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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 28, 2024 2:00am-2:02am CEST

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the way officer rules, the environment is not responsible make up your own mind, dw, made for mines. the . this is due to be news and these are our top stories. and your leaders have nominated ortho live on the line for a 2nd term as president of the european commission. former portuguese prime minister antonio costa will be the future head of the european council. while a stoney and prime minister, kind of call us, is likely to become the next use. foreign policy chief, the parliament still needs to approve underlines domination in a secret ballot. ukraine's president's lot of men's lensky indian, you leaders have signed a security agreement and brussels. it's meant to assure support for ukraine in the
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future as it continues its battle against russia. so wednesday sees the summit as marketing the formal star to talks about ukraine itself. becoming a member of the u. you as president joe biden and his predecessor, donald trump, have arrived in georgia ahead of their 1st presidential bait debate in this election cycle. they'll go head to head and cnn's headquarters without the presence of a studio audience. the 2 haven't spoken to each other either on a debate stage or in person since the final debate between them. ahead of the 2020 elections. this is more of that. you're watching due to be news from berlin. you'll find much more on our website, dw, dot com. the it has been a week of grand european gestures for ukraine on tuesday talks began a bit ukraine one day joining the you today. the you and ukraine signed joint
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security commitments, long term commitments, but ukraine's president hold of ms. lewinsky. he's wellbeing for near term commitments to be on or commitment such as or weapons. and ammunition. he says that is the only way ukraine's military will be able to push back russian forces in the near and long term and bring gulf from berlin. this is the day, the volume, the position to make some announcements. thanks to you and of course, to all that lead, there are still the you for such just story call to come the put it the to reason of the people of the printer, georgia you. if that's by the way of.


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