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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is deed of the news live from the, in the gathering on fall, right? delegate springs, thousands of protest as to the streets in germany's west. the lease faced off against demonstrators filed to disrupt the far right alternative for germany's policy. congress will get the latest remark correspondence on the ground. also coming up around vases, a run of votes. often no candidate wins and majority in its presidential election based are equally low turn out. sees the sold reform is candidate hold a small lead over his hotline rival the
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i'm totally illogical. welcome to the program. demonstrators have clashed with police in the west, then german city of s, and where the fall arrives. alternative for germany potty is holding its summer conference. police used pepper spray have to some tried to break through a cord and as many as a 100000 protest as are expected to appear outside the 2 day event. the f d is riding high following recent electrical successes despite the series of scandals. a speaking at the party conference f. these co president, alice vital raids against germany's approach to migration, fussy, a paul who assignments will far to what we need is an immediate turnaround on migration before it can be needed immediately stopped and naturalization. under this legislation,
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we need the immediate to partition of 300000 people where the quite the least the content and criminals must please immediately on and we need drop us border control . it's sending back a leak of border crossings. this works during the european football championships, but it's not supposed to apply to us about that's why we need to put a stop to this all we need. i've done it out on migration for our country involved . and i mean, we got soon spend the feelings a lot. let's discuss this now with our chief political editor. let me share the customer and dw report to alex gast, who are both following the potty conference for us from s. and let's start with you michelle. your insights, tell us about what the pots you need at his vitals. been saying she's attacked the government? is this consistent with the policies rhetoric? so it is consistent with the bounce back of the h. d in 2015. when uncle a michael owns to so called open arms policy. now these find is actually speaking
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right behind me as we approach the 2nd vote for the posse. co leadership that she's stressed when i go to, michael said yes, we can. she says, no, we cons that somebody cannot take more migrants. and what this means is that the policy is not just closing rang just having re elected the co pa see the, the tino co piled up from the east of germany. it is also zooming in quite clearly on the migration issue as germany approaches retail elections in 3 eastern states. so we're seeing big time closing ranks. you could throw away all the articles and reports ahead of this policy conference that spoke of a potential class of the leadership. clearly the f d has disciplines itself is closing ranks and from the focusing on the next polls coming up after having major significant gains in your opinion. like so. give us
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a level come back to you in just a 2nd. but going to alex outside, i'd like to what's the situation on the ground too well drilled to see if they have started early this morning. i'd say somewhere between 5 am and 6 am. the strategy in the morning was to block the main roads leading to the venue of where the a, if the is holding a, it's potty comment or it's party congress now. and by no. of course, most a if the delegates have arrived at the venue, but we have seen outside indeed some clashes between protest as between police and also we have seen that a f d delegates. they had to be accompanied and protected by the police to reach the city hall where the v is meeting now, in the city center expecting to see up to 100000 protesters. what is the organize of calls for peaceful protests? so organize us like the unions, the churches by just the future. and they have highlighted the importance of, of
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a peaceful protest. we have seen some exceptions with the, with some clashes, but in general it is peaceful. and the message here by the process is quite clear. they want to to show that the far right if the is not welcome here in the city. okay, thank you alex about to you, michelle. i know, you know, it was big opposition outside of for the, against the f d a, but at the same time, the party received the 2nd highest number of votes in germany and the recent to european parliament elections. so what exactly is the appeal among the votes as as well, their appeal is that the policy of protests fazio the polling is so and that it's not being elected as protest against established policy that is being voted for. because if it's on the migration starts and we just had the appeal, was that for at least vital who hit that message home once again. but what we also
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here to you today is some people saying, well, we should have reached 20 percent in those european elections as an intense feeling that there's more voting potential. and that's what the polling in regional elections coming up in those eastern states is showing they want to reach above 20 . in some instances, they're above the, as you hovering around 30 percent at the percentage points. and that lady is the message here today that we're not going to be seeing any in fighting was homeless, was a tradition with the fall, right? a if the it's from the focus on the road ahead and really expanding what it sees on its own potential here terminal. they don't use, but the chief political editor should look up now and report a ex guest in some thank you. but then now to some of the stories making headlines around the world. voting is underway in mauritania as presidential election incumbent president mohammed ruled because
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winey is widely expected to win a 2nd to maintain. it has positioned itself as a beacon of stability in north west and africa's to hell region as neighboring countries. struggle with is list insurgencies of any results show that mongolia is willing people's party is now a new one. the country's parliamentary elections. prime minister move sometimes ryan or you and add in, says his party was on track for a majority, but the opposition was also set for major games with many voters frustrated by corruption and the high cost of living. at least 4 people living killed for a mini van crashed into a nail silent in the us state of new york and the 9 people hospitalized after the incident, including the driver, police are investigating the cause of the trash temporary p. a built by the us military to bring aid into gaza has been removed due to bad weather. the
