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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  June 29, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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better, some in the park, do you think the leadership should have stood by their candidates? no. the conference sets the stage for rival functions to have their c. and it could see the part is extreme. wing try to a search more power. thanks for watching. why do humming does not get drunk. why do go to the tasteful waves? squeeze out bodies? how much do we need to put a stop hans praying for help find the offices get smaller on dw science outtake talk channel the
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trying those the electric vehicle industry. so i thought taping points, well it flies all collapse under the pressure on one front, domestic manufacturers engaged in multiple prize worth of feature battles. where on the other, they faced global threats from steve terrace and substitute you of us a are ready to slabs of breaks on chinese tvs, going global. the chinese domestic tv markets is not the biggest in the world. yes, only test last b y, b and b. all adults has been able to make a profit. we have select with the vendors, these rigs. but what's up all the casualty? over $400.00, the electric vehicle companies have bad and the staggering 90 percent has gone. van crossing just to 60 it's only giants like tesla, b, y, d. and we also have managed to turn a profit in this cut. so much to this is
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a battle of survival to see who is the strongest manufacturer. chinese companies have gained a cost advantage through cut throat competition in recent years, so only the strongest survive in china. we've done this is basically all easy production supply chains or under chinese control, given china and almost insurmountable advantage. that's nearly impossible for the germans to catch up to no one. what's the chinese government's role in? how the china is electric, vehicle industries gain such a head start? and what does the future hold behind the success of companies like b, y, b? how many husbands left in the task brought to you by the deputy red light. so into the i'm told stories of china electric vehicles in the district. busy in may 2024, while jermel was a steal deliberating visor on how to impose
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a special terrace. i'm trying these made electric vehicles. the united states took up the size of step. i decided to raise the tigris. i'm trying these made electric vehicles from 25 percent to 100 percent folks. look, i'm determined that the future of electric vehicles to be made in america for you and you'd work period. now do you then find them? find out what is yes and the us government's decision to quite drupal, the punitive tariff, not to 100 percent. is a very, very drastic stand up to so far beyond what might be expected. would you say it lets me see cartoon. now let's get you all with us bar austin. i was a bit surprised and i find it disproportionate. the automotive industry is highly mature. over the past 30 to 40 years, we've seen increasing global openness and integration, removing trade barriers and free competition is good for the economy. so i think
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cutting things off like this is a very negative signal and then you've got to using audits. and so now, so don't forget that justification for the huge tire of inc. chris, is that the chinese government has been heavily subsidizing is industry, particularly the steel solar and the sectors leading to a massive over capacity. we have this not tradition. of course, we already know that china is over capacity in the sector is a global issue about setting punitive tariff at 100 percent is very, very severe. and this is certainly because president joe biden is currently in campaign mode. when you didn't to binds this moment, time in by comes to send that well, a 100 percent terrace sounds huge. meaning the price of, i mean pause, a chinese e v in the u. s. doubles for the chinese industry and global each rate is not a significant issue. there's other things of notice on the affects,
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the $12000.00 davies that were exported from china to the us last year, which is really a negligible proportion of chinese is that you'd be export isn't giving out. i'm tired of funding. she needs as an export and politic tonsils and comparisons, try like sports. it's over 5000000 vehicles globally in 2023. the economic impact of selling child cells and fewer eaves in the u. s. is minimal. type is another. you can almost doesn't change much economics, it's more of a political statement. of course, there's also a domestic political dimension, especially in an election year. i was and it's also a statement against the mass of the subsidies in certain industries in china, in recent years. it's, and you have mentioned subsidies several times now before delving deeper into the subject. let's see how europe is dealing with these issues portrayed to be fear, the access to each other smart. it also needs to be rest of the program and we
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discussed how to make real progress on market access. i remain confident that more progress can be achieved. at the same time, we stand ready to make for use of our trade to defense instruments. if this is necessary, european commission president was off on the line, made his statement after meeting shooting in may 2024. the traits defense instruments she referred to include imposing tyrants on chinese eves. similar to the u. s. approach confirmed facts include the use announcement in october 2023 of a formal investigation into subsidies for chinese made ease. say it had sufficient evidence. it came shortly after numerous electric chinese vehicles were showcased at the munich international. more to show em let's. yeah. tina and conference me on last year and china exported $1500000.00 ease of which 500000 went to the you and
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the only $12000.00 to the us the the highest the will have the highest means to you has a much larger influence on both the u. k. more responsibly and broadly discuss these issues with the badging governments want and it seems so ends in china is likely greater than that of the us due to the minimal number of eaves and exported to the us. um, even uh those will be in the uh, at a tool called sorted or not to explore people the like the us, the us main criticism of tying those in the street revolves around subsidies, particularly focusing on over capacity. the quote of doctors ations is that by providing massive subsidies to key industries including the bees,
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the chinese government has created significant over capacity, thoughts as our as to, to yours have pointed out in previous episodes, europe and the us have also provided substantial subsidies to industries like a b, y even is just so much focus on criticizing the chinese government for each subsidies. to answer this, we need to understand the extent of paging subsidies a diesel as of funds. the 19 statistics for industrial subsidies provided by the chinese government compared to key o e c. d countries. trying those about street times that of the 2nd place, the united states. nearly 10 times that of japan as more than 15 times that of germany. a significant portion of chinese subsidies been to the sector china, a long shot pilot project to support the development of thieves as early as 2009.
