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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 28, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the, the, this is didi news live from berlin, joe biden. and donald trump face off the us presidents taking on his predecessor and office in the 1st televised debate before the november election. many voters said they're not keen on either candidates. we'll have team coverage. also on our show, you leaders nominate or slough on the line for a 2nd term as commission president had what's expected to be a close confirmation boat in the european parliament. the
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hello and welcome to our show. i'm assuming, due to the in berlin, we begin in the us state of georgia. we just use the 1st presidential debate between joe biden and donald trump has just begun. biden. and his predecessor are going head to head with polls, showing them in a tight race for the white house. how did the election in november, the 2 oldest presidential candidates ever have 90 minutes to try and win over voters with both historically unpopular among the public? that's according to polls. the debate is taking place at the cnn headquarters in atlanta without a studio audience. presidential debates are traditionally a must see part of the race for the white house. but this year many voters say they've already tuned out. and i, i just wish that we had the better candidates i'm, i just think they're both not fit to run in office. we were built on diversity. it's a crying shame that this has come to, this is really the 4th time the joe biden. and donald trump need to the
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presidential debate. typically, this verbal battle for the favor of motors. you've done this a highlight in the component this time, there's a noticeable lakers excitement. this of course has a lot to do with the age of the 2 candidates. we've just heard that most americans, when someone younger to late, that countries someone they believe is capable of finding solutions for the significant challenges we face to many public appearances. neither presses invited nor former president. trump seem to have the energy nor mental fitness that voters are looking for in normal election years. the vendor is determined by their ability to convincingly sell their political agenda this year. people seem to be more focus on who will make the most mistakes and provide better fodder for engine . that means i think uh trump's gonna go on the attack on bite. and i think he's
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gonna hit him on a lot of lot of key things. i think biden's probably gonna be in the defense a lot. i hope it's substantial, but they actually discuss the real issues from an international perspective. we look closely of serve their stance on china, us commitment to nato, and of course, support for ukraine. however, many americans may not even watch this 1st debate. i don't really know how meaningful it would be. but you know, people who've been asking for us and so we're going to do it and they should do it . i'm not going to watch and because what, why, right to big grown men yelling at each other. you know, one's racists, you know, they are the ones a little too old. i'm not planning to watch it. uh, i've seen videos and both can. it's talking and both of them make me pretty sad to have the biggest challenge for both candidates and the coming months will be to in the age, the double hater,
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as those who dislike both candidates and encourage them to vote in their favor rather than up staying out of sheer frustration. well, i got, i got to say to people got a vote. they just got a vote. you know, is the who, who, who do you think is the best person for the culture. and his pulse sent us that report and she joins me now from our washington bureau, also on hand, or janelle to malone. she's at a democratic watch party in dc. and benjamin alvarez goober, who's that, a republican watch party, also in washington, dc. green c o n a. so let's begin with you line up line up for us what the stakes are tonight. all right, so you would stay here in the united states, and that is definitely the beginning of the decisive stage of this election year. you know, november 5th might seem a far away, but it's not especially not for joe biden, who is deeply struggling to not only convince undecided voters to vote for him,
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but actually also long standing democrats to stay with him. the outcome of the election could be decided by a few was 1000 votes in battle ground states. so me the candidate can really afford to lose this 1st debate. janelle poll show that joe biden is slightly behind. what is his biggest focus in this debate? you know, we've been hearing, it's even in the run up to this debate, not it's going to be very important for us to invite him to send this sort of contract between himself and donald trump. now of course, that sounds very august. these are binary choices, of course, they're going to want to different check themselves from each other. but reading this is going to be important for joe biden. his message is going to be donald trump, is about for the voters about for the country, for democracy, and that he's going to be telling voters, donald trump doesn't care about you self. and it's rich read at a time where you are suffering from living or he is going to point 6. as
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a reason to doubt donald trump's commitment to the law for seats is going to change the agent as a person with a criminal record. and it does not serve to be in the white house, is message is going to be an agency and the mom while and you know, trump is going to be the candidate and the one that sounds sort of the social, political and moral. benjamin oliver, as goober trump, as an agent of chaos, his supporters love that kind of lack of script. but the same time we know that he's trying to win over independent voters with this debate. can we expect him to be a bit more disciplined tonight? we it depends on who you ask, which many of the goes on screens and especially this set thing usually during this presidential. i mean all the rules before it starts donald's, and these are allowed to have a written note on that desk. yeah, no problem. just so all of them need to improvise when they answer the question of
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steps. of course, the 2nd trump profits a lot from we've heard him in several different events. he talks to people in the audience, calls people out there to talk a few changes from what it's always to another. so this is definitely a setting that also helps, and she really likes it and promising all of the events that he attends so he knows back to you. you know, so much of these campaigns are really about who is fit for office and who is not fit for office. can we expect us debate to really touch issues in any meaningful way? well, you know, it will ultimately come down to how on the side of voters feel off to, to now to how they feel, who performed better and who seems to be more fit for office issues that will come up tonight. it will include the economy, of course, as always of a, to military conflicts in ukraine, and is ro, and of course, also abortion rights. this is a huge topic here in the united states ever since
