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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  June 28, 2024 5:30am-6:01am CEST

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the, the do not to them depend the stats july 18th on dw, the, they tend to be in the early thirties, mail, well educated, or in more than average. i usually live in the countryside. these are the typical buyers of electric vehicles in germany. they are also more environmentally conscious, or at least tend to use more environmentally friendly cleaning products according to one study. but how about everyone else? to more conservative people tend to buy diesel or gasoline powered vehicles instead . and what's it like in the us? more on that in a moments often made today. china driving for it to you independence india has some women are becoming drone, pilots,
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and a professional game or how jenny wants to become a world champion a more powerful the engine goes a lot quicker. but she was like, in years when it comes to electric vehicles in america, california leads to charge more than a 3rd of electric vehicles in the country are sold, teen or the city a family drives, a 160 kilometers to our workplace with their easy when she has to be there in person like from any other california. it's either used as a norm in her immediate circle, the my in laws for the 1st that i knew personally that had task was. so i got it myself and then and within
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a few months my system got one. and then even though my parents didn't really like test those themselves within a i guess, and that's been 2 years now. but within 2 years they, um, they decided to get an e b as well. i think that the way the prices are dropping on electric cars and with more available charters. i don't see why it wouldn't be adopted more widely in 2022. california is also the 1st to announce that all new cars as cds and pickup trucks have to generate 0 tail pipe emissions by 2035. effectively binding the sale of new gas powered cars. many here are receptive tvs for various reasons. so it's not just environmentally beneficial, but also look, enjoy just as much more expensive in california than the rest of the us as well. so maybe that's why people real quick to adopt it as well as comfortable it's, it's nice especially with the autopilot and all of that. but then there's the rest
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of the country to consider us or california only 16 other states plus washington dc have adopted similar 0 emission schools. the barton administration's target is for 56 percent of all new car sales in the us to be electric by 2032 with another 15 percent for plug in hybrids. but with less than 8 percent of national sales are going to electric cars. it's clear that americans will need some convincing until that tyson germany is the vice president of consumer intelligence firm j. d power. and he says, geography and cost considerations play a major role in easy acceptance through the coastal markets or the big the markets . what we're missing is everything in the middle, which tends to be a very big part of the market. then. additionally, if these are still fairly expensive, uh, your average e v loan and united states has $52000.00 compared to about $40000.00 for an icy e load. so there's a big gap there for the recent decision to effectively start cheaper,
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tying these electric vehicles out of the us market via terrace lead, bear the difficult balance, the biden administration has to strike between wanting ag prices to go down to help mass adoption. but also needing to protect the wes automotive industry in a way that ends up keeping prices higher than they would be. then if there were more supply, chinese ease would offer a very cheap alternative immediately. but we're trying to get to a new industry here sustainably. and also means bringing in because existing players and existing plants last thing we want to do is turn the whole industry over and have a significant unemployment on the manufacturing side of the auto industry. while all that production shifts over to china. but critics of the biden administration's e v policy say that the tariffs point to a lack of strategic coherence lawrence policy is an industry observer, known for his vocal take downs of tesla and founder. these tariffs, which seem to be a policy of war with itself, because on the one hand,
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we want to encourage not my view, but the government. so you, we want to encourage eaves and renewables with solar panels, etc. and on the other hand, we're making them more expensive. that's kind of internally inconsistent. it's a logical one fact. okay. it's crazy. so it was never really about reducing emissions. it's about supporting american industry and profit companies, american companies. so bottom line is that washington wants as many of these on the road as possible, as long as they're americans for the government. let approach is also running up against ideological roadblocks. the survey from gallop shows democrats representing a greater share of the owners, are potential the owners. on the other side, a clear majority of republicans said they would not. the one in the, in this election year, the presumptive republican presidential candidate donald trump has repeatedly attacked the current governments electrification goals. the 1st day. i promise you, i will sign with the electric vehicle mandate is gun lawrence policy also thinks
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the polarization of eagles could impact the vote for some powder. listen, this election is going to be decided that the margins and for some voters it is important. they think that the policies very misguided, they're offended by the fact that the subsidies have gone primarily to the welfare people who have the higher tax rates. and that's a, that's really offensive to them. you'll have to fight expos, a traveling e mobility festival, in part at winning over the skeptics. it stops all over the country. they're showing here in california is probably largely an exercise and preaching to the choir. but mike murphy is a republican strategist, motivated by convincing conservatives to embrace the without whom he says the targets cannot reach toilet the map shows if you can't get republicans to accept that there aren't enough democrats to buy that many cars. the average democrat would have to buy a 129 percent electric. they need to have one and a 3rd of
