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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  June 28, 2024 2:02am-2:31am CEST

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the you and ukraine signed joint security commitments, long term commitments, but you credit the president for them is zalinski is he's wellbeing for near term commitments to be on or commitment such as or weapons. and ammunition. he says that is the only way you crane's military will be able to push back russian forces in the near and long term and bring gulf and berlin. this is the day, the volume, the position to make some notes minutes, thanks to you and of course, to all that lead, there are some of the you for such just story call to come the put it the to reason of the people of the printer, georgia you, if that's by the way about the wireless, we qualified it for more minutes. we support the to so small financial support. we waited for these long periods of time.
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also coming up a short lived attempt at a military coup in bolivia, leads the president in office. but the country really they wanted to surprise us and surprise the bolivian people. as we have reacted and the mobilized people have also allowed us to reverse this coup attempt today. thank you. believe in people to our viewers watching on p b. s in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with their share of security, the european union and ukraine have signed a joint security agreement. it's meant to assure support for ukraine in the future as it continues its battle against russia. the deal includes existing new
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initiatives such as training of ukrainian soldiers, but they are also long term commitments such as supplying ukraine with artillery and air defense systems. it's best for the firm show of support from the european union to ukraine, the signing office security pack between the ukranian president and do you need us to display you spelled out from, is to support you train for as long as it takes and as intensely as needed specifically to convince the 9 children to mind any particular would be the way of trying to lead the resources calling from russia for those n s. you came from this reforms, point sampling in the area of security, intelligence and defense. without them used to lensky joins the national head. so if you use states and governments and their summit to argue that everything is put to work immediately against russia's full scale invasion of this country,
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we will discuss today with the leaders, with lenders about our next task. and of course, the, the urgent things air defense. that is why and of course, all of their packages, thanks to all the partners, what we had signed the door accepted, but we need them urgently on the battlefield. earlier this week, the 27 country block announced 2400000000 euros in military ad for ukraine to be delivered by the end of the year. coming from the prophets of russian assets ceased in europe. talks on you try and joining the you also officially got underway this week. though, the accession negotiations could take years or even decades to conclude with the joint security deal with the european union could become ukraine's most important insurance policy and a worst case scenario. worst case would be losing massive military and economic support from the united states following
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a truck when in november's presidential election of the war rages in ukraine. 27 months after russia's invasion, ukraine's been running short of soldiers, munition, and money president for a lot of them is a landscape, been trying to fix that and generate commitments for support after the war is over, traveling relentlessly to sign security agreements. he's met with western leaders across europe in recent weeks. so landscape has signed 17 bilateral deals so far. germany agree to a 10 year security agreement, pledging equipment including air defense muscles, as well as health rebuilding months of the conflict is over. france signed a similar 10 year deal, helping with training, sending jet fighters, military vehicles and missiles, but also promising to help ukraine against future attacks and to reform its
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institutions. in belgium is the landscape secured pledges for dozens of f. 16 fighters. this all came as ukraine's biggest backer of the us, also signed a 10 year deal guaranteeing military assistance. the deals with individual countries are meant not just to beef up ukraine's military, but also to strengthen cooperation. preparing the way for membership one day in nato and the you, the block and it's member countries have already provided support worth nearly $110000000000.00 since the war started. for ukraine, the stakes couldn't be higher, no longer how long the war lasts. it will eventually need to rebuild it shattered infrastructure and make sure it came to turbo tax in the future. so i'm joined now by here to read it from keith. she's a member of the crating parliament and she is leader of the political party or low security. it's good to have you. back on the program, your president,