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though the subsidies have been decreasing in recent years. china has made this a national goal and pursued a good industrial policy to those people that took them all the time. his government's approach was to gradually encourage enterprises to enter the new energy vehicle sector. well, supporting the development and production of battery technology and related to roll materials. this gradually established a comprehensive e b industry chance in china. just being honest, not please mich soto bowman or the, the new all my months, my off the investment. of course, this was all backed by government subsidies and encouragements, and sometimes direct investments from government supported funds on this as good industrial policy. and wild chinese companies obviously benefited greatly foreign companies like tesla also profited from this policy. what do you think that was done your kitchen, postpone eating company bites and ultimately failed due to
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a broken funding trans. never to less buy's and also received subsidies from the chinese government kind advised, we also had some government capital, but it didn't help us at that stage. that's not so it's not that the government unconditionally intervenes in the market. you don't do competition still exist in boxes. so no, it's not of the most is understanding the full scope of subsidies provided by the chinese government to the sector is no easy task . how i work from this chart of approved new energy vehicle purchase subsidies. we can get a glimpse of just how much money is involved on here are the top 10 companies that received these subsidies leaving the pack a, b, y b and the gag group, which received massive direct government assistance from 2018 to 2022
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particularly in 2022, this direct subsidy to local companies, rather than following ones, is a major point of criticism from europe and the u. s. as it impacts fair competition in the international market and leads to a significant over capacity. gina, have shown china has had over capacity for decades due to it system, which is not a free market economy, but state controlled on the windows. the data provincial governments decide to build a factory. it often isn't based on market criteria, but rather is simply executed shelters. leading to this of and capacity or something on the shopping is a complicated complex. you keep them company still surviving in the chinese small kitchen includes dry and it's like b, y, d, g, d, a chevy,
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which has achieved economies of scale as well as new payers. like neil explained on service to that, the you and the, the brands backed by traditional automakers. blackstone, full size on the competition is already tough with makers under intense pressure pressure on the list. agree with the central governments assessment. that's a much smaller number of companies will so far. so half of the word. com ok, it's will assume the electric. how much all that will be chinese. it's a china beckett's to reach over one meeting car exports. however, it only took a year to go from by median to, to meetings another year, to a surprise, 3 meetings in 2020. so we try not exploded over 5 medium vehicles, becoming the boards largest con, explore, to install the new stuff to the screen. i don't think this growth will continue as
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entire regions will start sealing off their markets. currently, only the europeans haven't done so, but they probably will. soon. what we're seeing is essentially marketing closing docs and chinese automakers will also be effective tonight. and as they won't be able to continue marketing their cars globally, you know, to statewide the market print a closer look at the top 10 destinations for trying these con, exports in 2023 suggests that the threats of significant type of increases in the us and europe won't stop. chinese cars from finding buyers are running toward the u. s. ranks for teens and germany ranks sixteens among the export destinations. in contrast, for germany try those car markets remains crucial. the detroit,
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the s dental german manufacturer skill set like a huge portion of their cars in china. so in europe suddenly says we will close our doors. the chinese manufacturers, china could easily say we will close our doors to german manufacturers, which could be a disaster for the german economy. then economy was the door to the bookshop. try these makers need to be able to compete in the market where buyers demand the latest technology on features. but that's not the own advantage over established german brands. as it is a company, not this combination of technological development and hardware and software along with the subsidies and the fact that basically all the production supply chains are under chinese control, gifts, china and almost insurmountable advantage. that's nearly impossible, before the germans to catch up 2 directions passed. no one. what do you think? on what basis philadelphia which are global trades be built?
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well, try these eves, dominate the global market one day. here i dw with him to provide you with unbiased information for, for you months. so share your thoughts in the comments below the we driver's made destruct with lots of love. so you could say it's our home and i say really, i'm not, i get a the, a few years ago the cobra bread emerged from the ashes of the seemingly.


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