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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live and from berlin tonight, security promises from the european union for ukraine. in russell's today, the you and your grades present of automated zalinski, signed a security agreement, a guarantee of european support, as long as it takes for ukraine to retain control of its territory. also going to get denied police in bolivia and arrested the head of the army. they say he bordered troops to store the government buildings last week in an attempt to the president of olivia has called on his countrymen and women to defend their country's democracy. and donald trump preparing to go head to head with us president to advise me in the 1st debate of this us presidential election campaign
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. but many voters are saying that they are not seen on either. can the library gone to our view is watching on tv as in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. leaders for the european union are this evening meeting in brussels to decide people take the most important jobs, the leading, the you for the next 5 years. it's the 1st summit, the 1st the summit since far right parties made gains in the european parliamentary elections just a couple of weeks ago. and it began by sending a strong signal as leaders assigned a long term security agreement with ukraine. w is latria chilton reports for the firm show of support from the european union to ukraine to the signing
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office security pack between the ukrainian president and do you need us to display you spelled out from this to support you train for as long as it takes and as intensely as needed, they should give it to commitments. so i was admitting 30 the financial the to a might be adding particularly will be the way of channeling the, the sources calling from russia of frozen assets. will not them use the lensky joins the national head. so if you use states and governments and their summit to argue that everything is put to work immediately against russia's full scale invasion of this country, we will discuss today with the leaders, with lenders about our next task. and of course, the, the urgent things air defense. that is why and of course, all their packages. thanks to all the partners. what do we have signed the door accepted, but we need them urgently on the battlefield. barely of this week,
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the 27 country block announced 2400000000 euros in military ad for ukraine to be delivered by the end of the year. coming from the prophets of russian assets ceased in europe. talks on you try and joining the you also officially got underway this week though the accession negotiations could take years or even decades to conclude . but the lead us also preoccupied this big into and you questions like, who should lead the you institutions for the next 5 years? even before the summit got underway, a pre cooked deal was on the table for standing on the agreement. we've reached on a proposal. takes account of the fact that such a majority can also be fined with most of on the lion as commission president with kind of kill us as high representative. and we've done 10 year clusters, presidents at the or p and kind of say this all patients often not everyone's happy with it and gary and prime and as to victor all on italy's, georgia,
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maloney are the most critical voices very easily. far right. parties which make gains and the reason to european elections not represented the tend to pick. the next step off to the lead us summit is for the european parliament to have it say in the coming weeks. so a possible 2nd to him for was the last one. that line is just from a done deal. are you going to use jack pyrex is following the semaphores in brussels. i asked him, how much influence the far right leaders really have at the end of the day on to get to these important european union jobs. how about, you know, as much influence as they would like to have said may be seen the italian prime minister, georgia maloney be quite unhappy and quite publicly expressive about how unhappy she is. that her hard rights grouping within the european political spectrum isn't going to get one of the top jobs. but the reality is,
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is that this sense risk coalition is going to form again in the european parliament . they are the ones that are going to be able to, besides be the top jobs all the way this was here with the 27 need, is it that you are being kind of so none of them get to veto this time, which will belong to e u summit, somebody veto is the countries have to be on board. but when that dissing like these top jobs, it's done by a majority vote. so even if georgia miller, anybody's, against us and of on the line, even if as we expect the hon gary and prime minister victim obama will also vote against they may choose to abstain, rather than against them on the line can still get through and retain. had jumped the question is, what does that mean to have a european commission president who was not approved, especially the, it's highly in that the biggest economy in the european union. not to proving that the person is in charge of negotiating trade deals. for instance, we have, let's assume on the line that does get another term in office. i mean, what could we expect from her and from that can asians for the next 5 years?