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president zalinski and the european union. they've now signed a joint security accord. this looks good on paper, but what about on the battlefield? what's more important right now? weapons, or these grand gestures that are coming from brussels. hello, brad, thank you so much for having me. well, the answer is both are important and they are related because these are not only just are those security agreements, they have actually the essence. and this essence is to get a i, we, we bring in soldiers more weapons and supplies. and this is the number one in the all the security agreements. the president lensky signed a same as in the security agreement between ukraine and you to get us weapons and to quote, president, to get all the political promises executed. this is what we really,
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really need and the rest of the things are very important, but is all the secondary. because the main thing said vs politicians needs to get to our people, use the reference to fight with. you have as many check system as jim in waiting to work. let me ask you about the war zalinski. he was at the front line only yesterday. he says that the russian defensive in har, safe shows the international pressure on moscow is not strong enough. so what should european countries, what should you be doing that it's not doing so well, 1st of all, to get us old of our funds. as i said, the 2nd point is to provide us with very much necessary, patrick michelle systems and our, the defense systems. so we can protect our seduce and we can help our soldiers fighting to the front and desert point inspections. if brushing is able to produce
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weapons and supplies, it means they're able to buy a technologist in particles that they are not supposed to be able to do. and this means the sanctions are not working as well as they were supposed to. there are some loopholes and they need to be closed. there needs to be a way of getting a russian assets that are being frozen in the european union. in toronto, we have most very far in the mattress using their percentages, the profit of these assets. but we need to refresh all the money and make sure that we're using them. so we're good to stop russia. and these are all the points that are um, listed in the security agreements. and this is actually in plain words, what prison zaleski was explaining to all the partners that we are so grateful for everything that is being done. but to get the results rest of the seats, we need to have more things done right now. let me ask you about your country and
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possible membership in the european union. ukraine's top su indigo shader, says that the process of ukraine's the session to the you is irreversible and that it represents the will of the ukrainian people. i can imagine that you would agree with that statement, but i mean, how do you want to find that as a, as a phrase. now we know that more than 80 percent of ukrainians supports you. praise accession to your end around this number also supports our expression to nato. and at this will is very important because it reminds us that the water did not start in 2020 choice circuits in 2014. when people express their will to join the union and lots to remain connected to the restaurant. and right now we are in the process of actually executing going there. we'll will think of
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a country as close as possible to be you members. and i think within this last 2 years, we have made the progress. there's no one ever would have believed she truly have done that. let me just let me be a devil's advocate for a moment here. listen. could these in the membership towards the back fire? could they make it easier for vladimir putin to in the war and not give back territory in eastern ukraine? or i do not see how that would be happening. so the reason for that, again, the new brain are so hoping that people are willing to fight and are against giving up on any territories. and uh, uh, the, your talks z a do mandatory forms from us that we are willing to do by the never in demand as giving up the territories. alright, president was very clear and i seems if you need to right now was in the ukrainian
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politicians and also people on the matter. okay. worst case scenario before you, before we run out of time, donald trump becomes us president in november. us military aid for ukraine, dries up pressure from vladimir putin and donald trump grows for you to accept the partitioning of your country. what role will this security commitment, this joint security commitment with the european union? what role that play that we hold that it will be executed much earlier. and we will by the time, receive much more weapons that we are getting right now. and most important air defense systems. yeah. potential change in the united states as a uh, as the opportunity to for us. so i wouldn't be set pessimistic on the matter. right . well yeah, you have to be, but you have to be an optimist that you're going to be in politics. that is for sure. here roodick
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a member of the crate in parliament care is always we appreciate your time. i appreciate you speaking with us this evening. thank you. have a one now. very welcome. should unemployed ukrainian, refugees here in germany be allowed to stay with some german conservative party. lawmakers say no, they should go home. but you korean say they want to stay and they want to work. but they claim german bureaucracy is getting in their way. alexys been working as a technician in the berlin hotel since 2022. shortly after he fled to ukraine. it's a job he's overqualified for, but glad to have out of. but for me, issue sure can. as for me, what means i can be a real citizen and the city has a start. it sure truly am i doing my best for the economy yourself? uh jesus thought alexi is in the minority around 22 percent of the working
