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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw use lie from the land to abide, and donald trump go head to head in the 1st year west presidential debate, 90 minutes of insults trump full thoughts at a stumbling performance from joe biden. that shaken democrats, france prepared as full snap elections presidential. nobody or the president, the amount will not call hopes to see of right wing opponents, but may end up losing power and a radiance vote for a new president south of the death of abraham, right. you see one reform is candidates is applicants, 300 minus the
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bank result and welcome to biden's campaign is scrambling to contain the full that from thursday's election debate against donald trump. democrats hopes the showdown would reshape the presidential brace and dispel any doubts about biden's fitness to serve a 2nd time. instead, they saw him deliver a stumbling performance and struggle to counter attacks and falls claims from trump . the 46 president of the united states jo by the president's loyal supporters blamed it on a bad night, a head cold. so that his campaign. but many americans, especially those planning to vote for his challenge or donald trump signed by. and what they've seen for a long time failure to get his point across under pressure. trump often appeared to struggle to understand by it. and rather than to disagree with all those people, the idea that they're gonna, i'm like, i'm proposing that everybody is
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a payment. so it's really there's a one percent one percent. so no, and after i cannot raise the cost of social security for anybody under $400000.00. after that, i began to make the wealthy began to pay their fair share and how much for his part trunk focused on voters pessimism about immigration and the economy and claim things were better when he was an officer. we have the greatest economy in the history of our country. we have never done so well. every, every body was amazed by it. other countries were copying us from supporters were in high spirits after the debate for the 1st 3 seconds when president biden was speaking. my, i was what happened to his voice. he's staring into oblivion, and i've never heard so much mumbling. it was scary. some loyal bite and supporters were left looking for a silver lining, but calls immediately came for desperate measures. replacing biting with
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a more capable democratic candidate on the optics. and by the last that on the fact by one big. so you have to determine what's more important. you optics, your thoughts. and i'm big on the facts on still like by and one of the date for me . but i know he looked at ro bite and agreed to debate from much further ahead of the november election. then as usual, in order to drum up support for his campaign, according to even some top democrats, that plan seems to have backfire. so a bad night for biden. but did the debate really matter to us voted? i asked the w, william blue cross. generally debates are not the biggest thing that voters are looking at when determine their candidates, especially in recent election cycles, which have become more, more polarized. and people tend to make up their minds and not really be able to change them. that said, as we know these elections are extremely close, they come down to not just swing states, but swing counties. so even losing a few 1000 votes here in there because of the debate could be a massive change could, could call it for the president,
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whoever over the next candidate will be. well, one fact that does remain is that americans poll after poll are massively, i'm interested in either candidate. we're talking a lot about how joe biden is, is unfavorable among americans. but donald trump is not well liked either of these or 2 candidates that nobody, i should say nobody but a lot of people just don't want. and yet the way the us system is set up. these are the candidates you're left with. the big question then is for the democrats at least, uh, what about a plan b for bud or yeah, well, it's probably not gonna become a lot harris, because the white house has distanced themselves from coming on harris for months now. she's also not particularly favored among many americans, odors, but the democrats had been in a kind of denial for months like what we're seeing today. the shock today, based on the, the, the performance and the debate. like uh,
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the report we just aired said this is what many americans have been saying for months. we already go back to 2020. there are these questions if joe biden was too old, then to be running for president and the big, the excuse of a head cold. well, a president has to make some really difficult decisions with a cold or with anything, let alone stand on the stage for 90 minutes in debate issues. or at least, i don't know if we can call these issues of this debate, but at least the trade insults for william haben, they've been trying to come up with a plan be for a long time. i mean, i would be, as well as he's used to maybe go work for the democratic party. i mean, it's been very clear that biden is going to be there. guy. there's been lots of calls that that biden should not run a 2nd term, bided himself in 2020. i essentially came to that were made in place in an implicit overtures to that, to that point, that he would not be a to term president. although i should say he never confirmed that, but that was kind of the idea that there would be a bridge to something else. but of course,
