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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 30, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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on the, you're watching data, we can use live from bullying. tens of thousands of germans take to the streets outside of foreign policy. congress police confront activists trying to disrupt the alternative to germany's gathering. a number of offices are injured in classes with protest is as a race so made. also in coming up a presidential election run off to be held any ron record, lloyd, to now him the 1st round, sees the sole, reform is told a small lead over his ultra conservative hotline that challenge up the fans go
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wild up to hoist gem in the book they placed in the quote, a final of the euro, 2024 football championship, germany big denmark in a dramatic game that was interrupted by us on the store. the welcome to the show on jared read tens of thousands of protest is have attempted to disrupt the annual conference of the far right alternatives to germany potty. they were k. your succeeds on saturday as activists tried to stump delegates entering the venue in the waste and cd of isn't to police officers was seriously injured when they were attacks. while a school thing, a politician, treat the crowd, local authorities failed in a legal b. two's don't. the gathering from going ahead. police say several people were
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arrested following the clashes. the www. spoke to protest as outside the congress as the united against fascism. they chance tens of thousands have gathered an estimate to protest against the far right alternative for germany. but what does india here? why are we here? because we're for human rights for tolerance because the a, f d, as in humane noise, i'm here because i can't stand that it's become normal to vote for the safety of it's of in the if the presented alternative. but there is no alternative to democracy. it's been nearby this um, i'm here because i hope we can push back this mounting fascism does not all sort bind on at night. some terrible that history seems to be repeating itself on only a short walk away from the main demonstration. blocked off by the police, a f, the delegates gather for their party congress. the euro skeptic party came 2nd to germany's european parliament elections,
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but scored less well than expected. despite a string of scandals. the a if the sees itself as the number one force in eastern germany and is gearing up for regional elections on an anti immigration tickets. i see a paul who assignments of for to what we need is an immediate turnaround on migration for to can stop. we needed immediate stop to naturalization, so under this hippy legislation, we need the immediate deportation of 300000 people who are required to leave the country. criminals must leave immediately, but we need robust border controls sending people back across illegally outside the congress. tensions are running high as the masses raise their voices for democracy and human rights and against prejudice. and hate and chief political edits, a mikaela coast now is that the i f d conferencing s. and she told us that one issue above old,
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dominates the proceedings for clarity, what the ac is doing here at is policy conference ahead of key elections here. and i mean, 3 eastern states is focusing on what it knows best, which is an anti migration's done. many people have gotten that bounce back from essentially political oblivion in 2015. on the back of, i'm going to michael's open arms migration policy. the back class is what really pushed the a f d to the political full frontier in many and made it a political force to be reckoned with. it's just proven that in europe and elections and despite all the reporting that there could potentially be in fighting here. the current head of the pots, the slides. and you know, paula are also the few to ones. they just got re elected that this policy conference. so clearly the ac is set to stabilize on the issue. it knows best
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migration because well then often use a rainier ins return to the polls for a run of presidential for the next week. often none of the candidates school, the majority in the 1st round. now the election is to replace president abraham, right, you see who was killed in a helicopter crash last month. reform this mazda would possess key on hold, the sling lead, or the conservative side of each other, any, but turnouts. same to a record low of just 40 percent supreme leader ayatollah. how many of us sold a selection of candidates for more on this, i'd like to welcome royce, vermont. she is the executive director of the washington based door, a man boy of mine center for human rights in the ron. welcome to d, w. tow coast 3 plays the options that are facing a rainy and what will it means to them if either the reform is muslim, possess key on all the hard line of sight. jelly wins the runoff next week and
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becomes president as well. i think that there is, there's no hope for really change and there wouldn't be very mental change for several reasons. i mean, it's position beyond was allowed to run and i don't think it was about to run to open up internally. he, there are structural obstacles. put set in by design, by the founders of based on the public to prevent a serious change. so he may be, we may have fewer a more highly to police. we may have a few or fewer sensors, publications, but only no, i don't think that will be my change. no. this selection. so the lowest ever poll turnout any, ron is i understand to that over a 1000000 ballots. with boiled a few days ago, you twisted many iranians have given up on these elections for
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a good reason. tell us what that reason is as well there. there are several reasons . i mean, it's a long list of reasons, but the 1st one is that they have lost hope in old factions of their routing and eat. and they can run for office themselves. they can't form for the 12 parties. and they have tried to various factions of the, of their who didn't get it. and each time they have been disappointed. that's one reason the corruption, the blatant corruption that they see as people are more poor, poor and poor. and you know, less able to make, make ends meet is also one of the reasons. but also there have been several protests and the protests have been nationwide since 2017. at each time each time they have been view crackdowns the and the many people are cute, hundreds killed. and as the daughter of