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a car to get there. so if you don't break well, we called the red wall, the republican political resistance among rank and file consumers. you're never going to hit the targets and then for going through to the republicans. mike murphy has some advice for the democrats, and it's to lean into messaging around jobs. and it's kind of focusing on the climate. married people like these kinds of climate, but they already know that you don't have to spend marketing money. they've got to undo the republicans making your powers. and by changing the subject in the campaign to jobs, american manufacturing jobs. there's an incredible story in the most important presidential states that will pick the president, georgia, michigan, arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin, a body be manufacturing, georgia. i think it's over $25000000000.00, a new job investment, michigan. another very important state for the presidential campaign. silver. 17000000000. nobody knows. so the, the issue if it can become an american jobs issue during this election,
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can help joe biden. and it can slow down donald trump, the road to mass adoption as easy as marks with the economic and political stevens that could potentially slow the achievement of the biden administrations and vicious goals. but how soon america gets there, or whether it gets there at all, will depend very much on the cell and how much they are along to the right? because your laptop ever had a virus, then you know just how dangerous the damage can be. for some companies that were side on, such as a bicycle manufacturer or a cloud provider, and even meant going out of business. according to big con losses due to cyber crime, in germany alone, amount to over 200000000000 euros every year. but what exactly is industrial espionage and how does that work? the espionage mean spying on
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science and industry. the secret service is tried to help their country's economy to gain a competitive advantage. fields like the automotive defense, aerospace and deviation in districts. small and medium sized companies are also damaged by espionage. very few of them do enough to sufficiently protect themselves . espionage can save a country the lengthy research and expensive development cost. it's different than competitive espionage, like when to companies buy on each other. some intelligent services are obliged by law to support their country's economy, like in russia and china. others are expressly forbidden, like in germany. countries that are highly developed technologically, are primarily trying to research corporate and market strategies. less developed countries focus on gaining technical expertise. the damage competitors are suddenly
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able to offer the same product, putting profitability at risk, to the point where it threatens competitiveness. but how does espionage work? classic espionage entails the physical contract with and manipulation of the company employees. that goal is obtaining the confidential information about technology that the company uses, so it can be hacked or manipulated. it even includes burglars and in our digital lives world, the risk of industrial espionage can only increase the u. s. doesn't want to be spied on either, especially by china. that's why u. s. companies are no longer supplying chips. the chinese smartphone manufacturer white way. the u. s. government also wants to increase terrace on chinese goods, such as the views and solar cells. it accuses china of unfair competition through subsidies in china. now wants to make itself independent of american ships and to
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conquer the market. long term trade war rages on china doesn't want any foreign hardware and it's public authorities to china as buildings. a more nationalistic approach, as a chip controls continue to increase and that to that far reaching consequences to many people, call it a tech colborne. where will this ultimately lead and why will the military play a decisive role trying these public authorities are still using hardware and software from the west, replacing it with the chinese products is a priority. but what is behind this? turner has been trying to replace wisdom technology for a pretty long time, partly because of this node meetings and what it revealed around us as being honest with us technology. but is it technically possible? especially graphics processing units. the things that us is now restricting from
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exporting to china. those are one of the hot point where they will still be problems. and in addition, of course, chinese companies can choose chinese products, even if they're not as good as foreign products. as long as they're, they're good enough to do what you need to be doing. and how is the us reacting in a word tick, tock. the us government is demanding that it be sold to an american company. otherwise, they are threatening to ban it from us app stores. the us wants to protect user data from being accessed by the chinese authorities. then there's nvidia, the us manufacturers, most advanced high check chips are not allowed to be sold to china. the goal is to denied china access to the latest high tech u. s. companies are being threatened with stiff penalties if china is able to move even a handful of percentage points off of us based 70 conductors, for instance,
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to do semiconductors. it can be developed and built in china that will mean billions of dollars of revenue for the us based company. or no company wants to be locked out of the lucrative chinese market. of course, you're seeing the us base companies are continually playing a bit of a cat and mouse game with the uh, with the us and with china to build semi conductors that bulb and meet the regulations so that they are able to ship product into china. having said that, with more and more pressure, those bars continued to be moved. china therefore wants to catch up checking a logically quickly. it's pumping up it start ups with the equivalent of billions of bureaus, especially in china, is silicon valley to the north of beijing. because whoever has the most powerful i to you would also have the strongest army in the future. what we are seeing is china making progress. we know they're willing to invest to almost no end,
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because this isn't just about a little bit of a geopolitical attention. this is about global economic leadership in technology and in a all right. and ai is going to be the most important front in which economics are far in terms of a battle for domination globally, over the next 23 decades. china is still behind, but if it were to play a leading role in a i, it would also be able to sell it's i t products and applications abroad. i have the means, we're going to work through the question is, i mean your child lives, you tickle them is of scale. even the size of the guns they impose their status, their systems be yours. and i think that the big by the us versus trying not experts believe it will be several years. however, before the chinese are technologically on par.