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power does funny things to people and i tend to want to hold onto it. the democrats have a history of fielding week candidates, but nonetheless, what the establishment, the inter machinery of the party wants to be solved is with, with outdoor. we solve this with john kerry we, we then solve them, you know, essentially doing away with stronger candidates like howard dean in 2004 of course, bernie sanders twice in 201620. 20. i'm going with a quote from internally are seen as more establishment candidates against the will of what many american voters, including democratic voters actually want. so this, this where the land squarely of the democratic party, donald trump's weakness, or their weaknesses, donald trump, strength the why would you say trump comes out of this? he's looking very strong. i mean, yes, full of lies full of things that weren't true and much a bite and also had false hopes. but of course it's, it's unclear if they were intentional lies or just misspeaking. but nonetheless on
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optics, as we were hearing the report, optics versus facts, donald trump looked very strong and he needed to show that he was fit to be president, at least in, you know, sound mind and body. and he did come off at least looking at optically states to a still the role. now again as we, as we were discussing, the very beginning of this web that really changed anybody's mines is another question. but it's a very perilous time right now in a very i'm pressing that the time to really consider pulling a candidate who's now been to the primary season before or going into the convention. so this is what we're really gonna have to keep our eye on. what next for the democrats and donald trump? how does he sort of use this momentum to kind of launch himself into this latter half of the, the presidential campaign of what's left of it anyway? and we will be following that closely. thank you very much, william. good cost francis goes to the polls on sunday and snap elections president in mind while my call called the vote in response to his bodies dismal, was showing in the european elections of the of this month. it's
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a gamble for my call. he hopes to see of right wing opponents, but may end up losing power. france says 49000000 registered voters were represented by 577 members of the national assembly. the lower house of parliament . voting takes place in 2 rounds unless a candidate takes an absolute majority in their district. otherwise, any candidate who gets more than 12 and a half percent of the vote goes to the 2nd decisive round. this selection features 4 major blogs competing for seats of the new popular front is a coalition of left wing parties and the greens that was formed just this month after snap elections were called. it's platform includes over turning immigration and pension reforms, a wealth tax, and an increase in the minimum wage. together they hold a $149.00 seats at the moment. all solve the or together is the central's collection that includes president not crawls renaissance party games to make
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frances economy and workforce more competitive. it's pro european pro. nato has been vocal and supporting ukraine against the russian invasion, and currently is 250 seats. but polls show it, taking far fewer in the coming election. the center right, republicans are pro business, but they are a party that is strong massively. after ruling france for decades, they have $61.00 seats now. and the far right national riley and its coalition partners are strongly anti immigration, anti you and tell us, and have traditionally been anti made a they've been linked financially and politically to russia. they currently hold just 89 seats, but many polls predict they'll take the most votes while possibly still falling short of a majority. if microns collision does not, when he will have to share power, which the french call co habitation backgrounds, presidential term goes to 2027 by tradition, the president picks the prime minister from the party. that gets the most part of the mentors seats. that can lead to divided government,
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which has happened 3 times in the past, 50 years. previously, this always meant division of power between the center left concentra, right. sharing power with the far left or farm right would be on charted territory for friend. parliament has most of the power to pass domestic policy, but the president is still the head of the military and has significant authority on foreign policy. if macro ends up co, habiting with the far left or far right, like governments, he'll have to put up with it for at least a year when he can call another snap election to. i'd like to bring into w sonya sounds okay in paris. tell us more about what's at stake. well then this feels in a way like, you know, an extraordinary make a break moment in french politics. and this is something i heard while i was filming industry, the virus just a couple of days ago. of people feeling, you know, really stressed about this. an extra one young woman told me she couldn't even take
