, 4 of them charging me with guns. windshields mining and the others left the room. the one who stayed raped me, i fucked him a lot. i didn't want him to raped me, but i was so scared of his gun. then i only felt pain to see when it was over, she ran away, stepping over 20 bodies lying on the road. then she stopped counting. after crossing the border to tried, lima felt safe, but couldn't find any medical help. 3 days later,
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the pain subsided. the memory store, keep her from sleeping. she says the hour of iris f melissa, talk to her because she belongs to the muscle, leads an african in mississippi. we will be upset. the spoke to more than a 1000 survivors of kings and sexual violence. all of them told us the attack as was specifically targeting muscle, each aiming to ethnic, deacons, african ethnic groups from the for, i shouldn't say is on his mouth. and he ask, what's your try? i didn't send him all his muscle leads. i said i'm for trying and you said if your muscle it always should, your throat depends about next. some value that they said there won't be any land belonging to muscle anymore. this is there and they don't want muscle to own land. the survive of stories are backed up by human rights watch. it is documented numerous atrocities and want of a possible genocide against the muscle. people in west the 4 hours of did not respond. our requests for comment however, whose name was also changed by
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a safety survived similar attack. she says and ours f i to into the home on june 8th, 2023. and let us to the he loaded his gun to shoot my mom and shopping for my um doctors the bulletin i said, shooting me instead of the te set. i won't kill you. i killed your brothers outside . he went and shot a 20 year old cousin. then she heard her mother and i go to the good and he beat me to hold for when i go with a, with a stick on the wall to contain, i have seen this morning on the line you can give, then threw me on the bed and started to raise me she bled heavily. the days later she was able to find a hospital where she needed stitches. she still sometimes feels pain when she walks . these women now in safety inside at many here,
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live in deplorable conditions and that comes like in medical support, food for to and basic shelter. the u. n. has called this the largest displacement crisis in the world with more than 10000000 people forced to see that homes almost 600000. so denise refugees now living and neighboring chat. but 8 organizations say massive funding shortages mean they are unable to cope with the needs in become a group of refugee women have created a safe space where survivors can talk openly and without stigma about what happened to them and the hopes for the future and have signal communication and my hope is to complete my studies and economics on stuff and i hope to work in a bank as an accountant or as a business administrator. oh great. that it's, i'm not for the kind is the situation improves. i want to go to university,
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i'm advice, but i want to learn to be a doctor. they say all they want is to get their lives back. they're hoping for peace, so they can finally move on. so how widespread is sexual violence and so done? that's the question i put to pamela patton, the united nations special representative on sexual violence in conflict. it is, it's always very hard to get up to a data on an active battlefield and sexual guidance remains the dramatically under reported crime due to many factors including shame and stigma, but feel reprisal and lack of access to the services or reporting. and it is nearly impossible in the context of the current will stay the days to get up to a data because you want i'm the majority of the international after. so i've had to
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leave the country and the work of civil society is also head. but by representing security and sports, but we do have some indications of the gravity and the brutality of sexual violence . the annual report of the secular general for 2023 documented cases of wave dang, rape, attempted rape, abduction and trafficking perpetrated against 98 women. aging goes one man and one boy and in a single attack. as many as 20 women were reported the way, there's also information more recent that we have received about the abduction of over 160, where my name goes held in captivity, including reports of these women being great, and kept in slavery like conditions when we have we boards of room and then goes addicted in cartoon state who would take her to other parts of doubt for allegedly even change in the back of trucks and or lose, you know, those,
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all these cases are as the elements. oh, i see data made a show where implicated, right? so because that would be because if you're interested in the iris, because they've introduced the right stuff, i just want to jump in there because i know that you didn't speak to the need a shift of they acknowledged i told the rates that are happening there. and if so, do they plan to do anything about these atrocities? to what seems to start with the conflict in april 2023. i gave you both bodies. i see half an hour is that on the 1st of august of 2023, i had a meeting with general abdur rahim de got the deputy commander of the of the recess and i raise, we see him all these. we both reports that are had a of the time reports of sexual violence in called to mend off will reports of at the increasing the number of abducted remaining goes reports of, of the targeting of medical infrastructure and personal giving support to victims of sexual violence. and also who would have had to do something about the existence
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of slave markets in industrial. we women and goes being sold, including into sexual slavery or hateful ransom. and i urge team to issue the full no undertaking of the full amount that you need actual community condemning sexual violence and committing to effective measures to prevent of the address such violations. including fluid time bound into my dish blog as well as combined order as a degree as your daughter when's with sexual buttons as part of upholding military disappearing? he acknowledged, i must see the gravity of sexual bought into the context of the conflict. he agreed to issue both so you need to communicate and the command order is declaring 0 daughter was, was actual guidance and you did so after, so shortly after, after the meeting. but unfortunately, i must say that's up to now i do not see any discernible behavioral change on the ground because we believe continue to bully about atrocities being perpetrated by
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our assess and it's affiliated mid issue. and that is why in the context of my upcoming visit to try them both to the next month. i intend to re engage with the leadership of the r as a in order to bring to their attention all these reports, which i have mentioned, but also to remind them of their commitments and it'll be jason's under international. all right, well i thank you so much for your time coming up, attend the, the united facial special representative on sexual violence and conflict. thank you . now, hi, caught in a maybe a has struck down those criminalizing sexual acts between men. sex between women is not illegal in the media. the laws base it back to the 19 twenty's when the media was administered by south africa. and it's really the country's court said, binding fame, 6 acs was unconstitutional. the ruling is being celebrated by him if he is