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so this is the play that the italians will try and make. we know that the on the line is planning. if she gets back in to set up a new unit within the european commission that will look at security and defense. and that unit is expected to be quite a big sort of cents, a piece of future commission for the next 5 years. i'm what c may do is have a negotiation with the italian prime minister or of the dissenting voices to try and bring them in. and give them one of the powerful portfolios going forward. right. so that will be george miller needs play. see, we'll try and say listen, i'll let you in. if you give me something that i want within the power structures, because there's much more than just the top senior jobs as far as going to live, she will try to hold her green deal, which is be steadily chipped away by rights and unsolved right groups is progressed and that's that just the 2 sides. and i'm what she really wants is the ukraine's be a member of state. we know that that was a big thing,
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but the problem is the lens dv ukrainian prize presidents. he's been here in brussels today as well. to go to you jack perry with the latest from brussels tonight. jack, thank you. over the politics in europe to politics in south america. com has returned to bolivia and after what appears to have been a bunch to attempt the army cheat, few lead. the rebellion has been rest of the one with the head of the navy and at least 15 others. the accused qu, plodders. now if he's 20 years in prison, as rebellious troops stormed his palace yesterday, libya and president lusaka called on his countryman, women to stand up and defend their own democracy of the ramming the tools of the palace opened. 6 so that heavily on soldiers could search through inside president louise of say,
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face down the general at the head of the rebellion, ordering him to stand down. but juan, jose soon ego refused. he told reporters that his troops with their, with the mission of good and what we want to re establish democracy. it is enough that a new people have taken it over. we know made it look like they've taken us. 8 our children have no future to the people have no future world with soldiers station just outside to see to bolivia is government from within us. they appealed to the people to mobilize, defend off the coup attempt, we ask the bolivian people to react. if we need to believe you and people to organize and mobilize themselves against recruited, talk an in favor of democracy, he moved quickly as well to replace the heads of the military with his newly appointed army chief ordering soon iga soldiers to withdrawal.
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as bolivians took to the streets to support the government, the apparent 2 seemed to collapse as fast as it materialized with the would be rebels. abandoning the positions they had taken up just a few hours earlier. c with the army going, i'll say, appeared before the crowds gathered at the palace, thanking them for standing up to bolivia as democracy. they wanted to surprise us and surprise the bolivian people. as we have reacted and the mobilized people have also allowed us to reverse this coup attempt today. thank you. believe in people. the authorities move quickly to arrest the qu lita soon ego. but he told reporters that the uprising was fall from a surprise to us. vague,
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accusing him of ordering it. the president told me, the situation was bad and this week would be critical. then it was needed to prepare something to push off his and popularity. that'd be the only reason i asked him if i'm show we take the armored vehicles out and he said take them out soon. and i wasn't bundled off by police moments late to speak with bolivian justice minister, dismissing his allegations as the lines of a man seeking to justify his own actions. a very true i don't know what i'd like for morning. i'm joined by karl. meet him. he's the president, ceo of global americans, that's a non partisan think tank based in washington dc that focuses on us policy towards the americas. mr. medium, it's good to have you with this, you're in bolivia right now, so maybe you can give us some clarity here. i mean, what, what did we see happened yesterday?
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was it, and attempted to, or was it a charade? so solomon ashton's young parent. why her glory dates isn't close by. okay, yes sir. but it's close by and i'm attending the 54th general assembly of the organization of american states, where this issue has been pretty much dominant here. and the questions are really going to the reason behind the co attempt. and as you've said, many different interpretations are being given for the correct time of the attempt, which was led by general, assuming you go was primarily driven by his demands for a change in the ruling cabinet and the release of several and present opposition figures including former president jeanine on this as soon as you get claimed that his actions were a response to president arts and alleged orchestration of the crew to bolster
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his candidacy for the 2025 presidential presidential election. this is the sort of story that, that yeah, i would say most people are working with now. people alleged different thing. yeah . but i just wanna be clear on that. so you're saying that people are ours. are saying that what we, we saw happened yesterday in bolivia, was what orchestrated to increase the popularity numbers for the incumbent president. that's right. there, there is no significant proof, but there's a lot of fear, se, and uh, these things really depend on perception more than on substance. mm hm. so there's a lot of doubt in question with regards to a, you know, what is really happening in, in bolivia. is there an infrastructure in place that can
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provide clarity? i understand that leaders in the military, they've been fired. the president is still in power. so who can hold the president accountable if need be? and who can investigate independently? right, well, as you mentioned, i mean there is the question that general stringing guy was alleging that the correct tempers actually orchestrated by president. i'd say as a strategy to build popular support, but this claim suggests that you got believe that he was not going to be elated into initiating the q to serve as artist as political agenda. at this point there's a lot of the said she said with regards to this topic, and as far as the structure is concerned, i think there will be lots of questions in the next couple of days with regards to the veracity of the statements being made. i spoke with
