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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, the state of the news live and from berlin. tonight, us democrats dismayed and worried after president biden's shambolic debate performance bite. and then donald trump with head to head 90 minutes of insults trump salt swords and the shaky showing by the incumbent. now questioning buttons decision to run for a 2nd term. also coming up and radians are voting for a new president to replace abraham or easy was killed in a helicopter crash. one reform is candidates is up against the 3 cardboard. the
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bread golfing. it's good to have you with this on this friday. we begin with the debate dust that has yet to settled us. president biden's campaign is in damage control. and for thursday's election, debate against donald trump. democrats at hope that the showdown would dispel any doubts about biden's fitness to serve a 2nd term. but today, those doubts persist in an election rally in north carolina today by made it clear he intends to win in november, saying when you get knocked down, you get back up. but can you get back in the television debate that american sol bite and deliberate, a stumbling performance and he struggled to counter the attacks and false claims that were hurled at him by donald trump. of the 46 presidents of the united states, jo by the president's loyal supporters, blamed it on a bad night. a head cold set his campaign. but many americans, especially those planning to vote for his challenger, donald trump signed by and what they've seen for a long time failure to get his point across under pressure. trump often appeared to
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struggle to understand by it. and rather than to disagree with all those people, the idea that they're gonna, i'm like, i'm proposing that everybody's a payment. so it's really there's a one percent, one percent. so know, and after i not raise the cost of social security for anybody under $400000.00 after that it began to make the wealthy began to pay their fair share. and how much for his part trunk focused on voters pessimism about immigration and the economy and claim things were better when he was an officer. we have the greatest economy in the history of our country. we have never done so well. every. everybody was amazed by it. other countries were copying us from supporters were in high spirits after the debate in the 1st 3 seconds when president biden was speaking, my i was what happened to his voice. he's staring into oblivion and i've never
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heard so much mumbling it. was scary, some loyal bite and supporters were left looking for a silver lining, but calls immediately came for desperate measures, replacing biting with a more capable democratic candidate on the optics of vitamin last that on the fact 5 and one big. so you have to determine what's more important, you optics and facts, and i'm big on the facts on still like by them on the debate for me. but i know he looked at ro bite and agreed to debate drum much further ahead of the november election than as usual in order to drum up support for his campaign. but according to even some top democrats, that plan seems to have backfire. i spoke with katherine clever ashbrook, she's a german american political science and she's also executive vice president of the bertelsmann foundation. she gave me her thoughts on last night's to be as well as was indeed a short night and it was a difficult night. i think for anybody who is just interested in the health of american democracy in the future of the country to watch 2 men struggle to
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basically articulate facts. one who was lying 30 times according to the new york times. you called it falls to it. i would call them live and then the other who really just struggle to get a sentence out to present to do the one thing that he needed to do in this debate, which is the same, lucid, to seem energetic and to seem anywhere beyond his 81 years and in that sense we watched, i think almost a dual failure and others to get a better understanding of the state in which the united states finds itself and who might lead it into the next phase. and yet the fall out today has been for by the democrats not for trump and the republicans. i mean, we've got calls from within the democratic party now for by not to run for a 2nd term. and is, is that the reaction? do you think that this is a proportional reaction to what happened last night as well? i think it just goes to show the anxiety in
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a race for which many of our conns cannot find sufficient passion to even consider coming out to vote rental your, our mind, you and the viewers that what we're talking about here is garnering the votes of 5 to 10000000 americans who are quote unquote, still on the fence and who are likely residing in swing states. and neither of those 2 men in that sense, deliberate, a convincing performance. but that's exactly who they were out to get yesterday. and you have a double risky strategy now to continue with this candidate, this agent candidate, clearly who seemed to struggle with everything, including formulating a simple sentence yesterday, but also running the risk that within 6 weeks ahead of a convention, you might be playing with the idea of either an open convention which we had last time in 1950 to one broker convention which we had in 1968. both of them by the way, held in chicago. both of them ended in chaos and how you would position a new national can. did that wouldn't also look like you were perverting american
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democracy because 99 percent of those delegates that will show up in august in chicago branch knows our president biden's delegates. and how you would do that in a way that doesn't also hamper and hinder the functionality of democracy that is entirely unclear at this moment. so both ideas are risky, keeping joe biden on the ticket and trying to replace them with 6 weeks ago in a convention. i mean, i, you know, i was struck to david tom friedman, paul crewman just in new york times writing saying that he should step down or that he should not run for a 2nd term. what's, what's, what are your thoughts on this? if what we saw last night with mr. bide, what about if it's not old age? what about if, if there's a medical conditions i've, i've heard some people say that maybe he's got parkinson's disease and if that's the case, okay, that's a disease, but there is no mental problem there. um, do you think that there's a fear that americans would not re elect
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a president who has as parking since for example? well again, this is about finding those voters who are in such a tight and difficult election in such a polarized country and decided which is almost hard to believe that you have those voters in the united states of america today. but you do, and both of those call them this and others have called on dividing to do the patriotic thing to not mimic the supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg, who held on to her supreme court role. and literally until the day that she died and demand that a conservative moved into the supreme court and with all the decisions that came with it. the only way, by the way, the fine by the look of the democratic party can photocopy removed from the top of the ticket, is if he himself decides. and one way would be under this idea that a president might be incapacitated to conduct his role in the office. those were things that were put in the d. c. rollbook in 2016. and as a result, by the way of hillary clinton's spells painting, spells on demand pain. so again,