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eligible community. 2 for them, the decision marxist off to the new era the case was brought to my local activates friedel, dows up with the support of an n g o in london. from me, personality disorder, kidney, and sudden my life. when my legs are waiting on it never be a climb again. for the past, 50 is as well as the game and we've always been swimming now some deadlines certainly come today. their quarters declared jesus unconstitutionality. below criminalizing states between men dated back to the colonial era. it was rarely enforced puts, it meant many game in lifting state of the rest. it's also fuse discrimination of the algebra community. i need all the beacon of hope because we are living in the climate. they'll see a from state sanctioned homophobia and hate speech. the judgement may represent a victory if a gay man and the allies, but some fit could also cause
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a backlash will make is already pushing for legislation, outgoing gay and lesbian. marriage and large segments of no baby and society remain deeply conservative. being a 3 she is in the use of both sides and it comes in all 43, she, i need to go into these these. so despite beings, because we have to think the few don't fall to the is always going to have been seen it. you does to comes fortunately, the back to this, the judges said, even if a majority of them it being held such views, this would not justify making sex between men crying. are we spoke to the active list? you saw in that report for the del sol, and i asked him if the overturning of the law would be enough to end discrimination and violence against the eligibility to community in the media. i only see this a lot that was supposed to have gone 50 years ago. we still have discrimination in
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employment and no express protection for sexual orientation in the employment law while we still have a domestic violence a that it excludes things that's couples as a domestic relationship. and we have a whole lot of law assuming that i know protections. what has happened with the removal of this law from the legal system is, is really address uh the criminalizing. what we need now is protect definitely loss of employment in have in a sense of us including manage equality, right. so as i mentioned, the career community is to, doesn't enjoy some rights and protections. and we know that there may be a still criminalizes support, promotion or even celebration of same sex unions. do you have any plans to challenge some of these laws as well? a little bit of correction. um, it is not criminal as what is
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a beautiful body and where we do need international support at the moment. is that department asked our last to? yeah. when the don't the side rights we have provided to further input most of the number of medians. many in the country restrictions like germany, uh, or south africa uh, able to get it on the side of it. but uh punishment is proposing to know that it's uh, that is fair to both of us as a punishment and he's now sitting with a president. and that's part of the law, same sex marriage, but we're also creating our lives some sort of nice, some of things fixed. maybe just in the media at the moment. uh, unfortunately it is not a crime, but we do need international support and press up to ensure that the slow does not come into effect. so for, i don't know,
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maybe it has now joined several countries in particularly south africa, where we have people successfully litigated for their rights. do you think that this successful struggle in the media will inspire perhaps of the african countries on the continent or at least a home? uh and we, if you do read the baby of this sort of going to challenge it is really happening that uh for example, uh the taxes on the pen out of so in fact, human rights of entity into my note edition, jane a cannot be left to the populace, or the, or the majority, but it is the duty of the courts to ensure that big human rights of the weakest in their most vulnerable, you know, communities are protected by the quotes s and the constitution. and so
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we, we spend strongly on constitutional provisions. we hope that a lead country restrictions, but it's somebody you got and guy and i did. yeah. i but they used to be an industry sending and a lot of quotes uh to come at a more humane, more just um and uh, a great outcomes for the challenges in those countries mentioned before. for the, the sub joining us for soccer point in that may be a thank you so much for your time. thank you. well, that's it for now. be sure to check out other stories on d, w dot com, forward slash africa, or on social media. thank you for watching the,
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the total of america, and certain much more than just a river. this is where a real cowboy is me and people are in touch with mary lou, a living the american dream. the mississippi river. surprising, legendary. in 15 minutes on the w to the point, strong opinions, clear position, international perspective,
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direct set to be elephant in the room ahead of the case upcoming election. so let's talk about it. what is the state of the nation more than 4 years after leaving the you and pretty labor government offer a fresh start. joining us this week onto the points, to the point thing in 90 minutes on d w, the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day an in depth look, it's karen who use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is. this is the weekdays on dw, you print with like a sticking points. you know,
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time what you into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a significant from the train. you can choose to go back to somewhere else. currently more people than ever on the world wide in search of a pass in life categories. something that is coming very very soon and you come, we learn more about or no one a story info my grands cost about why does that? and i think it's like, now i'm leave them on to the new join us when exciting exploration and everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope video with unit the
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dw news while i went from berlin tonight, promises and commitments from the european union for ukraine in brussels to you and your grades. president problem is zalinski today signed a security agreement, a guaranteed european support, as long as it takes for ukraine to regain control of its territory. also giving up tonight, police in bolivia, arrest the army, chief alleged with order troops to storm government buildings. yesterday. the president, calling them bolivians to defend democracy against the suspected coup with.


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