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tv   Unknown Patagonia  Deutsche Welle  June 30, 2024 5:30am-6:00am CEST

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of every single connection mapped out shows the geo political reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the on the ice fields in the past to go in on these unknown valley discovered terrain. a team of mountain e as in scientists time to explore these almost a memorable regions where global climate change is more time to pull than almost anywhere else. in the world, the gym and scientist is leading the expedition in the harsh bath leggings twins and ice. the go to collect data for climate for such as if you've got some things,
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this data is very important for us. like these expeditions may be able to include some of the gaps we have up here and the 2 professional mountain is the companies out to the job is to collect samples from regions. no one has ever been said before, the
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capturing an area of 17000 square kilometer has to pass the guardian ice fields the river 200 times the size of the largest clay c a in the alps. climate research to be a cell to is investigating the changes here and documenting the impact the how is climate change affecting these remote areas or the guns in the functions of i'd me, i'm trying to click on our extensive research here. started with the vision that something should be done in the region where little research has to be carried out . so far, we needed more data to us and for other glass. your changes in particular, be really documented due to the extreme weather conditions of 6 of us, but it's also what makes it so appealing to go there and say, 15th, all right, done, other stuff. we're going to a region where researchers doing most of normally go on to this. it's
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a combination of a passion for research and then share how seems to be a histogram one, even though it's wind full sites. the goal setting off from the big expedition sound to stop so foot one if the weather station sees installed on the edge of greg lacy and also the weather stations run themselves sufficiently. the recorded data has to be retrieved at least every 2 years. so but the upgrade is working for when we have a connection to the lager and it's still recording that's like the end of the greg lacy. it is relatively easy to reach. so there is already a lot of data available. it bounces the garcia is in the southern patagonia in ice field, which is the 3rd largest and the wealth after and tell it to come in greenland. so
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phones out to and his team has and he works here. demo relates, knows an ice failed, his hardly being explode. the here i say it's access pointing to godaddy. professional mountain is real bad. yes . but and you and hello. preparing for the expedition to settle here. this the, the logistical preparations on the sites take a week, which points kind matoney just so to will join the team. are the 2 mounts and he is have more experience impassive. got any, and then these 2 they've been a close knit team. some of the assess yes, the yes, but it's one of the world's leading mounts and he is. he's
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a pioneer of extreme ice climbing the he has given many talks on mountain protection, a subject he is passionate about discovery entity. and i believe that if you take nature's energy back with you wherever you live, and it will simply live in a more environmentally friendly and conscious way, even if every single one of us takes more care of nature and our environment, then i think will obtained a lot in the end, dusting him in the zone surveys on his way to puerto natal is where he'll meet to professor ricardo hun. you from the to land until and take institute. they've been friends for years. ricardo, how are you? great. tanya is considered the scientific ex, but for this region that's good to some people haven't been
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into and seen that kind of sort of. this is an extraordinary points on the planet too. so that the lowest tip with south america ends on the antarctic peninsula, directly opposite each other here and of the only launch land masses in the southern hemisphere that line these far south. so this is the point where you can explode the outer limits and that climate change, which is unique. i think the guy is when it's clear to everyone has that climate change has already led to dramatic shifts and patagonia in recent years. as they tables clump, i will say feeding the effect. she has jem and re send is married tanya, as a biologist, she's very aware of the consequences for agriculture. this appropriate in from the drought causes problems to agriculture and send tons of 6 talking blow. i think there are a 150000 people here and we need to wait with we need
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a healthy diet i need because on the needle on yeah, i'm a neck shown this. somebody we had a month or 2 without rain, starts in november, and i know that's why i'm that makes things a bit difficult just to show this in an sweety 2 days before setting off on the expedition zone. so it will say reach is point to godaddy. here he meets the mountain is whom he's off to take phone calls from hire regions. the goonies as one of the most extreme milk rates in the world. so you could see the highest turnover of mass on the, in the lower region of the time with a glass here is we have extremely high, mel traits, instrumental contents, and it took me when i get to the places i've been in the past, i simply can't see the glacier at all, often has hundreds of meters of altitude are mistaken, and sometimes it is receded by kilometers, size it. so we can now work as mountain guide. we see every day how the glassy is
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a retreating to climate change is only for us. it's very, very real quite so glad our lives the last outpost of civilization from the starting point for expeditions to the news and have to go need an ice field. shallow tobate's will take the team through the i see with is saving them 6 days of hiking boots. how many fact all the equipment infected several times. but if we forgotten something, the expedition could fail. so we'll try it on the yes, but until i have time to total of 4 weeks to ascend. settle here. this the south who will join the expedition team for the 1st 10 days. he hopes to reach the level of pumps. typically c a, which is one or 2 days walk from the base camp the, the extremely volatile and unpredictable weather. and patagonia were also impact the outcome of the expedition it has to be,
