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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  June 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm CEST

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too much of the all wrong mess, things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking. want to now on youtube, v. w documentary, i made canals file markets and tories hotspots, watch line flight for young people in amsterdam from a small town in south africa to the big stages of the world. how did soprano, pretty gen day get that? and we'll show you how the statements we tell you in buffalo, martha rella is made all this coming up on your own macs. the
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amsterdam is well known for its canals, spikes, coffee shops, and of course the red light district. but how did young people here spend their free time get around and live me cosmo, a 19 year old creative business student born and raised in the dutch capital. today he'll be showing us what his life in amsterdam is like quite a more welcoming man apartments. and i'm sure down or good morning and welcome to my apartments in amsterdam. come with me and what job because the stairs are very, very steep. especially i just sort of have the fluffy white bread. i would just leather this in a little better leather. everything usually i wake up should be 15 minutes because i have 2 dates. so this is the quickest thing i can do to really get the nutrients and tackles. let's basically just chunk the springs. cosmo lives here with his mother who has her own apartment upstairs. of life never most business,
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whereas always lives. so most people that i know that are maybe even 25 for 30 still live with their parents just because they cannot afford living somewhere in amsterdam. amsterdam is among the most expensive cities in europe to rent housing for me it's, i would never leave. you know if i don't have to cosmo and his mother share a close bond. his grandmother was born in indonesia and also played a big role in his life growing up there are a lot of people who are entities for info, and that is people who come from naples, india, which is former dutch indonesia, like my grandmother, for example, who was born in your car that which was cool with us yet the same. that's why you will find. let us introduce you people here, a lot of innovation restaurants, a lot of information shops. you notice that there's just a lot of innovations here. after
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class cosmo travels across town to bring lunch to his friend to started a we're newspaper together. it started all of this cool project really, but we really felt the necessity of a l. t p plus newspaper, even edelmans because there's nothing similar that represents the youth in eligibility. and in other words, yet in 2001, the netherlands was the 1st country to legalize same sex marriage before cosmo and many of his friends were even born. we always want to improve, you know, but it is true that it's still a tolerant city and then we are really spoiled in that way. you know, there's always space for improve. and as long as there is basically little push, i love walking around. i know most of those people or pay for them. so then this article a lot. but whenever i can, i try to walk. if it's walking distance and other was the 1st i take the public
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transports because it's actually free for students. dutch teens are allowed to drive as of the age of 18, but in amsterdam, using a car isn't really convenient because it's just a city that's very impossible to get through with the car. because as you can see it's, it's really made for cars. it's made for boats and horse gary, just so close the lowest otherwise you have 7 years and i think 80 is definitely a tig agent and the other ones because that's when you become an adult, you're able to drive the car in the netherlands when you're a change or able to drink, smoke whatever you want, because that's when you become an out building. so it's, it's celebrated. the netherlands have consistently been ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world coming in 5th place in 2023. but how does the young adult like cosmo feel about life in amsterdam,
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military for thing about living and i'm sort of has to be there whether and sometimes of people, because the people can be a little bit close off of a little bit of root. sometimes i think my 1st thing about living in amsterdam definitely is the sense of freedom that you get here. and also the 1st affility. i mean the weather is, 1st of all the people are for the tile. everything here says very 1st the tile. so that's something that i really like amsterdam is definitely my home. i feel very at home or i don't want to leave it. thank you so much for watching and have a good evening or go for you guys. we are the next stop. we meet a very talented thing, a south african bone protean day has taken the all per well defined story. we discussed about how she found her calling on the line,
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what the combination of charles, the 3rd and camilla has to do with korea. the pretty and pop shop on start something she would never hook down to 3 months or little girl from south africa, discover how pretty young day became mold and just a queen on stage and sent for royalty. for me, performing is not really performing. i live on stage, my soul becomes alive. i smell like there's a smile. there's an in a joy that kind of explain. it's much more deep put then just be an opera singer. i'm ministering sound. literally, in the frankfurt offers makeup room,