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the decision and to keep running or not keep running is entirely 1st and foremost, jo biden's no matter what the upon to treat or as a columnist and then your times and the atlantic suggests that's a very good point and we've heard from bite and in the last couple of minutes in raleigh, north carolina, saying that he intends to you know, continue running into when again. so we will say kevin has been good talking with we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight. thank you. any time britt would leave, a supreme court has ruled that hundreds of defendants were wrong when prosecuted over the january 6 capital riot. justice is room that a charge of instruction requires proof that the accused and tried to destroy the evidence. and only some of these allegedly involved in attacking the capitol fall into that category. the decision also cast out on some charges faced by former president donald trump. the ratings have been voting for a new president to replace abraham, right. he said,
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you may remember he was killed in a helicopter crash last month. voting has been extended. the supreme leader says that he wants a high turnout. he also oversaw the selection of candidates with the leading contenders being 3 hard liners and one reformist. many voters, however, are angry about government action against protest. well, regional intentions are running high over the war in johnson. after 3 years of embrace these hartline need to ship it on 61000000 borders. once again, have a choice. stewart, a bore economy, west infections, and women's rights among the most pressing issues. right, so you put in a lot of effort for the economy, but on the ground things didn't change much for the general public. and people were not happy to help us. many of the time of the election the he job will be
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taken seriously. but when the vote is the things we'll go back to the way they was, the young people are not allowed to remove that head scarves. it's the 2 practically team of supreme leader at the last. how many totes do make bower in eat on but the 8 on and president sets domestic policy and has some influence over foreign policy. oh, sure. presidential candidates, usually ally confessed with a consultative supreme leader. but in an effort to gardner support from a public that largely feels a unique and destructive site. the candidates have campaign by public and criticizing the government as one of the presidential candidates is mohammed kazi, buff, a former commander of the blue city god. he has promised indians to device the economy which has been factored by rest infections. we will definitely compensate for the
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gap between the inflation rates and wages, by raising your wages and providing you with necessary goods and staples in such a way that your dinner table will never shrink. and their, their leading candidate is se deleting. the drug conservative is the former chief new piv dealing degree. she had to and wants to press the head with it on long standing in the western policy. the solar reform. this candidate is doctor miss to this is can he has been the most critical voice against him. indeed, 3 hid job and the morality police. he also fevers, engagement with the west. how long the by the way we can talk to each other. we can also learn to talk to our neighbors and the rest of the world, and then we kind of fight everyone we shouldn't find. we should not show aggression to others on the somebody. human rights organizations criticize the fan is afraid
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on interactions and do worse, and historically lower levels of what they're doing out remains a big challenge in deflection as well. so take a quick look now some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the 1st victim of kenya is deadly anti government protests has been buried. a 19 year old motorbike taxi writer was shot twice during a demonstration on tuesday. the young active this has become a focal point for the growing youth. lead movement in kenya, challenging corruption, and demanding a political overall. north korea publicly executed a 22 year old man for listening to and sharing south korean k pop music. back in 2022. now that's according to a newly released human rights report that's based on the testimony given by given by defectors, unification, ministry, and sole south korea said that the north was stepping up efforts to control what it sees as the malign influence itself to re enroll to israel's bombardment of gauze
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it has claim thousands of lives. it has also created a waste management problem. garbage is piling up because there is now no trash collection of the strewing among the ruins of con eunice, like huge mounds of waste. the rubbish is rough saying in the stifling heat, and there's no way of for it to go. as well as killing tens of thousands of people is rails relentless, bowman of the gaza strip has devastated basic services the united nation since the trash is compounding, johnson suffering. one of the, my shocking things i'm seeing is just about 150 meters away from where i was staying those around a 100000 tons of waste piling up. and this is really the case now across the guys a strip. there is no waste distribution. there is no solution to the waste distribution. the you in says israel has refused its requests to allow the main
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landfill sites to be emptied, meaning temporary ones are popping up with nowhere else to go, children living and playing alongside the growing pulse of waste. the world health organization says it's a risk to pay for disease. it can lead to, to number of, uh, uh, also a company couple diseases appearing and for several reasons. first is what the contamination. so when you have a hot weather and you will have a luckless clean sunny day sion, the water sources can become more easily contaminated. uh and uh, and. 3 will uh uh that will bring me. busy diseases like diarrhea don't does. and guys of cesium navy a color outbreak the you in estimates nearly 70 percent of guys is water and sanitation plans have been destroyed or damaged by israel's bones.
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you're watching dw news live from berlin for all of us here in glenn, thanks for the company. have a good weekend there by the the, the coming 0 sends itself 3 trans people, stories each kind items that feed us complex doors. sometimes when he saw a voltage chip search of 3 generations, one journey starts july 7th on dw the the mississippi river a mirror.


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