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drones also contain high quality computer chips that can be used as by drones weapons of war. or is transport drones for packages or blood supplies? more and more applications are helping the drone market to continue to grow. drones also help in agriculture when springfields, for example, in india, some women are now being trained as drone pilots. the more need is the only lead agent and how do you on the state? and it's what i'm the gut on on. it's her days begin early so she can finish her till was in the morning. and then she had still cosmetic store that she runs, which also doubles up as the village, drones into i'm because the only woman in the district was authorized to fly a drone. the villages now called hood drawn d b, a drawing system. the cell just happens because of
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a cells hope group i'm the guy is one of more than 10000 women across google india who are being trained as june pilots for the funding sector. the central government initiative was launched in march 2024. the program is being held as w sherry and women at the forefront today. um, because visiting a we teamed with d, which labor does normally carry out the tasks that her drone will take off of these can include monitoring fields, spring pesticides, and sometimes sewing seeds. she charges up to $200.00 rupees or the equivalent of 3 rows per acre. the very difficult to work in the mountains is off the bottom. i have $4.00 acres of farmland and ism, and it's tough for even 2 people to manage this brand new together. we're talking about they pretty much cuz the video has booked a slot with on the card today to test the drawing for spring pesticides. since the
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program is still in the pilot phase, the service is being offered to anyone who might be interested in trying it with the 4.5 acres of wheat. how much time would that take? one, a couple take 15 to 20 minutes despite the just the based on the size of the funds you might have, it would take 19 minutes for all 4.5 acres and producer across the assume and looking at the beginning of the year. if we had done it manually, how it would have taken an entire day. so i got a homeless me off when i pulled it up, i have to make this, i'll pick up at what i mean. i would have lost 5 or 6 hours looking at upon checking base and before they got into the costs of training for the lives of and drones being covered by some of the largest 4th level manufacturers in the country . not everybody's happy with the development and doing professional winode
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camacho, i would leave them punjab university. he believes a program and increase the dependency on chemicals in the region which is harmful for the land and it's people gonzagos tamales. so you do you have these drones will mostly be used to spray pesticides in from decides which are harmful to help this up. give me a bit earlier when farm is. i'm just a tractor or a tank for spring so that they can spring under the plants for the drones will cover the entire area from above. so they'll miss the patches that tend to be hiding under the leadership today. how is that means to chance the pests will be eliminated, will decrease, and the use of potential decides will continue to increase on me. so then if you increase the amount of chemicals that will suddenly be an explosion of the pendulum population, if i work in the population, but on it that according to dr. child see the increase dependency on chemical fluid levels and pesticides will inevitably work against the interests of the farmers. legend anything more profits for manufacturing companies?