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she makes the final touches and meets with the director of default, a transfer hassle. with you have a little just the guy, he's a great, that's good. and then you go to your position where you from the hiding place where you ok, oh do you is the addiction queen cleopatra in handles the rock opera judaeo chase. so today is both a challenge and a very special role pretty n day to portray is one of the most legendary characters. and of course, she's an african queen and i'm from the tip of africa. so it is very, i don't know if that is something that, but just the me effect of see how have character is the trade competitor are the characters that have played from the european ladies or provides no pretty n day as
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a prominent who sings on the world's premier stages. she was introduced to mass audiences in 2023. when she sang for the british king charles the 3rd and queen camilla in westminster abbey. she's the 1st african soto is to sing at car a nation once in a lifetime, kind of an event. with extraordinary, i have such joy, just remembering that it was in a very special way. it was the high 9. so fall of which is international korea, which began with his studies at low scholar in milan in 2011. pretty was born to a family of musicians in 1995 in a small town in eastern south africa. assigned many a company to singing in the schools in charge class, but she only had all pride for the 1st time at 16 in a 10 2nd commercial. it was 2001 with
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a home with family watching tv. and then i heard this music on the background and because the locked him into it and it was read the puff, the music behind the positive voice that really invited me to this amazing odd form and world. from the time she was invited to london to record a studio version of say create file for. 2 the, the title is looking jones defense and queen to miller's coronation was written by composer sarah claus, especially for pretty n days performance. that's amazing. so very much and to great as the senior and composer what personally chosen by king charles but his coronation to to continue to collaborate. sarah, claus records another track, the new album with pretty
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the she just brings that that to every note she brings the depth. she brings the drawers from the well with within her so beautifully. and you can feel that power within it. within every note, i think for me that's, that's the thing that creates this special i think before. yeah. you know it's, it's, she has that. 2 the transfer has an frank that pretty n day gets ready for her performance in this the tact in moments like this. she sometimes things back to her youngest. so discovering opera at 16. what would she tell her if you hadn't said yes. when you 1st heard those 10 seconds, non of it would have come to so that coverage that you had in that smooth,
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unique moment of 10 seconds of your life and saying yes, i thank you so much for that then for not giving up no matter what the weather is k, a pantry o, as a soto is that the coronation of king charles, pretty young day, the soprano from south africa, has long been singing at the top leak of international opera. the now falls to paris. the some of the city will be hosting the olympic games, whether you are visiting the french capital during this time or later. we have some essential tips for you. welcome to paris, the city of love, the city of lights, of arts and fashion,
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and beauty. there are thousands of guides, blogs, videos available, telling you everything that you need to do in the french capital. so today i'm going to tell you what to do. so are you ready to explore this magnificent city with me? let's go starting today with an early morning trip to the 2nd look at my map for this area gets so busy during the day and especially at sunset. so as a quieter scene is more your thing, i'd recommend rather coming in the morning. the light is beautiful. and you have to place more or less 2 years. this is the 2nd, the most popular attraction after the eiffel tower. as is evidenced by the increasingly growing crowd of tourists here, even 1st thing in the morning, the way it should have come here in our best in line kind of 8 and 9 am
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the you thought i was gonna tell you not to go up the eiffel tower, don't worry, this is one of the most visited landmarks in the world for a reason. of course, it needs to be on your powers bucket list. if long keys on your thing, just pick your ticket online and that's on the the iphone tower is a master piece of engineering design and part of the next cool. well, heritage, the i me thing i think are welcoming agent amar alba, sorry for some insight to to come through the sunset because, you know, sometimes people come for the day and then they come for the nights. they want pictures during the day because in the night they come during sunset just before sunset. so it's beautiful because how the light changes. but if they really don't