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a bed to sleep with my thinking of the selection. she said, this is all she talked about with friends and family. a one thing we have to remember is that in big cities like iris or in cities like leo in merced said the far right doesn't tend to have a lot of support here. so you will see you will find people being anxious on the far right and these places. but there is a huge amount of secure in the selection in the country that is a key player of both in the communion and in nato as a phones this was good for the 1st time, c o 5, right? the government of the 1st time since the michigan gene joining world war 2. and if that doesn't happen and there is no a kind of majority that images it, parliament, what we could been c o is political instability. we could see political quick log. i'm back to see the weeks before 5 as a host, the, the games, the what would be the likelihood of the fall, right? getting the majority, sell. well, the dimensions lobby has really been dominating, open invoices. you can delete the service now show the voters would give us about
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more than 35 percent of the vote in the 1st round on and sundays. and actually we followed my left alliance training at about 29 percent. my call is central to lines a discount code at about 20 percent. but, you know, despite these opinion polls, i think it's still quite unclear of what will happen simply because of the booking system for font spun imagery. elections is quite complex. somebody's, a bolt will be followed by a 2nd run voltage on july 7th and run off by that. and, you know, then we could see voters switching loyalties. we could see alliances of new alliances, inconvenience being formed a higher than usual turnout could also impact us. so it's really hard to see what could happen, but i think it's fair to say that the far right really has the momentum here as we saw a recent order for the elections. they have expanded, they bought the waste from traditional working class heartland store to huge foster parents, especially outside big cities. and so what would the far, right government mean full france as well. there is
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a huge amount of debate here in front about some of the more comfortable should submit proposals by default, right in the manifesto, some of which relates to immigration. now the president of the national around the 20 total drug on monday law. he wants to limited mcglatian, both legal legal, he wants to scrap and i saw that she writes for children born and raised in phones by phone in payments. he's also meet another proposal saying that jewish nationals will not be allowed to, you know, serve in strategic posts of the states that would be preserved for funding citizens back. proposing this off to a lot of criticism here with people saying that the, you know, amount of filtering the french into different categories. and i think what this points to is, is the fact that the pain has essentially headed onto this doctrine of what she calls the national priority. that was probably going to funds for the french. but this is essentially about giving priority to paid citizens open. the nonmetals when it comes to the job. so if you was a social with assistance and, and housing which would be unconstitutional, it will be an interesting weekend and we will have full coverage of those nap
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elections on sunday. thank you. sonya composed of open to iran for a special election to replace the late president detroit him right easy. he died in a helicopter crash last month. the run supreme leader has cost his vote until the home and a is the highest authority in the country and had brought control of a selecting the full candidates for president is called for a hypo, to turn out for the sake of the country's reputation. the boat comes to meet and go over a government crackdown on protests and tensions with as well. after 3 years of embrace these hartline need to ship it on 61000000 more does once again have a choice toward a poor economy, western infections and women's rights among the most pressing issues. right. so you put in a lot of effort for the economy,
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but on the ground things didn't change much for the general public. and people were not happy to help us. we knew the time of the election that he job will be taken seriously. but when the vote is the things we'll go back to the way they was, the young people are not allowed to remove that head scarves. it's the to practically team of supreme leader deluxe. how many totes do make bower in eat on. but the 8 on your president set domestic policy and has some influence over foreign policy. oh, sure. presidential candidates usually a lie confessed with a consultative supreme leader. but in an effort to gardner support from a public that largely feels unique and dissatisfied. the candidates have campaign by public key criticizing the government as one of the presidential candidates, is mohammed kazi, buff, a former commander of the blue city god. he has promised indians to devise take on
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me, which has been back to it by rest infections. we will definitely compensate for the gap between the inflation rates and wages, by raising your wages and providing you with necessary goods and staples in such a way that your dinner table will never shrink. and their, their leading candidate is se delevie. as the conservative is the former chief new peer d negotiator and wants to press the head with it onto long threatening and d, western policy disorders reform. this candidate is doctor mas to this is kim. he has been the most critical voice against them. indeed, 3 hid job and the morality police. he also fevers, engagement with the west. how long? just by the way, we can talk to each other, we can also learn to talk to our neighbors and the rest of the world and we kind of