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i think the 1st bad weather will come tomorrow and then so that's why it's important that we don't just sit in our little tents with that. we have a kitchen here. the prospect for me, the fascination of them had to go in wilderness is simply that you have to live very close to the elements. i mean, i don't think there's anywhere else and can experience the weather in nature as closely as here. so how would not be here the, the goal is to ascend this 3100 meter high. settle here, there's only 3 expeditions of ever reached its summit. the what he asked, the intel uh, planning has never been attempted before. the direct to send to the south plank, the voucher hopes to reach the higher
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iglesias with the mountain is so that they can examine the snow conditions that but the 1st part of the roof is already very challenging. phys delta. they come to an ice cold with us and they have to cross. it looks like it's kind of disfigurement. so the rucksack is pretty heavy already. i'm not quite sure how much it is. is the scientific instruments are all in there. plus the ice equipment. it wouldn't be easy. oh wow. yeah. wow. yeah. checks out. wow. it was completely different than i thought. the person who could i really saw the glass here before all the way up here. one thing that the useful would be the white drums there items, or nose, or something waterfall up there. on the satellite images, the glacier was 200 meters thick. so it must have melted away with any you are to
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supplement fiscal, this is a disaster, didn't i mean globally with the warming and the melting are actually about i was expecting to go up there on the tongue and then be able to go up at least a bit and done to me, this is a disaster. i don't even know how we're going to do it. now. it soon becomes clear that it's impossible to guess any further on the ice. the guy see a tongue has disintegrates his even more than they had initially sold. and thank you. always think of the glass here as retreating, that it's not retreating at all. it's disintegrating. you can see it to your to could. so hasn't really tried to think like the ice is breaking up into small icebergs and chunks of ice. and then it melts relatively quickly enough. so we should actually be talking about the glass here is disintegrating, the someone to explain it to inspire. yeah,
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and we've been preparing these expedition meticulously for 2 years and analyzing all the data and satellite images we've received. and now we faced with the possibility of not even getting up to a place here with it. i think we'll have to resort to plan be my we had always thought about that group up. there were all the forest is up to he id as soon as he i just so it's deep and difficult but we'll give it a try. and then the next day they don't want to give up yet the repetition, these are intended only for the return journey. now that being used to find a way through the labyrinth, which is the crumbling lacey at home. this is really old ice, right? this ice come from overnight, just about tools. the ice comes from the upper part of the plot to it is very on the tells me on the last great ice age was 18 to 20000 years ago. but it could be
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much older if the already had ice masses here before the last ice age. so it could be very old. i can't see exactly. say i just, i've eaten by both the team get stuck, set back. so recumbent the current service such as but so, so it is disappointed, you know, he has to hope that the mountain is but at least bring him some snow samples from the pump. so if they see a young 50 at look the the conflict and will give you the test tubes to put the samples in over a little bit and you have a way of penetrating regions. we don't normally, we ensure that i sent this to our research is almost exclusively limited to the outlet last years of the, which are logistically, very easy to really verify. we are a university that one of us, our job is to do research to teach male. so we have our specific tasks kinda explore, you're not extreme item years with me see, and that isn't our goal that's completed. so that is fun to be out in the field.
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the doctor go out and collect data at all. but we also have to weigh up the risks, a little update and going out onto the path of going in a sheet is noticed with ideas, dangers to be. and so, so let me work with experts like real that and yeah, and then so we get data where we wouldn't otherwise have any, we can do that and that's very valuable. now what does this have? output is also is going back to his university. his 10 days around he has lectures to give the meanwhile, the mountaineering team trying to reach the glass, see it by making their way through the dense undergrowth of the forest sneered the valley. from there they planned to climb to the summit of seto. he had is, in a sense that no one has ever attempted before me at the end of the 1st day, they set up camp at this such a place. yeah,
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the, i to understand, i was just imagining what it would look like if all the glaciers mounted. i can't really do it. i mean, you can already see the beginnings of it down here. a lot of the glacier is already seated. it's been pretty difficult to get out here at all, and i think we can see this whose rocks rising up here, and it's getting more and more difficult to get onto the glaciers and the crevasses up there. look very open. so i'm curious to see if we can get through them and the way that we come,
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the little hypoth finding a way through the i c labrenz never the less they want to keep trying to take the promised samples pizelle to is it with my, i know it was on the ice on the glacier down there, but now there's a layer of burn here. and i think that's interesting for toby, since a key set does stuff as much as you know, and here as possible. exactly. sample number one, like this. so each sample is cassidy documented. so this it can be assigned correctly. later. the intestinal, the mountain is collect the t snow, some polls in the unexplored area. yes. but it's bringing them to berlin with delta plans to analyze them at home. go to university. i just wanted to be,
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i think, so i've got 5 samples here that i'd love to know how you research the climate from snow samples. folks in the south clean my team is me, and i understand we'll analyze the water samples liter lenora's trying to determine the isotope ratio. the ratio between o, 16 and it was o 2 is oxygen items full factor moist pacific cash flow saved for the particular any an ice fields creating precipitation. but the research is don't know how much. that's why they compare the samples from the low areas with those from the higher regions. the analysis of oxygen isotopes is crucial here. they can be used to estimate how much precipitation has phone and on the ice fields this into and gives an indication of the extent to which the mass of the glass is changing, the towing company. so that's where you come in is we know roughly how much,