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want to do the line, the best thing is to come in the morning in terms of actually guessing you arrive and don't bother with cars or taxis. they're old, they're busy and they're expensive. the public transport system is very well connected. and the bike lanes are great if you'd rather cycle or try it, or with about time to try some french pastries looks like if you want to close on a cafe, don't wait until 12 pm take away. it says click the battery shop with a straight from the source. you can literally see them making them right there. so fast back to the cultural side, the welcome to the lose one of the biggest and most visited art galleries in the world. my same type
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of freaking in advance definitely applies here because it also gets super cried. it's for the main thing i'd recommend you not to do here is just rush through to get us out for you with the most release us and then leave again. take your time to really appreciate some of the most incredible works of art in the world. villers is home to some of the most well known pieces of western art. so of course, take yourself here with the motor we saw at the start the but there are around 35 sideways into work so far to see in the loop. so take a proper look around my check would also be not to too many things into one day to be afraid to take them out. walking along the river side and is so magical. and of course you across the palm desire bridge. the famous meeting point for lovers. you've probably seen pictures of the bridge covered in
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looks left there by lovers from all over the world. but don't do that because it's actually not forbidden love logs on the bridge because in 2014, a parts of the bridge railing collapsed under the weight of all of them. but it's still a very romantic place to come and visit my final tit for you guys. is known to shy away from the local fate via i'm talking about snail's gas. our older x x l, the essentially pay it carla case. it's almost like chickens. definitely taste better than it looks. i am glad that rest paid off. i hope you trust me enough now to
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follow my advice that was not to do when you're visiting tires. and i hope you've enjoyed this journey through the french capital, such as i have did you know that they're all walter of buffalo in italy, cell phones, mainly in parts of asia, bonds. they play an important role in the atanya and region of companion. namely in the production of a very special cheese for many consider this to be the best mozzarella cheese in the world. it's the chris, nice in the milk. it isn't made of cow's milk, but from buffalo milk. we're out to find out what makes buffalo mozzarella so special. in white italy has water buffalo in the 1st place. i'm gonna move to mass making. mozzarella is actually very simple and natural. what type of load?
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well here they feel very comfortable because it's a marshy area which is a special kind of pasture farming. so they say they can tell you when i pull money by splitting. so they put all yeah, only buffalo month to relo from this region may bear the protected designation of origin, mozzarella the booth, and that combined the loop power cheese dairy, north of naples, is one of the world's largest manufacturers producing around 5000 kilos daily. we'll show you how in a moment, but 1st let's find out about its namesake. the yellow brothers that new power or the 3rd generation to produce, mozzarella, from their own buffalo, heard that move for the not remove the water. buffalo is a very rustic, uncomplicated animal to do research and get some resistance in the cabin and produces milk with completely different properties compared to kind of milk are the ones that are main thing. settings exactly. all the c o lot has much higher levels of fat and protein going thing is
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a more delicate meal which reflects the animals nature, expect a sub domain that and we've got our cities together over the learning model. and the latest census listed over 260000 water, buffalo and companion. with wire the buffalo even here. their exact origin is unclear, but they have been native to italy since ancient times. one probable theory is that the animals arrived in the mediterranean region from asia. each animal eats around 50 kilos of grass, alfalfa, hay and home grown maze per day. the farmer's only raising of cabs to maintain the herd around $3600.00 buffalo in total. the water buffalo were milt early in the morning and in the afternoon they give 8 leaders of milk a day. each cow yields to kilos of mozzarella 4 times as much as dairy cattle. let
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the move move. the milk is different from cow's milk. when i think it has a higher city in the health care of the animal is the best with the quality of the milk. and so that, that's what the product the texture of buffalo months are relative screen here and softer than she's made from cal's milk. which is usually mass produced in larger quantities, making it cheaper at the power of the cheese makers process the previous days. buffalo milk in the morning. it is 1st heated, a certified and curdled the post of the lot to process is crucial for month. relists occurred is dipped in hot water and pooled luigi generates the only has a few minutes to catch the perfect moment. oh really? yeah. curtis decorated like one the one does if i sent the water to 97 degrees celsius. and that's the moment when the kirk and i pulled into strings. all right, so it's important to find the right moment when you can start pulling the cheese