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pentagon says it may not be reinstalled unless aid stopped flowing to the population again. most of the, nearly 9000 tons of a that entered via the structure remains of storage. because of difficulties moving at on woods and radians will return to the polls for a run of presidential vote next week, after none of the candidates secured the majority in the 1st round of the snap election, the vote took place to replace president bryan rossi who died in a helicopter crash last month, a reformist pursued as i scan, hold a slim lead over the conservative side, deleting with more than 24000000 volts counted. but voltage cannot reach a record low for the country at only 40 percent. piling around ultimately resides with supremely to add to a how many who oversaw the selection of 4 full candidates in the race. a
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small and joint now by yelled at the box uh, the head of dw persian service. uh good to have you with us. you all that now the only reformist candidate masood visit can is slightly ahead of the hotline that side. so that jelly, now what would it mean if iran elected reformist candidates and this run of well actually, um it won't bring any change. as i said, as a kid up there, there is no change for the people in the wrong, even with the so called performance can do that. the only thing that might change is that a business guns view it, he's less anti western. and then for instance, a jelly, the, the thing is that many analysis, i actually say that it can also be a strategy, or maybe even the, the will of the supreme leader in that position has been what to find
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a guardian council at all. and in order to get people to the polls, so it was expected a low turn as was expected, and they were maybe hoping and trying everything to get people to vote. but and then the other hand, i mean they and they failed because as he just said, it was the lowest turn out in history of these nomic republic. and on the other hand, it is also a possible scenario that's now before the elections in the u. s. take place and as long as the item is present in for instance, and at one is trying to get maybe a deal um to ease a to you know, uh, take away to sanctions for instance. um, so this is likely that he has been, which is the only for that actually i just mentioning that low 10 out of record low . why is it that the radians haven't turned out to devote this is actually not surprising. we have been witnessing, especially since the since
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a nationwide pro tabs. the women live freedom movement which is still ongoing despite all crackdowns that people are fed up with this regime. it's the, it's because of the know the human rights. no human rights, no women rights, the economy and the regime supporting homeless and his bola and, and this is actually very clear that people in the wrong, the once a regime change, so for and for most of the people, the selections are not even elections. they know they won't, there's no change coming out of this and there was trying to do a training has taxed the weeks and before the election, seeing a hash tag election circus or um, people calling to boy towards the elections. like for instance level peace prize winner nag as mom id who has called for an actually white goods. and we also could see is the images and videos that reached us yesterday. the polling stations were
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um, yeah, there was, there were empty actually in different cities of the country. now the briefly of what has become of the protest we saw that was a movement over a year and a half ago, the women's movement, what's become of that movement, or this movement actually is still alive. so women are still fighting for the rights for self determination. for freedom, um, but they, there is a huge, there is this correct on ends. and even the regime though is that it's just a matter of time. that's another wave of protest will level. and maybe also this is why they're thinking that would have almost candidates and a president liked with this kind of good. this could be delayed, but the fact is that the one keep up there 5. but the whole people in the wrong, there is a fear that's with the reforms. candidates, the you and the west will start to negotiate with iran more um,
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and that will actually lead to legitimize this regime, which has no of that just mation within the population. anyway, okay, all right, well actually that, that, yeah, that the box and the head of the w's persians service. thank you. are sports now and here in germany, that 1st knock out round of the european football championships is about to get underway. saturday's 1st match the switzerland chasing the 1st victory against italy in more than 30 years. the 2nd game that's denmark against the home team, germany who have some favorites, although then not taking anything for granted spirits or high a team. germany's bass players like leroy sign, a took some time to meet with fans and signed a few autographs. the head of the high pressure round of 16 clash with denmark. the relationship between the team and supporters is back on track at their home euros. after several disappointments that recent tournaments, you know,
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i to them on. so i think people will really support us. we have sparked them in a few more in germany. and we will now try to keep that going to be in the side of the blog because slot are back as a solution to one of the coaches. you really are not goals minds, headaches, but germany bloss use the same starting 11 and all 3 group matches. now he has to make changes defender jonathan, tom will not be available. his yellow card against switzerland was his 2nd of the tournament meeting. he will serve a one matched pan slot or back is expected to replace tom. but fellow center back antonio. really good me also missed the game with a hamstring injury, which i'll do for that. some of i've had an injury like that in the past. it's not that easy to get it out of your head. i hope he'll be fit, but we still have to wait and see on saturday. that's like one. a 100 dogs. denmark will not be easy to crack, just like germany. they went undefeated into groups. stage players and so for now, let's stay with us, shift us up next with the ways to protect your personal data and minimize the risk of identity to
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a logical for myself and the team. thanks for the so you don't think the you the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable port in those non i want my son to become a doctor joined because it's time to to to get your generation.


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