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fight everyone. we shouldn't find, we should not show aggression to others. somebody human rights organizations criticize the fee and this afraid on indications and your worst thing historically lower levels of what you're doing now remains a big challenge in deflection. essay. quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines and go to the ends, have been voting for a new government and they'll go in people's body is expected to secure another time under the prime minister, looks that i'm fine or we don't add it up but there is going for us ration of the corruption, the high cost of living, and lack of opportunities for young people. 7 people were killed and several others injured when a train collided with a bus at a railway crossing in slovakia. the cause is not clear. local media, se reason flooding may have damage signaling and it was quite gets drunk off the coast of peru look like it. south of the capital. lima authorities initially issued it through navea, but no deaths have been reported. at least one person has been killed off or
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a roof collapse that at least indira gandhi international. airport. high winds and heavy bains are being blamed. the incident follows a series of record breaking hate waves and brain full link to climate change in the india and capital car stuck in traffic for hours. underpass is blocked by overflowing the rain water. metro stations shot daily isn't updated by heavy rainfall. there's nothing to jump on with turning people back as the road is water locked. the heavy treatments in the rain has destroyed the roof. all these international airport terminal in daily living, at least one person. dad. i saw the roof falling. nobody's getting any information. no messages or call up dates were unable to get ahold of any caps, and we don't even know if we will get a refund. the indian capital hasn't seen so much, june,
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rain full at once in at least the last 15 years. and this headed down poor attempts immediately after people in the capital and you are to weeks of unbearable heat. scientist say these extreme and abrupt weather patterns are another product of human and used to climate change that spring in a d. okay. the climate change of taishan and resilience expert. she joins us from kind of welcome to the w. what can be done at a city planning level that can help over crowded cities like daily to be better equipped to deal with heavy down polls. so the timing needs to be completed easily them, but let's remember the kind of re informed that the, the experience was something that any level of infrastructure simply cannot cope with. and this will become more and more the reality as we move into a board with the higher amount of greenhouse gas emissions. so bento city
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infrastructure is absolutely important. that's the kind of the activation side of it. but equally important would be for the water to come together and act in lowering the greenhouse gas, which is causing kind of change in the 1st please. incidence like these would be in some places just beyond coping. you know, you can invest a lot in the infrastructure, but these kind of extreme weather events would seem to be very hard because these are just huge amount of reading for that said anything to 4 hours, which is kind of had not happened since whatever last 72 years, i think the last one on the record was a 1936 or something and we will see more of it. and, you know, just before this we saw the extended heat ways again one of those and presented evens. but now becoming more and more common due to climate change. so we need to invest in everything we can to adapt, but at a fission load may not be enough. what about making more room for green areas in, in big cities, a subsidy. we need more green area, so then he does have quite
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a bit of greenery, but that's actually only limited to some of the parts of the city south southern that is actually pretty green. but when we go to the less way off neighborhoods, that's why we do not have much of unity. so that is actually the green infrastructure would be very important to invest in into the future. but again, as i said, unless we bring down the burning of cost into in and actually reduce that mission of greenhouse gas, we can do everything you know to, to good product ition. but we would reach the limits simply because it's just do more to adopt in, in, in, in various ways. and what about the green here? well, what about this would be a heat wave we mentioned why, why we seeing such a abrupt weather patterns. the 1st the heat wave in all these, right? i think this is company leading to climate change. i think the models have been predicting this for now for drinking her 2 years is not as if this is completely on
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expected. we know that if we continue to bomb greenhouse gas, think that the most for your global temperature level, sweet grew up. and as we have higher warming temperatures, at sole bunch would be the water content in the most fear. so this is, this is just climate change, physics working out in practice. and we will see more of a timing of the fear that most of has gotten assigned disappear is that every previous year would seem like it was a better deal than ever before. so looking back, this may be not as bad as the next year. it will bring and be a saying continuous intensification of extreme climate evens precisely because of human and deals. climate change sounds like there's a lot that all of us can do the i d t because you thank you very much for being on the w. thank you. or millions will much in pride. parades in many cities this weekend in countries around the world, but not in turkey. where over the past decade, pride matches have been that president bunch of time have had one,