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gradually farmers will realize their overall costs are increasing and there's very little chance of something like this. benefiting the farmers in the long run, it'll be on the beneficiaries will be the company's sake best that would have been better if drones were used to spray organic fertilizers together. organic floodlights of good had said he was the environmental and his impact. but there are still open questions, who would pay for dues for the life of? well, that'd be enough for all the families who need them. and importantly, will just stick to energy eliminated badly needed jobs. in any case, the drilling program has already had some positive social impact, i would say to somebody who may i hook the head. some people in society look negatively as a woman, that she steps outside of the company. that a that was good, but they don't even have what kind of work she's doing with the middle. i was good, but since i've received the dry, the negative, i have to cheat towards people. there's tons,
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much more positive. you gotta be with it. yeah, he, yeah, what it says have groups like these plans between more women and hope and follow them if the impact on health the environment and on georgia is addressed. this program could be a huge support of the people who do the hard work. a funding in india are you also fascinated by computer games? maybe it was just think of them as a fun hobbies, like most people do. but for many a professional gamers, it's their livelihood and a profession that allows them to lead a free, independent life. in our series on women and a is that we introduce you to a young gamer from bangkok, gen the more the high. why don't we play games with me when i was very small and i really
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enjoyed. it taught me a feeling, you know, like how games makers think tacitly they required strategy. and then when i play a game, i set goals like i have to overcome this soul tie. they make me focus on what i want to do. i have to try and how to achieve those goals. i was on southern phone one. 0, time chai, or people name is jenny or the wrong. i currently work a tie e sports as the as yesterday. so then i'm also in apple st with the full sense team, i currently live in phone calls. okay, hip hop. and to me i was around 18 years old. then when i started competing seriously, and you know, when i started on an income, i'm a prize money cell stand. it was my goal to stop on my family for money and supported myself by competing on taking money towards the competing. i was very, very novice and then a lot of because when you compete online from high life,
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even though it is sitting there watching a premium higher. and i mean when i own a house, so i'll call it when i start to compete things. but then it will be moving. so right offline spaces, either. yeah, that would be audiences. i put a lot more pressure on myself to do well while i was there, how many the my right yeah. what time is the gaming boot camp? i would describe it as a home is a game, is the mileage on the moon? it's like a home that we bought can do everything and i'm not going to die. when i actually we live in the b come for around one month for them as a pin, where we keep to ourselves, to pass the competition, to offer the palm simple apartment 10. and why don't you have the most i can spend time together to build place of friendship. some of the team develop strongest communication between the to the funding team. currently my
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team is on the full sense east, bullets. com. we compete in the game fall around and where women's team was 5 players and then one shot of our me course. and then when you find that he starts in competing, as always played among the guys, i'm paying math or without the law. and often times that would be a time full guys and me being the are and you go that to me. when the last time we started competing solely with goes last year, you know, me go, i have this negative image from the full coupling goal. and if i want to compete seriously, i shouldn't do it with goals. i mean, yeah. the queen thing things not to me. the goals teams have improved a lot. so there was serious about, such as the boys i now the tv and, and, and the women saying it's very inclusive. what l g, b, t, people play as well, like the
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to me wow. like i think a lot of people don't understand the difference between game and as a whole, big on many long game as an east thoughts play a preop on crying stuff down, painted is bought here. the, the, it was not different and being a regular athlete who play sports and compact not for exercise and call on guy. boom on that is a big difference. but some people still don't understand the difference. and instead they think nice boots on suite. so it just came out that contract to make the day of the why and her when go and get road in monona. yeah, the step to hearing to meet with my time spent launched in front of the computer. i like to drink coffee when i feel tired when i had the seat. okay. i love coffee was like, oh,
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i told them not to take supplements and put them in. it's like so my eyes are they are going to replenish my body as my meals can be inconsistent, some time. how many came the house? and i also tried to find time for exercise of to training the computer. that's all i need. the last one he didn't even recently, i went to compete in the game fall around the world stage and by letting in which is the biggest defense typically for women's east vote seen by dr. o' clock on even my honestly, i actually wanted to retire after my last competition down a lot savings or they, my goal was to compete on a global level. they can cut that, which is something i've done now. and if you that will have that. but then i felt of being a well championed would be possible. so i was, it was printing them in time. that's not something that feels out of my lease and everything was decided to keep playing my law. so one day i can win the world championship. oh,
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that's it for another edition of made business magazine for technology me reality and thrones as 5 said and computer games. the next time the, the, the,
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the camella dying family gave the world the secrets of shown discovery has helped in the fights against infectious diseases. comes to therapy and all the time, the really like the not about is, are the key. i'm story by camel. none of the in 15 minutes on the w 9, but we'll tell you we are happy that we are boxing the story.
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we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa in 90 minutes on the w the the about. why does this? because now i'm leaving the new host join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between. this is a video and audio production, 5 d,
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w. i hope video with unit people and trucks in job 12 practically the city center, the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people are we of mine because no one should have to make up your own mind. dw may 4 mines the,
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this is need of the news live from berlin. the leaders nominate always live on the line for a 2nd term as commission president, head of what's expected to be a close confirmation vote in the european parliament. also in the show, joe biden, donald trump clash in the 1st debate of the us presidential campaign, a trade attacks over issues like the economy and immigration as well as each man's basic fitness for office. we'll look at what us voters likely saw in the contest. the.


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