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a nation wide abortion protection a goes over a rule by the supreme court some 3 years ago in this topic. it's much trickier for donald trump is he needs on the one that the support from the vin jellicoe load of blocked when the election and they are, of course, strictly against abortion. but they also needs many other republicans, especially women who wanted to support the right to get an abortion. so we will definitely watch this topic and the debate around is very, very closely at the same time, we know the fitness for office really is an overarching theme in this campaign. janelle, back to you, you know, biden's age has really been under scrutiny. although both these tenants are quite old, is it safe to say that any gas to night for this debate are more likely to cost him than gas wood? for trump? that is completely inherited safety. of course, proving has natural fitness, physical tasks for him to nights, and he has to be able to show that he has
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a physical how to a few at each tier 3 or 4 more years at the white house of very, very under reading jobs. so if there is a version of it and his last date of the union address, most vigorous saw he was full of energy, was clicked on, his being able to respond to attempts to unsettled handles, which we expect there will be plenty to night. ready so that is at the top of course of the, in a sense democracy policy of the defense, the defense of reproductive rights, or what he says isn't going to be as important as how this has been. and that is the task. that is the thing that voters will be watching out. all right, you just wrap it up for it who has the most to gain tonight, biden, or trump? well, the debate, of course, is crucial for both sides as nobody really expects. well thought out a totally different concept from donald trump might be
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a little easier for him to come out of the winter event for joe biden, because he can not make any major glitches over the course of these long, 90 minutes. all right, well have to leave it there for now. he just pulled janelle do malone and benjamin alvarez. goober, thank you all. all right, and shifting gears you leaders meeting in brussels have endorsed candidates to fill the blocks top jobs. they've nominated ortho left on the line for a 2nd term as president of the european commission. former portuguese prime minister antonio costa will be the head, the future head rather of the european council. well, as tony and prime minister k, a call us is likely to become the next e use the rather the use next foreign policy chief who about to much solar can serve it from all to a is meanwhile, expected to be elected for a 2nd term as president of the parliament where some of the nominations for top posts have yet to be confirmed in the coming secret ballot. the whole dw correspond
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to jack park and brussels told us what it will take for ortho left on the line to become president of the european commission for the 2nd time. what you'll need to basically courier enough to support, make sure she gets those votes from her own political party and keep the socialist on line in line. what's interesting here tonight, what's happened to this summit? the was the voters among the other leaders as well because it's all these georgia maloney, the prime minister. we know that she actually abstained the co sources that told me that she abstained on approving the appointment of us live on the line. going forward. the hod right group that was known as the e. c. i agree with any european parliament with georgia miller, and these policy sits within they are seen in quite upset the they didn't, despite the miss the biggest policy in the european parliament. we expect this dose and changing focus on how they will group together. she felt that they deserved one of these top jobs, but instead is going to a sense, a right to christian democrats,
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a socialist, and to a liberal politician. so the abstention really say some says something. it means that the italians, one in favor and is quite ready for a big economy like it leads to not to prove the european commission president in the vote like we saw here tonight. how did, how, how that will affect things going forward. but it will show you that the relationship between the italian prime minister and the, the future commission president, if she gets approved us live on the line that may be rocky going forward. i'm assuming that funded line does when, what can we expect from her and from the commission in the coming 5 years. so it's a high priority, and we actually had a the, the ukranian pregnant, the president brought him, it is a landscape here in brussels that the summit today, high priority is to get ukraine in new york in union. we so that members it to stop . but that will have to overcome a veto specifically by the hun, gary and prime minister of it to old on who is basically said he's opposed to
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everything that's happened today, including funded lives nomination, including many of the other things that have happened. the gardens are often opposing things, but nobody was able to veto this show. also try and get her green deal back on track. there was some chips away of some of the green deal agenda to try and make the european union the 1st climate and mutual confidence as the priority to us of on the line. she'll have a lot of pressure to do that. and specifically as well, what we know going forward, and we've heard it in, in the press conference is off of this summit, is that the issue of security and defense is going to be a priority. it's widely expected that in the next you repeat and commission that will be a specific sort of unit by defense of security, which that has an ever being really specifically in your opinion before how that will look, how that shape that will be in the, on the lines, image fixed, you can part about your past that you are problem. if i drop park and brussels, thank you very much. let's have
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a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the researchers in china have opened the tongue. ah, 6 lunar pro, better ceremony, and begging it, return to earth. on tuesday, after collecting the 1st ever samples from the far side of the moon, the rock in soil samples are expected to help scientist understanding of how the moon formed and evolved over time. us space agency, nasa has commissioned a lot most company space specs to help the orbit the international space station in 2030 essentially bringing it to a controlled crash on earth to end its operations. the i assess, has been operated by nasa in the space agencies of canada, japan, russia, and europe for around a quarter of a century continuing to move further and further away. finally, to alton, illinois and united states where a mass of sinkhole has opened up in the middle of a football field. it measures some 30 meters wide and 9 meters deep, and it swallowed a light pole, and bleachers on the pitch. and no injuries have been reported. officials say the
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field was laid on top of the limestone mind, which could have caused the collapse stands. the reason that's it for us will be back soon with more headlines. in the meantime, checks out a line you w. com. the can you see is what old card tires have to do with the production. here's a hands on the real media watch now on youtube.


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