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h. ukrainian refugees in germany have a drop now, alexander doable in a senior figure and the conservative position is calling for unemployed. ukrainian . refugees to be sent back. he's been widely content. that's the focus, but i'm blank. i really see a populace. and on the back of the mothers and can i select the russian attacks with a small children? i'm going flores and it's not really cutoff jump to help those very people get jobs in germany. she finds dublin statement problematic as the ones or the ones that you shouldn't put them all on to blanket suspicion. in my opinion, all ukrainians have become an object. and these are different cases and different people into the she some are quicker on the labor market and others of slower on the labor market from lunch and then quickly others both slowly and a long time off really cover help or look, see, find his job. she says there are other hurdles from childcare to long waits for
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ukrainians to have the qualifications recognized by german or far a t. somebody needs to longer. if we didn't wait so long, it didn't take so long to process, or if we found quicker models to enable nursery school teachers to work quickly in kindergarten, then we would have see much foster labor market entry all interested of. it's about the enter the scene for lexi knows there's 2. well, he trained as an accountant and ukraine, but has been waiting for months for his diploma to be recognized. nothing is clicked and i want to develop myself from this uh, on my experience as a technician isn't good enough. then i'll try working as an accountant regatta advisor. know, look at it, but it's like him that the economy is crying out for. and the mood among the ukrainian community is that with a few tweaks to the system that could lead to more alexys
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calm has returned to bolivia after what appears to have been a bunch to attend the army chief who led the 3 hour rebellion on wednesday. he has been arrested along with the head of the navy. the 2 men now faced 20 years behind bars, bolivians watched on wide television as rebellious trib store of the presidential palace. and that's when the president louise r. k ordered soldiers to stand down and he called them bolivians to stand up for their own democracy. ramming the tools of the palace opened. 6 so that heavily on soldiers could search through inside president louise of say, face down the general at the head of the rebellion, ordering him to stand down. but juan, jose soon ego refused. he told reporters that his troops was there with the mission
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hotel. we want to re establish democracy. it is enough that a new people have taken it over. we know, i mean, it look like they've taken us. all of our children have no future to the people have no future rule with soldiers stationed just outside to see to bolivia is government from within us. they appeal to the people to mobilize, defend off the coup attempt, we ask the bolivian people to react. we needs to believe young people to organize and mobilize themselves against dakota, taught an in favor of democracy. he moved quickly as well to replace the heads of the military with his newly appointed army chief ordering soon iga soldiers to withdrawal. as bolivians took to the streets to support the government, the apparent 2 seemed to collapse as fast as it materialized with the would be rebels. abandoning the positions they had taken up just a few hours earlier with the
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army gone uh say, appeared before the crowd scans of the palace, thanking them for standing up for bolivia is democracy. they wanted to surprise us and surprised the bolivian people. we have reacted and the mobilized people have also allowed us to reverse this to attempt today. thank you. believe in people. the authorities moved quickly to arrest the qu lita soon ega. but he told reporters that the uprising was fall from a surprise to us, vague, accusing him of ordering it. the president told me the situation was bad and this we could be critically. and then it was needed to prepare something to push off his
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and popularity. but other than that, to me for the reason i asked him if i show we take the armored vehicles out and he said take them out soon. and it wasn't bundled off by police moments later big with bolivians, justice minister, dismissing his allegations as the lines of a man seeking to justify his own actions. a very true i don't know who i spoke with former ability in the president eduardo rodriguez vill to say this evening and i asked him if he knew exactly what happened yesterday in his country and why thank you for the interview yesterday. it was very unfortunate and a frustrating happening for the bolivian people grant to tell you we're going through the longest democratic period of, you know, a republican history. we just got a one happened in late in 2019 and quinn again. military chief aust able morales to the step aside from the presidency.