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has been look 5 gay and trans people. and now many of the eligibility to community fee, if things could get even worse, usually a $100.00 thoughts it's still early in the evening and available is by is preparing for his best guess. she runs one of the few remaining quin nightclubs in east a safe space as she calls like, everyone can be who they want to be via to be q community has never had it easy in turkey. the recently many have felt increasingly targeted, tells me if they didn't give you again, if you come on way what you want, you constantly have your mind to a sexual orientation. look or in front of find the help of. i don't social media, there are people who attacked you and call you a pub to a free, a constant means still fear in you. they want you to be afraid of colquitt,
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i salute. let us look like long as i still lives out town for years now, i know has seen growing hostility towards the community. although homosexuality is not a needle in turkey, authorities of band product demonstrations and major cities since 2015. those has to take to the streets, risk police, violence and detention. once again this year or forward, he's have fans be a simple pride march and the police are preparing for a major operation. barricades like these already for use all over the city center. the message is clear, protest won't be tolerated. be pro bite on the snow, even forbidden to wave of pride flags, a rainbow flag cut to get as many people have left the country and recent his whole crew because this good talk to the cop co. everything has become pitch black for us, cut out and it's clear that the future will be talking to close capital. that is frightening on basically what quotes to take is president richard tire of ad one
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and his reading it slow me conservative. a k potty have tough on their stems against eligibility to people in recent years. supp good. the sup book of these groups were the biggest supporters of deviant and perverted behaviors. and to fundamentally undermine or social structure, should you probably understand what i'm talking about? l g, b t j. same is we will not allow them to corrupt our judges. for ad on homosexuality is a threat to for additional family values. he insist that marriage can only be between a man and a woman and says women should have multiple children to build the nation. in this conservative east and move neighborhood, many share these views and some even feel encouraged to say so openly. i'm talking about the mind from is lot mac perspective. it's forbidden. no, no, no more. as soon as i'm personally, i don't want our young people that are children to see that often was not. that's
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why i'm against the county. be to the cottage senior living, give it to the guy, but i support them. i don't see any problems. i have very good friends who are gay, almost all you know and doesn't work that way. how can 2 women or 2 men be together? that can't happen. old mazda 100 c, attitudes that are both by and her friends are repeatedly confronted with. but they don't want to hide. despite everything, we're still here. we're still standing to, and we will continue to resist and speak out. here with the club, the dream of a turkey that is tolerant to does this with everyone is accepted just as they are and where i might be going on my next holiday, or mind of the top story by following for you to sell us democrats. the scrambling to limit the damage of the job buys and still applies to face against donald trump
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. despite compton salts and full swords, biden's stumbling performance, as seen as a major setback for his re election campaign. up next eco in the looks at how food production can be made will sustainable. in the future, i've been the
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indian healthy touch of green in the grave wasteland. the kitchen gardens project female trash pickers. how to grow their own vegetables, all women to eat better, improving their diet and income in the process. in the next so on d, w, the soul of america, and certain much more than just a river. this is where
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a real cowboy is me. and people are in touch with their roots, living the american dream, the mississippi river. surprising, legendary in 45 minutes on d, w, the shuttle. the key, more people than ever on the news world, volume in such a fashion, life, facile, jessica middle castle. josh, now the piano is you come back on the car battery or something, then that's okay, that's the nanda foundation,
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one bucks for the find out about me being a story in some language, reliable news for migraines. wherever they may be. the know, but not as our main goal is for breakfast, nor tomatoes for salad. no one use i know morning coffee. what is the pro do is that we love and rely on just disappeared. hello and welcome. i'm finally got the body and you are watching equal india while that's still enough for whatever you want on the planet, food shortages out of your problem in today is episode. let's take a look at the fact us causing this. i'm what can be done to save our food.


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