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a former believe you and president earlier this this evening, also the former chief justice of the bolivian supreme court. and what struck me was how calm and reserved he was considering what we saw yesterday. and i asked him about that and he said, well, we have a history of a coup with him in our country. you know, it happens on a regular basis. and so the messages, this is nothing new as well. that is true. the military in bolivia has played a significant and controversial role in the countries politics event marks the 2nd time in the last 5 years that the military has intervened in civilian political matters. previously stepping in during the hours of single former president morales in 2019. the recent 2 attempts, underscores the ongoing instability and the military's influence in dictating
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governance in bolivia. so the government's assurance of control over the armed forces in an attempt to restore order and confidence. but this incident has highlighted the fragility of bolivian democracy and its institutions. i mean, this has shaken bolivia to the core. yeah. and unfortunately, we're out of time, but i hope we can talk in the future again because i am a feeling the us presidential election is also going to be very important and for what happens in bolivia in the future estimates. we appreciate your time tonight. thank you. thank you. here's a quick look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. ultra orthodox jews have protested on the streets after israel's supreme court ordered the government to draft jewish and seminary students into the military. this is a set back for prime minister benjamin. it's in yahoo that could cause a risk. it has already brittle really more coalition altered orthodox jewish
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seminary students are currently exempt from serving in the military. at least 5 people have been killed. several more injured after a trained crashed into a bus. in southern slovakia, the train was traveling from the check capital prong to boot the pension. the collision occurred near nobody's. i'm 210 kilometers east of the capital brought this last of the us president joe biden has landed in georgia for his 1st debate against donald trump in this presidential election cycle. bide, man, his predecessor will go head to head cnn's headquarters without the presence of a live studio audience that something new to you haven't spoken to each other either on a debate stage or in person since the final debate between them. back in october of 2020 when the debate has traditionally been seen as the
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beginning of the real race for the white house, but many voters say they wish that there were new other candidates running this stuff. and i, i just wish that we had better candidates i'm, i just think they're both not fit to run in office. we were built on diversity. it's a crying shame that this has come to, this is really the 4th time the joe biden. and donald trump need to the presidential debate. typically, this verbal battle for the favor of voters has done this a highlight in the campaign. this time, there's a noticeable, flat crystal excitement. this, of course, has a lot to do with the age of the 2 candidates. we just heard that most americans, one, someone younger to late that countries someone they believe is capable of finding solutions for the significant challenges we face to many public appearances need are present, invite in,
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nor former president trump seem to have the energy nor mental fitness that voters are looking for in normal election years. the vendor is determined by their ability to convincingly sell their political agenda this year. people seem to be more focus on who will make the most mistakes and provide better fodder for internet meetings . i think uh trump's gonna go on the attack on bite and i think he's gonna hit him on a lot of lot of key things. i think bite is probably gonna be a defense a lot. i hope it's substantial, but they actually discuss the real issues from an international perspective. we look closely observe their stance on china, us commitment to nato, and of course, support for ukraine. however, many americans may not even watch this 1st debate. i don't really know how meaningful it would be, but you know, people have been asking for us and so we're going to do it and they should do it. i'm not gonna watch. and because what, why,
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right to big grown men yelling at each other. you know, one's racist. you know, they are the ones a little too old. i not planning to watch it because i've seen videos and both candidates talking and both of them make me pretty sad to have the biggest challenge for both candidates. and the coming months will be to engage the double hater as those who dislike both candidates and encourage them to vote in their favor rather than up staying out of sheer frustration. when i got, i got to say to people got a vote. they just got a vote, you know, is the who, who, who do you think is the best person for the country? i just spoke with liz showcase, he's a political sciences and policy analysts in washington, dc. i asked her of people in the us. well, are they excited about what's going to be on television to? no, not really now. i think at the end of the day,
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what will come out of tonight is not swinging a bunch of new voters. it will be plains and everybody says, and the folks to bother to watch, we're going to watch regardless. and really what we'll see is engagement tomorrow around. were there any good, catchy soundbites. yeah, that's, that's the feeling that i get that, that this is going to be a big demonstration in political, performative art, if you will, if you even want to call it that or does it have anything to do with a real functioning healthy democracy? i mean, you could ask that question about the last decade as presidential debates. i don't think there has been a huge point in this entire election season where it has gotten to the nitty gritty of what it takes to read democracy. it has been barbs, it's been insult, it's been trauma and sound bites. i do think there's