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what's your fee per comes in here from the pacific compatible. what we don't know is how much precipitation falls under the category that i should really advise. so far you've only collected samples on the eastern slip, plastic when i see a home, this kind of interested in i. so now it would be interesting to see what the situation is like further insight the she and the other one actually in the nicest thing finished. that's why i'm glad you're so often out there. and you can help the site on the, on some business with some good 6 months now to the mountain is a back in the nose in ice fields. this time they want to take some polls, but on a different mountain the, the settle, chris dies. it too has hardly been exploded. the expedition took 3 months to prepare to invite you to it's great because now i can hopefully give something back to science with the samples i just made. because i think we could greek
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weather forecasts an avalanche forecast. and so it's, it's much more professional, these days stuff and we benefit from that. so this is great for us. if they reach the summit, they will be the 2nd right team ever to make it up the mountain, the very in me. so who doesn't meet the conditions are not as good as we saw and because there's still a lot of snow. and now there was a storm yesterday, there were gales of up to a 100 kilometers per hour. me dies. so it was almost impossible to move it all to be big, but there's also a huge storm rolling over the ice g today. and we can move pretty much, right. so it's very, very difficult right now because it sounds, it is also back in southern patagonia on grade lacy, a well the mountain nearing team collect some posts for him on the nose in ice fields. he wants to experience splits his scientific colleagues know only from
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pictures the i'm sort of leading the couldn't from offended and through the upsets movie to do that we have satellite images and can assess the kind of situation from them. yeah, we also have some metro, illogical data, so we actually have a good amount of data when you arrive on site on see how far that glass here is of melted publish mode. and you remember what it was like 3 years ago. looks like that really is a bit like being hit by a hammer reason when you're brought back to reality with them and what's a good packed into daily 10 segments. the 1st buses i don't have access to the southern pets, it gave me an ice field is comparatively easy. using simple methods zone to is able to document the retreat typically see is here in the oversight the we marks the top of that the last year was to take this, he pretended and a year later we come back to measure how much ice has melted on the surface and
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wisdom, vc, it eyes on the overfit this get just was the south. so into teams, findings, sofa on worrying the yellow and red area showed the disintegration and retreats of clay c as in pot to go on. yeah. so there were such as the ice fields also serve as a test split board tree for the until it and take which is $700.00 times launcher. changes taking place here are expected to effect iglesia messes of the south pole in the future. consequences for the planets climates and rising sea levels. oh, here we have water damage. ok, so the camera is still running my life last very good news so far, right? someone is able to knock this 0 out and get the rest of the website, change the battery to the ship card,
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and reset the camera then to come out. and then if you keep working on become a mouthful in time, i'll let price of the camera takes pictures, the glass, your front every 3 hours. you then i miss i see from the image is we can then derive the flu speed of the glass. here be a name from when we get information on how much math is it. how much isis breaking off at the front of the glass here as another factor that leads into the loss of ice via the overall thing. it will just keep saying the device that the fuel doesn't even do some team of and we've observed things on. there is a great deal of evidence that climate change is happen to put a t. we make these results and findings available. some politicians and decision makers so that we can still achieve the homeless target of $1.00 or 2 degrees. the apply caught so far we are doing a to little bit here enough to be anything that sometimes a silver inside is in some distant understand the
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q, the gps to wouldn't. it's for the 1st time police the climb is make rapid progress. this time, by the morning of the said day yes but and hello have already over come the bristol play, see a areas they're on their way to the higher regions of the in the dice. but another storm is coming through of the gale force winds sweep across the ice fields, the knowing that tent would not suffice the storm. they decided to dig a snow cave. the
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cooler i come into the parlor things, it's not going to assume me any more. at least you've made it here. now i have a nice snow cave and we don't need to worry about the storm outside. we just have to check the entrance from time to time and make sure there's enough air in here. but it's looking very good. it seems to have the sounds to expose the edge of greg lacy at by boat. it was treated 400 meters in 2019 alone the the, the get the phones on the left just a few years ago. the glass, your front was maybe 40 to 50 meters high. yep. now it is only 30 meters high. so you can already see the glass here, it's simply not as big as it used to be. makes big. we clear and fluffy conditions, always saddening to new. i know that there is almost no chance of preserving these
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glass here. so if we can make the future generations will never have the chance to see these large glass here. massive saying in fact gives me pause for thought to english. the, the storm on the northern ice field has subsided. hello, and yes, both sets of to climb to the summit, to a federal case status, the on the full day if the ever since the clients are about to reach the destination with plenty of samples in their backpacks. the data they've connected to might only be a small space in the large mosaic of climate research. but it helps reveal the overall impact of climate change on the large ice messes of ops on it, the,
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the, the
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