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a woman who was killed in care much on in 2022 posted between us and the ballots box. there is, there are the courses of our loved ones. and i'd like to ask you what you think is going to happen in the next few days and how they've gone to play out in the run in the lead up to to do this run on selection a look. first of all, i would take the numbers um, official numbers with a grain of salt. the iranian authorities have inflated the number of motors most multiple times and therefore i don't see much. i don't, i mean it's hard to speculate, but i, i think part of the reformer, reformist fashioned parts of them have notes mode that they may vote by seeing the difference between does this gun and job isn't being so so small. but then majority
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of the writing and people, even the constituency of the machine, is not going to vote because they are much more informed. and it's much harder to bring them to the pauses with promises. especially women. because women are, you know, the forefront of these defiance of the state nationwide. and it's not just one class or one city. it's just from the poor localities to the, you know, to the biggest city to the originally for hundreds of big cities, women are defiant and they know that a small number of old clerics are holding their lives and decisions about what the where, what, who they be they are with who they dance with, who, where they sit, what the, what job they can have. they know that these clerics are not going to change. so
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they have, you know, i don't think they have a reason to go to the polls. that was already a vermont in washington dc. i'd like to thank you very much for your time and your insights today. thank you. as well, l g b t 2 communities in from so see that they will face increase to discrimination. if a firearm government takes power, but they remain defiant, tens of thousands have joined the annual pride parade. march in paris. loud and privately owned display security was stepped out for the hears congress pride after a spike in his speech and violence against the l. g. b. t t community in recent weeks. the far right one big in the european elections at the start of june. and many on this march fear whichever piece of that in sunday's election could mean for them. the car, it was way or afraid,
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afraid for access to health care for every day safety in the street with. is it not productive? i'm? i'm enough. there were also but i'm 65. we have full for rights that we had one that we had now losing it again. i've, i've called the government asking, can i apply for citizenship now because i have no idea what's going to happen with the next selections. i think it's a phone that's turn out it takes is in charge of friends. so the room and there was no schools pick, moving the pins national rally own course to win the largest number of seats for 28 . your approach as a short done by data has been galvanizing support among younger voters. the pen wants him to be appointed prime minister after the vote, something president emmanuel macro, and says smacks of arrogance. so you have to turn the, he says the national riley is taking the french electorate for granted, acting as if they have already one science packet. the pray march, tell
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a different story was maybe making it crystal clear to the field a back to victory for the far right. the sports news now and host germany. yes, very to the quote of finals of the european football championship. the game against denmark endorsement was interrupted by a from the storm. the referee took the players off in the 35th a minute at the school. neil neil, after break of around 20 minutes, the teams returned to the page. was sustaining, defend zoning, barely enough to tie habits and scored a penalty for gemini. then tomorrow, let me see, i'll uh then made it to neil to book jeremy's place in the next round and dw sports correspondent dunny a bustle. oh no. what was that defends or in here in the lane,
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she sent us the subject. so i am here and there you with us and zone in berlin. and this entire area during the game was absolutely packed with thousands of fans. and the atmosphere was absolutely electric after a short weather break, the band stayed here. there was singing dancing, tearing it specially when germany scored their goal. now we talked before the game about the keys to the match being how well german is interchangeable. and fluid attack would be able to break down denmark compact and organized defense. and today we saw exactly how dangerous they could be. now denmark will feel a little bit of hard done by because in the span of a few short minutes, they had a goal called off and they had a penalty called against them. but ultimately, germany are through to the next round where they will face the winner of spain against georgia. down your boss, the line of admin in the days of the game,
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switzerland book, they have placed in the port of finals. they beat defending champions easily to new let the olympic stadium here in berlin suite sans where a static has game of toilet school. the items are in the 30 item unit. and just after the break it rubens august made it to the italian style to hit back with with will now face with the winter of england against slovakia, indignant off next week and finally barely ensued. is looking for a name for a baby pick me. she probably, that's become an online style, millions of watch this video, the little one taking a boss and many of been asking, well, what's the heap i called you might be able to help keepers uh, looking for a short name with a connection to berlin. you can make your suggestion on this, there's social media channels as alex and has a good time. i think alexander potts, after the break is bought slice that go away.
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the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center. the straight pieces between the around the world more than 150000000 people us we of mine.


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