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we thought that that would never happen again. but again, yesterday we saw this extraordinary show. busy media covered in slow motion. we thought of the, the other happenings in the rest of the country. so it was a, do you think or do you think it was a crew? was it it attempted to, as i would say, it was an attempt to do, but uh, the whole matter is being taken to justice. the congress has to request a step to make a thorough review of what happened. so there are many loose ends in this uh, happening and uh, it is again, a very unfortunate happening because it shows how fragile the government and some of them will probably institutions are. you say, loose ends the, the army cheats. if edward were trying to understand the chain of events yesterday,
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is it really credible that the army chief would carry out a crew without being sure that he could hold out for more than just a few hours? me do you question his intention definitely. we saw in the, our long piece 3 of uh who did that so they didn't happen to weigh things. so when to yesterday, usually it's well planned, strategically operated, so things kind of move forward. but yesterday showed mostly a general who was upset about he's being removed from his supposed, requesting the cabinet change and having a talk with the pricing to investigate of the government office. so it's a, it was rather strange to say the least. yeah, you're talking about general um zuniga. i think this is his name. he exclaimed,
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the president instructed him to stage an uprising in order to improve his falling approval ratings. so you know, stage a crew so that's your popularity goes up as well. i hope it doesn't go that way. so certainly believing and people he's frustrated because again, the military was stake and we're taking the streets hopefully in the media. that's not we go, that's not democratic. but anyway, time will tell across the really happened with general, assuming you go on president our say, hopefully we see the have upfront spire into the due process that will open up things. and again, we need to enhance our institution. so this will not happen again. miss present if you will allow me to say you seemed very calm. i'm considering that
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just 24 hours ago. less than 24 hours ago. the military where the general was tried to take over the country. and it's kind of explained to our viewers where you're getting this sense of, of calmness from after so much turmoil in the last 24 hours. yes. the actually so thing the things calm down uh yesterday. uh, just uh, a few hours after the attempt to take over the government's uh main uh, our office thinks went back to normal when the most social lumens, the unions who called for a general strike decided to call them off. and things, uh, people went uh back to their homes. there were a lot of, uh,
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movements to get uh, to the supermarkets, to get food supplies are the atm machines about southern b once the general assume they go, was arrested, thinks went back to normal. that's the reason why this an attempt to, to seemed so strange that it was just a few times or arm of vehicles that made an attempt to get in. but the southern bleed they were gone. so people realized that this needs to be, explain, at some point to things are of the court, the rights and the courts right now. so i guess it was a failed attempt to do something and it happened on live television. the entire country was watching it as we were watching. so people that even compared it to a tell them novella. but let me ask you, do you think the military in your country though? do you think that the military has too much power and are,
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are you reassured by the fact that some of these generals have been fired? so i should start by saying, uh, the throughout our history next year will be 200 years of uh, independence uh, open, i mean, defendant for public we have those ins of the dots, mostly the by the military. it's, it's an institution that to my understanding needs to be over hold. they do have power because they do get up uh, jimmy or scott from the national budget being this very needy country with lots of challenges so. so in my personal view, the long history of military coups that still make attempts to gain power needs to be review by the politician side by the people. eventually, these probably should call for a renewal of a fire constitution or,
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or something of that sort. ok from oblivion. president edwardo rodriguez van say, mister president, we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight. thank you or you're welcome. thank you. bye bye. so today continues online. you'll find this on x, also known as twitter and youtube. the news you can follow me and brent golf tv and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody the,
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to the point strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective, direct set to be elephant in the room ahead of the case upcoming election, so let's talk about it. what is the state of the nation more than 4 years after leaving the you and pretty labor government offer a fresh start trying us this week on to the point to the point. ok, think next on d, w, you broke the camella dice, family gave the world the secrets of shown discovery has
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helped in the fights against infectious diseases comes to therapy and all the time . the really like the not about is are the key i'm story should find camel. none of the in 45 minutes on d, w the, the coming 0 strange excels 3 trans people. stories of my right trans matters. so she didn't with new napartine leslie into here which kind items are nice, feed us complex doors to have 5 these kind of mean these types of guys should, is pulling up this from sense of the sort of addition chip. no,
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because i trust only the number 2 because there's only 4 to technical church, 3 generations. one, jenny starts july 7th on dw, the much of the british political class and media don't seem to want to touch the issue. breakfast, the elephant in the room ahead of the u. case upcoming elections. so what state is pruitt's? what is the state of britain more than 4 years after leaving the u. haul, suggest the british are fed up with prime minister wishes to now and has conservative tories 14 years and power fixing the cost of living crisis and health care with the n h. s. our top priorities for voters. and what about for exit campaigners promise to reduce migration the labor party is candidate.


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