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a piece of the way there structuring the debate that is trying to get to actual policy an actual substance, but in the age of social media. and specifically where we are right now as a country. ah, no it's, it's a lot of theater. yeah. yeah. the last time that these 2 men were in the same room was, i think it was october 2020 at their last debate times have changed since then. so we have the rules for presidential debates. there will be no live audience. and tonight, very structured. they will have to be on their best behavior. and if we do get to a substantive discussion, what in your opinion are the issues that do need to be targeted? as i think you know, they're different for both sides. i think what americans need to focus on is actually what their data is. lives will look like voting rights, the economy, women's rights. so those are the issues that probably wouldn't most impact
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americans. trump is going to try to hone in on what his base wants to see and bite, and i think is gonna really focus on women's rights and the threat to democracy in hearing it really, truly who these people are. some of the things that have been said by trump at his riley is he going to repeat them? some of the more incendiary ostrich script things if you can repeat them on a nationally televised debate, because that might be a real insight into oh, he's serious. so he means this um and, and by and can he do this level of debate and if he can, alright, maybe he has to stay of an effort for more years. is then at the end of the day, is that what we're looking for? we're looking for 2 elderly men, one whether or not he has to stamina for the moment, the other, whether or not he can keep his composure for the moment if, if it's either these does not cash in tonight. um,
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do you think that that will swing voters opinions come election day? it's i think the only swaying here will be it's something kind of out rages or on the far end. unlikely to happen happens, right. i think finds team will be looking for a sound bite, they can run on campus on ads between now and november. does he say something that is maybe more of things, he typically tells his insight years, and he's gonna say it on a national stage. does biden completely flooded if he does, there might be more to say on that, but should have kind of an outrage. his experience on either side. i think this isn't that substantial in the list. the timing events mean is this is very early for a presidential debate. and he, we know you and i both know that what can happen between now and election day in november. we haven't even had the,
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the party conventions yet. so what's the point of having this debate now? that's a great question and a great way to phrase it, and it is a reminder, this is only in the game and yet always heard all year so far as where's the presidential debate, where's the, where's the campaigns campaigns haven't even started? and i think this sense of the people on the ground are like, oh no, watching your what are we doing about this is because there was not a verb us primary on either side. the primary season. it's kind of unprecedented to leave early. and so folks need to be a little bit more plugged in. i cannot remember a year where we had any presidential debate before august. yeah. so you're completely right. um. yeah, just setting it up a little early. this is very early, very early indeed. they shall, can joining us from watches and lives as always. we appreciate your time and your analysis. thank a football fans are gearing up for the non count stages of the european championships here in germany,
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wherever they are from the fans of the final 16 teams have been showing their support on the streets and it hasn't especially true for the teams. considered the under adult celebrations and listen to the caressed as rumania makes it through to the knockout stages. it was a fraud and moving it, especially when not in school. an unforgettable moment without the turkish funds in humbug, but also jubilant. following the teams qualification for the final 16 gemini house below just diaspora of tax living outside turkey. so many of them this feels like a homecoming is the good news for years here. when i really severe in the diverse measures in the
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ownership team this year with the, the, even the was the tournaments under dogs, out performing expectations to teams like easily and fronts that started out his favorites. underwhelming french defend william sleeva to 9 to the illness was the reason that they are under performing started booking. i wouldn't say we're sick, otherwise we wouldn't be in the last 16 and of course both teams can do better. but here we are in the final 16, we're going to play a big game on monday, and it's in these games that we're going to prove that we deserve to be here. and that we deserve to go all the way. maybe did you know maybe that it is global?
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the england team also feeling the pressure which they are trying to alleviate before the next big game. and we just spoke to his yoga, the yoga fan football. you're watching the w news after short break. he'll be back to take you through the day, stick around, we will be right back. the
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happy go lucky guy on the outside, but still home just by child to true. my on the inside. the same is a victim of sexual abuse. that's abuse, subject and this whole country on the wrong ask what almost as honest channel cause or stomach, i mean, she takes the brave step to speak his truth. and i hug you in 45 minutes on d, w, the
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this shadows these costs and videos, head lice on the dog history. the devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the scorched post, tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the coming 0 times excels 3 tons. people have a stories of my right kind of matter. so she gave a flu need routine message into here language english kind items are feed us complex doors to have 5, each kind of main district supplies and she does pull the offices. that's $0.10 a piece of interest chip. no,
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because their insurance is only for the technical team. charged 3 generations. one, jenny starts july 7th on d. w. it has been a week of grand european gestures for ukraine on tuesday talks began a bit ukraine one day joining the you today. the you and ukraine signed joint security commitments, long term commitments, but you credit the president for them is zalinski. he's wellbeing for near term commitments to be on or commitment such as or weapons and munition. he says that is the only way you grains military will be able to push back russian forces in the near and long term member and go from berlin. this is the day the .


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