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into strains. the, the name of religion arrives from the word most sorry. which means to separate or test to finish balls or cold, placed in brine and immediately packaged for sale. in italy, mozzarella is best consume on the same day or within the next few days. at the latest buffalo mozzarella has a stronger, more acidic flavor than fewer. do nothing which is much a really produced from cow's milk. the m a family serves their products daily, the visual number, so that i don't want to see the time. i'm also available. what time to coming on and no longer is it produced exclusively here. the only income, tiny,
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a just every month cirillo ball contain the ancient relationship between man and buffalo. the peace house is a typical of many areas in northern germany. what makes them special is that the roots are covered with that type of read. it is an elaborate technique that has been declared value anesco positive. germany's intangible control heritage will show you how to save and modernize a 170 year old starched house from a room to modern residence. how do you turn to thoroughly decrepit house into a cosy home? suzanne and octavia showed her other wants to ask. patsy, welcome come inside and we'll show you everything. on said we were fascinated by the location. it's a very beautiful area up here and today's the close timestamp run out to see me a shot. of course, we were just in cost of what we found him here as it should be,
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lived and run down for 50 years with $910.00 or 11 tiny rooms st. vincent stand upright and some of the ceiling was so low. so need to make aunty to come back, come to me. you can go straight from the bathroom into the pig sty. yeah, that's how it was most that we really had our work cut out for us. few front of lots of imagination. the. yeah, i'm here is a little home extensive as well, sir. and this basis we wanted a really high roof, lined up and down was beams site designed to owns that it always be now drain. that's what runs on my. so this is where we are most of our toyota, we best buy to cook and we see that put the tv here as you can see. so we can also watch some football, for instance, we cooking while i'm doing something else. i got some buyers for you without, without, without them but we've got this great panorama window. so you think you're
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practically lying outside of that and we've got all this wide open space in here. we can fairly enjoy his company as well. no. like at least the, the house is located at germany's northern most edge on the fence for george switched roof. houses are typical in the rural areas here such as made of reeds which thrive along the coast. the roofs made from them are flexible, unable to withstand the violent coastal storms happen. again, it has a very special charm added to the sickly with this area. getting heat is such as widespread, but it's more expensive. so of course, it isn't used at all in the new houses by nor bought new out the magazines. it took almost 2 years to finish renovating the home and architect from nearby denmark drew up the precise plants. the heart of the big room is this
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concrete kitchen on and this one, how does that guy he asked that guilty was across many here from the region fluid specialized and working with concrete, steel and woods, a fantastic cross on test. and he boot the 6 me so long countertops holdings, ang, pc, to log in to talk to some of the items to put this thing. weighs 1.4 tons. and they lifted it in here before the roof themes where i would life by can come. yeah. trying to hold of motor and details, give the house. it's on the state. couple of personality, these expensive this panorama window. it's practically being pushed in. this is how a dilapidated house was transformed into an impressive country miner. he's a shop. this is tom is one of the one us over from there. i came up here from the road. i sort and i said brilliant. this is it. so this is
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that was all from your max. this week you'll find more exciting stories on our social media channels. thanks for watching and joining us again next week, the, the, the
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subscribe. know to dw documentary each tells my story of the people who planned me build dedicated van lines to me. i am not too dumb to pay the rest of my may. in the centuries they billed me, they created something and had to watch as i brought the story. i have month to my cities, days for centuries, and accompanied my country. until the day i nearly vanished stuff july 18th on d w. the,
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this is, the domain is live from the land to fall right? german political policy congress brings thousands onto the street. police, confront, active is trying to disrupt the alternative to germany's gathering. we'll get the latest from our correspondence on the grounds. also coming up the presidential election run off called in iran has rival candidates failed to win a majority. record low turn out sees the sol reform is contend, told a small lead over his hotline opponents and football 02024 competition move.


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